Posted By: Squires 75th Anniversary of D-Day - 06/02/19 03:48 PM
Dozens of C-47s are returning to Normandy to drop paratroopers in an reenactment of the 1944 invasion. This was a trip I really wanted to make, but couldn't make it happen.

Return to Normandy
Posted By: clwb419 Re: 75th Anniversary of D-Day - 06/02/19 05:09 PM
I was there 2 years ago on the 73rd anniversary. We didn't see any reenactments, but there were scores of old jeeps and older folks dressed up in uniform. I suspect we missed some sort of event. This would be fascinating to see.

The other thing that really stood out (other than the obvious things) were the number of young German soldiers there. Hundreds of them in uniform learning just like everyone else.
Posted By: Tulsa Re: 75th Anniversary of D-Day - 06/02/19 05:27 PM
Originally Posted By: Squires
Dozens of C-47s are returning to Normandy to drop paratroopers in an reenactment of the 1944 invasion. This was a trip I really wanted to make, but couldn't make it happen.

Return to Normandy

I hope they hit their target this time.
Posted By: PDXBrownsFan Re: 75th Anniversary of D-Day - 06/02/19 05:55 PM
I've never served nor do I glorify war or the military, however, I have stood on those particular French beaches and soaked in their history. Sadly, there is a time when such things need to happen and the sheer scale of that particular day is incredible, horrific, sad and deeply profound, yet also triumphant and helped changed the course of the war. It is breathtaking to watch the original footage.
Posted By: rockyhilldawg Re: 75th Anniversary of D-Day - 06/02/19 06:09 PM
Some of the lucky ones.

Nazi POWs in Mississippi.

Some might even still be alive. (if any of them made it to 93+ years)
Posted By: THROW LONG Re: 75th Anniversary of D-Day - 06/02/19 08:28 PM
I thought it was the 6th of June.

Same as the song about a trucking convoy.

It was dark of the moon on the 6th of June in a Kenworth hauling Logs.
Posted By: FORTBROWNFAN Re: 75th Anniversary of D-Day - 06/03/19 07:41 PM
It was June 6, 1944. I am 58 years old and never came close to having to be drafted or serve in wartime. I was a bit concerned in 1980 my first year of college during the hostage crisis but that is about it.

I can't even begin to imagine what it was like in those landing craft knowing once the "gate" dropped what you would be facing. My Dad was 26 during the invasion of Saipan and he was blown out of a landing craft as they approached the beach and nearly drown.

I have always been a big history buff, especially about the American, Revolution, Civil War,. WW2 and the depression. Dad always gave me plenty of depression stories along with Mom but he rarely spoke about the war and when he did it was just the guys he told stories about and never elaborated to combat memories.

I know there are a variety of political type views on war and I can respect most. My brother's son-in-law once posted on Facebook during Veteran's day I believe that "he has no intention to honor veterans who were killed or wounded during battle, because he did not ask them to die for our country. His I can't respect at all.
Posted By: rockyhilldawg Re: 75th Anniversary of D-Day - 06/04/19 07:52 PM
FORT above:

My brother's son-in-law once posted on Facebook during Veteran's day I believe that "he has no intention to honor veterans who were killed or wounded during battle, because he did not ask them to die for our country.

What an infantile thing to post.

My condolences to FORT's brother and niece.


What a disturbing statue (for me)(unveiled for the D-Day 75th)

To me this makes Denham Brotheridge look like a monster.

The man's a war hero. Let him be known as a hero. Not a symbol of the "Horrors of War".

We all have a pretty good idea of the horrors of war.

The figure represents Denham Brotheridge, widely believed to be the first Allied serviceman to be killed by enemy action on D-Day, atop 4,414 bullets, representing his comrades in arms who fell in battle later that day.

If I had to design a statue of Brotheridge maybe something like him leading the 4,414 killed that day.

Posted By: 1oldMutt Re: 75th Anniversary of D-Day - 06/04/19 09:58 PM

Dick Winters 'Leadership" statue on the other hand..
Posted By: ErikInHell Re: 75th Anniversary of D-Day - 06/05/19 01:33 AM
My grandfather was there.
Posted By: GratefulDawg Re: 75th Anniversary of D-Day - 06/05/19 07:02 PM
Posted By: IRE 45 Re: 75th Anniversary of D-Day - 06/05/19 10:17 PM
Been there a few times and it never ceases to humble me . Did a parade years ago for Bush senior at Anzio and got the same feeling .
Posted By: GratefulDawg Re: 75th Anniversary of D-Day - 06/07/19 02:25 AM

Cleveland Browns
Published on Jun 6, 2019

In honor of the 75th Anniversary the Browns invited three World War II veterans to watch the last day of minicamp.
Posted By: Tyler_Derden Re: 75th Anniversary of D-Day - 06/07/19 08:51 PM
My grandfather was a part of D-Day....I believe he was at Omaha Beach....

He never talked about it.....not once.....

I couldn't even imagine being 18, 20, 25; and being a part of that invasion....
Posted By: Tulsa Re: 75th Anniversary of D-Day - 06/07/19 09:15 PM
Originally Posted By: Tyler_Derden
My grandfather was a part of D-Day....I believe he was at Omaha Beach....

He never talked about it.....not once.....

I couldn't even imagine being 18, 20, 25; and being a part of that invasion....

Like every Sargent told every Private in those landing crafts, "Men, in a few minutes that door is going to swing down, the only way you're going to get back home is to get to the top of that hill. You may be shot by the enemy but if you turn around, I will shoot you."
Posted By: rockyhilldawg Re: 75th Anniversary of D-Day - 06/07/19 11:06 PM
Originally Posted By: Tyler_Derden
My grandfather was a part of D-Day....I believe he was at Omaha Beach....

He never talked about it.....not once.....

I couldn't even imagine being 18, 20, 25; and being a part of that invasion....

I always found it strange that through out my life when talking with men who saw live action - they never wanted to talk about it.

My guess is that it's the trauma to an every day "Joe Blow Next Door" having to fight to the death and the actions and sights that entails.

And the realization that his adversary was also only "Joe Blow Next Door".

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