Posted By: VarmintKong Taking a veteran's day off - 10/26/15 04:52 AM
I had just sharpened my knife and was preparing to slice the roasts I’d been cooling to make Italian beef sandwiches for the game when my wife’s brother called. His daughter was sick and he wouldn’t be making it over.

“You know what honey? It’s beautiful outside and this food will keep a little longer. I have never considered doing this before, but I think I’m going to take a veteran day. I’ll just tape the game and we’ll watch later.”

We decided to spend some quality time as a family. We went out to a farm and got lost in a corn maze cut into the shape of Ohio. Laughed at the faces he made while a goat ate out of his hand. Then, went on a hayride and lugged the biggest pumpkin I could carry out of that joint. Those are the memories that will make me a wealthy soul.

Sigh… that is what I wish I would have done, as I am trying to get to sleep tonight. Instead, like all of you, I suffered through it in misery. Misery and meat sweats after eating sandwiches and stuffed jalapenos meant to feed another 3 people. Somewhere around the 4th fumble I started to nod off.

I was awoken to a tiny little face that belied the voice screaming in my ear, “Daddy you’re gonna miss the Browns!”

“Thanks bub, I wouldn’t want to do that.”

“Are the Browns gonna win?”

“Not today bub.”
Posted By: Clemdawg Re: Taking a veteran's day off - 10/26/15 06:20 AM
I had to work.

It really wasn't so bad... easy work, had a few laughs, got paid.

Came home and had a great meal with The Wife.


The best thing about a loss like this:
With your hand on the remote, you can limit the pain to 1.5 hours instead of 3.
Posted By: Spiritbro77 Re: Taking a veteran's day off - 10/26/15 06:34 AM
I suggest next week taking that day off and going to the farm with your family. It's HIGHLY unlikely we will pull of the miracle it would take to beat the Cardinals. It's an almost certain loss. Tape the game and watch it later. No one will blame you. Watching this shite is getting harder and harder..... and I've been a fan since 1967. I was 5. Bet your ass I wish my Dad had taken me anywhere but the game that day. Cursed me to a never ending shift in the factory of sadness..... Peace
Posted By: Knight Re: Taking a veteran's day off - 10/26/15 10:45 AM
I lost hope a few weeks ago so now I'm not disappointed on Sunday, I know what to expect.
Posted By: Arps Re: Taking a veteran's day off - 10/26/15 01:17 PM
If I have something else to do I dont even bother anymore, I just DVR it. I used to schedule my Sunday around the Browns..not so much anymore.
Posted By: DCDAWGFAN Re: Taking a veteran's day off - 10/26/15 01:55 PM
Unfortunately I don't live in an area where DVRing the game is an option. I think at this point I want to watch the games more so I can discuss them than because I actually think we are going to win.. I took my daughter and we went to watch the game, had some sodas and a very good spinach artichoke dip. It was a good 3 hours with her, if nothing else.
Posted By: bbrowns32 Re: Taking a veteran's day off - 10/26/15 02:19 PM
Originally Posted By: DCDAWGFAN
... a very good spinach artichoke dip.

Aaaaah! One of my favorite foods... thumbsup
Posted By: Army_Dawg Re: Taking a veteran's day off - 10/26/15 02:37 PM
I pay $200 for sundayticket.tv, as I live out of state. Even though I paid to watch this game, I made the decision to spend my Sunday getting a few things down around the house, including cleaning out the garage. I feel great this Monday Morning.
Posted By: PrplPplEater Re: Taking a veteran's day off - 10/26/15 02:58 PM
I turned on the TV so that the game would be on, and then promptly went outside and worked on painting my house, ignoring the game completely. I stepped inside briefly at the start - just in time to see the fumble returned for a TD - and then stepped back out for the rest of the day.

I slept rather well last night.
Posted By: DeisleDawg Re: Taking a veteran's day off - 10/26/15 03:47 PM
I left Saturday morning and drove 5 hrs to Indy.. Took my friend to the Colts / Saints game... She is a huge Colts fan and never been to Lucas Oil Stadium, She also roots and loves the Browns and has gone with me to games, when Peen doesn't make it his 9 hr trip.

The experience was fascinating, she felt bad... She said to me, I feel bad your not going to be able to watch the Browns game because you brought me here..

I replied.. Honey, I'm enjoying seeing this stadium and seeing how happy you are getting a chance to enjoy a dream of yours.. Look at me I told her.. I'm happy.. smiling and having a great time..

If I was back in Canton.. I would be pissed off.. even more Pissed off and I would be miserable watching the game... I needed a break from the let downs I consistently get with watching the Browns.. I told her It's doing me good to get away from it.Saving my fandom I have for the team..

And besides..Next week I'll be back up in Cleveland tailgating with Columbus and gang then in the seats with Peen.. It's all good I said.
Posted By: ddubia Re: Taking a veteran's day off - 10/27/15 05:24 AM
Originally Posted By: DeisleDawg
Look at me I told her.. I'm happy.. smiling and having a great time..

That's just the typical DeisleDawg I know. smile
Posted By: eotab Re: Taking a veteran's day off - 10/27/15 11:09 AM
All depends what is going on and when. Our opener I had our last game...insignificant going against the 2 time USA Semi Pro Champions (230 leagues winner). My Church had a fire in the summer...electrical and we are without for a year or two - was having its first restoration fund raiser.

I ditched both...had O n D and ST covered for the game. Told the players and coaches early on that I was not going to make the game. But would be at 3 practices we had to prepare. Yes, I do feel ashamed especially after we loss and I was like.."this was not worth it." But it was the opener and we were undefeated.

If the same scenario happened now - I definitely would rely on the DVR of the game cause we are 2-5 probably if we were 5-2 I would do the DVR but the OPENER is a tradition I have with the family. So if there is a family matter or other obligations, And its not an Important game like a divisional game. I would advise all who can DVR the game to do so and tell all not to say a word about the game. Enjoy the family.

I did go to Myrtle Beach for a Wedding on the 10th, My wife I canceled my Golf after Church to Wednesday instead - we went to the Browns Bar there (think there are two) Drifters. Met some nice Brown's fans (is there really a not so nice Browns fan?) The couple next to us might post on this board cause it was the same questions put up on the majority of this board...WRs lack of, Farmer bad, start Manziel. We beat the Ravens at Raven land. But that was golf that I switched to a better course (TPC Myrtle Beach) and only effected myself. The wife wanted to be with me not her friends from the Wedding...who we met up with after the game. Got to always play it by ear. I guess.

man all I wish is for us to start winning and let that feed to the players and get better and better. Last year we finished with 5 losses...lets turn this around and finish - of course we will get complaints as we climb back in the draft order...as there are some we will not please any of the time!

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