
Hope they get it going.. Tired of waiting to see what's gonna happen. From the outside looking in, I don't see how they don't indict Trump and many of his minions. But I've been wrong before.
Me too! I'm ready for the firing squads and hangings. Some served UP justice. Traitors should be executed.
Originally Posted by OldColdDawg
Me too! I'm ready for the firing squads and hangings. Some served UP justice. Traitors should be executed.

If there's actually something there then they need to move forward... as many times as the left was supposedly going to get Trump, I don't expect much but we'll see...

is it typical for the foreperson of a major grand jury trial to go on a media tour before any charges are brought forth? just find it strange...
It happens, but it's not typical. At least she seemed to be careful and not disclose anything that would hurt the case. It's only news because 60% of the country wants to hear the news the moment we were finally done with Trump and his family.
Originally Posted by OldColdDawg
It happens, but it's not typical. At least she seemed to be careful and not disclose anything that would hurt the case. It's only news because 60% of the country wants to hear the news the moment we were finally done with Trump and his family.

Thanks... I personally don't want Trump to run again but will be somewhat surprised at this point if they can find something that sticks... but we'll see...
Oh, I think they have the evidence. And if it were any of us, they would lock us up and throw away the key. But since he's an ex-POTUS and about 28% of the country still thinks he's innocent... they may decide not to charge him criminally. If that's the case and he's still eligible to run, the results of all of this would be the opposite of justice. About half of America and I will be furious. It's a no-win political situation, IMO. So they should do the right thing and send his ass to jail. I won't even care if Biden or another POTUS pardons him as long as he can never hold office again.

He should have been removed while in office, but republicans were under his thrall and whimpered with glee as they turned their backs on our democracy.
Originally Posted by jaybird
Originally Posted by OldColdDawg
It happens, but it's not typical. At least she seemed to be careful and not disclose anything that would hurt the case. It's only news because 60% of the country wants to hear the news the moment we were finally done with Trump and his family.

Thanks... I personally don't want Trump to run again but will be somewhat surprised at this point if they can find something that sticks... but we'll see...

I'm pretty sure the evidence to indict is there but I've wondered if maybe they are afraid of the backlash should they indict. Those that follow him seem prone to violence (Jan 6 example) and to not thinking clearly due in part to the BS they've been fed.

So I wonder, are they afraid of what happens next? Gotta be a little of that...
You are far too diplomatic, Daman, and you know the core root cause of the issue is that they are stupid and slow. GOPers are too stupid to adult in the modern world and too naive to know their time has passed. The world is ready for the future without all the fear-mongering, hate, and assumed Caucasian preferential treatment. They will bastardize anything to twist the narrative to a pinheaded agenda of "pwn the libs" as if a REPTARD ever could. The country is in shambles due 1000% to GOPer ineptness and idealism, along with their fascist, autocratic, and theocratic tendencies as well as their fear-and-hate driven agenda.

Nobody can honestly say the current crop of congressional GOPers brings anything of value to the table for the American people. And GOPer voters can't seem to see that. Now watch them flame me for dropping truth bombs that they are not ready to handle.
Originally Posted by OldColdDawg
Me too! I'm ready for the firing squads and hangings. Some served UP justice. Traitors should be executed.

I'm all for the firing squad. I think citizens & politicians need to be reminded there are consequences.
Originally Posted by OldColdDawg
You are far too diplomatic, Daman, and you know the core root cause of the issue is that they are stupid and slow. GOPers are too stupid to adult in the modern world and too naive to know their time has passed. The world is ready for the future without all the fear-mongering, hate, and assumed Caucasian preferential treatment. They will bastardize anything to twist the narrative to a pinheaded agenda of "pwn the libs" as if a REPTARD ever could. The country is in shambles due 1000% to GOPer ineptness and idealism, along with their fascist, autocratic, and theocratic tendencies as well as their fear-and-hate driven agenda.

Nobody can honestly say the current crop of congressional GOPers brings anything of value to the table for the American people. And GOPer voters can't seem to see that. Now watch them flame me for dropping truth bombs that they are not ready to handle.

Ok, that's kinda funny.. I don't think I've ever been thought of as being diplomatic LOL.. Maybe in that case I was..

I don't like what's become of the Republican party. There are still quite a few of them that stand by the old tried and true thinking. Conservative values, smaller government etc.

The problem I see is somewhere along the line, some GOPers moved more towards those like the Proud Boys, KKK, and other violent militia type organizations. Those that attacked the capital.

These folks no longer speak for the majority of Americans. Hell, they don't even speak to the majority of republicans. They speak to a small faction of them but they bully and attempt to corrupt the processes that have been in place for centuries.

These are not smart people. The Greens, the Boperts, the Gaitzs of the country seem to be really happy with Russia and very Pro Putin. (i'll never understand being pro putin by the way) And they are Pro Trump. (that says a mouthful) Pro Putin and Pro Trump.

Two dictators. Two guys that want complete control over us while telling us how free they want to help us be.

Both want to do whatever they see fit without recourse.

The rest of the GOPers out there aren't bad people... They are Americans and we have to agree to disagree in a more agreeable fashion. Honestly, I'm not 100% sure how to accomplish that, So much of what they try to do and say is outrageous. It's hard not to become angry. It's difficult to not Fight back against such nonsense.

Most recent example is Green coming up with this "divorce" thing. Makes me wonder is she really knows how intertwined out state and federal economies are. I mean, if she really had a handle on that, I can't see how any reasonable person would say those things.

Or how about saying that once we divorce, anyone that moves from a blue state to a red state shouldn't be allowed to vote for 5 years.

She and some of these others seem to be making up their own facts.

But again, not all GOPers are bad or stupid. And not All Democrats are Bad or Stupid.
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