Nice to see him and Little working out together, and pushing one another.

Offseason makes 'tremendous difference' for Gordon

Browns wide receiver Josh Gordon says he is benefitting from offseason training after having only two weeks to learn the team’s playbook before training camp last year.

As a rookie last year, Cleveland Browns wide receiver Josh Gordon led the team with 805 yards and five touchdowns on 50 catches, and he did so without the benefit of the offseason training that most of his teammates had.

Gordon, who turned 22 on Saturday, was a second-round pick in the 2013 NFL Supplemental Draft on July 12. Two weeks later, he was entrenched in training camp while trying to learn the playbook and work himself into playing shape after missing the entire 2011 season because of a transfer from Baylor to the University of Utah.

Having spent the past two weeks in the Browns’ offseason program, Gordon said he feels much farther ahead of where he was last year.

“It’s a tremendous difference,” Gordon said. “Having the advantage of knowing the plays and knowing the style of offense coming into it months in advance as opposed to a few weeks of training camp and going right into the preseason, it’s a huge difference. It definitely will transition into the season a lot smoother than it did last year.

“I came back and was in Cleveland for a few weeks (before the workouts). I sat down and had dinner a couple times with Scott Turner, my position coach, got to meet with coach (Rob) Chudzinski and (offensive coordinator) Norv Turner. They’re great guys. We know their background, so we know they have the stats to prove everything they’re talking about. If everybody buys in to it, we shouldn’t have a problem with success.”

Coming into the workouts, Gordon knew it was an opportunity not only for him, but for the entire team, to improve.

“(I want us) to work together better as a unit with the offense and defense as well,” Gordon said. “As an offense, there’s a lot of young guys. Getting everybody on the same page, once we do that, I think we’ll be ready and set to go.”

Despite the advantage of having an offseason program, Gordon left nothing to chance when it came to his physical conditioning. In their time away from the facility following the 2012 regular season, Gordon and fellow wide receiver Greg Little worked out in Miami. They trained on all types of surfaces, and did both 5-K and dynamic-speed drills.

“I switched it up,” Gordon said. “I did a little beach workout, resistance-training, power plates, vibration-training, different stuff that people weren’t really used to. But I definitely think it plays to our advantage, me and Greg doing as much work as we did this entire offseason. I think we’re definitely prepared.”
Great read and definitely what I love to read!
It's fluff, and the usual off-season type stuff, but I am glad that they are working together, and working hard to stay in shape and improve.

I have a feeling that Gordon is going to have a massive breakout year.
I'm with YTown on this. While I realize writers don't have much to discuss in the offseason, these types of articles fall on deaf ears with me. Every offseason we read how things will be so much better this season and how much harder players are working. I'm to the point where I just want to see it.

But I also do think Little and Gordon have formed a friendship, which is important.

Browns wide receiver Josh Gordon says he is benefitting from offseason training after having only two weeks to learn the team’s playbook before training camp last year.


Having spent the past two weeks in the Browns’ offseason program, Gordon said he feels much farther ahead of where he was last year.

Uhhhhhh. He spent 2 weeks in last years playbook and two weeks in this years playbook. But now he feels waaay ahead due to months of offseason? Just sort of...stupid the way this was written. It implies he will feel way ahead in the future. And if he feels way ahead it is due to the training and conditioning and gameday experience, not access to the playbook or team/coaches.
Gordon has talent, but I am always worried about him. Anyone w/his history is a gamble. The guy didn't just mess up once. Not even twice. But, he got caught three times. Can you imagine how many times he didn't get caught?

He gets probation at Baylor. It wasn't enough to make him stop smoking. He gets kicked off the team and is given another chance at Utah, but football and school still were not important enough for him to stop smoking. Man, that says a lot about what is important to him.

Gordon has talent and played pretty good last year, but he tailed off at the end of the year. Combine that w/his past and Banner's comments about how willing Gordon is to work hard and how much he wants it, and it makes me wonder if he wasn't up to his old ways.

Our roster is filled w/guys who have major question marks about them. Hopefully, the new regime will do a better job of drafting and we can actually win more than 4 or 5 games a year.
No....he was drafted maybe 2 weeks before full camp opened in July. This year he has full benefit of all the off-season mini camps where the players will learn the O.

There is a difference between learning the O and practicing the O. You have to learn it before you can practice.

It's like learning a language. You have to study it and see it up close in a classroom environment before you can just trot off to the French countryside and start speaking it.
Totally a fluff article, but the kid sounds like a natural leader (and that isn't something I would say lightly or casually).

We'll find out about the rest when they hit the field in a couple of weeks.

Great read and definitely what I love to read!

+ 1

Must...not....get...hopes up....


Browns wide receiver Josh Gordon says he is benefitting from offseason training after having only two weeks to learn the team’s playbook before training camp last year.


Having spent the past two weeks in the Browns’ offseason program, Gordon said he feels much farther ahead of where he was last year.

Uhhhhhh. He spent 2 weeks in last years playbook and two weeks in this years playbook. But now he feels waaay ahead due to months of offseason? Just sort of...stupid the way this was written. It implies he will feel way ahead in the future. And if he feels way ahead it is due to the training and conditioning and gameday experience, not access to the playbook or team/coaches.

Neither one of us are there, so as long as he's getting time with the HC and OC and his position coach (which he said he is) then if he feels he's picking it up,, then I'm sure he is.

The key is, he has the last two weeks, then he'll have some mini's then camp. He'll have a lot more time to prepare his mind and body for the system being installed.

I thought he showed a lot of talent last year. I think (HOPE) that he can take it up a notch with an entire off season to prepare.
I think I was more focused on his workout regimen. He and little should be 100% on each snap with those type of workouts.

I think I was more focused on his workout regimen. He and little should be 100% on each snap with those type of workouts.

You'd think so right? I guess we'll see but honestly, I don't have any problems with him now, If he steps up a notch, all the better.

Must...not....get...hopes up....


... but I hear ya though. I think we have WRs that are going to help each other get open. Defenses won't be able to just single out one person and will have to account for all the threats. And once they account for all our WRs, they will have to account for the ground and pound game.

Last year If I had a penny for everytime the defense had more than 7 people in the box, I may have outbid Jimmy Haslam in buying the team
Cool article, and I'm glad they are working out hard, but in my opinion that is or at least should be pretty much a prerequisite to being a professional athlete. It just isn't that special.

Millions of Americans work their tails off at their local gym, crossfit box, 5k race etc. for really no other reason than to look a little better, feel a little better, or be healthier (but mostly to look better.) And the overwhelming majority don't have 6-7 figure jobs that are dependent on being in top physical shape.
Little does insane workouts. I read an article on here last year describing his change in workout routines and it was just crazy. Now if Gordon is working out with him, we will get a brand new Flash Gordon.

It may have meant to be a fluff article but my big worry was Gordon in the offseason when he was alone, what would happen to him? Now here we are in the offseason and instead of a water bong, he is doing wind sprints in sand and water.

If he can come into camp close to the physical condition Little was in last year, and in a Chud/Norv offense, ummm defensive backs are in trouble.
Little is a grown man. I love that guy. Getting that first down on 4th down against Miami two years ago is probably one of my 20 favorite plays for the Browns since the return.

Little does insane workouts. I read an article on here last year describing his change in workout routines and it was just crazy. Now if Gordon is working out with him, we will get a brand new Flash Gordon.

It may have meant to be a fluff article but my big worry was Gordon in the offseason when he was alone, what would happen to him? Now here we are in the offseason and instead of a water bong, he is doing wind sprints in sand and water.

If he can come into camp close to the physical condition Little was in last year, and in a Chud/Norv offense, ummm defensive backs are in trouble.

I wish there was more info out there on what the players do in off-season workouts. You kind of have to piece it together yourself and I don't really have the time to do that. Just about all of them squat, bench press, power clean, and run, but there is a lot more to conditioning for football than that. For example Tony Gonzalez and Ray Lewis always were proponents of doing a lot of mobility work, and I think their longevity speaks for itself. I would love to know what Little is doing. I do remember reading about some of what TJ Ward did in his combine prep at California Strength, and the only reason I knew about that was because he was working with Glenn Pendlay, a weightlifting coach who I respect highly.

Anyway I hope nobody took my post earlier to detract from guys like Little and Gordon working hard in the off-season... that is great. I hope all of the Browns are working just as hard.
The good news is that Gordon knows he's been given an opportunity here to succeed, but that his leash is short until he proves he's serious about being a pro. This may be one case where regime change benefits us. This group has no ties to Gordon, so he has to show them he's developing the potential he flashed last season. This group won't hesitate to cut him loose if he doesn't show up and perform next year.
I follow both Little and Gordon on instagram. They've been posting pictures of their workouts at times. It appears both are working really hard. I have high hopes for both, especially Gordon.

I have high hopes for both, especially Gordon.

This could be Little's year to shine along with solid progression from Gordon...
Both of them could really come out and shine. They will only help each other, and the rest of the offense, if they can come out on fire. I think Little is on board for a breakout season. I think he wants it more than any WR on that team.

If they can get open, catch the ball and etc, the rest of the WR's and TE's should be able to get open. Can you imagine a no-huddle style of attack with these guys? Weeden in the shotgun, which is what he is COMFY with. The potential of the offense is unlimited, IF the players (especially Weeden) can step up.

He spent 2 weeks in last years playbook and two weeks in this years playbook. But now he feels waaay ahead due to months of offseason?

I understand your thought process n ??? - but of course his mental state has NFL experience where he can envision the playbook better two weeks into it then last year.

More important is the Maturity of Gordon to become the best of the best. This takes a lot of hard work. His past is just that when you are 19-20-21 you do not make the smartest decisions n in the BMOC environment its very easy to be immature n stupid. Will that carry over to the NFL??? that was the question.

Key point: To add to his worth btw...Little is turning out to be an excellent Leader he is stepping up taking Gordon under his wing. Working very hard together. Especially after I saw the "GET IT" process due to hard work come to Little last year.

Of course the writer is not going to state well when not working out hard with Little he goes n hangs with his old crowd n making it rain at the strip clubs...

But I got a feeling his dedication is sincere. Some of these kids Mature n become great n some do not work hard to become the best...All indications show that Gordon is here to STAY...Finally we got a #1???

And Kudo's to Little! Too many remember him as a rookie and not as the solid NFL starter we saw the 2nd half of last season! Now he has taken Gordon by the hand to make similar strides!

Gordon Benjamin Nelson Little



Fellas I love our new offense. If they leave Benjamin Little or Gordon single covered it could be instant death for them. You can't stack the box against this and you can't stop Richardson unless you do. I think they may score close to a billion points this year, you know ...give or take.

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