US measles cases climb to 704 as the disease spreads among unvaccinated people

-The CDC has confirmed 704 cases of measles, the largest number of measles cases since 1994.

-Nearly three-quarters of this year’s measles cases were in unvaccinated people, the CDC said.

-Health officials urge people to get the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine.

People are stupid.

There were no measles in this country 10 years ago.

I think they came in from south of Texas.

Just another reason.....just saying. Give it time, Ebola will start to spread.
Again, this isn’t so much about the unvaccinated getting sick, their parents are making that choice for them, but this is about other kids that aren’t old enough to get the MMR shot and people with weakened immune systems, specifically the elderly. They’re at risk. This will only get worse before it gets better.

...and this is all because some people think vaccines give you autism, which has been proven inaccurate.
Multiple reports show what truly causes the rise.

Originally Posted By: Ballpeen
I think they came in from south of Texas.

Anti-vaxxers actually are the culprits. Take your xenophobia somewhere else, Peen.

...and before the "you and your fancy words" crowd comes out, I'll provide you with the definition of xenophobia.
fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners or of anything that is strange or foreign


I'd like to think you're above giant blanket statements like this, but obviously you show fear and hatred from those "south of Texas."

Give it time, Ebola will start to spread.

What are you insinuating here?
According to the Center for Immigration Studies,

In FY 2018, the [Yuma] sector [of the Border Patrol] incurred more than $700,000 in medical care costs to cover 1,700 aliens who were apprehended and who had to be transported to the hospital. ... Other aliens show up sick, particularly children, some of whom are suffering from illnesses not generally seen in modern American society, including mumps, measles, and tuberculosis, as well as others with influenza, scabies, and other skin diseases. Plainly, the Border Patrol is not able to turn these individuals away without treatment.


These are the ones we catch.

I think calling Xenophobia in the face of the facts is not safe for our Nation and its citizens.
Yet people have been illegally crossing our border for decades when the measles no longer existed here.

So let me get this straight. Now you've decided not to blame parents who refuse to get their children vaccinated but those "evil foreigners".
Another comprehension failure I see. rolleyes

I can answer that simply by saying NO.

So far it looks to me like there are multiple reasons for this outbreak.

But reacting emotionally to the outbreak of disease, calling people names, and making accusations does not get to the root of the problem. But that is typical of certain posters around here.
The highlighted portion of your post above isn't a comprehension problem.
Originally Posted By: RocketOptimist
Multiple reports show what truly causes the rise.

Originally Posted By: Ballpeen
I think they came in from south of Texas.

Anti-vaxxers actually are the culprits. Take your xenophobia somewhere else, Peen.

...and before the "you and your fancy words" crowd comes out, I'll provide you with the definition of xenophobia.
fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners or of anything that is strange or foreign


I'd like to think you're above giant blanket statements like this, but obviously you show fear and hatred from those "south of Texas."

Give it time, Ebola will start to spread.

What are you insinuating here?

We both know exactly what he was insinuating.
Originally Posted By: PitDAWG
The highlighted portion of your post above isn't a comprehension problem.

Well it is According to the Center for Immigration Studies and not a name calling group of posters on here.

Seems to back up Peen's position.
Did you look at their banner? They want low immigration.

I'd trust the CDC over a right-wing thinktank.
A bit more about your source, 40.

Founded in 1985 by John Tanton, the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) has gone on to become the go-to think tank for the anti-immigrant movement with its reports and staffers often cited by media and anti-immigrant politicians. CIS’s much-touted tagline is “low immigration, pro-immigrant,” but the organization has a decades-long history of circulating racist writers, while also associating with white nationalists.


Like I tell my students, research your sources.
The Southern Poverty Law Center???

You need to follow your own advice. rofl

Fighting disease is not a conservative or liberal thing.
It should not be a political decision either.
What percent of 350 million is 704? I can't believe people are behaving like they are over a pitiful little 704 cases. This isn't even as deadly as the flu, which isn't mandated. I don't even know what to say about the "outrage" over people not vaccinating. This isn't the second round of the Spanish flu, and never has been.
These people think its serious...

Cruise ship quarantined in St. Lucia as health officials investigate possible measles case

"As per the Quarantine Act, our authority under the Quarantine Act, the Public Health Act, and after internal discussions as well as discussions with external health agencies such as the Pan-American Health Organization, we thought it prudent that we quarantine the ship...The crew and passengers aboard were not allowed to leave," she said.

Originally Posted By: KyDawg
What percent of 350 million is 704? I can't believe people are behaving like they are over a pitiful little 704 cases. This isn't even as deadly as the flu, which isn't mandated. I don't even know what to say about the "outrage" over people not vaccinating. This isn't the second round of the Spanish flu, and never has been.

I’m not a doctor but I remember one saying when you mix measles, a highly contagious airborne disease, with a population that isn’t getting vaccinated at a high enough rate, it could get out of control fast. Again, this is more about the very old and very young that can’t get exposed to it.

I feel for the parents of newborns that have to wait it out a year. If this expands, how do you take your 6 month old to the mall if that could expose them? Scary.
Originally Posted By: Punchsmack
Originally Posted By: KyDawg
What percent of 350 million is 704? I can't believe people are behaving like they are over a pitiful little 704 cases. This isn't even as deadly as the flu, which isn't mandated. I don't even know what to say about the "outrage" over people not vaccinating. This isn't the second round of the Spanish flu, and never has been.

I’m not a doctor but I remember one saying when you mix measles, a highly contagious airborne disease, with a population that isn’t getting vaccinated at a high enough rate, it could get out of control fast. Again, this is more about the very old and very young that can’t get exposed to it.

I feel for the parents of newborns that have to wait it out a year. If this expands, how do you take your 6 month old to the mall if that could expose them? Scary.

For the sake of the argument I'm about to make, let's pretend for a minute that we could vaccinate babies the second they take their first breath. A 6 month old has no business at the mall for many reasons, including but not limited to, we have no vaccine or cure for the common cold. They are very prone to cry for no good reason, which is very annoying. I'm a father of 4 and get it, you want to get out and interact, leave the kids with the other parent or get a sitter. If you picked the wrong person to create a child with, and they don't help, don't make the public suffer. Maybe I'm just a grumpy old fashioned man though. Not so old fashioned that I won't be dad while mom goes to the mall though.
So rather than demand that everyone be vaccinated, we should force society to keep their babies away from the public and make sure people don't have to hear babies cry?

Maybe we should sit back and watch tuberculosis become popular again as well.
Did you not understand the fact that we can't cure or vaccinate against the common cold, or did you ignore it? If you get a cold you become susceptible to pneumonia or bronchitis, both of which can cause death. Again, there is no cure or vaccine to stop it, so it would be best if we urged parents to not take children under a certain age everywhere, but we don't. We preach herd immunity and don't warn parents against against the dangers of a disease that we can't cure or prevent. BRILLIANT!!!
Did you not understand the fact that we can't cure or vaccinate against the common cold, or did you ignore it?

I got it..

If you get a cold you become susceptible to pneumonia or bronchitis, both of which can cause death. Again, there is no cure or vaccine to stop it, so it would be best if we urged parents to not take children under a certain age everywhere, but we don't. We preach herd immunity and don't warn parents against against the dangers of a disease that we can't cure or prevent. BRILLIANT!!!

Kids get sick... it happens. That's how the body develops the ability to fight things off. Raising kids in a bubble so they never get sick just means they will get sick more later.

Every parent knows that whenever the kids get exposed to other kids, whether it's as an infant or a toddler in day care or a 5 year old in Kindergarten, whenever it happens... they are going to be sick a lot from all of the other stuff those other kids carry around.. My son spent almost the entire age of 2 sick..
Originally Posted By: DCDAWGFAN

Every parent knows

Do they really? One of my replies was prompted by another poster suggesting everyone should be vaccinated so parents can take their 6 month old to the mall without being scared.
A few year ago, measles was called eradicated from the USA.

Stupid people who don't vaccinate their kids and stupid people who have allowed it to cross the border are criminal.

Why not just let Ebola infected people to enter the country unchecked?

Some may want that in their neighborhood. I don't, and don't want it in yours either.

Time to wake up.
Please provide empirical factual claims to back up your assertions that undocumented migrants are a statistically significant cause for the measles explosion.

Thanks, we'll be waiting.
Do you think measles magically self generated, or came in with a vaccinated, legal immigrant? Just exactly where do you think the new patient zero came from? It was not present in the US, and now it is. Un-vaccinated residents
did not suddenly generate new cases.

They DO cause it to spread more easily, but do NOT generate new infections.

Get your head out of the "everything is racism" bucket and use it for something besides a hatrack.
According to the news, the new measles patient zeros were traveling out of country, in countries where it's more prevalent. And brought it back here.
Not if they were vaccinated, they didn't, and to legally cross the border, guess what you have to do?
Are you talking to yourself?

It was brought here by US citizens traveling abroad.
It was a Scientology vessel from the U.S. where someone was sick with measles.

I'd like someone to prove with peer-reviewed empirical research data that undocumented migrants are a significant statistical cause for the measles epidemic.

I bet I'll be waiting for quite some time.
Originally Posted By: Ballpeen

Stupid people who don't vaccinate their kids and stupid people who have allowed it to cross the border are criminal.

I might not agree with people who don't vaccinate, but it's not only NOT criminal, it's their right not to vaccinate. Deprivation of rights while acting under the color of law is criminal though, and you aren't hesitating to let it be known how you judge someone exercising this right.
So your logic is since we can't stop the common clod we shouldn't stop the diseases we can control?
No. I stated some facts and my opinion. I did say I don't agree with those that don't vaccinate, sorry you keep having trouble comprehending me.
Originally Posted By: RocketOptimist
Please provide empirical factual claims to back up your assertions that undocumented migrants are a statistically significant cause for the measles explosion.

Thanks, we'll be waiting.

It came from somewhere. It was eradicated from this country and most all western countries. It only lingered is backward states

I have figured it out. In time, you will too.
Yet the CDC has plainly stated it was brought here by Americans traveling abroad. I guess you can figure it out better than they can.

Actually, the countries you seem to be holding responsible have a higher vaccination rate than the United states.

According to World Health Organization estimates, the U.S. has a measles vaccination rate of 92 percent, while Mexico and Nicaragua have 99 percent vaccination rates and Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador each have 93 percent vaccination rates. If anything, those countries should be concerned about Americans coming down to visit.


Measles Cases in 2019. From January 1 to May 3, 2019, 764**

Individual cases of measles have been confirmed in 23 states.

This is an increase of 60 cases from the previous week. This is the greatest number of cases reported in the U.S. since 1994 and since measles was declared eliminated in 2000.


Kentucky teen who sued over school ban for refusing chickenpox vaccination now has chickenpox

Originally Posted By: PitDAWG

Kentucky teen who sued over school ban for refusing chickenpox vaccination now has chickenpox


Classic! rofl
Originally Posted By: PitDAWG

Kentucky teen who sued over school ban for refusing chickenpox vaccination now has chickenpox


As a centrist, I ask this question from a logic-only perspective. If they have a problem with the vaccine because it was developed from two fetuses 60+ years ago, don't they have other things they can't use because they were developed or tested on animals or humans? Heck, shouldn't they also have a problem living in the US because we dropped the bomb on Japan twice, killing thousands of civilians?
Originally Posted By: Punchsmack
Originally Posted By: PitDAWG

Kentucky teen who sued over school ban for refusing chickenpox vaccination now has chickenpox


As a centrist, I ask this question from a logic-only perspective. If they have a problem with the vaccine because it was developed from two fetuses 60+ years ago, don't they have other things they can't use because they were developed or tested on animals or humans? Heck, shouldn't they also have a problem living in the US because we dropped the bomb on Japan twice, killing thousands of civilians?

We've entered the age of "a'la cart, pick what offends you and carry a torch" society. Doesn't matter if your crusade doesn't align with anything else you believe - if people call you out, just call them racist bigots. wink
Originally Posted By: FATE
Originally Posted By: Punchsmack
Originally Posted By: PitDAWG

Kentucky teen who sued over school ban for refusing chickenpox vaccination now has chickenpox


As a centrist, I ask this question from a logic-only perspective. If they have a problem with the vaccine because it was developed from two fetuses 60+ years ago, don't they have other things they can't use because they were developed or tested on animals or humans? Heck, shouldn't they also have a problem living in the US because we dropped the bomb on Japan twice, killing thousands of civilians?

We've entered the age of "a'la cart, pick what offends you and carry a torch" society. Doesn't matter if your crusade doesn't align with anything else you believe - if people call you out, just call them racist bigots. wink

Makes sense, well, it doesn't, but it matches what I'm seeing.

It's like people protesting with PETA and wearing leather belts and boots. If you're going to draw a line in the sand, make sure you're not crossing it frequently.

Also, I thought you need to throw the word "Nazi" too.
Originally Posted By: FATE
Originally Posted By: PitDAWG

Kentucky teen who sued over school ban for refusing chickenpox vaccination now has chickenpox


Classic! rofl

I want to hear how you rationalize laughing at someone who got sick after suing to not get a vaccine, because it's not cool to laugh at players getting injured. In my book you don't laugh at someone's misfortune, even if they brought it on themselves.
Originally Posted By: Punchsmack
Originally Posted By: PitDAWG

Kentucky teen who sued over school ban for refusing chickenpox vaccination now has chickenpox


As a centrist, I ask this question from a logic-only perspective. If they have a problem with the vaccine because it was developed from two fetuses 60+ years ago, don't they have other things they can't use because they were developed or tested on animals or humans? Heck, shouldn't they also have a problem living in the US because we dropped the bomb on Japan twice, killing thousands of civilians?

Here's a little secret for you. We killed far more Japanese by firebombing Tokyo than those two nukes. We would have killed far more on both sides if we had invaded.
Originally Posted By: KyDawg
Originally Posted By: FATE
Originally Posted By: PitDAWG

Kentucky teen who sued over school ban for refusing chickenpox vaccination now has chickenpox


Classic! rofl

I want to hear how you rationalize laughing at someone who got sick after suing to not get a vaccine, because it's not cool to laugh at players getting injured. In my book you don't laugh at someone's misfortune, even if they brought it on themselves.

Then don't include me in your book. No need to rationalize anything. I've never looked at chickenpox as a "misfortune", but you can frame it however you wish. That said, yeah, not a good look on my part but tbh I'm laughing at the irony, not the fact that someone got sick.
Originally Posted By: ErikInHell
Originally Posted By: Punchsmack
Originally Posted By: PitDAWG

Kentucky teen who sued over school ban for refusing chickenpox vaccination now has chickenpox


As a centrist, I ask this question from a logic-only perspective. If they have a problem with the vaccine because it was developed from two fetuses 60+ years ago, don't they have other things they can't use because they were developed or tested on animals or humans? Heck, shouldn't they also have a problem living in the US because we dropped the bomb on Japan twice, killing thousands of civilians?

Here's a little secret for you. We killed far more Japanese by firebombing Tokyo than those two nukes. We would have killed far more on both sides if we had invaded.

Yeah, I watch a lot of those documentaries. The "WW2 in color" on Netflix is crazy awesome. I think it's 12 episodes and each is one hour long. I remember the pilots were saying, about the fire bombing raids, they could see the fire some crazy amount of miles away. Like the glow was so bright you could see it behind the curve of the earth.
I want to hear how you rationalize laughing at someone who got sick after suing to not get a vaccine, because it's not cool to laugh at players getting injured. In my book you don't laugh at someone's misfortune, even if they brought it on themselves.

If a football player made the choice to go out and play with no pads and no helmet while every body else was wearing pads and a helmet I'm going to laugh at him.
What I'm seeing is the CDC manufacturing an outbreak scare, so they can promote an agenda (and probably their budget).

If they (the gov't in general) spent half as much time promoting healthy behavior and getting rid of common things that compromise immune response (manufacturing, agricultural, and pharmacological practices) instead of focusing on obscure diseases that sound scary, we'd all be better off.

I'm not saying vaccines are bad, per se. However, how many vaccines does one need? Should one be vaccinated for everything? How many of you have been vaccinated for Anthrax? I was, still have the scar.

Who makes the measles vaccine? What has their profit margin looked like recently? Any of you played Plague, Inc.?
Originally Posted By: GMdawg
I want to hear how you rationalize laughing at someone who got sick after suing to not get a vaccine, because it's not cool to laugh at players getting injured. In my book you don't laugh at someone's misfortune, even if they brought it on themselves.

If a football player made the choice to go out and play with no pads and no helmet while every body else was wearing pads and a helmet I'm going to laugh at him.

But then Bobby Boucher lays out the TE and knocks his butt out and you stop laughing and say:

Originally Posted By: Bull_Dawg
What I'm seeing is the CDC manufacturing an outbreak scare, so they can promote an agenda (and probably their budget).

If they (the gov't in general) spent half as much time promoting healthy behavior and getting rid of common things that compromise immune response (manufacturing, agricultural, and pharmacological practices) instead of focusing on obscure diseases that sound scary, we'd all be better off.

I'm not saying vaccines are bad, per se. However, how many vaccines does one need? Should one be vaccinated for everything? How many of you have been vaccinated for Anthrax? I was, still have the scar.

Who makes the measles vaccine? What has their profit margin looked like recently? Any of you played Plague, Inc.?

Looks like you're on to something.

Serves you right in my book "Be Careful What You Wish For", I guess. Got what he wanted with lawsuit and results, and also infected. Irony is deafening in this. Karma is always a boomerang.

And if he is upset, he should understand just how angry other infected folks feel who did not want it either. Get vaccinated.
Originally Posted By: Bard Dawg
Serves you right in my book "Be Careful What You Wish For", I guess. Got what he wanted with lawsuit and results, and also infected. Irony is deafening in this. Karma is always a boomerang.

And if he is upset, he should understand just how angry other infected folks feel who did not want it either. Get vaccinated.

If you read the article, you'll find he sued to get to go to school so he could catch it and get over it. Ky bans unvaccinated students from attending school if there is a disease outbreak. Who needs the full context of the situation though?
Originally Posted By: KyDawg
Originally Posted By: Bull_Dawg
What I'm seeing is the CDC manufacturing an outbreak scare, so they can promote an agenda (and probably their budget).

If they (the gov't in general) spent half as much time promoting healthy behavior and getting rid of common things that compromise immune response (manufacturing, agricultural, and pharmacological practices) instead of focusing on obscure diseases that sound scary, we'd all be better off.

I'm not saying vaccines are bad, per se. However, how many vaccines does one need? Should one be vaccinated for everything? How many of you have been vaccinated for Anthrax? I was, still have the scar.

Who makes the measles vaccine? What has their profit margin looked like recently? Any of you played Plague, Inc.?

Looks like you're on to something.


Maybe Big Vaxx needs to be viewed with the same amount of cynicism and skepticism as Big Pharma?
Maybe we should go back to the days when Polio and Tuberculosis were common place.
Originally Posted By: PitDAWG
Maybe we should go back to the days when Polio and Tuberculosis were common place.

Better sanitation is the only reason TB isn't common. Unless you know something the CDC doesn't know, because you won't find a vaccine for it on these lists. The last links I shared was a story about Merck being in court because they lied about the efficacy of the MMR vaccine. I wonder how many other diseases have been diminished by regular hand washing and better overall sanitation. I'm not anti vax, I just think all things mandated by government should be under constant scrutiny.


Originally Posted By: PitDAWG
Maybe we should go back to the days when Polio and Tuberculosis were common place.

Hey man, if you're stupid enough to not be at least a little curious about what's being put in our bodies, that's on you.
Merck Political Contributions Link

Since starting my business degree, I can't help but notice that pretty much everything that happens has some "business" component. Following the money can lead you to see interesting connections.

For example, 28 politicians in Washington own Merck stock. 3/4 Of Merck's (I'm assuming well-compensated) lobbyists used to work in government.

Someone can double-check my math but it looks like Merck is in the top 5% of companies in both political Contributions and money spent on lobbying.

It's interesting.
Originally Posted By: DevilDawg2847

Hey man, if you're stupid enough to not be at least a little curious about what's being put in our bodies, that's on you.

After watching measles wiped out in America, what I'm not stupid enough to do is go back and try to re-write history based on some far fetched conspiracy theory.
After seeing a seemingly normal baby develop into a child with autism, I understand the concern.

I think the legitimate question is at what age should we vaccinate?

Autistic tendencies normally are apparent after a year or so.

We study the benefits of mothers milk on a babies immune system, yet inject them with denatured materials to produce antibodies to fight disease.

What if their immune system is not sufficiently developed?
Yes, very scary stuff, either way.
Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING
Measles Cases in 2019. From January 1 to May 3, 2019, 764**

Individual cases of measles have been confirmed in 23 states.

This is an increase of 60 cases from the previous week. This is the greatest number of cases reported in the U.S. since 1994 and since measles was declared eliminated in 2000.


CDC Update:

There are now 940 cases in 26 States.

60 new cases this week.

Previous record 958 cases in 1994.

Be informed, be aware.

That is all...
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