click the link to watch the videos of Gruden breaking down each QB one on one


Watch the SportsCenter Special, Gruden's QB Camp, 7 p.m. ET on ESPN

Last month, I evaluated NFL QB prospects Sam Bradford, Colt McCoy, Jimmy Clausen and Tim Tebow during workouts in Tampa, Fla. Here is my assessment of each.

Sam Bradford
Bradford is a very cool, calm customer. He's huge -- a lot bigger in person than you would think. He's every bit of the 235 pounds and 6-foot-4 size he's advertised. He's very excited about his future and should be. He came to Tampa right from the combine, which was a bit of a grind on him, but he was sharp, alert and asked good questions. You could tell he was eager to learn about the NFL game.

Sam Bradford's play at Oklahoma should bode well for him as he transitions to the NFL.
At Oklahoma, they run a lot of no huddle and much of the time at the line of scrimmage he was looking to the sideline to get the proper play. He generates a quick tempo, takes charge of the offense and gets great results. I'm impressed with his overall mobility. He can get away from pressure, keep plays alive and can really throw the football.

It's hard to evaluate him on this season because of the injury and the time he missed, but I admire his toughness. He tried to come back when I think he was advised otherwise. He fought and he worked and he tried to be a factor on his team, which was important to him. Unfortunately, early in the Texas game he was hit on a naked bootleg and wasn't able to return. I know that was tough on him.

Bradford has the physical tools to be successful. He played in the shotgun most of the time but he's also been under center. He can throw timing routes to the outside and is mobile enough to get out of trouble. He was a leader at Oklahoma and should make the transition quickly in the NFL.

The guy he reminds me of talent-wise is Vinny Testaverde -- and maybe it's because they wear the same number. Testaverde was a No. 1 overall pick and I saw him play when he came out of the University of Miami. They both have the ability to get the ball out quickly with velocity and to throw on the move. Bradford has a similar stature and he had dominant results much like Testaverde did in college.

Colt McCoy
For the most part, McCoy played under center the first two years at Texas and the last two years they spread it out and became more of a single-back, spread shotgun team. He flourished in both situations. I saw him practice when I was calling the BCS National Championship Game. He's got a lot of charisma and was a leader for the Longhorns.

A four-year starter at Texas, Colt McCoy holds the NCAA record for most wins by a starting QB (45).
Texas was a high-percentage passing team this year, so every tape I watched he looked pretty good. At times, he was a little complacent because they had such big leads. I watched the third quarter of the Missouri game, and asked him about a couple of balls that maybe he forced in there, and he agreed. For the most part though, every game was the same.

I tried to watch as much Drew Brees film with McCoy as I could because their overall physical size is very similar. Offensive guards in the NFL are 6-5 today and some of the defensive ends and tackles are also, so he's going to have to create passing lanes at times. McCoy's ability to create in the pocket, to slide move and to throw the ball from alternate arm angles are going to be important, so we watched a lot of Brees in the pocket. We also watched his command and his ability to eliminate wasted plays. Brees is the kind of guy McCoy should try to emulate.

You can't give enough football to McCoy. You can really load up this computer. He can handle it. Though he's athletic, I think above the neck is going to be perhaps the biggest strength of his game, much like Brees, who is always working even when he's resting. McCoy is going to be able to recognize fronts in coverages, he can place the ball on the back shoulder, he's a very accurate red zone passer, he can run and he will compete. His passion for football is as good as anybody's.

Winning is the most important thing to McCoy. He knows the game and is not afraid to take coaching. The team that drafts him is going to get a guy who will continue to improve.

Once he gets in a rhythm and masters the concepts, he's going to throw the ball well enough to be a good quarterback in this league.

Jimmy Clausen
Clausen is coming out as a true junior and is the youngest of the quarterbacks I met. We hit the film hard during our time together. He's the kind of guy you have to kick out of your office or he would just stick around forever.

Jimmy Clausen led several comeback wins while at Notre Dame.
He is the all-time leading passer at Notre Dame and he did it in just three years. Joe Montana, Joe Theismann, Brady Quinn -- the Fighting Irish have had a history of great quarterbacks, so his production is astonishing.

Clausen suffered a serious injury early in the season against Purdue and fought through it for multiple games. This wasn't just a mild turf toe as it was portrayed, but was serious enough that it required surgery. The toughness he displayed is a key component in a winning quarterback. It affected his practice time and mobility.

Before the injury, he showed escape-ability. He's been in a check-down audible system. He can throw the ball on the back shoulder. He can put the ball where he wants it and drive it when he has to, and that's important. He does it from the pocket, works underneath the center and in the gun.

I admire how he brought his team from behind to win four times this season, and he helped put them in position to win down the stretch, coming from behind, several other times. At crunch time, he really delivered.

When I look at quarterbacks and see how they play when they are tied or behind in the fourth quarter, that tells me a lot about them. Clausen excelled at crunch time. The statistics speak for themselves and he has shown dramatic improvement every year. He's a polished, confident kid and I like his upside. I think he's really going to work at it and continue to get stronger.

Tim Tebow
I think Tebow is going to be a tremendous pro. He must continue to work on some of his mechanics, and he might not be a starter right away, but in a very short period of time he's going to be an excellent NFL player.

Tim Tebow's throwing has been the hot topic as the draft approaches.
The thing that most impressed me was when I talked to him about working on his mechanics, and then he went out to the field and worked them out. That's the area where I saw the most progress.

He told me he was going to shorten his stroke, widen his base a little bit, try to eliminate some wasted motion and I saw the improvements. He's worked at it and has made progress. That tells me he's going to continue to get better because this is really important to him.

Tebow went up against JaMarcus Russell, Matthew Stafford and Bradford, and beat them all. His body of work rivals that of anybody else to ever play college football.

Then you meet him and you start to discover his level of football aptitude, and you realize this is a rare, football-smart guy. He's good for any team, any locker room, any city, and he'll prove it.

There is a perception that the Florida offense doesn't translate to the NFL, but I disagree. I think there are some sequences and some things they've done in the passing game concept-wise that carry over.

He's had a lot of responsibilities at Florida, from the various triple options to audibles at the line of scrimmage. There's also a lot about his game that he shouldn't change, like his ability to extend plays.

The big thing for him is to trust his new coach, buy into the system and not get frustrated with a bad period, a bad practice or a lack of reps initially. He just needs to continue to learn and take advantage of his opportunities.

Tebow is going to be great for the league.

Former NFL coach Jon Gruden is an analyst on ESPN's "Monday Night Football."
funny how Gruden's TV persona is matching his coaching one.

he loves every single QB he has ever seen (until they start to play for him)



Buckeyed, thanks for posting, but I have to wonder if I have a way to get that lost three minutes of my life back from Gruden for wasting my time..............
you should still watch the clips he has with the QBs though....Gruden is funny, I will give him that.
From what I've seen, they are definitely entertaining. Toad, if you watch the clips he gives some constructive criticism while watching game tape w/ the guys.

I laughed when he made fun of Bradford being so bad at sliding and protecting his body and the ball.
I don't know Toad,, he beat up McCoy on that video pretty good.. Pointed out some flaws, asked some questions about what he saw in those plays they were reviewing...

I think there is negatives discussed..
Do you yodel?

I've seen'em.

I'm entertained by Gruden. I think he's a natural in front of the camera, and for that reason alone, I'd prefer he stays out of the league and inside the booth.

What I don't like is how he's become "Mr. Sunshine" when his actual football persona is anything-but. He's managed to make all four guys look like surefire stars who should all be taken in the top-10 of the draft. I'd MUCH rather he pushed these kids mental toughness to the limit by pushing their buttons, just the way he does when he's the coach, not a talking-head. THEN we'd see what these kids are really made of.

The toughest thing he threw at these kids was a nick at McCoy's Texas-draw, and a softball-setup to Clausen's INT.

I realize that these made-for-tv productions are aimed at the average Johnny-Doughnut who doesn't follow things as closely as we do. However, by dumbing-down the product so badly to conform to every swingin'-dik walkin' down the street, it makes these guys out to be something they aren't. These kind of segments do nothing to expose Clausen's box-of-rox brain, Bradford's lack of experience, or McCoy's lack of arm or height. These are the things that people really need to know.

This all stems from a phenomenon that bugs the Hell outa me: Parroting. One poster will take what they've read in this thread by Gruden and post it all over the net. Someone else will take it as gospel and run with it. Next thing you know, none of these guys have any flaws and various people have bought into something that isn't true.

/rant off.
I think there is an hour long "Jon Gruden QB Camp" special tonight on ESPN.

Watch the SportsCenter Special, Gruden's QB Camp, 7 p.m. ET on ESPN


He's managed to make all four guys look like surefire stars who should all be taken in the top-10 of the draft.

Wouldn't it be a riot if all 4 were taken in the top 10 and all became HOFers...LOL
This piece was written with the rider of...."we'll let you critique our guys if you go easy on them." Sorta like how every celebrity has the same deal when they sit on the set of a late night talk show. "Don't ask about this or that?"

Good piece, but ya....it's fluff.

I'd rather Gruden write an entire article on what he thinks each QB's negatives are. We already know their percieved strengths.

As far as how this stuff gets regurgitated throughout the net, ya...but it's for those type of people. ESPN wanted to have a fluff article for the fluff NFL draft sports fan. So it's not a bad thing.


He's managed to make all four guys look like surefire stars who should all be taken in the top-10 of the draft.

Wouldn't it be a riot if all 4 were taken in the top 10 and all became HOFers...LOL

That would be freakin' wonderful because I'm guessing that with us at 7, that means one of them would be coming here.

I realize that these made-for-tv productions are aimed at the average Johnny-Doughnut who doesn't follow things as closely as we do. However, by dumbing-down the product so badly to conform to every swingin'-dik walkin' down the street, it makes these guys out to be something they aren't. These kind of segments do nothing to expose Clausen's box-of-rox brain, Bradford's lack of experience, or McCoy's lack of arm or height. These are the things that people really need to know.

These are the things that WHAT people really need to know? You, me and Johnny Doughnut? Doesn't matter what we know or think we know. The only people that really NEED to know ANYTHING are in NFL offices around the league... and they went to the combine, the pro days and they had these guys to their facilities and had every chance to expose their weaknesses... Whether you and I get to see it or not is totally irrelevant... because we don't matter.... these shows are purely for our entertainment because in the end, our "mock drafts" that people spend hours/days coming up with and debating aren't worth the paper or the bandwidth they are printed on...
If the entire article was about what each of their negative's where, wouldn't that go a long way to ruin the innocence of these youngsters before they even enter the draft? They will hear for the rest of their careers about all the things they "can't" do. All the FO's know the QB's strength's and weaknesses. This article was for the fans to highlight these four QB's and to spot light how each one is a little different and how they each have thing they need to work on.
They are about to sign deals worth big millions.. I'm not concerned with their innocence. Trust me, they have heard what their respective weaknesses are, they've heard it from their college coaches, agents, trainers, scouts, I have no doubt that they all fully understand their weaknesses.

I just find it funny that people think we, the fans, have some right to know what Jon Gruden thinks their weaknesses are.. and that we are somehow being denied this info as part of some major cover-up to keep us from knowing their weaknesses..

Toad, if you are such a guru, then you should already know what their weaknesses are... why do you need Gruden to put it in his piece?
Did anybody watch? I thought it was interesting. He did talk about some of their negatives ... contrary to what others may have thought.
After watching it, I came away with a couple thoughts ...

Clausen - stay away from him. He did not seem to care one bit about the process and his answers seemed lazy. When asked how he would become great at the next level, he answered "study film and be a gym rat. That's what people have told me I need to do."

McCoy - I was intrigued by McCoy and something Gruden said kinda stuck with me. Right at the end of the special, he said that he couldn't get McCoy to leave ... that Colt wanted to stay and keep talking football and X's and O's.

Bradford - He seems extremely confident in his ability to play the QB position. He is a soft spoken kind of guy, but you can see that fire in his eye. I think he is going to be special.

Tebow - Well it's Tim Tebow. He's a likeable guy and he showcased his new delivery. He impressed Gruden.

Make the deal to get Bradford.

Did anybody watch? I thought it was interesting. He did talk about some of their negatives ... contrary to what others may have thought.

I caught the Bradford and Tebow bits....I agree....I don't think he was sugar coating things from top to bottom.

OK....I still say Tebow is my guy.....got to get one of those in every once in a while.
yeah I watched it and came away thinking pretty much the same as you...

Clausen almost looked like he was in a fog of some kind.. like he didn't grasp the significance of sitting across from a former SB winning HC.. I'm not sure the kid gets it.. whatever you think of Gruden, the man knows stuff about Offense. Clausen almost appeared to think,, who is this media type..

McCoy has something about him. Can't put my finger on it exactly, but damn, he's got somethimg.. Smart, physical skills, attitude.. dunno, but there is something about him..

Bradford is beyond our reach I think,, but he's pretty much what you said.. if we find a way to get to the top spot,, you'd almost have to take him.

Tebow.. Gheesh. if any of the other three guys had a hitch in his motion that was as defined as Tebows, I'm not sure I'd believe they could fix it (maybe McCoy) But I believe tebow.. I believe this kid will be solid..

I'm thinking that if we got either McCoy or Tebow, we're set at QB.. McCoy would start sooner I think, but in the end, Tebow may turn out to be the best of all of them..

I'd cast my lot behind him or McCoy and I think either way,, we have a winner....

And I will say it again, Gruden was nice about it, but he picked on each of them a little. Clausen more than the others... and from what I saw, for good reason.. this wasn't uncle fluffy interviewing these guys,, but he wasn't beating on them like a HC either.
So, do you think that Holmgren has talked to Gruden recently?
The show was watered down, however it was compelling and made for great TV. I cannot recall a better draft show that ESPN has put on in the past. In fact, I cannot recall a more inventive and fresh angle.

I would pay $25 to hear Gruden talk about how he really feels about each player, the non-watered down, non-pc version.

However, there were times were Gruden's thoughts were thinly veiled.

I came away liking Tebow as a person. Reinforces what I have read and seen on highlights. His attitude and lunch pail type demeanor would fit well in Cleveland.

Clausen seemed like it was a big joke to him. With Clausen it is one of 2 things. He is either #1. A jerk or #2. Doesn't think things through and is not very p.c.

Colt- Came off like he has a big chip on his shoulder

Sam- I thought he was the hardest to read out of the 4. Couldn't really get a bead on him.

So, do you think that Holmgren has talked to Gruden recently?

Dunno.... they worked together for years so maybe. But I don't know for sure.
I'd have to agree with ya.....I commented to my wife about what a Deer in the headlights look is......I pointed to Clausen and said there ya go....

McCoy....I'll be very happy if we can get him in the 2nd, but I feel he's gone in the late first round, somebody will trade back into the late rounds to grab him, maybe us.....I'm not saying Colt is the next Payton or Bree's or Brady, but Colt will have a soild NFL carrer...He has it......

Tebow, there are some people you dont bet against...Tim Tebow is one of them, Respectfull hard working kid, almost gotta root for him, but that also makes people root against him, Tebow finds a way, he will do ok, others wont out work him and to me that says alot.....

So, do you think that Holmgren has talked to Gruden recently?

I guess this answers that question


Mike Holmgren
(On if he interviews quarterbacks like Jon Gruden)- “Jon is like my son. I did not see the show. I'm sure he'll send me a copy of it, but I plan to phone him and talk to him about it. There isn't a better, smarter young man than Jon Gruden and he understands the position. I would trust his judgment on all of that. I did not see the show. He is a great coach though, but now I'm going to make sure I watch the tape to see what he says.”

Now the media is going to state that Holmgren is going to do whatever Gruden tells him to do.... since they like to blow things out of proportion..

I can't believe that story about the Browns trading up to #1 actually got prime time air on ESPN.. I mean give me a break, Holmgren admitted to talking to EVERYBODY above us to get a feel for what it would take to trade up... good grief.

Now the media is going to state that Holmgren is going to do whatever Gruden tells him to do.... since they like to blow things out of proportion..

Not defending the media here, but really, what else do they have to talk about now that Rothlesberger decisions are on hold until after the draft at least?
I really enjoyed watching this and was glad I had DVR capability to rewind and watch it with more detail for reactions. My take, in short by rank;

#1 - Bradford- Just came across as having all the qualities, skills, and knowledge to be one of the better QB's in the leauge.

#2- Colt McCoy- This guy just comes across as a no nonsense, eat, drink, and sleep football kind of QB. He seemed to be able to pick apart every fault he saw on himself and have an answer to how he will correct it. I for one would absolutely be happy if we get him in the second.

#3- Tebow- This guy has a lot of potential and will need development time and he seemed to almost not mind when Gruden kept telling him he might be a good goal line Backer, while watching all of his goalline touchdowns while with Florida.

#4 Causen: I just did not get the feeling he was as "cerebral" as any of the other three. Never had a clear. definitive answer to Grudens questions about some of his plays.

Anyway I have my fingers crossed we will go CB or S in the first, QB in the second, and OL/DL/DB in the third, and be hopeful that at least three of those become day 1 starters.

Just my 2 cents worht.

One must remember, Gruden LOVES QB's!

How many did he have on his roster at Tampa Bay? Four, five?

It was a good show IMO. But Chucky loves QB's.
First off I want to say that I was highly entertained by the Gruden show. It was one of the best things I've seen on TV in awhile.

I think it's weird that I saw some things similar to you and some things very different.

I thought Bradford was hard to read. I didn't really see anything from him at all. At some points it almost seemed like he didn't even want to be there.

I agree with you about McCoy. He came across the best out of these four QB's.

Tebow was exactly what I expected. He answered every question correctly. But when Gruden told him he could be a goal line tailback Tebow didn't like it and said something like, "I want to prove I'm a QB first."

Clausen was the only one of the four taking notes on what Gruden was telling him. And he did have a clear answer the interception they went through saying that he changed the receiver's route but the WR ran the original route anyway (Gruden kind of chewed him out for it).
Bradford seemed reserved to me, but very intelligent.

I loved Colt. He seemed eager and excited.

Clausen seemed like an ass.

No real thoughts on Tebow.
edit: Oops sorry Deep. J/C for everyone.

2009 #1. Stafford, #5 Sanchez, #17 Freeman. #44 White
2008 #3 Ryan, #18 Flacco, #56 Brohm #57 Henne
2007 #1 Russell, #22 Quinn #36 Kolb #40 Beck #43 Stanton
2006 #3 Young, #10 Leinart, #11 Cutler, #49 Clemens #64 Jackson
2005 #1 Smith, #24 Rogers, #25 Campbell. #67 Frye
2004 #1 Manning, #3 Rivers, #11 Roethlisberger, #29 Losman #90 Schaub
2003 #1 Palmer, #7 Leftwich, #19 Boller, #22 Grossman #88 Ragone
2002 #1 Carr, #3 Harrington, #32 Ramsey, #81 McCown
2001 #1 Vick, #32 Brees, #53 Carter, #59 Tuiasosopo
2000 #18 Pennington, #65 Carmazzi, #75 Redman

From what I can see... once you get past the first round talent, you're looking at below average starters and busts a large percentage of the time. A wasted pick IMO.

How do you guys think the QBs in this draft compare to those listed above?

First round quarterbacks, especially the first one - two taken, seem to do pretty well. Its hard for me to figure out the head scratching failures though.

Predictions are classically impossible in the NFL. But it is safer to bet Bradford will succeed. The others have a less certain fate.

edited: after looking over the years.. even the first QB taken traditionally isn't a safe bet. But if the first doesn't succeed.. the chances of those taken afterwards is pretty low.
I have a feeling Tebow will succeed, if not at QB. Talent + Hard Work means everything at the next level.

I would be really excited if McCoy fell to us in the 2nd. He seems to have that type of moxy that QB's need to have. I loved hearing Gruden say that Colt didn't want to leave when they were done talking. He wanted to say and keep talking X's and O's.
Like I said in another thread (I think) I have only played close attention to the draft since 2005. Bradford is my favorite in that time. Rodgers and Stafford are probably my next highest.
Where is all the Jake Delhomme talk?

It is remarkable that I had to look at the roster to remember his name, so the question is, If the Browns don't add a quarterback why watch?

Is Delhomme going to be the guy, or Ratliff, or Rosenfelds?

I don't care if they draft a quarterback and he busts, just not completly, Tim Couch didn't have that great of a career, but he did provide hope for a couple of seasons, I'm saying I'd be happy if they can find the next Tim Couch, just not the next Charlie Frye.

My quarterback rankings
nevermind. ... I think all 3 will be gone in the top 32 picks.
I quite liked Clausen. I didn't see the "ass" person that other people saw. But that's just me. Seems to me that there was a tad bit more "subtext" between Gruden and Clausen than the others. (As there should be too because of the system he learned in).

One of the more interesting things about the Bradford segment was the part when they were talking about the play that Oklahoma runs and as it turns out is also the same play that the Colts run. It was kinda like a "You really aren't so far off" kind of thing.

It was a good show IMO. But Chucky loves QB's.

True enough,,, but he also knows QB's.. listen to him on the show.. he was being a nice guy about it, but in essence, he was picking them apart.. Bringing up things that were actually negatives, asking them why they did this or that, what happened in various plays and situations.

McCoy, Bradford and Tebow handled it,, Clausen... not so much IMO..

So yeah, he loves QB's, but he also knows them...

I'd take his word if Holmgren will and Holmgren said he would..


Not disagreeing with ya here Toad, just my perspctive of the artical, seemed like a fun meeting, point out these guys good points and they all have good points, so much is brought up on thier cant do's that sometimes we forget these guys just had a pretty succesfull college 3 or 4 year career. So they must have done a few things right, for these 4 guys after Thursday or friday college fun time is over and the game they love to play is now a brutal buisness, anyway to me it was all about sitting down with Gruden having their ego's rubbed one last time an have fun. I dont really think it showed a side of these guys we didnt already know or a side the scouts have never seen, bye this time scouts know what these guys got.
Damon, I don't disagree that he did pick them apart. However, reading up on the draft so much, I've seen nearly all of the questions he addressed as it pertains to each QB, addressed in print prior to this show.

That's the thing about draft hype, you get to see the good, the bad and the ugly on all of these guys. What I did really appreciate was showing each of these QB's the footage and asking them point blank immediatly afterwords.

I got a chance to see their reactions to criticism. How open they are to it, how they respond to it. That was the most interesting part to me.


Its hard for me to figure out the head scratching failures though.

Not really, almost all of the ones considered major busts (and you could have gone back to 1999 if you have wanted to so Couch could have been there and Akili Smith).. and you will see where most of them went to otherwise horrendous teams that didn't get any better... the Browns (sorry), the Raiders, the Texans, the Lions...
Not really anything I can disagree with in that post Pit..

When you talk of thier reactions to questions,, Yeah, again, this is where I think Clausen falls short of the other guys...
Watched the full thing. Got what I expected from each guy. Unfortunately for Clausen, he simply reaffirmed what I already believed, which is that he represents the kind of self-absorbed QB who stands a far greater chance of alienating his teammates. He also came off as rather dumb, which is another of his negatives.

He blamed the coaches for slow play-calling. He blamed his receiver for missing a signal. He didn't answer questions quickly at all, and often wasn't sure what to say. Frankly, he had the look of a guy who was ready to blame everyone else, but when faced with a situation where he KNEW he was supposed to take the blame, he was hesitant.

That's bad. VERY bad.

Based on all that, I'd downgrade Clausen from a late-first to a mid-second rounder. If he can't even muster the ability to say the right things KNOWING what he was walking into, he's not going to know what to say to his teammates and the media when he must say the right thing at that very moment with no preparation.

Scary. He looks like Tim Couch 2.0.

I see one 1st round QB in this bunch. McCoy, Clausen, and Tebow all have big enough faults to knock them out of the 1st. Put the mental acuity of the other three guys into the body of Clausen and he'd be a 1st. Too bad that isn't reality.
I finally watched it. I believe none of us really know these players unless we get to do what Gruden did, which is talk with them, go over film, see how they react to criticism, etc... this show just gave us a glimpse of that, although it was obviously watered-down for public consumption. Still, pretty interesting, here's my take:

Clausen - I read it the same way as many others. Didn't like the way he was quick to blame others for the mistakes that Gruden pointed out. I just don't see his personality meshing well with a locker room full of MEN. To be blunt, I don't think I'd take him at all. I hope we don't.

Bradford - Hard to read. He didn't seem to have the same enthusiasm and charisma as Tebow or McCoy. His accuracy is beautiful though and when he did start talking about plays, he displayed a good level of intelligence about it. I think he'll definitely be successful in the NFL if he can learn to protect himself and learn how to take a sack correctly.

McCoy - This was the guy I knew the least about. I think he'll put in 100% effort and be well liked by his teammates. I'm a little worried that his talent and natural gifts will only yield an average starter or very good backup at the NFL level. I don't know. If we took him in the 2nd, I wouldn't be disappointed, but I wouldn't be super excited either.

Tebow - I won't claim to be an expert on football, because I'm not, but I'd be excited to have Tebow on this team. I think he has the will and determination to succeed, even as an NFL QB. He's a natural leader, a fierce competitor, and will be a great example in the locker room.
In case anybody missed it, Gruden with Clausen

Florio's peice was a weak dig on a guy giving an honest answer to a coach asking a direct question about a game from 2 years ago. I'm watching the same thing you are, but not seeing it the same way. If the coaches take a long time to get a play in, why not say so? It happens. On the int play, it was obvious that he made a signal to the receiver in question. Why not answer honestly?

Some people just have a hard time being in front of a camera. I think JC is like that. Clausen looks awkward and anxious on camera to me, but on the field he looks anything but.

Again, the big bash on him is "character issues" that have nothing to do with his ability to overcome adversity in the game, dedication/work ethic, coachability or off-field issues. You just don't like him personally. More power to ya, but that doesn't mean the dude can't play.

Clausen is also the only QB of the four Gruden didn't hammer about getting rid of the ball quicker. It takes a lot of guys years to learn this.
I guess what a lot of people, myself included, expect to see is for a QB to step up and take the blame. As an NFL QB you are the field general of your team. You don't point fingers at your players or coaching staff, period.

You simply call it "miscommunication" and say it's something "he" needs to work on.

Football 101 = A QB never blames others.

Many want to see a future team leader as someone who leads by putting things on his own shoulders. I happen to be one of those people.

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