Who cares?

Oh...Wait...I know let’s turn this into a Barbra Streisand song thread.

Gosh, does it get any better?
She's probably too old, too rich and too irrelevant to care what crapstorm this causes, but it's going to get interesting.
Didn't see go on a rant about believing survivors during a confirmation hearing last year?
This was last week's news. She's already walked the comments back after the story came out. Is Barbara Streisand even relevant anymore?

Wait, what? You do realize that Barbra Streisand is Jewish, right? We all know you aren't allowed to say anything about someone who is Jewish or you're showing clear cut signs of Anti-Semitism, correct?

I read the NY Daily news thing before it was posted here. I think she did a poor job of expressing herself and her true intentions were different than what it looks like.

I get tired of how desperate much of social media is in their pursuit of trying to shame others.
When people speak without thinking it can come back to bite them. The blame lies strictly on the speaker.
Originally Posted By: Versatile Dog

I read the NY Daily news thing before it was posted here. I think she did a poor job of expressing herself and her true intentions were different than what it looks like.

I get tired of how desperate much of social media is in their pursuit of trying to shame others.

I couldn't agree more. It's a cancer. Most people are too lazy to dig into the real story and just parrot what they read in a tweet.
Could you read that tweet to me?
Originally Posted By: GMdawg
Could you read that tweet to me?

Not until you give me a cracker.
At least make it a Ritz.
Club crackers are better. wink tongue
He's reading a tweet, not a book. We have to save the good stuff for other needs.
Good idea.

Oh well, off to get my physical therapied. crazy
Good luck! thumbsup
Originally Posted By: Versatile Dog

I read the NY Daily news thing before it was posted here. I think she did a poor job of expressing herself and her true intentions were different than what it looks like.

I get tired of how desperate much of social media is in their pursuit of trying to shame others.

Unfortunately I think this is the norm Vers. This reminds me of when Bob Knight (at least I think it was him) telling Connie Chung that if a woman is being raped, just lay back and accept (paraphrasing but that was close). I am in no way a BK fan but I think I knew at the time what he meant and he said it very poorly.
she wouldn't say that if it were her kids!
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