Posted By: bigdatut Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/13/11 03:01 PM
James Harrison rips Roger Goodell
ESPN.com news services

NEW YORK -- Heavily fined Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker James Harrison calls NFL commissioner Roger Goodell a "crook" and a "devil," among other insults, in an interview with Men's Journal.

He even rips teammates Rashard Mendenhall ("fumble machine") and Ben Roethlisberger for their performances in the Super Bowl loss.

"Hey, at least throw a pick on their side of the field instead of asking the D to bail you out again. Or hand the ball off and stop trying to act like Peyton Manning. You ain't that and you know it, man; you just get paid like he does," he said, referring to Roethlisberger's two interceptions in the game.

The 2008 AP Defensive Player of the Year hasn't been shy about ripping the league after he was docked $100,000 for illegal hits last season. In the August issue of Men's Journal, his rants against Goodell reach another level of wrath. Harrison told ESPN that the interview took place "in April or May sometime."

"If that man was on fire and I had to ... to put him out, I wouldn't do it," Harrison told the magazine. "I hate him and will never respect him."

His other descriptions of the commissioner include an anti-gay slur, "stupid," "puppet" and "dictator."

If the Steelers had defeated the Green Bay Packers in the Super Bowl, Harrison said, he would have whispered in Goodell's ear during the trophy ceremony: "Why don't you quit and do something else, like start your own league in flag football?"

Harrison also questions whether a black player is punished more for a hard hit on a white player than the opposite.

"I slammed Vince Young on his head and paid five grand, but just touched Drew Brees and that was 20," Harrison said. "You think black players don't see this s--- and lose all respect for Goodell?"

Harrison also criticizes other NFL execs, Patriots-turned-commentators Rodney Harrison and Tedy Bruschi ("clowns"), Houston's Brian Cushing ("juiced out of his mind").

Beyond the insults, Harrison makes some serious points about what he believes are the league's misguided attempts to increase safety. He explains how non-guaranteed contracts make players more likely to hit high, because in the short term, a torn knee ligament is more costly than a concussion.

And Harrison suggests the real way to prevent head injuries is to shorten the season to 14 games, start offseason workouts later and trim the length of training camp so "we're not bangin' heads so much in August; that's where the brain trauma comes from."

Information from The Associated Press was used in this report.


Me thinks them Stillers need this lockout to end.
Posted By: Damanshot Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/13/11 03:10 PM

And Harrison suggests the real way to prevent head injuries is to shorten the season to 14 games, start offseason workouts later and trim the length of training camp so "we're not bangin' heads so much in August; that's where the brain trauma comes from."

LOL,, what a dope this guy is. I bet that if the league shortened the season to 14 games, shortened the off season workouts and trimmed the length of training camp, he'd still demand an increase on his next contract.

what a freakin jackwad....
Posted By: BADdog Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/13/11 03:47 PM
If anyone is into twitter please keep us updated on the moron.. for entertainment purposes.
Posted By: ThatGuy Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/13/11 04:03 PM
Not mentioned here, is the pictorial of him holding two pistols with the title labeled "Hit Man"

And I love how he mentioned what he "would have said" IF the steeler had won the Super Bowl... Nothing like a true hypothetical to get the blood going...

He could be one of the best players in the NFL, but there is just something wrong in that mans head... seriously...
Posted By: ExclDawg Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/13/11 04:06 PM

He could be one of the best players in the NFL, but there is just something wrong in that mans head... seriously...

It's almost like he frequently leads with it to tackle people at high speeds.
Posted By: Punchsmack Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/13/11 04:09 PM
He's a clown. Pay no attention to him. I figure Roger will lighten his wallet after this.
Posted By: candyman92 Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/13/11 04:10 PM



“If that man (Goodell) was on fire and I had to - to put him out, I wouldn’t do it,” Harrison told the magazine. “I hate him and will never respect him.”


Harrison also criticizes other NFL execs, Patriots-turned-commentators Rodney Harrison and Tedy Bruschi (”clowns”), Houston’s Brian Cushing (”juiced out of his mind”) — and even teammates Rashard Mendenhall and Ben Roethlisberger for their performances in the Super Bowl loss.

He even gets into race a little bit. How much damage has he done with the league and his team? Do you think a trade is a possibility?

UPDATE - His comments about Roethlisberger


"Hey, at least throw a pick on their side of the field instead of asking the D to bail you out again," said Harrison. "Or hand the ball off and stop trying to act like Peyton Manning. You ain't that and you know it, man; you just get paid like he does."

Posted By: Rambo Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/13/11 04:11 PM
Harrison needs to count his blessings. If it weren't for the NFL he'd be flipping burgers in a fast food restaraunt.
Posted By: ThatGuy Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/13/11 04:11 PM

He's a clown. Pay no attention to him. I figure Roger will lighten his wallet after this.

The problem is, all thats ganna do is make him talk more...

Lighten his wallet? No, get him out of the league, before he SERIOUSLY hurts someone, or sadly, himself...
Posted By: Adam_P Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/13/11 04:13 PM
Sure seems like he's a guy who hates everything about his job except collecting the paycheck. Maybe he should leave the NFL and take up MMA.

If I'm in Kent State's PR department I'm doing everything I can to disassociate myself with this guy.
Posted By: 1oldMutt Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/13/11 05:15 PM
Harrison played football with my nephew at Coventry HS. My nephew passed away suddenly ten years ago. Guess who has stayed in contsant contact with my sister, always wishing her well with kind words even through his success? Yep, its the classless James Harrison.

His stuff can be a bit outrageous but so can some of the opinions (operative word) on here.
Posted By: Punchsmack Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/13/11 06:40 PM
Good point. Thanks for adding that in there.

I think what rubs everyone the wrong way isn't that he feels this way, we all have some ill feelings towards our careers/boss/job/role/paycheck....but we aren't whining to 45 million people about it.

Seems like he should count his blessing, cash the checks, and only whine to his family and friends when he's hosting a BBQ (or in the locker room). Otherwise, shut up! We'd all enjoy to trade places with him and be disrespected by Roger for a few million a year.

Oh well....grass is always greener.
Posted By: cfrs15 Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/13/11 06:43 PM
I would expect nothing less out of this guy. He has been a creep and a jerk his whole career, why change now?
And still he's a hero to the steeler faithful, much like their patron saint big Ben.
Posted By: no_logo_required Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/13/11 08:00 PM
hey, leave Ben out of this. he's only a few short weeks away from having successfully navigated an offseason without a rape charge for the first time in 3 years.
Posted By: Browns Lifer Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/13/11 08:01 PM

Harrison played football with my nephew at Coventry HS. My nephew passed away suddenly ten years ago. Guess who has stayed in contsant contact with my sister, always wishing her well with kind words even through his success? Yep, its the classless James Harrison.

His stuff can be a bit outrageous but so can some of the opinions (operative word) on here.

Harrison wouldn't be the first NFL player who was a complete arse in and around the game while exhibiting a good heart away from it. Guess what though... if all people see publically is what Harrison has put on display to date, he deserves the rep he has. This clown seems to revel in it. So be it...

hey, leave Ben out of this. he's only a few short weeks away from having successfully navigated an offseason without a rape charge for the first time in 3 years.

I'm pretty certain that will be replaced by spousal abuse.
Posted By: no_logo_required Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/13/11 08:44 PM


hey, leave Ben out of this. he's only a few short weeks away from having successfully navigated an offseason without a rape charge for the first time in 3 years.

I'm pretty certain that will be replaced by spousal abuse.

I think it's more likely that'll be added on instead of being a replacement.
Posted By: BuckDawg1946 Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/13/11 09:20 PM

His other descriptions of the commissioner include an anti-gay slur,

anyone know what he said?
Posted By: FL_Dawg Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/13/11 09:26 PM

"I slammed Vince Young on his head and paid five grand, but just touched Drew Brees and that was 20," Harrison said. "You think black players don't see this s--- and lose all respect for Goodell?"

could it be, because you are a habitual offender!

No let's pull the race card in true gang bang'er fashion
Posted By: FL_Dawg Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/13/11 09:43 PM

Harrison needs to count his blessings. If it weren't for the NFL he'd be flipping burgers in a fast food restaraunt.

Na,...it's more likely he would be peddling Crack on a street corner some where.



hey, leave Ben out of this. he's only a few short weeks away from having successfully navigated an offseason without a rape charge for the first time in 3 years.

I'm pretty certain that will be replaced by spousal abuse.

I think it's more likely that'll be added on instead of being a replacement.

Quite the resume, don't you think? His family and the idiots who wear the uniform with his name and number will be so proud of him.
Posted By: no_logo_required Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/13/11 10:25 PM
of course, if he was the 50th man on the roster, the owner would put up a huge stink about how their organization can't stand for such things and make a huge deal out of cutting him
Posted By: E.Ryze19 Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/13/11 10:53 PM

If it were my choice, I would do just what he fears most....take out his knees. This guy is a POS in the true sense. If he played for another team Steeler fans would hate him just as most do. He says his hits are all legal, BS. To him nothing is a cheap shot. His attitude about hurting people is not the same as most players in the league, and I include Ray Lewis in that statement.

Harrison is just another in a long line of Steeler LB's that find success in LaBeau's defense because of a great front three and scheme. If he is traded, he will be just another Kendrell Bell, Joey Porter, and many other LB's that had success due to their scheme.

I wish I had the money, because I would put a huge bounty on this arses knees. Take him out like the trash he is. His disrespect for his own teammates just goes to show that he is just a thug.

of course, if he was the 50th man on the roster, the owner would put up a huge stink about how their organization can't stand for such things and make a huge deal out of cutting him

You must be thinking about Cedric Wilson.
Posted By: Alpoe19 Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/14/11 01:25 AM

Harrison needs to count his blessings. If it weren't for the NFL he'd be flipping burgers in a fast food restaraunt.

Even fast food joints wouldn't hire this clown. Would you want this nutjob, around 16-18 yr old girls?? I would have to guess if he wasn't playing football, he would be in the pen.
Posted By: HotBYoungTurk Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/14/11 01:46 AM
its obvious he would be in the landscaping business.. lol.
Posted By: shepdawg Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/14/11 08:28 AM
James Harrison's words dull his point

Steelers LB's language in ripping Goodell overshadows his criticism of commissioner

Ashley Fox

James Harrison does not look tough. He does not look like the meanest player in the NFL, the hardest hitter or the most feared defender.

He looks like an idiot. And he looks very, very bad.

I'm not sure what is the most offensive part of the spread on Harrison in the August issue of Men's Journal, out on Friday. The picture with the guns? The anti-gay slur? The utter disrespect for NFL commissioner Roger Goodell? Or the calling out of two of his Pittsburgh Steelers teammates?

James Harrison posed with two of his handguns for this photo that appears in Men's Journal.
It is all bad, and it overshadows the fact that Harrison does have a valid criticism, shared by other players in the NFL, of how Goodell went about fining players for illegal hits last season. There are players like Harrison who think Goodell unfairly targeted African-American players and fined certain players more than others. There are players like Harrison who think Goodell issued harsher fines for illegal hits on white players than for hits on black players. And there are players like Harrison who think Goodell had it out for certain players.

Harrison is the perfect person to speak on this subject, because Goodell took $100,000 out of his pocket last season, fining Harrison more than any other player. But because of his inflammatory language, Harrison lost any opportunity to make his point about the fairness of Goodell's system or to try to persuade Goodell to change it. He ripped Goodell, which was not breaking news, but he did so by using an anti-gay slur to describe the commissioner.

Using an anti-gay slur is just as unacceptable as using a racial slur. You don't have to be in support of gay marriage, but you cannot be intolerant. Gay slurs are not slang. They are hurtful, and the use of them has to stop.

Harrison also called Goodell "stupid," a "puppet" and a "dictator," and said that, "If that man was on fire and I had to ... to put him out, I wouldn't do it. I hate him and will never respect him."

Harrison can hate Goodell all he wants. He can think Goodell is out to get him, is unfair and is unjust, but he needs to show Goodell respect, just as he needs to show his head coach, Mike Tomlin, respect and his position coach respect and the person who makes his lunch in the Steelers' cafeteria respect.

Playing football under a six-year, $51.175 million contract does not mean Harrison isn't still an employee. He is. There are rules, and there are consequences for breaking those rules.

Harrison said that if the Steelers had defeated the Green Bay Packers in the Super Bowl, he was going to whisper in Goodell's ear during the trophy presentation: "Why don't you quit and do something else, like start your own league in flag football?" Now that would have been classy, but Harrison did not get that opportunity. The Steelers did not win. Harrison did not take responsibility for losing the game, even though he had only one tackle the entire game, a sack of Aaron Rodgers where Rodgers essentially ran into him. He did not apologize for getting dominated most of the game by Packers tackle Chad Clifton.

Instead, Harrison ripped his quarterback, Ben Roethlisberger, who did take responsibility for the loss after throwing two interceptions in the game.

"Hey, at least throw a pick on their side of the field instead of asking the D to bail you out again," Harrison said of Roethlisberger. "Or hand the ball off and stop trying to act like Peyton Manning. You ain't that and you know it, man; you just get paid like he does."

Harrison also called Steelers running back Rashard Mendenhall a "fumble machine."

Rule No. 1 of being a good teammate is you do not publicly criticize a teammate -- ever. You keep that in house. Publicly throwing a teammate under the bus, particularly the quarterback, only serves to divide a locker room, and divided locker rooms do not produce championships.

Tomlin is a master at managing star players and their monster egos, and he will have his hands full with this one whenever the lockout ends. Harrison drew a line down the middle of the team, offense on one side, defense on the other. Tomlin will have to fix that.

The photo accompanying the article shows Harrison shirtless with his arms crossed holding two of his guns, reportedly an FN Five-Seven pistol and a Smith & Wesson 460V revolver. It is a ridiculous image for kids to see. Harrison is a professional football player and therefore, unfortunately, a role model for some children. In the picture he is promoting guns, as if he has never been to inner city Chicago or Detroit or Philadelphia and seen the devastation gun use causes.

Harrison is not some character in a video game or a movie. He is a name and a number and a man with influence and sway on young people. We don't need more young people on the streets with guns. We need less.

If he wants to own a gun, fine. That is his right. But don't pretend that a gun makes you tough. It does not. It makes you dangerous. There is a difference.

No one has ever questioned Harrison's toughness. But it is now fair to question whether he has a clue.

Ashley Fox covers the NFL for ESPN.com.

web page
Posted By: SaintDawg Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/14/11 12:13 PM
So.. Am I a bad guy for enjoying this tremendously? LOL..
Posted By: kingodawg Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/14/11 01:23 PM

He's a clown. Pay no attention to him. I figure Roger will lighten his wallet after this.

How is he going to lighten his wallet? These guys are locked out, they are not under contract and therefore not subject to any league rules.

I am still embarrased to say this guy is from The Portage Trail COnference and from Kent State.

Posted By: no_logo_required Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/14/11 01:52 PM
the owners have said that the conduct policy is in place even though the players are locked out. it will be interesting to see if they actually try to follow through on that because the players would have a lawsuit I think they would win (unless they agree to this in the CBA)
Posted By: Pdawg Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/14/11 02:29 PM
I wonder if our opinions would be different if he came to Cleveland when he was a free agent a few years back?

As long as he keeps himself out of legal trouble and wouldn't bad mouth Cleveland I want him.
Posted By: BuckDawg1946 Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/14/11 02:54 PM


His other descriptions of the commissioner include an anti-gay slur,

anyone know what he said?

I still require resolution
Posted By: DCDAWGFAN Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/14/11 02:55 PM

I wonder if our opinions would be different if he came to Cleveland when he was a free agent a few years back?

I might look at some of hits with my brown and orange glasses on and try to defend some of them but my overall thoughts on his image and personality would probably be about the same.. he would be a lot like KWII... a potentially great player but I'm not sure its worth keeping him on the team. I often wonder if he played for a team that didn't win like the Browns or the Lions if the national impression of him would change.
Posted By: Adam_P Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/14/11 03:02 PM

the owners have said that the conduct policy is in place even though the players are locked out. it will be interesting to see if they actually try to follow through on that because the players would have a lawsuit I think they would win (unless they agree to this in the CBA)

If the conduct policy wasn't bargained for (which I don't believe it was) then I don't see why it wouldn't apply. If, hypothetically, the steroids policy didn't apply during the lockout, then I wouldn't expect the argument that "we were locked out" to fly if a player got busted for juicing.
Posted By: no_logo_required Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/14/11 03:36 PM


the owners have said that the conduct policy is in place even though the players are locked out. it will be interesting to see if they actually try to follow through on that because the players would have a lawsuit I think they would win (unless they agree to this in the CBA)

If the conduct policy wasn't bargained for (which I don't believe it was) then I don't see why it wouldn't apply. If, hypothetically, the steroids policy didn't apply during the lockout, then I wouldn't expect the argument that "we were locked out" to fly if a player got busted for juicing.

the conduct policy is apart of the CBA. as are the appeals processes that go along with it.

i don't know how the players would get caught juicing during the lockout, but that is a legal argument they could make if they somehow were (though it's illegal to use, so there'd be some issues there). once the CBA is agreed to and the testing starts up again, then they are back under CBA rules and if caught would be subjected to the penalties even if they technically 'juiced' before the lockout ended.
Posted By: Damanshot Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/14/11 03:38 PM

I wonder if our opinions would be different if he came to Cleveland when he was a free agent a few years back?

As long as he keeps himself out of legal trouble and wouldn't bad mouth Cleveland I want him.

I love the guys abilty and fire, but if he's going to continually get penalities, in the long run it hurts more than it helps.

If he did that very same things here that he does playing for the steelers, I'd still think he was a dolt.
Posted By: Adam_P Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/14/11 03:56 PM
According to Greg Aiello, the Personal Conduct Policy is not a part of the CBA.
Posted By: no_logo_required Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/14/11 04:01 PM

According to Greg Aiello, the Personal Conduct Policy is not a part of the CBA.

strange, I said what I had above after I found the personal conduct amendment to the CBA.

Posted By: Adam_P Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/14/11 04:06 PM
Then probably encountered this link as well, which is where I got my source:

Posted By: no_logo_required Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/14/11 04:10 PM
I didn't find that until after you mentioned Aiello. I find it strange that it is said to not be apart of the CBA yet I found the amendment to the CBA. perhaps it was not officially an amendment then?

i find it most strange that a union would allow a personal conduct policy and the appeal process to be agreed to but not apart of the larger scoping CBA.
Posted By: Adam_P Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/14/11 04:21 PM
I agree, it's odd.
Posted By: DIEHARD Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/14/11 04:44 PM
Regardless, I have to imagine Harrison't first offense this year will be a doozy of a fine and a suspension.
Posted By: ThatGuy Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/14/11 04:54 PM

Regardless, I have to imagine Harrison't first offense this year will be a doozy of a fine and a suspension.

And then we get to hear him B&M about how he's being "targeted" because he's "black" and other randomly inserted arguments...

No, it has nothing to do with the fact that you clearly, intentionally, disreguard rules....
Posted By: oobernoober Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/14/11 05:01 PM
He's being targeted because he's a moron. Goodell is prejudiced against stupid people.

Seems pretty clear to me.
Posted By: Damanshot Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/14/11 05:10 PM

Then probably encountered this link as well, which is where I got my source:


I don't think it really matters.. once we resume play, I guarantee, Harrison will be watched for any tiny infraction and fined.. They will get thier pound of flesh out of him...
Posted By: PStu24 Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/14/11 05:15 PM
Any thoughts pittsburgh would trade him?

Like them or not they don't like distractions ... and if they could/would unload Santonio for a 5th rounder, they could at least get that outta harrison. Send him off to some mediocre team ... maybe one trying to implement a 3-4?
Posted By: oobernoober Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/14/11 05:19 PM
They also DIDN'T get rid of Rothlsidafkjdka;ler after all his issues. My bet is they hang onto him because this will be forgotten quickly with all of the CBA stuff going on.
Posted By: Damanshot Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/14/11 05:21 PM

Any thoughts pittsburgh would trade him?

Like them or not they don't like distractions ... and if they could/would unload Santonio for a 5th rounder, they could at least get that outta harrison. Send him off to some mediocre team ... maybe one trying to implement a 3-4?

I don't know if they would or not.. You are right about them not liking destractions and he certainly is one. But I don't know if they would dump him.

He does seem to be acting almost like he wants traded..
Posted By: PStu24 Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/14/11 05:51 PM
That's true but it's not a black and white issue. It's hard to find franchise quarterbacks that can help you get to 3 superbowls in 5 years. While I don't think Ben is a top 5 Qb ... he is at least in the 6 to 10 range and sometimes is better than what he's given credit for.

harrison is a very good player but I would venture to guess a lot of it comes from being in the system. How many pittsburgh linebackers leave to not have half of the success they had under LeBeau? Considering Harrison was undrafted and cut multiple times ... I think his true value is still pretty high but nowhere near the "MVP" level that he has been on the Steelers.
Posted By: ThatGuy Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/14/11 06:35 PM

They also DIDN'T get rid of Rothlsidafkjdka;ler after all his issues. My bet is they hang onto him because this will be forgotten quickly with all of the CBA stuff going on.

And then brought right back after he gets fined after a few games because he REFUSES to care about other peoples well being...

I may not like Ray Lewis, but at least he TACKLES people...
Posted By: bigdatut Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/15/11 02:17 AM
Aaaand the obligitory apology.... IMO, it means nothing. You say what he did - you meant it; give it all day to simmer and stew and see how it plays and you and your handlers/agent realize it may have just cost yourself bags of cash?... apologize.

Updated: July 14, 2011, 9:58 PM ET
James Harrison issues apology
ESPN.com news services

Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker James Harrison apologized on Thursday for his remarks in an interview with Men's Journal.

"I'll start by offering my apologies for some of the words that I said during the four days in May that Men's Journal was invited to my house to discuss what the NFL has recently been portraying as their attempts at 'player safety' rules and regulations, and to cover my everyday workout routine," Harrison said in a statement released to Fox 31 in Denver.

He ripped teammates Rashard Mendenhall and Ben Roethlisberger for their performances in the Steelers' Super Bowl loss to the Green Bay Packers.

"I did make comments about my teammates when I was talking about the emotional Super Bowl loss, but the handful of words that were used and heavily publicized yesterday were pulled out of a long conversation and the context was lost," Harrison said. "Obviously, I would never say that it was all Ben's or Rashard's fault that we lost the Super Bowl. That would be ridiculous.

"We all have discussed several things that went wrong in the Super Bowl since that day. What I do apologize for and take full responsibility for is for speaking in such a candid manner to someone outside the team."

Harrison, the 2008 AP Defensive Player of the Year hasn't been shy about ripping the league after he was docked $100,000 for illegal hits last season. He called NFL commissioner Roger Goodell a "crook," a "devil," a "puppet" and a "dictator." He only apologized for using an anit-gay slur.

"I also need to make clear that the comment about Roger Goodell was not intended to be derogatory against gay people in any way," Harrison said. "It was careless use of a slang word and I apologize to all who were offended by the remark. I am not a homophobic bigot, and I would never advocate intolerance of gay people."

Harrison did not apologize for a photo depicting him with guns, saying collecting firearms is his hobby.

"I believe in the right to bear arms. I like to go to the shooting range. I like to hunt. I like to fish. I could just as easily have posed with my fishing poles but it obviously wouldn't be an interesting picture for the magazine," he said. "I am not promoting gun violence by posing for that photo. There are also other photos in the magazine story that were not shown on air yesterday -- including me with my sons, with my mom and as a kid."

Harrison said he had hoped to shed light on the NFL's hypocrisy in regards to player safety.

"If player safety is the NFL's main concern, as they say it is, they are not going about it in an effective manner," Harrison said. "There's nothing about extending the season or issuing exorbitant fines on defensive players that makes any shift toward the prevention of injury to players.

"I believe that the league may have been feeling increasing pressure about injuries and concussions last year, and that they panicked and put rules in place that weren't fully thought out. I'm not advocating more flags and fines, I'm just saying that the current rules are not completely fair, and I don't believe in the way that the league is handling their position as overseer of the NFL and the well-being of its players."
Posted By: Adam_P Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/15/11 02:21 AM
Call the commissioner a dictator or an idiot or a puppet, whatever, that's fine. Using a homophobic slur, though, after what we've seen recently with Kobe Bryant and Joakim Noah (and, to a lesser extent, LeBron James saying "retarded")...you've got to be more cognizant of what you're saying. I think that's going to be the thing that gets him, and, surprisingly, its probably what's being talked about the least.
Posted By: mac Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/15/11 12:07 PM
James Harrison needs a press secretary or to stop putting himself in a position where his words can be used in way he may not have intended.

He is once again, trying to pull his head out of his arse....


Harrison said he had hoped to shed light on the NFL's hypocrisy in regards to player safety.

"If player safety is the NFL's main concern, as they say it is, they are not going about it in an effective manner," Harrison said. "There's nothing about extending the season or issuing exorbitant fines on defensive players that makes any shift toward the prevention of injury to players.

"I believe that the league may have been feeling increasing pressure about injuries and concussions last year, and that they panicked and put rules in place that weren't fully thought out. I'm not advocating more flags and fines, I'm just saying that the current rules are not completely fair, and I don't believe in the way that the league is handling their position as overseer of the NFL and the well-being of its players."

On this issue, I agree with James Harrison...Goodell's approach toward player safety is way off coarse and moving the NFL toward a "touch football" league rather than the "tackle football" league it has been since inception.

Updating the equipment works and has been tried successfully, yet the NFL refuses to "mandate" the improvements...go figure?...

...that is on Roger Goodell.

IMO, it's time to put the judgement for illegal hits, back in the hands of the officials on the field and get Roger Goodell's office and their slow motion replays, off the football field.

James Harrison the NFL LBer...wish the Browns had 3 LBers who could play the position as well as Harrison does.
Posted By: PStu24 Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/15/11 01:17 PM

IMO, it's time to put the judgement for illegal hits, back in the hands of the officials on the field and get Roger Goodell's office and their slow motion replays, off the football field.

Gotta say I disagree ... you never want too much power in the hands of "just some guy." Who could have a bias, blow a call at the time, or etc. ... might as well have punishment doled out by the guys in charge where they have time to review it.

Besides if you let the refs choose punishment, it would never be consistent. Some might be more lenient and others would *abuse* (for lack of better term) the power and come down harder.
Posted By: FL_Dawg Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/15/11 01:20 PM

On this issue, I agree with James Harrison...Goodell's approach toward player safety is way off coarse and moving the NFL toward a "touch football" league rather than the "tackle football" league it has been since inception.

Updating the equipment works and has been tried successfully, yet the NFL refuses to "mandate" the improvements...go figure?...

It's pretty simple... Don't lead with your helmet and don't hit your opponents.

That works in real time or slow time
Posted By: ThatGuy Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/15/11 04:36 PM

James Harrison the NFL LBer...wish the Browns had 3 LBers who could play the position as well as Harrison does.

We don't run a 3-4 anymore, so having one of Pittsburghs many Plug-N-Play Linebackers here wouldn't really help us...

See; J‚ey Porter
Posted By: mac Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/15/11 08:55 PM


James Harrison the NFL LBer...wish the Browns had 3 LBers who could play the position as well as Harrison does.

We don't run a 3-4 anymore, so having one of Pittsburghs many Plug-N-Play Linebackers here wouldn't really help us...

See; Joey Porter

OSG...you are aware that Harrison plays the outside in the Pitts 3-4?

You are aware that the 4-3 also uses an outside LBer?..some different responsibilities but both must be able to play in space...and Harrison can.

James Harrison...multiple pro bowler (4), multiple all pro (3), defensive player of the year...

I hate the fact he's a Steeler...for that, he sucks...

...but the Browns defense could use LBers of his caliber.

Try to put your homerism aside...James Harrison can play the position..
Posted By: DCDAWGFAN Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/15/11 09:37 PM
I'd love to have a LBer that can play the position like he can... only I want ours to have half a brain and keep his mouth shut.
Posted By: ThatGuy Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/15/11 10:16 PM



James Harrison the NFL LBer...wish the Browns had 3 LBers who could play the position as well as Harrison does.

We don't run a 3-4 anymore, so having one of Pittsburghs many Plug-N-Play Linebackers here wouldn't really help us...

See; Joey Porter

OSG...you are aware that Harrison plays the outside in the Pitts 3-4?

You are aware that the 4-3 also uses an outside LBer?..some different responsibilities but both must be able to play in space...and Harrison can.

James Harrison...multiple pro bowler (4), multiple all pro (3), defensive player of the year...

I hate the fact he's a Steeler...for that, he sucks...

...but the Browns defense could use LBers of his caliber.

Try to put your homerism aside...James Harrison can play the position..

Homerism has nothing to do with it...

An OLB in a 3-4 isn't the same as one in the 4-3... That's a fact...

And it's also be noted before, that Players have left to Steelers system, and not fair nearly as well elseware...

It's easy to be a great linebacker when you have guys like Troy, Timmons, and Smith on every level around you... Put him next to D'Qwell Jackson and see how well he does...

I'm not saying he's not good... But if you asked me if I wanted him on my team? I'd say no... For a multitude of reasons...
Posted By: DCDAWGFAN Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/15/11 10:48 PM


James Harrison the NFL LBer...wish the Browns had 3 LBers who could play the position as well as Harrison does.

We don't run a 3-4 anymore, so having one of Pittsburghs many Plug-N-Play Linebackers here wouldn't really help us...

See; Joey Porter

Ummm. Joey Porters numbers with the Dolphins and Cardinals are very comparable to his numbers when he was with the Steelers.. He had two of his best sack years ever with the Dolphins... The fact that you didn't hear about him as much has nothing to do with him being somehow "exposed" because he didn't have all that talent around him any more... it had to do with the teams being mediocre and not in our division so we didn't play him twice every year..
Posted By: ThatGuy Re: Stay classy, James Harrison... - 07/15/11 10:52 PM
Ah yes, we base everything off stats... I forgot...
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