Saw the forerunners of NWOBHM last night in the Falls.
Anyone wanting to hear a set list full of songs from Maiden from 1980 to 1990...big surprise.....
They played alot of newer material from "Fear of the Dark" and up.
Their new CD comes out in August.
BTW,Maiden is nothing short of a well oiled machine at this point..
Bruce Dickinson at this moment might be the best singer in metal-hard rock.
He has taken care of his voice and it shows...especially with that bad azz scream his does in "Number of the Beast"....plus Dickinson has more charisma and energy than most singers that are 25-30 yrs. old.
Murray,Gers,Smith and Harris as usual sounded tight and precise.....
No backing tracks for this band...
Their had to be about 12,000 to 14,000 last night.....
The staging was based on the galactic team from its new CD The Final Frontier..
The encore was "Number of the Beast".."Hallowed Be Thy Name" and 'Running Free".....
Paul Dianno need not apply...you sucked then like you do now.....
What is NWOBHM ?
New World Order, Bohemia?
Posted By: Adam_P Re: Saw Iron Maiden last night......well done - 07/16/10 07:21 PM
New Wave of British Heavy Metal
The Bruce Dickinson? Did he need more cowbell?
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