Posted By: Nelson37 The Bacon Ad - 03/08/19 12:29 PM
It says "Order your grass fed and finished meat right now!"

Grass fed, OK, got that.

But,... "finished" ???? Polished to a fine shine, somebody else already ate it, produced in Finland, what does this mean?
Posted By: Tulsa Re: The Bacon Ad - 03/08/19 12:36 PM
The Difference Between Grass-fed Beef and Grass-finished Beef You Should Know About

There’s a major difference between grass-fed and grass-finished cows that many people don’t know about. Grass-fed beef is marketed as the healthiest choice for meat, but the term ‘grass-fed’ is unregulated, and accompanied by a major grey area.

You see, the term grass-fed doesn’t necessarily mean the cow was fed a grass diet their entire lives. It means they were started on a grass-fed diet, and may have been fed grains for the remainder of their lives, which is actually grass-fed, grain-finished beef.

In other words, as long as the cow was fed greenery at one point in its life, it can be labelled as grass-fed beef.

On the other hand, grass-finished beef means the cow was fed grass — and nothing but grass and plants — for the duration of its life. So while grass-fed cows will still contain omega 3 essential fatty acids, CLA, and other beneficial nutrients, grass-finished beef is ultimately the most nutrient dense beef you can buy, and ideally what to look for when you purchase beef.

Posted By: Dave Re: The Bacon Ad - 03/08/19 12:40 PM
Found this on the googles ...

What does grass fed and grass finished mean?

While most cattle spend the majority of their lives in pastures eating grass before moving to a feedlot for grain-finishing, grass-finished beef cattle remain on a pasture and forage diet.


I guess that means grass fed and finished bacon means the pig only ever ate grass.
Posted By: Nelson37 Re: The Bacon Ad - 03/08/19 12:48 PM
Ah. So it should have said "grass-finished" instead of just "finished".

That would have been much more clear.

Should be a term like "always fed grass" or "fed nothing but grass", the "grass-finished" sounds more like one last good meal before the slaughterhouse.
Posted By: Nelson37 Re: The Bacon Ad - 03/08/19 12:51 PM
It strikes me that the only obvious reason for the use of misleading terms instead of the more accurate suggested phrase is for the sole purpose of confusing and deceiving the consumer.

Another example of hexaform rotational surface compression units.
Posted By: Versatile Dog Re: The Bacon Ad - 03/08/19 01:33 PM
Interesting. I never knew that. Thanks.
Posted By: Bull_Dawg Re: The Bacon Ad - 03/08/19 02:37 PM
Hearing about how cows are often force-fed corn and "pepto" to prevent/treat the sores that (would) develop at CAFOs in a geography class was almost enough to turn me off beef.
Posted By: IRE 45 Re: The Bacon Ad - 03/08/19 03:46 PM
Buy all of our meat from a local farm to ensure that i know what goes into the meat i eat . Pretty interesting farm and interesting practices . He gives tours and offers how to classes on everything from raising your own chickens to making your own organic fertilizers , compost tea etc . He moves his cows daily from pasture to pasture and has a mobile chicken coop that follows the cows from pasture to pasture naturally spreading the manure .I may pay more but for piece of mi d its worth it .
Posted By: OldColdDawg Re: The Bacon Ad - 03/09/19 01:05 AM
I didn't think pigs grazed...

Although it's OK to keep your pet pigs in your home some of the time, they should spend much of the day in a large, grassy field. During this time, most pigs will readily graze. However, they're individuals, and some will prefer not to graze, either because there's other food available or maybe they're not particularly fond of grass. Although they can eat grass, most pigs can't live on grass alone. Kunekune pigs are the only true grazing species, who can survive just by eating grass in the spring and summer, when it's most rich.

In addition to grazing, pigs will also often dig in the soil to forage for roots, grubs and other tasty morsels, and will even sometimes eat the soil itself, as it contains a range of nutrients. Such foraging behaviors provide stimulation and help keep these smart animals from getting bored. If you want to keep your land in perfect condition, pigs might not be your ideal pet.

Posted By: lampdogg Re: The Bacon Ad - 03/09/19 01:23 AM
I'll click on any thread with the word 'bacon' in the title.
Posted By: YTownBrownsFan Re: The Bacon Ad - 03/09/19 01:24 AM
People always say how smart pigs are ..... but if they're that smart, why do they wind up being bacon and pork chops? wink
Posted By: jaybird Re: The Bacon Ad - 03/09/19 03:00 AM
Originally Posted By: lampdogg
I'll click on any thread with the word 'bacon' in the title.

Had same thought....
Posted By: RocketOptimist Re: The Bacon Ad - 03/09/19 06:27 AM
Bacon shakes.
Posted By: Clemdawg Re: The Bacon Ad - 03/09/19 07:49 AM
Originally Posted By: YTownBrownsFan
People always say how smart pigs are ..... but if they're that smart, why do they wind up being bacon and pork chops? wink

Because they ain't runnin' chit... yet.
Posted By: Tulsa Re: The Bacon Ad - 03/09/19 11:50 AM
Originally Posted By: YTownBrownsFan
People always say how smart pigs are ..... but if they're that smart, why do they wind up being bacon and pork chops? wink

Something has to not taste like chicken.
Posted By: THROW LONG Re: The Bacon Ad - 03/09/19 04:24 PM
Originally Posted By: YTownBrownsFan
People always say how smart pigs are ..... but if they're that smart, why do they wind up being bacon and pork chops? wink

Because they don't have thumbs, ..

I don't know, why don't you ask former Mcichagn football coach, who said.

" If worms had machine guns, birds wouldn't be afraid of them."

(And I did get that in the right order, the local radio replays that quote on a regular basis).

God told us to subdue the animals, and God gave Adam and Eve vegetables to eat, and later he gave people meat to eat.

look, folks, if the food is taken with thanks, it doesn't matter how the cow or pig was fed.
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