Why? Why can't no one just simply tell me why the initial thread in General Forum was deleted, my thread in General Forum was deleted and the question in the Feedback forum as to why it was deleted?

I just got this unpersonal, unspecific response in a PM....
This is an automated courtesy notice that your thread "Xmas Singers messing up songs....thread" has been moved. Do Not Reply as noone will see it.

If no reason was specified, the most likely reason is simply that the thread was started in the wrong forum.
If you disagree with it being moved or are unsure as to why it was moved, read The Rules of the Pound.
If after reading the rules you still have questions about why it was moved, feel free to post a question in the Fan Feedback area.

Reason for move: No Reason Specified.

I have read the Rules of the Pound. That was part of my inquiry, as I've never had a thread deleted, I just didn't understand why the first thread was deleted.
Someone PM'd me the thread. I didn't know it still existed in a thread.

Now, I understand why it was deleted but the canned pm didn't offer much of an explanation when it can be several reasons - repeat thread (like mine was), incorrect sourcing (copyrighted material), link to site with indecent material, etc.

The canned response doesn't really help much, I could have read the 'rules' again over and over and wouldn't have known why it was moved. Plus the canned response is really cold, like how moderators used to treat people on the old board; unlike what I believe Purple and others had in mind when this was created. I hope the protocal isn't a canned response to everyone, especially to new posters because the confusion and frustration could lead someone away from this board.
The canned response is better than the no response you get on the "official" board. It at least lets you know that your post was moved/deleted/whatever.
Both offered very little in understanding what was going on or why. It's like getting a canned employee rejection email...that email or the lack of one brings the same conclusion...however, the 'why' which is what I was asking was never specifically addressed as it could have been several different reasons.
Your original post in the Tailgate Lot was deleted because it was a Request for Information style post, which is listed in the forum rules. We disallow these due to the fact that people had asked questions in the past that they could easily ascertain the answer to with an internet search. Obviously, if a person is on the board they can access and utilize the internet.

Your thread was even more perplexing, in that it asked for assistance in not only finding something that existed on the internet it already existed on this very board!

You then started a new thread within this forum asking about the video. When you asked within that particular thread about the "original being deleted" I thought you were again asking about the video thread, and not your thread from the Tailgate Lot. You weren't clear in that regard so your thread was once again axed, because I thought you were requesting the same information in your 2nd thread as your first.


Now, I understand why it was deleted but the canned pm didn't offer much of an explanation when it can be several reasons - repeat thread (like mine was), incorrect sourcing (copyrighted material), link to site with indecent material, etc.

The canned response cannot possibly answer your question, because it is an automatically generated reply. This is actually great having the canned response, because on the original board there was no such thing and posters didn't know if their thread was removed or moved by a moderator in many cases, and there isn't always time to inform people by PM when something like that has occurred.


Plus the canned response is really cold, like how moderators used to treat people on the old board; unlike what I believe Purple and others had in mind when this was created.

The canned response is going to be cold, as it comes from a machine. As to treating people I can assure you that I have personally changed my moderating style on this board drastically for multiple reasons.
1. Less traffic
2. Not official site, can let more slide

Okay, so there are pretty much only two but those are HUGE. You have no idea what we had to deal with at times on the old board, I can pretty much guarantee you that. This is a smaller community and it is treated as such. It's great. Some people still have issues with the most basic of rules that we still enforce per the board owner's wishes, but you're gonna have that.


I hope the protocal isn't a canned response to everyone, especially to new posters because the confusion and frustration could lead someone away from this board.

The "protocol" is to answer the questions posed here when asked, and though it is not required by any means the protocal I have adopted is to provide a PM if there is any indication that someone might be confused by one of our actions. Given the allowance of time.

I hope you have found this information helpful, and please feel free to ask for clarification on anything that still may not be clear.
Thank you!!!!

I didn't realize the canned response was computer generated.

Also, I looked online but typing in 'guys messing up Christmas songs' on Google, Youtube, etc didn't yield the answer. The place I saw it was here and the only place I knew I could be led in the right direction.

I apologize that I added those threads, I forgot the title and was sure the original post was under a different title, thus I didn't find it when I searched on here.

Nevertheless, thanks to all of you for doing what you do! I don't miss the old board nor their attitude towards their posters. I remember getting a PM from Purple when they announced the shutdown of the old board. He and you guys have done a tremendous job not only keeping the flow of posters but also showing tremendous levels of respect towards the posters unlike the other board.

Thank you again.

I don't miss the old board nor their attitude towards their posters

This is funny.
Probably because most of the moderators here are or were moderators there.
I bet if you polled the users here, they would feel a difference in how they are treated on this board. It seems more caring rather than institutional on the other board. I don't know why but I would have guessed that some came over but there is a difference imo.
I would guess a lot of that has to do with the posters here themselves. Frankly, the ones that are over there still leave A LOT to be desired as far as football knowledge or common sense. Plus, there are quite a bit fewer members here than over there. I can tell you from first hand experience (I have been a Ref at the official board before) that the people over there are the whiniest bunch of morons on the net. I don't think that most of them have made it past the 2nd grade yet.

There are a few redeeming people over there still, but that's a very limited number.

Threads are locked in here once the answer has been provided. That will happen yet once again with this thread.

It's the holidays. Hours on locking threads have been extended to be able to handle the volume during this busy time of year. Please post any other concerns you may have in regard to this issue down the hall and to the left, in the Draft Forum.

Thanks and have a wonderful holiday and please come again!
Thanks for making my point for me, threads are not locked when an answer is given, threads are locked when a refs feels the need to have the last word without an option for a reply.

Seasons Greetings to you as well.
Actually that isn't the case either.

I generally (but not always) lock threads once the answer has been given, (sometimes from a mod, sometimes from a dawg talker) AND when people continue to respond with inane things that have nothing to do with the topic. This is the first forum I come to when I log on, to see if anyone needs assistance or has any questions. When I see new posts, I feel compelled as a moderator to open them and reply if I can be of assistance. That's part of my "job" here.

At times, it gets frustrating to open the thread and see inane responses. Is it a big deal in the grand scheme of things? No, not really, but I do feel as if my time has been wasted by opening the threads to see that the duties of the job were not actually required, because someone wanted to have a banter going in here whereas this forum is not really the place for it.

At other times, I may leave a similar thread open if another mod has already had interaction within that thread, so as to not step on their toes. (inane replies or not)

Yet still at other times you have instances where someone will not accept the answer given, and simply wants to argue. Locking the thread simply means the discussion has ran it's course. We aren't going to debate constantly on something that has already been decided by not only the moderators that work the board but the board owner as well himself.

It has absolutely nothing to do with the childish game of getting the last word in, I can most assuredly guarantee you that.
If you say so.
I do.
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