
WASHINGTON (AP) — The top House and Senate Democrats said Wednesday they had reached agreement with President Donald Trump to protect thousands of younger immigrants from deportation and fund some border security enhancements — not including Trump's long-sought border wall.

The agreement, the latest instance of Trump ditching his own party to make common cause with the opposition, was announced by Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer and House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi following a White House dinner that Republican lawmakers weren't invited to attend. It would enshrine protections for the nearly 800,000 immigrants brought illegally to this country as kids who had benefited from former President Barack Obama's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, program, which provided temporary work permits and shielded recipients from deportation.

Trump ended the program earlier this month and gave Congress six months to come up with a legislative fix before the statuses of the so-called "Dreamers" begin to expire.

"We agreed to enshrine the protections of DACA into law quickly, and to work out a package of border security, excluding the wall, that's acceptable to both sides," Pelosi and Schumer said in a joint statement.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders partially disputed their characterization, saying over Twitter that "excluding the wall was certainly not agreed to."

Either way, it was the second time in two weeks that Trump cut out Republicans to reach a deal with Pelosi and Schumer. A person briefed on the meeting, who demanded anonymity to discuss it, said the deal specifies bipartisan legislation called the DREAM Act that provides eventual citizenship for the young immigrants.

House Republicans would normally rebel over such an approach, which many view as amnesty for law-breakers. It remains to be seen how conservatives' loyalty to Trump will affect their response to a policy they would have opposed under other circumstances.

The House's foremost immigration hardliner, GOP Rep. Steve King of Iowa, made clear that he, for one, was not happy.

Addressing Trump over Twitter, King wrote that if the reports were true, "Trump base is blown up, destroyed, irreparable, and disillusioned beyond repair. No promise is credible."

Earlier Wednesday, during a White House meeting with moderate House members from both parties, Trump had urged lawmakers to come up with a bipartisan solution for the "Dreamers."

"We don't want to forget DACA," Trump told the members at the meeting. "We want to see if we can do something in a bipartisan fashion so that we can solve the DACA problem and other immigration problems."

Foreshadowing what was to take place later that evening, Trump said he would be open to separating the wall issue from the question of the younger immigrants, as long as the wall got dealt with eventually.

At Thursday night's dinner, "the president was clear he would press for the wall but separate from this agreement," said Pelosi spokesman Drew Hammill.

The apparent deal is the latest example of Trump's sudden pivot to bipartisanship after months of railing against Democrats as "obstructionist." He has also urged them to join him in overhauling the nation's tax code, among other priorities.

Trump, who was deeply disappointed by Republicans' failure to make good on years of promises to repeal "Obamacare," infuriated many in his party last week when he reached a three-month deal with Schumer and Pelosi to raise the debt ceiling, keep the government running and speed relief to states affected by recent hurricanes.

"More and more we're trying to work things out together," Trump explained Wednesday, calling the development a "positive thing" for both parties.

"If you look at some of the greatest legislation ever passed, it was done on a bipartisan manner. And so that's what we're going to give a shot," he said.

The "Kumbaya" moment now appears to extend to the thorny issue of immigration, which has been vexing lawmakers for years. Funding for Trump's promised wall had been thought to be a major point of contention between Republicans and Democrats as they attempted to forge a deal — yet by Thursday, Trump was apparently ready to deal even on that issue, the one that most defined his campaign for president last year.


Two things are unfolding right now.

1. Trump is officially fed up with the Republican Party, particularly the far right conservatives, and is finally going back to a more liberal side. The side he's lived on his entire life right up until it was time to get into politics. Republican Party acts like gangs in a turf war, so there's virtually nothing they can get done amongst each other without petty spats breaking out. While the Dems have weakened power, they are United, and Trump has found hat working with them is a lot easier and more pleasant.

2. The Dems finally figured out that the only thing trump cares about is trump. He doesn't care what sort of deal is out there, as long as it projects the image of him winning. While the main objective was to save lives, they knew trump needed a win, and they provided that with this aid package that is a massive win for the people. Trump has seen his poll numbers slightly rise for the first time in a while, and the Dems know that trump is gonna migrate closer to the left if that means more wins for him, and better poll numbers.

Either way you choose to look at this, the reality is most trump supporters won't be happy with this immigration plan. No wall in the deal, protection of 800k illegals, and he image of being buddy buddy with the Dems? His base won't like this, the republican establishment is already throwing hissy fits, and Fox News slowly continues to up the criticism.

Trump is gonna go where the wins are, conservative base or not.

Bold prediction:don't be surprised if he ends up supporting Bernie sanders Medicare for all bill.
Paul Ryan should've taken the hint that he wanted something done that would make it permanent law rather than act a fool.

This just might light a fire under the rights rear end to actually do something substantive.
I think the Dream Act is fundamentally fair, it just needs some work to clarify things such as "demonstrate good moral character" and the background checks. Document exactly what those mean for both conditional resident status and permanent resident status, and penalties for breaking those for those with conditional resident status.

I even chatted with my dad about this, who is mega maga, and he agreed overall (but only for the DACA kids, despite me stating that explicitly).
Originally Posted By: Swish

Two things are unfolding right now.

1. Trump is officially fed up with the Republican Party, particularly the far right conservatives, and is finally going back to a more liberal side. The side he's lived on his entire life right up until it was time to get into politics. Republican Party acts like gangs in a turf war, so there's virtually nothing they can get done amongst each other without petty spats breaking out. While the Dems have weakened power, they are United, and Trump has found hat working with them is a lot easier and more pleasant.

2. The Dems finally figured out that the only thing trump cares about is trump. He doesn't care what sort of deal is out there, as long as it projects the image of him winning. While the main objective was to save lives, they knew trump needed a win, and they provided that with this aid package that is a massive win for the people. Trump has seen his poll numbers slightly rise for the first time in a while, and the Dems know that trump is gonna migrate closer to the left if that means more wins for him, and better poll numbers.

Either way you choose to look at this, the reality is most trump supporters won't be happy with this immigration plan. No wall in the deal, protection of 800k illegals, and he image of being buddy buddy with the Dems? His base won't like this, the republican establishment is already throwing hissy fits, and Fox News slowly continues to up the criticism.

Trump is gonna go where the wins are, conservative base or not.

Bold prediction:don't be surprised if he ends up supporting Bernie sanders Medicare for all bill.

First: This is hilarious!

Second: I agree with your observations. And a trump being led by liberals in bipartisan legislation where Trump represents the entire GOP; BRILLIANT!

Third: If he back's Bernie's bill, huge win for everyone! wink

Fourth: We may not see 40 for days...
Originally Posted By: MrTed
Paul Ryan should've taken the hint that he wanted something done that would make it permanent law rather than act a fool.

This just might light a fire under the rights rear end to actually do something substantive.

It could go that direction.

However, the more likely response is a slow movement toward disassociation with the trump administration by the GOP.

Trump may have taken the heat off of Paul Ryan, as now the GOP can go back to what they're actually good at: complaining and obstructing progress. The party of no is coming back.
Bro I just got out of class, checked my timeline, and smiled as I've seen a bunch of conservatives whining their ass off.

Remember folks, while there are a few who will claim otherwise, the GOP and trump ran off the platform of not being bipartisan, and their base ate it up. Now? It's a betrayal. Love the tears flowing right now on social media.

Progressives win again, OCD!!
Well, being one of Trump's base, I would say you are full of it on that post.
Take this poll for what it's worth: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/sep/13/congress-approval-rating-remains-low-september/

Congress’s approval rating remains at its lowest point this year for the second month in a row, according to a new Gallup poll released Wednesday.

The poll shows a congressional approval rating of 16 percent for early September, the same number Congress garnered in early August. Lawmakers were in recess for most of August, so the early September number is likely a reflection of minimal activity.

Congress‘ highest rating this year was 28 percent in February, the first poll taken after President Trump and the new Congress were sworn in. The number has fairly consistently dropped since then.

Republicans’ approval of Congress, which their party controls, also remains low at 18 percent. This is up from the August number at 16 percent, but a steep drop from the 50 percent approval back in February.

The poll was taken Sept. 6-10 among 1,022 adults via telephone interviews with a margin of error of +/- of 4 percent.
It is what is is. Republican's have the house, senate, and 1600 Penn Ave and they still won't get off their duffs and get to work. It's no wonder their approval rating polls have been at historical lows for years. They're just plain lazy.
Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING
Well, being one of Trump's base, I would say you are full of it on that post.

Your boyfriend doesn't care about 1st, 2nd, or 3rd base anymore.
They've had a low approval rating for years now, yet that hadn't stopped people from
Voting the same people into office every election.

" I hate the establishment and congress fails the people....but I'm going to keep voting for the same person in my district because <insert ridiculous logic>."
Isn't there something about the wall in there that trump didn't agree too? I thought I read that somewhere.
Republicans have the false belief that they swept into office and brought Trump with them.

They have a rude awakening coming in the Primaries this year.

I do think Lindsey Graham has figured it out and has been trying to work more with President Trump.
he didn't like that the wall won't be funded, but stated that it will be a separate issue from DACA.

the longer this goes, the more likely scenario is that the wall won't be happening. an increase in border security will, and that's obviously fine, but the wall probably isn't going anywhere.

Before Trump, "Chuck and Nancy" were dirty words. Now that Trump is working with them? They're lovely people.
lol pretty much.

all well. at least he's doing something instead of complaining about it on twitter. i'd say that's progress.
Originally Posted By: Swish
he didn't like that the wall won't be funded, but stated that it will be a separate issue from DACA.

the longer this goes, the more likely scenario is that the wall won't be happening.

Trump just said from Florida that we need security and surveillance but nothing will happen unless we get the WALL!
Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING
Originally Posted By: Swish
he didn't like that the wall won't be funded, but stated that it will be a separate issue from DACA.

the longer this goes, the more likely scenario is that the wall won't be happening.

Trump just said from Florida that we need security and surveillance but nothing will happen unless we get the WALL!

right, but with regards to this deal with the DACA, what i stated is what he said.
Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING
Originally Posted By: Swish
he didn't like that the wall won't be funded, but stated that it will be a separate issue from DACA.

the longer this goes, the more likely scenario is that the wall won't be happening.

Trump just said from Florida that we need security and surveillance but nothing will happen unless we get the WALL!

He said the deal did not include the wall, tremendous border security, the wall will come later... lol.
Breitbart called him "Amnesty Don".

Steve King tweeted:

@RealDonaldTrump If AP is correct, Trump base is blown up, destroyed, irreparable, and disillusioned beyond repair. No promise is credible.
This is exactly what was said...

Trump: “If there’s not a wall, we’re doing nothing”

President Trump told reporters Thursday that he won't "do anything" regarding DACA unless the border wall becomes a reality, not necessarily in the legislation he's discussing with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer to replace DACA, but at some point in the future:

"Very important is the wall. We have to be sure the wall isn't obstructed because without the wall I wouldn't do anything... It doesn't have to be here but they can't obstruct the wall if its in a budget or anything else."
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
Breitbart called him "Amnesty Don".

Steve King tweeted:

@RealDonaldTrump If AP is correct, Trump base is blown up, destroyed, irreparable, and disillusioned beyond repair. No promise is credible.

yea i saw that tweet. starting to turn on their own.
Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING
This is exactly what was said...

Trump: “If there’s not a wall, we’re doing nothing”

President Trump told reporters Thursday that he won't "do anything" regarding DACA unless the border wall becomes a reality, not necessarily in the legislation he's discussing with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer to replace DACA, but at some point in the future:

"Very important is the wall. We have to be sure the wall isn't obstructed because without the wall I wouldn't do anything... It doesn't have to be here but they can't obstruct the wall if its in a budget or anything else."

you are reading this properly, correct?

the deal with Nancy and Chuck have nothing to do with the Wall, however he isn't gonna sign a budget bill unless the wall is included.

so again, the deal with DACA is a separate issue.
Also saw Trump say something about the rich paying more taxes... not sure what that was about but LMAO!
Keep on wishing and hoping but it ain't happening except in Libby World. rofl
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
Also saw Trump say something about the rich paying more taxes... not sure what that was about but LMAO!

yea he said that the rich might pay more, and his tax reform isn't aimed at helping the rich at all.

i'm telling you bro, i think Trump is fed up with the GOP and decided to see what the Dems are talking about.

if this happens, the GOP has nobody to blame but themselves.
Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING
Keep on wishing and hoping but it ain't happening except in Libby World. rofl

not wishing and hoping, just an ability to read. you're in the denial stage. it's ok, we're here for your support :)))))
Originally Posted By: Swish
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
Also saw Trump say something about the rich paying more taxes... not sure what that was about but LMAO!

yea he said that the rich might pay more, and his tax reform isn't aimed at helping the rich at all.

i'm telling you bro, i think Trump is fed up with the GOP and decided to see what the Dems are talking about.

if this happens, the GOP has nobody to blame but themselves.

He used to be a dem, Ivanka and Jared (top two most trusted advisers) are dems now, so it really isn't that much of a leap. Chuck and Nancy make him feel like he's winning and he got a small bump in his numbers after dealing with them last week. We all know Trump cares more about how he looks, rather he's liked, and rather he wins than anything else in the universe... 40 is going to lose it.
yep, and if getting liberal policies passed mean Trump's ego gets stroked, so be it.

Nancy and Co. figured out the game and how to team up with the star player.

conservatives: don't hate the player, hate the game.
Originally Posted By: Swish
Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING
Keep on wishing and hoping but it ain't happening except in Libby World. rofl

not wishing and hoping, just an ability to read. you're in the denial stage. it's ok, we're here for your support :)))))

Yea, like I was in denial about your accusations of Collusion and Russia and Obstruction and every other hysterical bandwagon you guys have jumped on in the last year. rofl
Originally Posted By: Swish
Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING
Keep on wishing and hoping but it ain't happening except in Libby World. rofl

not wishing and hoping, just an ability to read. you're in the denial stage. it's ok, we're here for your support :)))))

Yep 40, if you feel you can't hold your head up I'll lend you support old buddy. I have an old jock strap I'll lend you to hold it up. It's held a nut or two up before. thumbsup

How can you believe anything he says really. One day he says one thing and the next day he says something different. White man speak with forked tongue.
Like I said, your posts and the title of this thread are hogwash.

Pelosi and Schumer clarified the language of their earlier statement, distinguishing the difference between the “agreement” they announced Wednesday night and an actual deal, noting that Trump’s tweets were not inconsistent with their conversation.

“As we said last night, there was no final deal, but there was an agreement.

-But you guys did have some fun with all this and that is all that really counts in the world of FAKE NEWS!
What happens/happened to the parents of DACA kids? That's kind of a big old turd setting out there that Barry failed to address with his feel good EO.
Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING
Like I said, your posts and the title of this thread are hogwash.

Pelosi and Schumer clarified the language of their earlier statement, distinguishing the difference between the “agreement” they announced Wednesday night and an actual deal, noting that Trump’s tweets were not inconsistent with their conversation.

“As we said last night, there was no final deal, but there was an agreement.

-But you guys did have some fun with all this and that is all that really counts in the world of FAKE NEWS!

Blame Yahoo., not Swish. The headlineof the Yahoo article he posted is "Democrats say they have deal with Trump on young immigrants". Eerily similar to the title of the thread, hmmm. (posts I won't speak to) poke
Step back and show yer hands there clwb.

I blame Swish for reading and believing that Yahoo crap!

Another Yayhoo created by Yahoo.

Now back out the door and peace be to ya.
what's wrong with the link?

they have an agreement, so it will be interesting to see if the GOP will honor it, or throw a hissy fit like you do all the time.

40 hates progress. nobody on this board *should* be surprised.
No son, there is no agreement, there is no deal and there were no negotiations. There was only dinner, discussions and an understanding.



Pelosi and I put out last night was exactly accurate," said Schumer. "We have reached an understanding on this issue. We have to work out details, and we can work together on a border security package with the White House and get DACA on the floor quickly."

And all that stuff you and OCD went on about with Trumps base being up in arms, well let me ask the crowd here...

BOOYAH! TRUMP! thumbsup
Looks like it's gonna happen between them.

Also, you still stated false information. The wall isn't a deal breaker with DACA, the budget is though.

You can try to spin, but trump is crossing over and working with the Dems now. Your GOP leaders are salty.
Sorry but Trump is simply being Trump.

He is rattling the cage and getting her done!

Tax Cuts
Tax Reform
Immigration Reform
Originally Posted By: Swish
Looks like it's gonna happen between them.

Also, you still stated false information. The wall isn't a deal breaker with DACA, the budget is though.

You can try to spin, but trump is crossing over and working with the Dems now. Your GOP leaders are salty.

Who cares what the leaders on either side say. How about we ask the people who this is going to effect what they think?
they did, people support DACA.
Now, Trump is continuing to exploit the breakdown of major party influence, pushing for conservative priorities like tax reform and a ban on immigrants from several Muslim countries tied to terrorism, even as he also makes deals with Democrats on the debt ceiling, DACA, and maybe even Obamacare.

We all know just how loudly and angrily the left has been reacting to President Trump in general. But in case there's any doubt about how the partisan right is responding to the Trump team's moves lately, there shouldn't be. They're infuriated. But there's also seems to be an understanding that there's little they can do about it.

Somewhere, George Washington's ghost must be smiling wide with those wooden teeth of his. It was Washington who warned against the formation of political parties and urged the nation to choose leaders for reasons that transcended partisan politics. His cabinet members, especially Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton, didn't listen. But it's happening now.
Originally Posted By: Swish
they did, people support DACA.

I think if he can tick off both sides he is doing something right thumbsup
Trump's twitter from early this morning @realDonaldTrump:

No deal was made last night on DACA. Massive border security would have to be agreed to in exchange for consent. Would be subject to vote.

The WALL, which is already under construction in the form of new renovation of old and existing fences and walls, will continue to be built.

Does anybody really want to throw out good, educated and accomplished young people who have jobs, some serving in the military? Really!.....

...They have been in our country for many years through no fault of their own - brought in by parents at young age. Plus BIG border security
Sounds like a man who is driven to accomplish everything he set out to do but also has compassion in his heart.

I am still sold on the guy. thumbsup
Ann Coulter &#10004;@AnnCoulter
At this point, who DOESN'T want Trump impeached? https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/908278070611779585
7:05 AM - Sep 14, 2017

Ann Coulter &#10004;@AnnCoulter
If we're not getting a wall, I'd prefer President Pence. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/908278070611779585
8:48 AM - Sep 14, 2017

Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING
Keep on wishing and hoping but it ain't happening except in Libby World. rofl

Man, you live somewhere else but on earth sometimes... You act as if you are trying to inform people that don't think and believe as you do, then you insult them.... Way to go
When the title of the thread and the posts that go along with it are Hogwash and Fake News, it doesn't matter what spin you wish to put on it.

It remains Hogwash.
Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING
Sounds like a man who is driven to accomplish everything he set out to do but also has compassion in his heart.

I am still sold on the guy. thumbsup

11-year-old Frank does a 'great job' mowing White House lawn

11-year-old speaks out on offer to mow White House lawn
Eleven-year-old yard services entrepreneur Frank Giaccio locked down his biggest client ever Friday morning, mowing the White House lawn on the invitation of President Trump.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders tweeted a photo of Giaccio taking care of business Friday morning.

“Frank is hard at work in the Rose Garden and doing a great job!” she wrote.

Trump accepted the Virginia boy’s offer after he wrote to the president saying it would be his "honor to mow the White House lawn." Giaccio, who was 10 when he wrote the letter but has since turned 11, also enclosed a menu of his services, which include weed-whacking.


Official WH groundskeeper...
-and he's not a Mexican.
Well trump loves child labor, seeing as his crap is still made overseas.
President Trump referred to the kid as being "The Future of America."

Wonder if he meant white and working?

White and school shooter?
Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING
When the title of the thread and the posts that go along with it are Hogwash and Fake News, it doesn't matter what spin you wish to put on it.

It remains Hogwash.

So are you telling me that Trump doesn't have a deal with Dems?
Not as of yesterday he didn't.
I haven't checked today.
Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING
President Trump referred to the kid as being "The Future of America."

Wonder if he meant white and working?


Well since you took it there, kid was an odd little boy. Seemed like he already had his stick installed. Will be a member of the GOP for sure. Swish saying school shooter kind of fit the personality of this kid (at least what we could see in the interview).

And that reporter that interviewed him was just plain sickening. Smirking as he put down americans that don't have a savings, talking about mowing down MO's garden like the kid had a clue what he was talking about, and his over all personality was just off putting; this must be what passes for normal on the right these days.

Wish you hadn't gone here because the kid didn't deserve to be bashed, he's a victim of circumstance.
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING
President Trump referred to the kid as being "The Future of America."

Wonder if he meant white and working?


Well since you took it there, kid was an odd little boy. Seemed like he already had his stick installed. Will be a member of the GOP for sure. Swish saying school shooter kind of fit the personality of this kid (at least what we could see in the interview).

And that reporter that interviewed him was just plain sickening. Smirking as he put down americans that don't have a savings, talking about mowing down MO's garden like the kid had a clue what he was talking about, and his over all personality was just off putting; this must be what passes for normal on the right these days.

Wish you hadn't gone here because the kid didn't deserve to be bashed, he's a victim of circumstance.

He's 11 years old dude. Can't you at least give him some credit for having a better work ethic and taking more initiative than many adults do?

I'm guessing he hasn't done a whole lot of interviews. Hopefully with time, that will change wink
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg

Well since you took it there, kid was an odd little boy. Seemed like he already had his stick installed. Will be a member of the GOP for sure. Swish saying school shooter kind of fit the personality of this kid (at least what we could see in the interview).

And then you say this, after bashing the kid:


Wish you hadn't gone here because the kid didn't deserve to be bashed, he's a victim of circumstance.

So, you bash him, then say he didn't deserve it?
Picking on a little 11 year old is no longer beneath you.

Shame! tsktsk
You guys are right, at least he wasn't a mexican drug mule rapist or a black thug...

SHAME on you 40, "WHITE and working"...
Haus, Arch at least I qualified my remarks before making them as a response to 40's racist slight and an observation of Swish's comment. Furthermore I ended by saying it wasn't the kid's fault.

Meanwhile your leader exploited this kid to make a feel good story, Fox News followed suit. 40 used him to get a racist dig in on the board. And just listening to the story, you can see the GOP influence in the kids young life; I mean it's like sending him to brown shirt camp and I'm supposed to say "How sweet"?, gmab. Insane.
Go pick on someone your own age instead of an 11 year old kid!

We stand together in the fight against Bullies! tsktsk
Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING
Go pick on someone your own age instead of an 11 year old kid!

We stand together in the fight against Bullies! tsktsk

lol, I caught you being a bigot and you know it.
You pick on an 11 year old and now act like you have any credibility as a judge of character.

Shame! tsktsk
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
Haus, Arch at least I qualified my remarks before making them as a response to 40's racist slight and an observation of Swish's comment. Furthermore I ended by saying it wasn't the kid's fault.

Meanwhile your leader exploited this kid to make a feel good story, Fox News followed suit. 40 used him to get a racist dig in on the board. And just listening to the story, you can see the GOP influence in the kids young life; I mean it's like sending him to brown shirt camp and I'm supposed to say "How sweet"?, gmab. Insane.

About Swish's comment:

The reality is that whites are underrepresented in mass shootings on a per capita basis, but I will cut Swish some slack because I'm not convinced that he knows what that means.

I do find it unusual how you were taken back by 40's comment about working and not about Swish's comment about becoming a school shooter. Odd.
Yeah, telling the truth sucks!
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
Haus, Arch at least I qualified my remarks before making them as a response to 40's racist slight and an observation of Swish's comment. Furthermore I ended by saying it wasn't the kid's fault.

Meanwhile your leader exploited this kid to make a feel good story, Fox News followed suit. 40 used him to get a racist dig in on the board. And just listening to the story, you can see the GOP influence in the kids young life; I mean it's like sending him to brown shirt camp and I'm supposed to say "How sweet"?, gmab. Insane.


Dear Lord, let me resist.

"MY' leader? Hey, he's your president also.

Trump "exploited" this kid???????????????? Are you freaking serious? The kid ASKED if he could mow the yard. I hardly think Trump was in charge of that decision, and if you think he was, you're so deluded.....eh, never mind. You are deluded and delusional in your hate for trump. It's sad really.

I make no comment on 40. He ain't me.

This part gets me: "And just listening to the story, you can see the GOP influence in the kids young life; I mean it's like sending him to brown shirt camp and I'm supposed to say "How sweet"?, gmab. Insane."

So, we all now know where you stand.

A kid that likes to work, and asks to mow a yard, is a bad thing? Damn - WORKING is BAD now?

Who sent him to a brown shirt camp? Kid offered to do it, for free.

Kid is a genius, marketing wise.

Sad thing is, he'll get more yards to mow, and he'll make more money WORKING, and it won't be long until you are saying "that kid doesn't pay enough in taxes" while you're sitting there in your wife beater tee, having a beer or a pop.

Insane? Yes, I agree with you. You are. grin
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING
Go pick on someone your own age instead of an 11 year old kid!

We stand together in the fight against Bullies! tsktsk

lol, I caught you being a bigot and you know it.

And I caught you being an "anti work" "let the gov't. give me" person.
He took my question to all those who think Trump is a White Supremacist and tried to twist it into Bigotry. Nothing more.

But his attacking the 11 year old needs no twist.
My comment was in response to 40's comment about him being white and working.

It was a shot based on the fact that we just had a white kid shoot up yet another school. Nothing more.

Your fault for reading into it, just makes you look stupid.
Come to think of it, how many of these school shooters aren't white kids?

Maybe nobody would let them cut their grass?
Don't worry about it. Poor little Timmy just has mental health problems.
Meanwhile your leader exploited this kid to make a feel good story, Fox News followed suit.

How many videos would you like of democrats dragging kids, people with disabilities, homosexuals, latinos, etc out on stage for an exploitational photo op? Maybe Joe Biden can ask the dude in the wheelchair to stand up for a round of applause again.

And just listening to the story, you can see the GOP influence in the kids young life; I mean it's like sending him to brown shirt camp and I'm supposed to say "How sweet"?, gmab. Insane.

So anybody who raises their kids to believe in conservative principles is a Nazi. Got it.
Originally Posted By: PitDAWG
Come to think of it, how many of these school shooters aren't white kids?

Maybe nobody would let them cut their grass?

Number of mass shootings in the United States between 1982 and 2017, by mass shooter's race and ethnicity

White- 50
Minorities- 40

White 50
Black 15
Latino 7
Asian 7
Native American 3
Other 5
Unknown 3

Seems white people have a monopoly on their hands. *pot stir*
Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING
Originally Posted By: PitDAWG
Come to think of it, how many of these school shooters aren't white kids?

Maybe nobody would let them cut their grass?

Number of mass shootings in the United States between 1982 and 2017, by mass shooter's race and ethnicity

White- 50
Minorities- 40


Of the entire US population...
77.35% committed 50 mass shootings.
22.65% committed 40 mass shootings.
Originally Posted By: archbolddawg
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING
Go pick on someone your own age instead of an 11 year old kid!

We stand together in the fight against Bullies! tsktsk

lol, I caught you being a bigot and you know it.

And I caught you being an "anti work" "let the gov't. give me" person.

You didn't catch me doing any of that, just in your little conservative right wing mind.

This is to all of you who posted lamenting what I said:

I think everyone should work because work gives you purpose. I started working for my father at 7-8 years old. By the time I was 12 I could finish concrete as well as any grown man. By 14/15 I could run a crew...

And this little marketing genius makes $8 a week mowing one lawn, probably his own parents. He then banks his $8. Good for him. He 'might' get a couple more lawns out of a trip to the white house.

I mowed half my neighborhood. Shoveled their walks and drives in the winter and still worked with my dad! So excuse me if I don't see Jr. here as the second coming but just a kid being used for a feel good story. And yes dems do it too and that is disgusting.

Raising kids as conservatives is actually ok, but not as Today's Nut Wing Conservatives, the world needs less 40s not more. A a matter of fact working and saving are great values to instill. But teaching kids to look down on others who do not make enough money to save and joke about mowing Michelle Obama's garden down, well that falls into the Nut Wing comment.

The ONLY thing I said derogatory about this kid is that he was odd. The rest is on the grown ups in the story and his parents.

Yes I have no shame in my disgust and dislike of Trump. But I don't hate Trump, I actually don't hate anyone that I know of, but I often hate things people do or say. And I especially didn't like 40s future of America being "white and working" comment... But I have seen ZERO outrage over that little tidbit!

I guess calling BS on little Timmy and outing 40 as a bigot gets me half a page of attacks from the board's brazen altright committee of great like minds, the true values guys... wtf ever. Save your sermons for sunday school, and look at where those other fingers are pointing while you are wagging one at me.
Have you not embarrassed yourself enough with the bullying of a little boy?

Have you no shame? tsktsk
Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING
Have you not embarrassed yourself enough with the bullying of a little boy?

Have you no shame? tsktsk

Troll on 40. Tell me again how the future is "White and Working"... I haven't seen you deny being a bigot. You don't get to shame anyone, because you are disqualified from humanity. I bet if we rub hard enough on your orange/pink/white skin we'll find shades of Troll Green underneath blended with Nazi red. #TrueColors
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg

kid was an odd little boy. Seemed like he already had his stick installed. Will be a member of the GOP for sure. Swish saying school shooter kind of fit the personality of this kid (at least what we could see in the interview).

I am not Trolling you, I am begging you to look to the man who posted this about a little boy who had a dream to mow the lawn of the White House and have your judgement of character discussion with him.
Of the entire US population...
77.35% committed 50 mass shootings.
22.65% committed 40 mass shootings.

If your numbers are correct your going to hear nothing but crickets.
Why? I already answered him. He had to combine all the minority demographics in order to even remotely have a valid point, something I already broke down.
Standing ovation for Frank Giaccio. Good job kid thumbsup
Originally Posted By: Swish
Why? I already answered him. He had to combine all the minority demographics in order to even remotely have a valid point, something I already broke down.

Not really buddy. If 77.35% of the population commits 56% of the shootings, and 22.65% of the population commits 44% of the shootings, then which part of the population is more to blame?
All of us.
The majority who still commits the majority of mass shootings.

Defend your school shooters all you want, I will not.
LMAO where in the hell did I defend any shooters notallthere
Whataboutism is a defense
[quote]If we're not getting a wall, I'd prefer President Pence./quote]

If we ARE getting a wall, I want her on the south side of it-
I am sorry but there will be no "IF" when it comes to the Wall.

The only possible "IF" is "IF" it will be finished in a year or in 8 years.
Lol people on social media burning their MAGA hats when they heard trump wanted the DACAs to stay.

Deplorables being deplorable.
Nice redirect.
The subject was (m)Ann Coulter.

If Ann Coulter is your subject, you might want to rethink your syllabus.
He is risen!
Sup bro hope you're ok
Originally Posted By: Clemdawg
Nice redirect.
The subject was (m)Ann Coulter.


But She knew...
Originally Posted By: GMdawg
LMAO where in the hell did I defend any shooters

LMAO if you don't know then you are more filled with hate than I imagined
Well look there, you untucked your tail from between your legs long enough to stick your neck out again like a turtle.

I see your pain and suffering have not eased up yet.
Originally Posted By: Swish
Sup bro hope you're ok

Doing just fine bud. Enjoying life with my way too many hobbies.
Good to see you, bud!
Originally Posted By: Swish
Whataboutism is a defense

As good as Americans are at whataboutism, maybe it oughta be a defensive scheme on Sundays! grin
Best defense in the league!!
Originally Posted By: Swish
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
Also saw Trump say something about the rich paying more taxes... not sure what that was about but LMAO!

yea he said that the rich might pay more, and his tax reform isn't aimed at helping the rich at all.

i'm telling you bro, i think Trump is fed up with the GOP and decided to see what the Dems are talking about.

if this happens, the GOP has nobody to blame but themselves.

I for one think its hilarious that he just seemed to side step the GOP and is trying to get some stuff done with the democrats. I'm a libertarian and lean republican on most things, but if the GOP are entrenched don't want to have common sense and work, then I say screw them.
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