Posted By: Pepper52 Young pleading his case - 12/10/12 04:04 PM
web page Vince Young takes to Twitter to ask Larry Fitzgerald for a job with the CardinalsThis is painful to read. Not painful as in "watching the Cardinals get shut out and surrender half a hundred" painful, but "dude, have some pride" painful.

Vince Young, once and (he hopes) future NFL quarterback, took to Twitter on Sunday to ask the Cardinals' Larry Fitzgerald for a job. (For those of you unaccustomed to the grammar-optional world of Twitter, this translates as, "You know I can help. Tell coach.") Young, like the rest of the NFL audience, was watching in horror as the Seahawks hung 58 unanswered points on the Cardinals; unlike most of the audience, Young apparently still thinks he can make a difference on the field

Maybe he can. Asked by one reporter after the 58-0 thrashing at the hands of the Seattle Seahawks who would be starting at quarterback next week, Cards head coach Ken Whisenhunt asked, "Do you play?"

[Related: Try Y! Sports' NFL playoff scenario generator]

Young made headlines earlier this season when he revealed that he has nearly burned through the entire $34 million he's received in salary throughout his NFL career. He tried to catch on with the Bills earlier this year, but was cut in August. Without a doubt, he could use a little work.

Problem is, nobody's hiring someone of Young's skills, not even the woeful Cardinals. Although after this week, the Cardinals might want to just cut everybody not named Fitzgerald and start from scratch. Anybody can put up zero points, right?
Posted By: OverToad Re: Young pleading his case - 12/10/12 04:10 PM
Hated Young coming out. Laughed at how high he went. Rolled my eyes when he was called a "pro-bowl QB." Now he's out of the league. He's been a MAJOR head-case and throws the ball like Uncle Rico. His legacy is going to be his steak house here in Austin, which, by the way, isn't very good.

Nobody with any sense is going to sign him.

I do feel badly that a kid who had no upbringing has lost a lifetime's fortune because he didn't know how to handle it. However, he was a man when making his mistakes. He got handed the golden goose as a way out of a rough life but refused to take care of it.
Posted By: no_logo_required Re: Young pleading his case - 12/10/12 04:49 PM
and despite all that, he's still better than John Skelton

(and his legacy will always be that final TD-run vs. USC)
Posted By: OverToad Re: Young pleading his case - 12/10/12 04:53 PM
UT homer

I'm pretty sure you're better than Skelton.

Nobody can ever take away what he did as a player in college. He was a man amongst boys.
Posted By: no_logo_required Re: Young pleading his case - 12/10/12 04:58 PM
sweet, I'd fly to AZ right now but I don't think a game minimum salary would cover the medical expenses from playing behind that OL.

and honestly, AZ needs a mobile QB who will bring people in to the stadium the rest of the year. Vince Young is trash as a NFL QB, but he actually is useful for them the rest of the year in this regard.

that is assuming he's in shape, etc. which he is probably not.
Posted By: Fontenot28 Re: Young pleading his case - 12/10/12 05:36 PM
Uncle Rico...lol
Posted By: dawglover05 Re: Young pleading his case - 12/10/12 06:01 PM

Uncle Rico...lol

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