Posted By: CHSDawg Response - 02/08/19 12:04 AM
Nobody answered your post. We don’t answer and then remove, we never have. We also don’t discuss suspensions publicly.

Sweet. So no answer if there are any other hidden rules that people should be wary about? My topic was asking about an unwritten rule, not about my suspension. I know the two are interconnected, because I got suspended by an unwritten rule, but question is about unwritten rules in general. I don't want to talk about my suspension, I want to talk about the rules. There is a distinction. Thank you thumbsup

So are there any rules that are not listed on the rule page?
Posted By: Referee 3 Re: Response - 02/08/19 12:08 AM
Of course there are, there is no possible way we could list everything that would cause a suspension, etc. It’s mostly common sense. You know exactly why you were suspended, and this public conversation is now over.
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