Sister Of Alleged Charleston Shooter Complains Massacre Ruined Her Wedding Day, Seeks Donations

The sister of the alleged Charleston shooter, Dylann Roof, is upset that her brother being charged with slaughtering nine people has ruined her dream wedding. She’s appealing to the public for donations so she can reschedule.

Amber Roof’s wedding was scheduled for June 21, four days after the massacre at Emanuel AME Church.

“We were ready! We had planned out every detail for months and months. It was going to be the PERFECT day!,” she writes.

She is asking the public for donations to fund a new wedding. According to Amber, “We know money cannot replace the wedding we lost and our perfect day, however it will help us to create new memories and a new start with our new family.”

The money will pay not only for a rescheduled wedding but also “to send us on our dream honeymoon.”

The fundraiser has promoted a slew of negative reactions, which someone is systematically deleting from the comments section on the page. One person donated $5 so she could repost some of the most critical:

Amber pledged to donate 10% of the money to Emanuel AME.

There are also many ways to donate directly to Emanuel AME and the families of the people who were killed.
My first reaction was, damn, that's tacky. It was also my second reaction.
Probably should have just stuck with the simple "Trying to re-schedule cancelled wedding, funds used to replace non-refundable money lost in cancellation."

Throwing in the "Dream Honeymoon" wreaks of self-indulgence.
This girl may be nothing like her brother, in which case it would be a shame that her wedding day was ruined... at the same time, pretty sure this wasn't the time, the place, or the way to go about fixing that.
Originally Posted By: DCDAWGFAN
This girl may be nothing like her brother, in which case it would be a shame that her wedding day was ruined... at the same time, pretty sure this wasn't the time, the place, or the way to go about fixing that.

"Let's remember the other victims... the shooter's family." thumbsdown
Who would have thought a mass murderer's sister would be narcissistic? What are the odds? 1:1 ?

If you get into the backstory of these people their homelife as kids it was pretty deranged. It would be very unlikely for his sister to be a normal person if he turned out as a (non-delusional) mass murderer.
Originally Posted By: DCDAWGFAN
This girl may be nothing like her brother, in which case it would be a shame that her wedding day was ruined... at the same time, pretty sure this wasn't the time, the place, or the way to go about fixing that.

Yes. Why couldn't these pleas have been made to the various vendors that were scheduled to provide services that day? I can't speak for the world, but if I were say, a florist, or a string quartet, and the woman told me her story, I'd cover her.
To quote a brilliant man "Stupid is as stupid does"
I don't know if I would want to marry the sister of a mass murderer ... what if its in the genes/jeans? You might end up with kids who like to kill their parents!!!

Then again if you had a family member do something this heinous then surely society will persecute you too and then you also become victims.
Originally Posted By: Razorthorns
I don't know if I would want to marry the sister of a mass murderer ... what if its in the genes/jeans? You might end up with kids who like to kill their parents!!!

Then again if you had a family member do something this heinous then surely society will persecute you too and then you also become victims.

If it's in her jeans and since you're very religious and can't have pre-marital sex, you're screwed, just not literally.
It's hard to imagine that Dylann's attitudes and sociopathy developed in a vacuum. Logic would suggest that there was probably some seriously messed-up stuff going on in that household.

The only thing I'd want from that girl is distance. Not worth the risk.
Oh I don't know Clem both of my brothers turned out OK, despite the way I turned out sick

How insensitive of her brother in regards to timing ( willynilly). What kind of whackos are these people?
Originally Posted By: GMdawg
Oh I don't know Clem both of my brothers turned out OK, despite the way I turned out sick

GM, I didn't realize you were related to Cain and Able. wink

Cain and Abel (Hebrew: הֶבֶל ,קַיִן Qayin, Heḇel) were, according to the Book of Genesis, two sons of Adam and Eve. Cain is described as a crop farmer and his younger brother Abel as a shepherd. GMDawg was the first human born, Cain the second and Abel was the first human to die. Cain committed the first murder by killing his brother. Interpretations of Genesis 4 by ancient and modern commentators have typically assumed that the motives were jealousy and anger.[1] In the Cain and Abel story found in the Quran, the text refers to them simply as the sons of Adam (Arabic: ابني آدم).
Those two kids were always fighting.
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