I know these days the ads that pop up in your browser on websites is based on algorithms and browser history, etc.. but I swear I don't understand why certain ads pop up when I visit DawgTalkers. So I'm curious as to what you Dawgs see when you visit?

For my part, I usually get something Jeep related as I'm constantly looking for parts and upgrades. I used to get over seas dating ads (first Russian, then Asian??) which I sort of understood because prior to meeting my wife I was on Match.com for a short stint.

What I don't understand is these men's underwear ads!??? I've never shopped for underwear online, I don't even really do clothes shopping online.

I guess it wouldn't bother me so much of the models didn't have their butt cheeks hanging out. SMH

What about y'all?
Posted By: Swish Re: What's in your Ad stream?I know these days - 07/27/18 01:17 PM
It keeps wanting me to go to my nearest lambo dealership.

The biggest worry in my personal life is what insane ride imma get next. I was doing some pricing of rides and well.....yea. I’m in no way ever getting one for the next 10years, just dreaming.

I dunno where the “meet wealthy women looking for young men” ads came from tho.
I use Google Chrome and have AdBlock on it, so no ads on this website. I turned it off and got "Every Ohio student deserves a great education" ad.

I also delete my cookies & browsing history every day, at least once.

I'm not an ad guy/coupon guy anyhow. I shop at the places that are closet to me with the best prices for the products I need.
Just get a Vette and a vanity plate. It's worth it.
Posted By: Swish Re: What's in your Ad stream?I know these days - 07/27/18 02:42 PM
Originally Posted By: CHSDawg
Just get a Vette and a vanity plate. It's worth it.

Vettes are too common. my mom has a vette with a whack vanity plate.i just simply cant do it.
I am not into ladyboys I dont understand why they keep popping up!
Posted By: Dave Re: What's in your Ad stream?I know these days - 07/27/18 03:22 PM
I keep seeing an ad with pop star Rhianna's line of cosmetics called "Beach, please". No idea why I should see that, unless maybe the interwebs think "Here, Dave, we think you'll appreciate this cleverly named product with an attractive woman picture.". It is clever, and she is attractive, but I'm never going to buy it.
I don’t know why I’m always getting ads for “MILFs Gone Wild” and “Granny Does it all” porn sites. I rarely go to sites like these before noon.

Oh and “The Three Stooges” too.
Apparently I need to go throw axes.

Bad Axe Throwing ads.
I too have an ad blocker and see no ads on this site.
I keep getting ads for penis enlarging pills.
I swear I've never searched for such a thing.
Posted By: Swish Re: What's in your Ad stream?I know these days - 07/27/18 07:37 PM
sure BC, sure.
Three Day Blinds... We moved into a brand new house. We need blinds...
I get Brooks Brothers ads here???
Posted By: MrTed Re: What's in your Ad stream?I know these days - 07/28/18 02:51 AM
I have the Ad Block thing going too, but I used to get ads for dating sites and I've never been a member of one, been married longer than dating sites have been around.

Also used to get ads from Daz3D, I used to mess around with 3D software as a hobby so that might've been in the cookie jar so to speak.
Hotels and vacation packages.
I don't see ads anymore. Haven't for years, really.
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