Posted By: Barfolemew Jan through March... The dark days - 01/06/08 08:14 PM
Up in these parts, after Christmas is the most depressing time for me. Nothing to do... nothing to look forward to... etc. Going to work at dark... coming home at dark... a prisoner to your own home. Know wonder we're all alcoholics up here.

Always around this time of year I get some off the wall idea... like quitting my job and moving south... going on some grand vacation... taking up a new hobby... etc.

My point for this post is that this year my idea is a grand vacation... Something like a hunting/fishing trip to Alaska and gettting me a grizzly.

Anybody done anything like this and have a recommendations? Or whats your wintry day dream? Maybe I'll steal it...
Posted By: DawgMichelle Re: Jan through March... The dark days - 01/06/08 08:29 PM

Going to work at dark... coming home at dark...

Actually, the daylight has been getting longer for a couple weeks now.
Posted By: Barfolemew Re: Jan through March... The dark days - 01/06/08 08:32 PM
Well I wish I had your attitude...
Posted By: DeisleDawg Re: Jan through March... The dark days - 01/06/08 08:43 PM

Something like a hunting/fishing trip to Alaska and gettting me a grizzly.

Not much light in Alaska this time of year....you may not see the grizzly coming....

If lack of light depresses you go some where bright...
Posted By: Beerdowner Re: Jan through March... The dark days - 01/06/08 08:52 PM
I was actually just looking into a mini-getaway, heading to NYC for the Tribe vs. Yankees series in mid-May, see Yankee Stadium before it gets torn down. Additionally, I've never been to NYC, so if anyone has any hotel recommendations, throw'em out there.
Posted By: jfanent Re: Jan through March... The dark days - 01/06/08 10:00 PM
Are you kidding? Hockey season is in full swing.
Posted By: brownsfan2119 Re: Jan through March... The dark days - 01/06/08 11:11 PM

Are you kidding? Hockey season is in full swing.

Whats this hockey you speak of?
Posted By: Barfolemew Re: Jan through March... The dark days - 01/07/08 12:22 AM
Played hockey since I was 6... Big penguins fan... love to watch them on the tube... When I was younger this was my favorite times... going to travel hockey tournys, staying in hotels, etc... But right now playing hockey against a bunch of ole farts and drinking beer or watching the Pens on TV isn't doing it for me.
Posted By: Barfolemew Re: Jan through March... The dark days - 01/07/08 12:26 AM
Don't stay at the Days Inn in Long Island...

Thats were I stayed when I was down there for a hockey tourney in College. What a dump.
Posted By: kingodawg Re: Jan through March... The dark days - 01/07/08 12:27 AM

I was actually just looking into a mini-getaway, heading to NYC for the Tribe vs. Yankees series in mid-May, see Yankee Stadium before it gets torn down. Additionally, I've never been to NYC, so if anyone has any hotel recommendations, throw'em out there.

Stay in Jersey and take the PATH over.DO NOT try to drive in Manhattan.

Posted By: Ralphie Re: Jan through March... The dark days - 01/07/08 12:39 AM
As being a native Erieite...I remember the endless grey sky and dirty snow for months on end.I did move away and often regretted it, but...I moved to Florida recently and will never go back.

Going to Alaska maybe fun but heading to a colder climate from Erie seems like "out of the frying pan into the fire".

Good luck summer will arrive the 2nd week of July thru Sept. 8th.
Posted By: Barfolemew Re: Jan through March... The dark days - 01/07/08 12:43 AM
I guess its not the cold... more the lack of adventure and the short days. Days just seem to run together around this time of year.
Posted By: BrownsBabe Re: Jan through March... The dark days - 01/07/08 01:49 AM


I was actually just looking into a mini-getaway, heading to NYC for the Tribe vs. Yankees series in mid-May, see Yankee Stadium before it gets torn down. Additionally, I've never been to NYC, so if anyone has any hotel recommendations, throw'em out there.

Stay in Jersey and take the PATH over.DO NOT try to drive in Manhattan.

Excellent advice! However, if you have "frequent stayer" points for a hotel chain, you MAY be able to get a couple days paid for that way. I stayed at the Hilton near Radio City years ago. Gorgeous hotel, but would never have been able to afford it without cashing in Mom's points! LOL!
Posted By: ClayM57 Re: Jan through March... The dark days - 01/07/08 12:31 PM
Well Deer Seaon with Bow is still going on until Feb. 3rd, ya it might be alittle chillie outside but (well not today) but if your going north for Grizzley, Ohio weather will seem tropical to ya.

Nothing like a winter hobbie, I do alot of wood working, find something to keep ya busy & active, people say alot of the depression is from people getting little sunlight & are alot less active,

A few things to look forward to :

Daytona 500 Feb. 17th # 29 Harvick
Posted By: legalizewd Re: Jan through March... The dark days - 01/07/08 01:05 PM

Up in these parts, after Christmas is the most depressing time for me. Nothing to do... nothing to look forward to... etc. Going to work at dark... coming home at dark... a prisoner to your own home. Know wonder we're all alcoholics up here.

Anybody done anything like this and have a recommendations? Or whats your wintry day dream? Maybe I'll steal it...

What about Prozac or Lexipro?
Posted By: HotBYoungTurk Re: Jan through March... The dark days - 01/07/08 01:25 PM
are u kidding me...

this is the most exciting part of the year

mock draft time!!

that should occupy some of you time atleast..
Posted By: FloridaFan Re: Jan through March... The dark days - 01/07/08 01:41 PM
I moved back to Ohio for 2 years after being in Florida for a year after high school.

My cousin and I used to work in his garage getting the old Chevelle fixed up(never did get it done before I moved back to Florida)

But we would flood the garage with lights, even had 1 of those aquarium real bright "natural light" things up high on a shelf, made it seem like a bright summer day in the garage once the kerosene heater took the chill out of the air.
Posted By: JulesDawg Re: Jan through March... The dark days - 01/07/08 02:55 PM
I agree, it's my most unfavorite time of year. No days off or Holidays to look forward to, the days are too short. It's not the temperature that bothers me, it's the short days. Browns football is over, the letdown after the Holidays, it's poop!!
Posted By: GMdawg Re: Jan through March... The dark days - 01/07/08 04:12 PM
It's a good time to snuggle on the couch
Posted By: DawgMichelle Re: Jan through March... The dark days - 01/07/08 04:14 PM
Yup...and we just started our Netflix membership again. (Had suspended it over the Holidays since we didn't have time for movies.)
Posted By: christy Re: Jan through March... The dark days - 01/07/08 04:24 PM

No days off

You don't get MLK day off?

Isn't anybody looking forward to the Colts beating the Pats* in the Championship game?
Posted By: FloridaFan Re: Jan through March... The dark days - 01/07/08 05:27 PM


No days off

You don't get MLK day off?

Nope, but I was hoping to get 8 days off for Hanukkah. Didn't happen though.


It's a good time to snuggle on the couch

Sounds good, GM. What time did you want me to come over?
Posted By: GMdawg Re: Jan through March... The dark days - 01/07/08 05:36 PM
Next sunday will work (my wife will be at work)
Posted By: JulesDawg Re: Jan through March... The dark days - 01/07/08 05:36 PM


No days off

You don't get MLK day off?

I used to get all those cool holidays off like President's Day, Groundhog day, etc., when I worked for the county. Now I have to work them all.
Posted By: iambrown Re: Jan through March... The dark days - 01/07/08 05:57 PM
We don't get those days either but our new President did add a "Spring Break" holiday for staff. We get the Friday of the week of Spring Break off. That helps a little.
That was the beauty of being a teacher. You were pretty much guaranteed to get at least one day off a month, usually more than that.

But, I can't complain about where I work now. I have to bill out at least 1,600 hours a year, which isn't bad at all (a lot of firms have requirements over 2,000 billable hours, which is a lot harder than 2,000 standard hours). And, as long as I get my work done, no one complains.

But I know I sure do miss the sun by about March.
Posted By: I_Rogue Re: Jan through March... The dark days - 01/07/08 06:19 PM
My cure this year is going the 50th running of the Daytona 500!! 6 weeks away!!
Posted By: ClayM57 Re: Jan through March... The dark days - 01/07/08 06:32 PM

My cure this year is going the 50th running of the Daytona 500!! 6 weeks away!!

We were planning on going this year also, My girlfriend said look we can either go to Daytona 500 or on a Carribean cruise next year, I said well honey I'm going to Daytona...........So with that were leaving next march 2009 for a 7 day cruise thru the caribeain.

Have fun....# 29....Harvick...Back to Back
LOL Clay! I know your pain!

Me: You know, I kind of feel like Chinese food tonight.
Jennifer: Well, I was kind of in the mood for Mexican food tonight.
Me: I see. Shall we head to El Campesino then?
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