
Another one of our former leaders goes down. I doubt he will get any time, but I hope campaign finace reform is in order.

You know, when I got close to the age of voting I sat down and asked my dad how he derived at his decision as who to vote for. His thought process that helped lead him to choose who to vote for. I found his answer to be very skeptical when he said................." Son, they're all a bunch of crooks, so vote for the crook you think will do the most for you and your family no matter what party they are."

Yes, at that time I was rather naive. But the older I get, the more a ring of truth seems to come from his answer.

He faces a maximum of 119 years .... I doubt that he gets nothing.

Another one of our former leaders goes down. I doubt he will get any time, but I hope campaign finace reform is in order.


Do you really think any campaign fiance reform will work? We supposedly had a great bill in McCain Feingold. All that happened is it killed McCain. No way we can ever get a meaningful bill passed. Both sides will always find a way to get an advantage over the other party. No one is going to pass a bill that will hurt them personally.

As a conservative on this board I have to stick up for Tom Delay. Nothing he did was his fault. He was just set up by left wingers and the only reason this was posted was because you are a hater.,,

Whoops! Sorry I thought I was writing in a Mac thread. I hope Tom gets what he deserves.He broke the aw and should pay the price.
Jack Abramoff got a reduced sentence of 4 years for his role in this scandal. He could have received up to 12.5 years in prison for the crimes he was convicted of.

I would guess that Delay is looking at a fairly substantial sentence, given that he could receive uo to 99 years on one conviction and up to 20 on the other. My guess would be something in the 10-20 year range ..... and I would bet that the appeal is already in the works.

He will deserve a strong sentence. He tried to influence multiple elections in his state by illegally using corporate funds to help buy election outcomes ..... and, of course, bought election favors as a result,
I see many wanting this guy to go to jail, but I see no one looking to lock up Rangel. These charges were made up because he redistricted Texas in the Republicans favor. This is something done by both parties all over the country. I'm sure he broke some laws, and deserves punishment. The judges, prosecution and many of the witnesses are all democrats. He did not recieve a fair trial by any means.
Rangel has used campaign money for his own personal use, cheated on taxes while writing tax laws. He was found guilty by both democrats and republicans, and even walked out of the trial. Yet he retains his seat, and is issued a slap on the wrist.
This guy, Like Rangel, deserves jail time,,

But I'm fairly convinced that these two guys aren't the only ones doing stuff like this.. the trouble is, they all seem to get away with murder but if any of us try this,, we end up in the slammer for 50 years......
He needs to pay a price... I'll trust a judge to do the right thing.
Any time I hear "money laundering" I think of Office Space........where is Michael Bolton when you need him?

Any time I hear "money laundering" I think of Office Space........where is Michael Bolton when you need him?

A long way from Chattanooga I hope.

I had to sit through one of his concerts with my 12-13 year old daughter and a couple of her girlfriends back in maybe 86.

The memories are priceless, but the concert sucked.
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