Storms are forming. Hoping for a calm, somewhat uneventful season.

First "Atlantic Ocean" tropical storm news I've seen this year.

Been all "Pacific" news so far.

People need to be prepared to go pretty much on your own for several weeks without power and services, minimum.

If you think the government, local, state or federal are going to swoop right in and take care of you, you live in dreamland.
Originally Posted by Ballpeen
People need to be prepared to go pretty much on your own for several weeks without power and services, minimum.

If you think the government, local, state or federal are going to swoop right in and take care of you, you live in dreamland.

I certainly agree. I know there is some difference in our age but I think we were raised the same way in this regard. The government certainly has programs that may help give you some form of relief over time. But when and how that will apply to you is anyones guess. And maybe it's because my parents grew up in abject poverty that they felt so deeply about it. They grew up in the rural mountains of SE Kentucky at the end of the depression. My dad made it plain to me that the poorest of people were the first to feel the depression and the last to feel the recovery of the depression.

I think we were both raised with the understanding that we should never depend on others to bail us out. Whether that be the government or anyone else for that matter. That we were accountable to ourselves and our families to be prepared and that if we weren't, we had nobody to blame but ourselves. I for one am very thankful I was raised that way and if I were still a betting man I would wager that you are too.
hoping one of these can give us a little rain in Texas and bring the temps down...
“My dad made it plain to me that the poorest of people were the first to feel the depression and the last to feel the recovery of the depression.”

That’s interesting. I had never thought of it that way, or had it described to me in that manner. Makes sense though.
It looks like Idalia is going to hit somewhere between Cedar Key and Steinhatchee. When in college a few buddies and I would head over to one or the other to go fishing and just kick back and hit a few old honky tonks for the weekend.

It is obviously a low area, but teaming with coves, creeks, rivers and swamp. If the storm surge is as predicted, it is going to be ugly. I haven't been there in decades. It wasn't very populated then, but it has to be more developed by now. It's a really pretty area of the state.
Idalia pressure is still dropping and the eye seems to be tightening up. between 8 and 10 pm, it dropped 5mb in pressure-dropped 2 more between 10 and 11-still has about 10-12 hours to landfall.
Looks to be 115-120 mph at landfall. NHC is now expecting to be a low end Cat 4 at landfall-around 130 miles per hour.

Storm surge is also going to be an issue.

Wind damage probably all the way to Georgia and South Carolina-110 mph wind to I-10
the storm surge is always my main concern. It's a devastating thing
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