Per the President's Twitter: https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump

Originally Posted By: Donald J. Trump
I have long heard that the most important decision a U.S. President can make is the selection of a Supreme Court Justice - Will be announced tonight at 9:00 P.M.

Who will it be? Who should it be? Raymond Kethledge, Amy Coney Barrett, Brett Kavanaugh, someone else?
I think that Coner Barrett would have been a good choice, but she has a rather sparse judicial record.

It looks like it's down to 2, at least to Politico.

Trump said to narrow down Supreme Court search to 2 contenders - POLITICO

Trump said to narrow down Supreme Court search to 2 contenders
Hardiman and Kavanaugh have emerged as the two late-in-the-game favorites.

Judges Thomas Hardiman and Brett Kavanaugh have emerged as the most likely contenders for the Supreme Court as President Donald Trump edges closer to his primetime announcement on Monday, according to a Republican who spoke to the president in the past 24 hours and a Trump adviser.

Trump returned to the White House on Sunday evening from a weekend at his golf resort in New Jersey where he had been considering four finalists for the seat: Hardiman, Kavanaugh, Raymond Kethledge and Amy Coney Barrett. While Trump has been known to change his mind up to the last minute, Hardiman and Kavanaugh stood out as clear front-runners after a weekend of deliberations.

“We haven’t excluded the other two,” said the Trump adviser, who confirmed that Hardiman and Kavanaugh are seen as the favorites as of Monday morning. The Republican close to the process called it “very unlikely” that Kethledge or Barrett would get the seat.

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Trump has remained coy during the search, pledging to choose from a campaign-era list of 25 contenders who have been green lit by conservatives, but otherwise not publicly tipping his hand as to who he’s favoring.

“I have long heard that the most important decision a U.S. President can make is the selection of a Supreme Court Justice - Will be announced tonight at 9:00 P.M.,” Trump wrote on Twitter on Monday morning.

The White House has moved rapidly since Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement on June 27, recognizing the legacy-making potential of Trump’s second Supreme Court pick.

Trump has also asked advisers which candidate will be more like Neil Gorsuch, who Trump elevated to the court shortly after taking office, according to a friend who has spoken to the president in recent days.

Kavanaugh, 53, stands out as the most establishment choice. A former Kennedy clerk and graduate of Yale Law School, Kavanaugh has sat on the powerful D.C. Circuit Court since 2006. But he also has extensive ties to the Bush family — which could be a significant mark against him for Trump — and some conservatives have voiced concern that he may not be reliable on hot-button issues such as abortion and Obamacare.

His candidacy could also be hurt by his long paper trail from the Bush White House and his time as a lawyer for Whitewater Independent Counsel Ken Starr, which could slow down a confirmation process that Republicans hope to have wrapped up before the November midterms.

But Kavanaugh has the support of some key constituencies, including prominent business groups who are high on his reputation as a crusader against regulatory overreach.

Hardiman, 53, emerged late in the process as a strong contender. A judge on the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals, Hardiman enjoys a good rapport with Trump and is popular among gun-rights activists, a key part of the Trump base.

He was also the runner-up last year to Gorsuch and comes highly recommended by Maryanne Trump Barry, the president’s sister who serves on the 3rd Circuit alongside Hardiman.

I know they Cherry pick these but Christ.
lol that reminds me when Jesse Watters would go to Daytona Beach and ask all these drunk coeds, in bikinis, about the 2nd amendment.


The Liberal Democrats went from crying about children being taken from their parents to crying about the Supreme Court pick taking away their right to kill children!!!

Nobody is forgetting anything.
People are writing everything down- in indelible ink.
Adding this AND Ivanka's tariff exemptions to the ever-expanding list of corruption and incompetence.

If I were choosing, it would be either Barrett or Kethledge, but I think that any of his final 4 are quality candidates.
Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING


The Liberal Democrats went from crying about children being taken from their parents to crying about the Supreme Court pick taking away their right to kill children!!!


if Democrats kill children then why are there still Republicans?
Originally Posted By: CHSDawg
Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING


The Liberal Democrats went from crying about children being taken from their parents to crying about the Supreme Court pick taking away their right to kill children!!!


if Democrats kill children then why are there still Republicans?

Because they are terrible aims?
Because you can't kill the undead.
I was being serious.

What group has the most abortions?

Hint: It's not the Republican base. It is mainly younger women, often unmarried, and most often, minority women.

Liberals are killing their own future voters, and Republicans are the ones trying to save them.
I love how the most active pro-birthers don't put their money where their mouth is and become foster parents or even advocate for children's welfare. I think most of them are closet perverts who have a fixation with the woman's vagina. Why else would you care so much for the unborn, but not the living?
I was laughed at, I was ridiculed, I was told I was crazy, I was told it was impossible,I was told it would never happen in 1,000 years. but I stuck by my guns I have said the reason that swayed my decision to vote for Trump was that he would elect two Supreme Court Justices that would over turn Roe V Wade. THANK YOU GOD that it may finally happen and innocent babies will stop being slaughtered by the Millions.
I dare you to accuse me of that with my record of standing up for the innocent babies,
Originally Posted By: GMdawg
I was laughed at, I was ridiculed, I was told I was crazy, I was told it was impossible,I was told it would never happen in 1,000 years. but I stuck by my guns I have said the reason that swayed my decision to vote for Trump was that he would elect two Supreme Court Justices that would over turn Roe V Wade. THANK YOU GOD that it may finally happen and innocent babies will stop being slaughtered by the Millions.

I still don't think it will happen even if Trump appoints a third before it's over. GOP would lose the female vote (majority of females) over it.
Originally Posted By: GMdawg
I dare you to accuse me of that with my record of standing up for the innocent babies,

ok, but what about after they're born.
GM is pretty pure on this point in his beliefs, I'll give him that. None of the right-to-life crowd seem to feel the 'after birth' argument is as serious though. Just so the baby has a chance to suffer, that's all they want.

And before anyone says a thing. Suffering is a big part of living. Especially for those born into bad situations where abortions are the most appropriate thing a woman could do.
I didn't laugh at you.
I disagreed with your premise, and I did so respectfully. We agreed to disagree.

If such a thing comes to pass, it will not stop abortions. It will criminalize them, sending women to back alleys and coat hangers, just like in the 1930's.

I've always been in the camp that promotes this POV: abortions should be considered an absolute last resort, but when that option is to be taken, it should be safe and performed under controlled circumstances.

It is not my place to dictate to another how to handle her own medical options. Not my right at all.

And this is coming from someone who began life without parents.

More later... heading to work.
Originally Posted By: Clemdawg
I didn't laugh at you.
I disagreed with your premise, and I did so respectfully. We agreed to disagree.

If such a thing comes to pass, it will not stop abortions. It will criminalize them, sending women to back alleys and coat hangers, just like in the 1930's.

I've always been in the camp that promotes this POV: abortions should be considered an absolute last resort, but when that option is to be taken, it should be safe and performed under controlled circumstances.

It is not my place to dictate to another how to handle her own medical options. Not my right at all.

And this is coming from someone who began life without parents.

More later... heading to work.

We're heading that way on healthcare period.

'I Can't Afford That': Trapped and Injured by Subway Car, Woman Begged Bystanders Not to Call Ambulance Due to Expense

"In the face of a grave injury, a series of calculations follow...This discord, between agony and arithmetic, has become America's story, too."


If I had the world experience I have now, and the world was as it is now before I had kids, then I would never bring a child into this world for any reason.
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
GM is pretty pure on this point in his beliefs, I'll give him that. None of the right-to-life crowd seem to feel the 'after birth' argument is as serious though. Just so the baby has a chance to suffer, that's all they want.

And before anyone says a thing. Suffering is a big part of living. Especially for those born into bad situations where abortions are the most appropriate thing a woman could do.

The best way to not have children out of wedlock is to not have sex outside of marriage. It's really pretty simple, and is the only way to avoid out of wedlock pregnancies.

There are enough ways to avoid pregnancy that anyone really wanting to do so can manage to do so. However, many can't even control themselves long enough to take precautions.

Also, many men look at a bunch of kids as some symbol of masculinity ... even though they provide nothing, or next to nothing, for their care and upbringing. I had a guy who worked for me at Wendy's who had 6 kids. He was a grill cook at Wendy's. He told me that he takes care of his kids. I asked how. He said that he buys his baby diapers. crazy If men would be more responsible, then we would not have so many kids conceived and born (or aborted) outside of marriage.

I worry about a civilization that uses abortion as birth control. It is a sad commentary on where we have gone as a people.
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
Originally Posted By: GMdawg
I was laughed at, I was ridiculed, I was told I was crazy, I was told it was impossible,I was told it would never happen in 1,000 years. but I stuck by my guns I have said the reason that swayed my decision to vote for Trump was that he would elect two Supreme Court Justices that would over turn Roe V Wade. THANK YOU GOD that it may finally happen and innocent babies will stop being slaughtered by the Millions.

I still don't think it will happen even if Trump appoints a third before it's over. GOP would lose the female vote (majority of females) over it.

I hope, I pray, and I beg that it will happen bro.
Originally Posted By: CHSDawg
Originally Posted By: GMdawg
I dare you to accuse me of that with my record of standing up for the innocent babies,

ok, but what about after they're born.

Then maybe adoption won't be such a nightmare. My niece just adopted a Mexican baby. They should have a second child adopted already but the parents of the kid who is in foster care and 16 years old who knocked up a 14 year old who is in foster care are fighting the adoption to be stopped. Let me remind you the parents of the parent don't even have custody of their own child yet they are fighting the adoption notallthere My own daughter may be adopting Children in the next few years. I support medicare and medicade so don't toss that crP MY WAY. yOUR BARKING UP THE WRONG TREE BUDDY.
Originally Posted By: GMdawg
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
Originally Posted By: GMdawg
I was laughed at, I was ridiculed, I was told I was crazy, I was told it was impossible,I was told it would never happen in 1,000 years. but I stuck by my guns I have said the reason that swayed my decision to vote for Trump was that he would elect two Supreme Court Justices that would over turn Roe V Wade. THANK YOU GOD that it may finally happen and innocent babies will stop being slaughtered by the Millions.

I still don't think it will happen even if Trump appoints a third before it's over. GOP would lose the female vote (majority of females) over it.

I hope, I pray, and I beg that it will happen bro.

I know your feelings and have nothing but mad respect for you GM, but I'm rooting just as hard against you on this one. This would do little to solve the abortion issue except cause much more pain IMHO. At my age I won't be having any need of an abortion, nor do I assume my children or grandchildren will. But I don't think taking away the safety measures of legal abortion will stop unwanted children from suffering.
I didn't laugh at you.

No you didn't. You never have and I don'tthink you ever will.

Swish bashed the hell out of me on this subject, and I guess most of my reply was directed at him. Now please don't get me wrong. I like and respect Swish we agree just as much as we disagree. BUT we do disagree 110 percent on this subject which is cool with me because we have always done so with respect for each other thumbsup

I disagreed with your premise, and I did so respectfully. We agreed to disagree.

Once again cool with me buddy. We disagree 100 percent BUT we do so with respect for each other so while I don't expect either of us to change our minds I also don't rule out the possibility that we might thumbsup

If such a thing comes to pass, it will not stop abortions. It will criminalize them, sending women to back alleys and coat hangers, just like in the 1930's.

I am fine with that it it saves a half million babies a year. If 500,000 babies live and 20,000 woman choose to die while murdering their babies I have zero problem with that, as I am sure the babies don't either.

Don't get me wrong if it comes down to the babies life or the mothers, I think the mother has a right to live. I don't agree with babies being aborted because of incest or rape BUT I can concede those times to save the lives of other children.

If you want to get back with me please feel free to do so bro. I love ya no matter if we agree or disagree on this subject.
You disagree with me...... lol I would expect nothing less bro. We disagree 100 percent on this subject. The ONLY bright side I can take if Roe V wade is not overturned is that you and several others I know will be happy. I have no problem with that as my feelings having everything to do with the folks who preform abortions rather than the folks who support them. As I pointed out to Clem earlier we disagree sometimes YET we still respect each other. I pray every day that so many other members of this message board could learn how to do instead of fighting with each other.

I know your feelings and have nothing but mad respect for you GM, but I'm rooting just as hard against you on this one.

I pray that maybe just maybe one or two others can learn that you can love each other while still disagreeig. cool
Originally Posted By: GMdawg
I was laughed at, I was ridiculed, I was told I was crazy, I was told it was impossible,I was told it would never happen in 1,000 years. but I stuck by my guns I have said the reason that swayed my decision to vote for Trump was that he would elect two Supreme Court Justices that would over turn Roe V Wade. THANK YOU GOD that it may finally happen and innocent babies will stop being slaughtered by the Millions.

Hillarious you actually think it’ll stop. No. You’ll just force it back underground where women will die, get infections, or have serious complications.

I hope women stop sleeping with conservative men. Most of them are likely completely uptight in bed, and hung up on missionary position, lights off, nooky anyway.
Originally Posted By: GMdawg
You disagree with me...... lol I would expect nothing less bro. We disagree 100 percent on this subject. The ONLY bright side I can take if Roe V wade is not overturned is that you and several others I know will be happy. I have no problem with that as my feelings having everything to do with the folks who preform abortions rather than the folks who support them. As I pointed out to Clem earlier we disagree sometimes YET we still respect each other. I pray every day that so many other members of this message board could learn how to do instead of fighting with each other.

I know your feelings and have nothing but mad respect for you GM, but I'm rooting just as hard against you on this one.

I pray that maybe just maybe one or two others can learn that you can love each other while still disagreeig. cool

Don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen, unless you want us to call you Blue.
Originally Posted By: PortlandDawg
Originally Posted By: GMdawg
I was laughed at, I was ridiculed, I was told I was crazy, I was told it was impossible,I was told it would never happen in 1,000 years. but I stuck by my guns I have said the reason that swayed my decision to vote for Trump was that he would elect two Supreme Court Justices that would over turn Roe V Wade. THANK YOU GOD that it may finally happen and innocent babies will stop being slaughtered by the Millions.

Hillarious you actually think it’ll stop. No. You’ll just force it back underground where women will die, get infections, or have serious complications.

I hope women stop sleeping with conservative men. Most of them are likely completely uptight in bed, and hung up on missionary position, lights off, nooky anyway.

That's a bit drastic, but funny nonetheless.
Originally Posted By: YTownBrownsFan
I was being serious.

What group has the most abortions?

Hint: It's not the Republican base. It is mainly younger women, often unmarried, and most often, minority women.

Liberals are killing their own future voters, and Republicans are the ones trying to save them.

I like you, YTown. I also respect your religious nature.

However, I think your post is unfair. Of course, younger women who are not married and have less education and economic resources are going to have more abortions.

Those aren't reasons to chastise or condemn them. That doesn't sound like the attitude your Jesus would have. Cast the first stone comes to mind.
Kavanaugh was no surprise to me. He is the most likely to protect Trump in an impeachment or criminal case brought in front of the SCOTUS. And he will be confirmed because the conservatives will all like him, he checks all the boxes.
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
GM is pretty pure on this point in his beliefs, I'll give him that. None of the right-to-life crowd seem to feel the 'after birth' argument is as serious though. Just so the baby has a chance to suffer, that's all they want.

And before anyone says a thing. Suffering is a big part of living. Especially for those born into bad situations where abortions are the most appropriate thing a woman could do.

So are you saying the kids are better off killed before being born into a bad home?
Originally Posted By: PortlandDawg
Originally Posted By: GMdawg
I was laughed at, I was ridiculed, I was told I was crazy, I was told it was impossible,I was told it would never happen in 1,000 years. but I stuck by my guns I have said the reason that swayed my decision to vote for Trump was that he would elect two Supreme Court Justices that would over turn Roe V Wade. THANK YOU GOD that it may finally happen and innocent babies will stop being slaughtered by the Millions.

Hillarious you actually think it’ll stop. No. You’ll just force it back underground where women will die, get infections, or have serious complications.

I hope women stop sleeping with conservative men. Most of them are likely completely uptight in bed, and hung up on missionary position, lights off, nooky anyway.

You seem to know a lot about what men do in bed.
Originally Posted By: Dawg Duty
Originally Posted By: PortlandDawg
Originally Posted By: GMdawg
I was laughed at, I was ridiculed, I was told I was crazy, I was told it was impossible,I was told it would never happen in 1,000 years. but I stuck by my guns I have said the reason that swayed my decision to vote for Trump was that he would elect two Supreme Court Justices that would over turn Roe V Wade. THANK YOU GOD that it may finally happen and innocent babies will stop being slaughtered by the Millions.

Hillarious you actually think it’ll stop. No. You’ll just force it back underground where women will die, get infections, or have serious complications.

I hope women stop sleeping with conservative men. Most of them are likely completely uptight in bed, and hung up on missionary position, lights off, nooky anyway.

You seem to know a lot about what men do in bed.

It’s funny you see that as derogatory. Says all you need to say for me to know you.
Originally Posted By: Dawg Duty
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
GM is pretty pure on this point in his beliefs, I'll give him that. None of the right-to-life crowd seem to feel the 'after birth' argument is as serious though. Just so the baby has a chance to suffer, that's all they want.

And before anyone says a thing. Suffering is a big part of living. Especially for those born into bad situations where abortions are the most appropriate thing a woman could do.

So are you saying the kids are better off killed before being born into a bad home?

He is against separating children from parents for ILLEGAL immigrants but want to separate children from parents by killing the children for Americans... rolleyes
Actually he wants to prematurely free fetuses from their cages.
Go read the entire chain.

I replied to a comment of

if Democrats kill children then why are there still Republicans?

with: Because they are terrible aims?

And then I explained why I said that.

I am sorry if it upsets anyone, but I doubt that my comments upset anyone as much as an abortion upsets the life of the unborn child who faces the forceps and vacuum.

Unwanted pregnancy is almost 100% avoidable. (outside of, maybe, as the result of rape) Birth control is available everywhere. Heck, we have far more in depth sex education that at any time in our history. kids understand the mechanics, and how a child is created.

Abortion is also not without consequences for a lot of women. These consequences can be emotional, or physical, or both. It is not like taking an antibiotic to cure an infection. Many women who have an abortion experience severe guilt over what they have done. (even if no one else knows they have had an abortion) There are instances where a woman has an abortion, and it destroys their ability to ever have a child.

I know that you believe in a stronger degree of personal responsibility than many today do. I don't see the baby as being the one who should be held responsible for the actions of his/her parents. That baby has every right to the life his parents created. Maybe he has a tough life. How many of us also have had a tough life? Is that a reason to destroy a child in the womb? I don't think so. You know that I believe in the Bible, and I have read through it a number of times now. What is one of the major truths of the Bible? That God often uses the least likely person for a task he has in mind. A disadvantaged life is not enough of a reason to end the life of a child for me. Besides, many lives of disadvantage turn into lives of great consequence.

As far as what Jesus would tell a woman considering an abortion. I believe that He would do as He did with the woman at the well. He would shine a light on her life to that point, would forgive her of her sins, and would explain why she should not have an abortion. Heck, He might even offer her a look at her son or daughter as a 5 year old, and/or as an adult. One thing is for sure, He would give that woman a chance to come to Him, in faith and repentance of her sins.

I am not saying that this is you, but many people think that Jesus just told people that whatever they were doing was just fine ..... and that's not true. Jesus told people to turn from their sins .... and to accept Him, the Living Water, as the means to eternal life. He told people to go an sin no more .... not to go and sin as much as your want.
Originally Posted By: CHSDawg
Actually he wants to prematurely free fetuses from their cages.

Humor in ridiculousness is hard to find! thumbsup

Trump's Supreme Court pick: Democrats will fight hard to stop Kavanaugh but he has few vulnerabilities

President Trump may like to spring a surprise on the news media, but with his announcement Monday night for the Supreme Court he went with the safe choice.

His pick of Brett Kavanaugh, a federal appeals judge in Washington, may have run counter to his instincts against picking inhabitants of the D.C. swamp, or those with deep connections to the Bush administration. But in elevating his reason over his impulses, Trump has picked a nominee who will work to limit the great threat to individual liberty today: the administrative state.

Kavanaugh will provide thin gruel for Democratic opponents. He has impeccable credentials: he graduated from Yale College and Law School (where one of us overlapped with him as a student), clerked for two appeals judges, and then the U.S. Supreme Court for the departing Justice Anthony Kennedy.

He served as a prosecutor on Kenneth G. Starr’s independent counsel investigation into Whitewater (which will twist Democrats demanding Trump’s impeachment into knots), as an associate counsel and then staff secretary in the George W. Bush White House (where we both worked with him), and then as a judge for more than a decade on the D.C. Circuit appeals court.

Even though Democrats will go to any lengths to stop Kavanaugh, he presents them with few vulnerabilities.

He has written no opinions on their holy-of-holies, abortion or gay marriage. To the extent that he has written on these topics, he has observed that the government might have a compelling interest in providing contraceptives and that an alien might have a due process right to an abortion.

He has written no major opinions on free speech or religion, nor has he displayed any sympathies for the criminal defense bar.

Instead, Kavanaugh’s creates a deeper challenge to liberalism: rolling back the administrative state.

Progressives have evaded the Constitution’s checks and balances on the federal government by unceasingly expanding its regulatory reach, transferring the actual authority to make the rules from Congress to unelected bureaucrats, and then demanding that judges defer to the results virtually without question.

It is through this judicial-agency industrial complex where, as the Obama administration displayed on everything from immigration to education to health care, progressives have imposed their views on the American people and the states with little democratic accountability.

Kavanaugh has repeatedly challenged the foundations of this runaway state. He has written significant opinions overturning two misbegotten examples of this dynamic.

In the first, he found the Consumer Finance Protection Board (CFPB) violated the Constitution because it vested all power over consumer finance in the country in one person, but insulated him from removal by the president.

In the second, he struck down a new federal accounting board, because it too was insulated from presidential control, even though Article II of the Constitution vests the president, and the president alone, with the duty to see that “the Laws be Faithfully Executed.”

In both cases, Kavanaugh has made clear that he would put the text and history of the Constitution first, and mistaken precedent second, which should cheer the hearts of conservatives.

Like Justice Neil Gorsuch, Kavanaugh will pursue the administrative state into the weeds. He explained his views at length in a 2010 book review in the Harvard Law Review. Basing his argument on the constitutional separation of powers, he found, unremarkably, that the function of the courts is not to legislate, but to interpret and apply, statutes.

That is not difficult to do when the statute is clear. But what if it is ambiguous? Under what is known as the “Chevron” doctrine, courts have been expected to defer to a reasonable interpretation of the Executive branch agency that administers the statute. Deference is due when a statute is “ambiguous,” though not when it is “clear.”

But, Kavanaugh argued, how are courts to understand the “clear/ambiguous” dichotomy? They must do so in order to give the agency the deference due to it under Chevron. But the dichotomy seems to be more like a gradient than a sharp, bright-line distinction. How much “clarity” does a statute need to be considered “clear” and “unambiguous”?

In the end, and perhaps surprisingly, Kavanaugh’s critique of Chevron is fundamentally directed against the expansion of executive authority and in favor of broader congressional control.

Democrats usually present themselves as defenders of Congressional power, in opposition to Republicans, whom they portray as apologists for presidential power.

If Democratic senators chew on Kavanaugh’s opinions, however, they will find that he would return substantial power to lawmakers, and take it back from bureaucrats managed by the president.

What Kavanaugh does not have is a track record on the social and cultural issues that deeply divide the nation.

If Democratic senators were to put good judicial policy over partisan politics, they would rush to embrace a nominee who has no established positions on abortion, gay marriage, or privacy rights.

They followed such as strategy to great success with Justices Kennedy and David Souter, who were thought to be conservatives by Presidents Reagan and Bush, but who eventually came to uphold Roe v. Wade and other liberal landmarks.

But the left wing of the Democratic Party fears that these precedents will fall when Kavanaugh joins the court to form the first five-justice conservative majority in living memory, and will pull out all the stops to prevent it.

In the end, though, Kavanaugh’s credentials and track record will only make it all the easier for Republicans to confirm him to the Supreme Court and portray his Democratic opponents as obstructionist partisans.
Originally Posted By: CHSDawg
Actually he wants to prematurely free fetuses from their cages.

You were born from a cage? Explains a lot.
Originally Posted By: PortlandDawg
Originally Posted By: Dawg Duty
Originally Posted By: PortlandDawg
Originally Posted By: GMdawg
I was laughed at, I was ridiculed, I was told I was crazy, I was told it was impossible,I was told it would never happen in 1,000 years. but I stuck by my guns I have said the reason that swayed my decision to vote for Trump was that he would elect two Supreme Court Justices that would over turn Roe V Wade. THANK YOU GOD that it may finally happen and innocent babies will stop being slaughtered by the Millions.

Hillarious you actually think it’ll stop. No. You’ll just force it back underground where women will die, get infections, or have serious complications.

I hope women stop sleeping with conservative men. Most of them are likely completely uptight in bed, and hung up on missionary position, lights off, nooky anyway.

You seem to know a lot about what men do in bed.

It’s funny you see that as derogatory. Says all you need to say for me to know you.

Believe me Liberal, you don't know me and I never met anyone like you except on here..
Originally Posted By: Vambo
Originally Posted By: CHSDawg
Actually he wants to prematurely free fetuses from their cages.

You were born from a cage? Explains a lot.

You weren't? That explains everything.
Originally Posted By: GMdawg
Originally Posted By: CHSDawg
Originally Posted By: GMdawg
I dare you to accuse me of that with my record of standing up for the innocent babies,

ok, but what about after they're born.

Then maybe adoption won't be such a nightmare. My niece just adopted a Mexican baby. They should have a second child adopted already but the parents of the kid who is in foster care and 16 years old who knocked up a 14 year old who is in foster care are fighting the adoption to be stopped. Let me remind you the parents of the parent don't even have custody of their own child yet they are fighting the adoption notallthere My own daughter may be adopting Children in the next few years. I support medicare and medicade so don't toss that crP MY WAY. yOUR BARKING UP THE WRONG TREE BUDDY.

So you want to pour more gasoline on the fire?
On a side note:

I know I am getting old now, because Supreme Court nominees (and 1 sitting justice) are younger than I am. crazy
Originally Posted By: CHSDawg
Originally Posted By: Vambo
Originally Posted By: CHSDawg
Actually he wants to prematurely free fetuses from their cages.

You were born from a cage? Explains a lot.

You weren't? That explains everything.

Not from a cage... tsktsk

I respect women and would never refer to any part of their body as a cage. rolleyes
"I respect a woman's body so much, I only tell her what she can and can't do with her vagina."
Originally Posted By: CHSDawg
"I respect a woman's body so much, I only tell her what she can and can't do with her vagina."

You mean your cage?

So telling them it's illegal to commit murder is telling them what to do with their vagina?

Does a father have a say in it? What if he wants the child you now saying it's OK to separate him from his child?
I wish more vaginas were cages. Some of my girls are too easy to leave frown
Originally Posted By: CHSDawg
I wish more vaginas were cages. Some of my girls are too easy to leave frown

Thanks for admitting you want children separated from their parents...got it! thumbsdown
Originally Posted By: Vambo
Originally Posted By: CHSDawg
I wish more vaginas were cages. Some of my girls are too easy to leave frown

Thanks for admitting you want children separated from their parents...got it! thumbsdown

Can't argue with that.
Originally Posted By: Dawg Duty
Originally Posted By: PortlandDawg
Originally Posted By: Dawg Duty
Originally Posted By: PortlandDawg
Originally Posted By: GMdawg
I was laughed at, I was ridiculed, I was told I was crazy, I was told it was impossible,I was told it would never happen in 1,000 years. but I stuck by my guns I have said the reason that swayed my decision to vote for Trump was that he would elect two Supreme Court Justices that would over turn Roe V Wade. THANK YOU GOD that it may finally happen and innocent babies will stop being slaughtered by the Millions.

Hillarious you actually think it’ll stop. No. You’ll just force it back underground where women will die, get infections, or have serious complications.

I hope women stop sleeping with conservative men. Most of them are likely completely uptight in bed, and hung up on missionary position, lights off, nooky anyway.

You seem to know a lot about what men do in bed.

It’s funny you see that as derogatory. Says all you need to say for me to know you.

Believe me Liberal, you don't know me and I never met anyone like you except on here..

They ought to start pumpin' liberalism up into the holler with that sunshine.
Originally Posted By: CHSDawg
"I respect a woman's body so much, I only tell her what she can and can't do with her vagina."

We tell people what they can, and cannot, do with their bodies all the time. It is the basis of many of our laws.

A man cannot use his hands to murder another person.

A man cannot use his feet to just walk out of jail before his sentence is up.

A person cannot spit upon another without potential legal consequences.

A person cannot flash his/her genitalia in public.

An adult cannot touch a child in a sexual manner.

The list goes on and on. We legislate what people can do with their bodies in many, many ways.
lol. By 9:30 PM I'm already getting emails from dems denouncing this pick.
Unless you believe that you have an entity outside of your body, then every single crime is a restriction on your body.

So if we will play this game of relevatism, then it is legal and socially acceptable to kill people. Whether it's through the death penalty, war, or they could be a general threat to the public.
Originally Posted By: CHSDawg
Unless you believe that you have an entity outside of your body, then every single crime is a restriction on your body.

So if we will play this game of relevatism, then it is legal and socially acceptable to kill people. Whether it's through the death penalty, war, or they could be a general threat to the public.

Too bad we can't add stupid people to that list.
I believe that a country has a responsibility to defend its people, sometimes through military action. I also believe that a country has a responsibility to jointly defend allies. Jesus treated those in the military with respect, though His mission on earth as the Messiah was not the military overthrow of Roman rule over Israel, but to free all who would come to Him from their sins. However, he treated those involved in the military with respect, and as having a respectable occupation.

I no longer believe in the death penalty, though I did earlier in life. I believe that those convicted of horrific crimes should spend the rest of their lives in prison, and there, perhaps, even find the ability to repent and be forgiven of their sins, through Jesus Christ. I believe that this is an opportunity we should all have, and hopefully will take advantage of it. (even those who commit the most horrific of crimes)
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
lol. By 9:30 PM I'm already getting emails from dems denouncing this pick.

Of course you did. They had the form emails already to go, and only needed to type in the name. I mean, let's be honest about things here.
It's cool to give occupations respect, but don't get it twisted with worship. In fact, I give respect to every occupation. Without them, we'd be in a bad place in society. You used to run some fast food joints. I'm sure you understand how quickly our society might collapse if the common man was forced to make their own food for just one day. I'm sure many of them would take a pan to their own head just to make it quick.
Jesus taught that the body of believers has many, many parts. Not everyone can be an eye, or an ear. I just have to hope that I am not a rear end. rofl

I agree that the common man must be respected, though I am not sure how the debate rounded its way here. I can respect those performing entry level type work without requiring that they be paid like doctors are, or airline pilots, engineers, and so forth. However, entry level type work is part of the reason why I oppose illegal immigration. If we require all jobs to hire people legally allowed to live and work in the US, employers cannot sneak in illegal immigrants, paying them slave wages. It could also have a natural effect on all wages, as there would be more demand for such positions, and fewer candidates to fill them. We would have to increase immigration to help with positions that could not be filled, and such people would have the full protection of the law in wages and workers' rights.

It would be interesting to see how people would react to a situation where they could not obtain fast food for a week .... but in times of disaster, where restaurants are closed and people are hunkered down, or fleeing, I can't recall many instances of suicide by fry pan. In fairness, though, I haven't really look for them.
Originally Posted By: Vambo
Originally Posted By: Dawg Duty
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
GM is pretty pure on this point in his beliefs, I'll give him that. None of the right-to-life crowd seem to feel the 'after birth' argument is as serious though. Just so the baby has a chance to suffer, that's all they want.

And before anyone says a thing. Suffering is a big part of living. Especially for those born into bad situations where abortions are the most appropriate thing a woman could do.

So are you saying the kids are better off killed before being born into a bad home?

He is against separating children from parents for ILLEGAL immigrants but want to separate children from parents by killing the children for Americans... rolleyes

I get chastised for asking for a link in another thread and comments such as these are fine?

The only way they know how to spin against reason.
Originally Posted By: Dawg Duty
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
GM is pretty pure on this point in his beliefs, I'll give him that. None of the right-to-life crowd seem to feel the 'after birth' argument is as serious though. Just so the baby has a chance to suffer, that's all they want.

And before anyone says a thing. Suffering is a big part of living. Especially for those born into bad situations where abortions are the most appropriate thing a woman could do.

So are you saying the kids are better off killed before being born into a bad home?

First, you can not be killed if you are not self aware but just a clump of self replicating cells.

Second, keeping my first point in mind, Yes I think it's better.
Originally Posted By: Vambo
Originally Posted By: Dawg Duty
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
GM is pretty pure on this point in his beliefs, I'll give him that. None of the right-to-life crowd seem to feel the 'after birth' argument is as serious though. Just so the baby has a chance to suffer, that's all they want.

And before anyone says a thing. Suffering is a big part of living. Especially for those born into bad situations where abortions are the most appropriate thing a woman could do.

So are you saying the kids are better off killed before being born into a bad home?

He is against separating children from parents for ILLEGAL immigrants but want to separate children from parents by killing the children for Americans... rolleyes

Yes I am against separating children from families at the border both illegally here and those seeking asylum.

The part about killing American babies is a laughable comparison that only a truly sickening individual could conceive as being a reasonable response. It is better to be silent and thought a fool than to confirm the fact by not being silent.
Don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen, unless you want us to call you Blue.

Well I have been called a lot worse brownie
So you want to pour more gasoline on the fire?

Sure I need to practice my fire walking laugh

Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
Originally Posted By: Vambo
Originally Posted By: Dawg Duty
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
GM is pretty pure on this point in his beliefs, I'll give him that. None of the right-to-life crowd seem to feel the 'after birth' argument is as serious though. Just so the baby has a chance to suffer, that's all they want.

And before anyone says a thing. Suffering is a big part of living. Especially for those born into bad situations where abortions are the most appropriate thing a woman could do.

So are you saying the kids are better off killed before being born into a bad home?

He is against separating children from parents for ILLEGAL immigrants but want to separate children from parents by killing the children for Americans... rolleyes

Yes I am against separating children from families at the border both illegally here and those seeking asylum.

The part about killing American babies is a laughable comparison that only a truly sickening individual could conceive as being a reasonable response. It is better to be silent and thought a fool than to confirm the fact by not being silent.

Your pregnancy: 12 weeks
Not viable.
Originally Posted By: Dawg Duty
Originally Posted By: PortlandDawg
Originally Posted By: Dawg Duty
Originally Posted By: PortlandDawg
Originally Posted By: GMdawg
I was laughed at, I was ridiculed, I was told I was crazy, I was told it was impossible,I was told it would never happen in 1,000 years. but I stuck by my guns I have said the reason that swayed my decision to vote for Trump was that he would elect two Supreme Court Justices that would over turn Roe V Wade. THANK YOU GOD that it may finally happen and innocent babies will stop being slaughtered by the Millions.

Hillarious you actually think it’ll stop. No. You’ll just force it back underground where women will die, get infections, or have serious complications.

I hope women stop sleeping with conservative men. Most of them are likely completely uptight in bed, and hung up on missionary position, lights off, nooky anyway.

You seem to know a lot about what men do in bed.

It’s funny you see that as derogatory. Says all you need to say for me to know you.

Believe me Liberal, you don't know me and I never met anyone like you except on here..

Aww. It thinks calling me a liberal is an insult. How quaint.
Maybe if you put the Xbox controller down and left your parents basement...loaded yourself into your daddy’s pick up and drove past the county line for the first time you’d see that the world is a big place. It’s not scary. There’s lots of different people. Lots of different viewpoints. Not everyone wears a MAGA hat.
In my travels I’ve met plenty of folks like you. Most live within a few miles of the place they were born. Most don’t have a passport. Most don’t have an education past high school.
Staunch anti gun people praising abortion. Outstanding.

Keep it up fellas.
Originally Posted By: BpG
Staunch anti gun people praising abortion. Outstanding.

Keep it up fellas.

Guns have nothing to do with a woman's right to choose. And nobody is praising abortion.
The poor littler GOPers are breaking out their victim cards so often lately that I almost catch myself feeling their pain... then I remember who they are and have to laugh off the fact that I almost fell for their crap.
Is life sacred or is it not ? If it is then ALL life is sacred including babies, murderers , illegal immigrants , child molesters . Cant really pick and choose it either is or it isn't IMO it isn't never has been and never will be . Got a bunch of people wringing their hands and crying crocodile tears about unborn babies blah blah blah while at the same time wanting capital punishment for certain crimes .
Originally Posted By: IRE 45
Is life sacred or is it not ? If it is then ALL life is sacred including babies, murderers , illegal immigrants , child molesters . Cant really pick and choose it either is or it isn't IMO it isn't never has been and never will be . Got a bunch of people wringing their hands and crying crocodile tears about unborn babies blah blah blah while at the same time wanting capital punishment for certain crimes .

And refusing to do anything about kids being gunned down in schools. Or kids dying because their parents can't afford insurance or medical treatments. Or kids going hungry because Trump is cutting assistance programs... but the unborn child that is basically a clump of cells with no sense of being whatsoever, looks like a baby forming and MUST BE SAVED.
Originally Posted By: PortlandDawg
Originally Posted By: Dawg Duty
Originally Posted By: PortlandDawg
Originally Posted By: Dawg Duty
Originally Posted By: PortlandDawg
Originally Posted By: GMdawg
I was laughed at, I was ridiculed, I was told I was crazy, I was told it was impossible,I was told it would never happen in 1,000 years. but I stuck by my guns I have said the reason that swayed my decision to vote for Trump was that he would elect two Supreme Court Justices that would over turn Roe V Wade. THANK YOU GOD that it may finally happen and innocent babies will stop being slaughtered by the Millions.

Hillarious you actually think it’ll stop. No. You’ll just force it back underground where women will die, get infections, or have serious complications.

I hope women stop sleeping with conservative men. Most of them are likely completely uptight in bed, and hung up on missionary position, lights off, nooky anyway.

You seem to know a lot about what men do in bed.

It’s funny you see that as derogatory. Says all you need to say for me to know you.

Believe me Liberal, you don't know me and I never met anyone like you except on here..

Aww. It thinks calling me a liberal is an insult. How quaint.
Maybe if you put the Xbox controller down and left your parents basement...loaded yourself into your daddy’s pick up and drove past the county line for the first time you’d see that the world is a big place. It’s not scary. There’s lots of different people. Lots of different viewpoints. Not everyone wears a MAGA hat.
In my travels I’ve met plenty of folks like you. Most live within a few miles of the place they were born. Most don’t have a passport. Most don’t have an education past high school.

I have been all over the world pal. I don't have an xbox. I have my qwn pickup I don't hang out at starbucks. dress like a Lumberjack and sport a Manbun......I do try to understand guys like you and OCD but I can't seem to get my head that far up my Butt.
Not true about that unborn child . Nope , it is life plain and simple so the cut off point where you consider it a viable human is a cop out IMO . It has life and is alive plain and simple and abortion is killing that life again , plain and simple . The only question to answer is snuffing out that life acceptable . I know my answer and I can live with it but sugar coating the argument to make yourself feel better about ending that life is not genuine .
Originally Posted By: Dawg Duty

I have been all over the world pal. I don't have an xbox. I have my qwn pickup I don't hang out at starbucks. dress like a Lumberjack and sport a Manbun......I do try to understand guys like you and OCD but I can't seem to get my head that far up my Butt.

OCD is not part of your little girls spat with the world. Best leave me off your tongue.

I know you fancy yourself a tough guy, but I've never taken crap from the likes of you and don't plan on starting anytime soon. I'm getting older now, so getting it on outside might not be my best option, but it damn sure don't scare me.

As far as having your head up your butt, it's not the depth bro, it's that it there at all. My ears aren't brown. And my head is very clear. You should try shutting up then waking up. that might help you get to our level. That and a few years of education and life experience.
See we’re pals. You have a liberal friend now.
I guess it’s sharing time.
I too have travelled all over the world.
I have a Nissan Fronteir 4x4. Also a Subaru Impreza.
Starbucks coffee sucks.
I dress professionally for my job.
I have short hair. No facial hair.

Take yoga? ...or keep wearing a MAGA hat. It’s almost the same as having your head up your butt.
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
Originally Posted By: Dawg Duty

I have been all over the world pal. I don't have an xbox. I have my qwn pickup I don't hang out at starbucks. dress like a Lumberjack and sport a Manbun......I do try to understand guys like you and OCD but I can't seem to get my head that far up my Butt.

OCD is not part of your little girls spat with the world. Best leave me off your tongue.

I know you fancy yourself a tough guy, but I've never taken crap from the likes of you and don't plan on starting anytime soon. I'm getting older now, so getting it on outside might not be my best option, but it damn sure don't scare me.

As far as having your head up your butt, it's not the depth bro, it's that it there at all. My ears aren't brown. And my head is very clear. You should try shutting up then waking up. that might help you get to our level. That and a few years of education and life experience.

Thats rich. You saying I think I'm a tough guy.
Originally Posted By: PortlandDawg
See we’re pals. You have a liberal friend now.
I guess it’s sharing time.
I too have travelled all over the world.
I have a Nissan Fronteir 4x4. Also a Subaru Impreza.
Starbucks coffee sucks.
I dress professionally for my job.
I have short hair. No facial hair.

Take yoga?

Nah, he takes viagra and drinks red bull and PBR. He comes off sounding like a wannabe gunny sgt.
No facial hair.

Can't grow any, huh?

rofl wink

(just kidding) tongue
It's almost impossible to argue with someone on the right, as they're constantly looking down on others and making snarky replies.
Originally Posted By: YTownBrownsFan
No facial hair.

Can't grow any, huh?

rofl wink

(just kidding) tongue

Or maybe he's part native American or just doesn't come from a pure neanderthal stock. Do you have a mustache on your forehead? Or is that a unibrow? wink jk
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
Originally Posted By: YTownBrownsFan
No facial hair.

Can't grow any, huh?

rofl wink

(just kidding) tongue

Or maybe he's part native American or just doesn't come from a pure neanderthal stock. Do you have a mustache on your forehead? Or is that a unibrow? wink jk

Actually you’re correct. I am part Native American. At 46 years old I only have to shave every couple days. I get 5 o’clock shadow at about hour 36. Lol. I could grow a mustache and a goatee but it’s not my thing.
My dad can grow a mustache. He rocked a killer Fu Manchu back in the 70’s. I don’t know that he could grow a full beard if he tried.
Personally I count it as a blessing. It’s nice to not have to shave daily.
Some people don't understand gene pool diversity bro. Sorry you were slandered like that.
All good. My actual buddies use to rib me about it...as they headed to the sink to shave again while complaining about having to shave. Or they just gave in and grew facial hair.
I think most guys grow facial hair not out of desire for a beard but because they’re tired of shaving.
Ultimately I like not having facial hair. I also like not having to shave all the time. I see it as winning the genetic lottery. So does my girlfriend....
Plus I tan really well. Never burned in my life. Even in my travels to the tropics I don’t need to use sunscreen.
So something some Internet warrior might say means very little.

Ytown I know you were genuinely trying to be light hearted. I took it that way. We’re good bro.
Thanks, because tat is definitely the spirit in which the comment was made.

As far as the comments OCD made about my hair, I am 55, and have a nice, thick, full head of hair, (in my natural color, and without any outside help) and a glorious goatee. wink grin

I did have a full beard when I was younger.

There was a show called "Thirtysomething", which was a soap opera type show that was full of angst. lol I didn't watch the show, everyone kept telling me that I looked a lot like a character called Elliot. (Tim Busfield) I was skimming through TV Guide, and came across a photo of Busfield in his role on the show ..... and I was like "Whoa!". He looked almost like my twin.

I watched the show one time, and shaved my beard back to a goatee shortly after that. rofl

As far as tanning .... burn would be a better word for me. Red hair does not equal tan, it equals burn like someone held a torch to you. crazy It's no small reason why I have had 5 or 6 different instances of skin cancer, though all have been caught early. (Thank God)
Bro, i was busting your chops with the uni-brow comment. No harm meant, sorry if it offended you. Was just sticking up for my fellow liberal, like those on the right do for theirs.
No problem. I just figured that everyone would see the intent to my comments, especially when I stated "just kidding", even spelled out, not just abbreviated. wink lol
I deserved that. wink
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
Especially for those born into bad situations where abortions are the most appropriate thing a woman could do.

Plenty of other option starting with preventing conception.

If your situation is so bad why chance bringing a kid into the mix. Barrycare made the pill free. You can CHOOSE to double up and require condoms during sex. You can CHOOSE to triple down and use the above with the rhythm method. Implementing all three of these together would all but guarantee you not to get pregnant when you are in a bad life spot. Heck you could even chose to have tubes tied till you are ready (it can be undone...my friend/neighbor did this and has had two kids since)....but yea abortion is the only appropriate option...smh
Originally Posted By: teedub
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
Especially for those born into bad situations where abortions are the most appropriate thing a woman could do.

Plenty of other option starting with preventing conception.

If your situation is so bad why chance bringing a kid into the mix. Barrycare made the pill free. You can CHOOSE to double up and require condoms during sex. You can CHOOSE to triple down and use the above with the rhythm method. Implementing all three of these together would all but guarantee you not to get pregnant when you are in a bad life spot. Heck you could even chose to have tubes tied till you are ready (it can be undone...my friend/neighbor did this and has had two kids since)....but yea abortion is the only appropriate option...smh

"Barrycare made the pill free"
Originally Posted By: YTownBrownsFan
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
lol. By 9:30 PM I'm already getting emails from dems denouncing this pick.

Of course you did. They had the form emails already to go, and only needed to type in the name. I mean, let's be honest about things here.

Heck the already had professionally made "Down with Kavanaugh" signs made up and used at a Warren rally/protest at 930 pm.

Originally Posted By: teedub
Originally Posted By: YTownBrownsFan
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
lol. By 9:30 PM I'm already getting emails from dems denouncing this pick.

Of course you did. They had the form emails already to go, and only needed to type in the name. I mean, let's be honest about things here.

Heck the already had professionally made "Down with Kavanaugh" signs made up and used at a Warren rally/protest at 930 pm.


Weird Breitbart grandpas who can barely use Google being astonished that t-shirts and signs can be quickly "professionally made" is a new genre that I find delightful.
Originally Posted By: PDF
Originally Posted By: teedub
Originally Posted By: YTownBrownsFan
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
lol. By 9:30 PM I'm already getting emails from dems denouncing this pick.

Of course you did. They had the form emails already to go, and only needed to type in the name. I mean, let's be honest about things here.

Heck the already had professionally made "Down with Kavanaugh" signs made up and used at a Warren rally/protest at 930 pm.


Weird Breitbart grandpas who can barely use Google being astonished that t-shirts and signs can be quickly "professionally made" is a new genre that I find delightful.

Only in certain minority communities is someone who just turned 44 able to gain grandpa status...

Can you not even entertain the idea that they had 4 different signs made up the day before (kinda like the superbowl shirts) and that once announced they rolled out the pre-made signs already stating NO NO NO before even interviewing a candidate? The party of tolerance shows it's true prejudiced colors.
Originally Posted By: teedub
Originally Posted By: PDF
Originally Posted By: teedub
Originally Posted By: YTownBrownsFan
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
lol. By 9:30 PM I'm already getting emails from dems denouncing this pick.

Of course you did. They had the form emails already to go, and only needed to type in the name. I mean, let's be honest about things here.

Heck the already had professionally made "Down with Kavanaugh" signs made up and used at a Warren rally/protest at 930 pm.


Weird Breitbart grandpas who can barely use Google being astonished that t-shirts and signs can be quickly "professionally made" is a new genre that I find delightful.

Only in certain minority communities is someone who just turned 44 able to gain grandpa status...

Really? You have a link for that pearl of wisdom or you just shooting of at the mouth with half baked GOPerisms?
That's a fairly stupid statement . Do a little math and oh btw your sheet is showing .
Only in certain minority communities is someone who just turned 44 able to gain grandpa status...

The term is not applied literally, but as a descriptor for simple and gullible people easily fooled and oblivious to modern technology.

Can you not even entertain the idea that they had 4 different signs made up the day before (kinda like the superbowl shirts) and that once announced they rolled out the pre-made signs already stating NO NO NO before even interviewing a candidate? The party of tolerance shows it's true prejudiced colors.

1) it absolutely happened

2) the joke is that you find it surprising or one sided.

3) Merrick Garland
Merrick Garland did not have enough votes to be confirmed...so why waste time...would you have been ok with holding hearings for 2 months and him get voted down?
Nomination does not equal confirmation.
Originally Posted By: teedub
Merrick Garland did not have enough votes to be confirmed...so why waste time...would you have been ok with holding hearings for 2 months and him get voted down?


I didn't like him, and confirmation hearings are useful. "Bork" is still a verb in political circles.

But I don't really care about Merrick Garland, I was merely mocking your gullible "can you BELIEVE that the Dems had professionally made signs ready to oppose without a fair shake?" post.

Honest question - are you amazed and surprised when sports teams win a title that t-shirts and hats are already made? Do you marvel at them being pre-planned?
When RBG passes and Trump appoints her replacement America will experience a Thanos snap of the fingers.
Also, Jesus, teedub you're seriously 44?

That makes your "what's so racist about Trump posting crime stats?" post so much more embarrassing.
the quote you used cannot be found in any of my posts.
still holding on to that???
Originally Posted By: teedub
still holding on to that???

Would you rather I mock you for saying that Obama was "fanning of the flames of a “race war”"?

Or the time you tried to argue that "protests over unarmed black people being shot by cops never happened until Obama"?
Originally Posted By: teedub
When RBG passes and Trump appoints her replacement America will experience a Thanos snap of the fingers.

With statements like that one must 'marvel' at the depths of your vocabulary.
In my travels I’ve met plenty of folks like you. Most live within a few miles of the place they were born. Most don’t have a passport. Most don’t have an education past high school.

Now that sounds like some good people to me. poke
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
Not viable.

Originally Posted By: GMdawg
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
Not viable.


Not without mom.
I one month old would not be around either without somebody taking care of him/her. Yet you call him/her alive.
Originally Posted By: GMdawg
I one month old would not be around either without somebody taking care of him/her. Yet you call him/her alive.

There is this thing called birth...

Why don't we start the age clock at conception?
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
Originally Posted By: GMdawg
I one month old would not be around either without somebody taking care of him/her. Yet you call him/her alive.

There is this thing called birth...

Why don't we start the age clock at conception?

Don't the Chinese do something like that?
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
Originally Posted By: GMdawg
I one month old would not be around either without somebody taking care of him/her. Yet you call him/her alive.

There is this thing called birth...

Why don't we start the age clock at conception?

Age is based on BIRTHdays....
Originally Posted By: EveDawg
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
Originally Posted By: GMdawg
I one month old would not be around either without somebody taking care of him/her. Yet you call him/her alive.

There is this thing called birth...

Why don't we start the age clock at conception?

Age is based on BIRTHdays....

Age does not equal life.
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
Originally Posted By: GMdawg
I one month old would not be around either without somebody taking care of him/her. Yet you call him/her alive.

There is this thing called birth...

Why don't we start the age clock at conception?

My first thought is because we are stupid as hell.

Look back at human history and disagree with that lol
Originally Posted By: GMdawg
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
Originally Posted By: GMdawg
I one month old would not be around either without somebody taking care of him/her. Yet you call him/her alive.

There is this thing called birth...

Why don't we start the age clock at conception?

My first thought is because we are stupid as hell.

Look back at human history and disagree with that lol

Not all, but many to most. We can agree on that much.

I don't place the Tesla, Einstein, Madame Curie, Gates, Musk, etc. crowd in the group of dummies; but the rest of us were born to screw up.
and we did a damn good job of it rofl
Originally Posted By: WSU Willie
Originally Posted By: EveDawg
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
Originally Posted By: GMdawg
I one month old would not be around either without somebody taking care of him/her. Yet you call him/her alive.

There is this thing called birth...

Why don't we start the age clock at conception?

Age is based on BIRTHdays....

Age does not equal life.

Weird distinction. Do you age after your die?
Well you fingernails continue to grow, so maybe he has a point... wink
It's funny during chemo they don't grow much shocked
Originally Posted By: GMdawg
It's funny during chemo they don't grow much shocked

Oh stop bragging. wink
Originally Posted By: CHSDawg
Originally Posted By: WSU Willie
Originally Posted By: EveDawg
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
Originally Posted By: GMdawg
I one month old would not be around either without somebody taking care of him/her. Yet you call him/her alive.

There is this thing called birth...

Why don't we start the age clock at conception?

Age is based on BIRTHdays....

Age does not equal life.

Weird distinction. Do you age after your die?

No, you don't age in heaven.... or the other place... forever and ever... thumbsup

He could let the traitor off the hook.
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg

And yet once again, you sitting on your keyboard will fail, and he will be rofl
so Trump appointed a guy who wont be overturning roe vs wade, but instead will provide him political cover should the mueller investigation ever reach the SC.

yall do realize that, right?

GM, hope you're proud. you helped sell us out based on the false hope that roe vs wade would be turned over.

great job there, buddy.
I still think, hope, and Pray that it will be, and as I said before the election both candidates sucked and we were screwed no matter who won.
Yea, god doesn’t care about what you pray for.

If he did, the browns would’ve had a Super Bowl by now.
Originally Posted By: Swish
Yea, god doesn’t care about what you pray for.

If he did, the browns would’ve had a Super Bowl by now.

Image of fat guy in worn out easy chair in sweats crushing a beer can shouting WHY GOD, WHY?

Sorry pal, that doesn't count as prayer.
GM prayed for a Super Bowl.

He responded by making the browns go 1-15.
Originally Posted By: Swish
Yea, god doesn’t care about what you pray for.

If he did, the browns would’ve had a Super Bowl by now.

NNAA Bro he cares. But he has his own plans, and it's above my pay grade to question him. angel
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