Republicans introduce bill to pull funds from states that give driver's licenses to illegal immigrants

Republicans in the House and the Senate are introducing legislation that would block federal funds from states that allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses -- the latest move in an escalating fight over “sanctuary” laws.

The Stop Greenlighting Driver Licenses for Illegal Immigrants Act would block funds to sanctuary states -- which limit local cooperation with federal immigration authorities -- and those that give licenses to illegal immigrants. Specifically, it would halt Justice Department (DOJ) grants, in particular those awarded under the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant, which is a top source of federal criminal justice funding for states.

“Tennesseans know all too well what can happen when illegal immigrants are granted driver licenses,” Blackburn said in a statement. “While Tennessee and many other states prohibit driver licenses for illegal aliens, a growing number of states are moving in the opposite direction and unleashing dangerous open borders policies. Immigrants must follow the proper federal process and obtain citizenship or lawful status before obtaining a state driver license.”

“In America, no one is above the law,” she added.
I think giving illegals driver’s licenses is dumb.
I think giving a person who has 3Plus DUI's is even dumber. I think giving a sexual predator freedom is dumber yet. I think a lot of things are dumb, including picking on a group of people who don't have a voice.
I think the governments duty is to its citizens.

I think it is absurd we have to spend the time and effort to crack down on stuff our government should not be allowing in the first place.
What does the Bible have to say about Nationalism and about how to treat all people?
And now we await this...

I agree, but that problem should’ve been addressed when Reagan did the amnesty bill. That was THE perfect time to set up long term standards on border security and immigration policy.

Instead everything was left open. It would be like if the Democrats discharged everyone’s student loans......and still allow people to take out federally backed student loans afterwards.

When government does a half ass job, things like this happen.
Originally Posted By: Versatile Dog
What does the Bible have to say about Nationalism and about how to treat all people?

The Bible doesn't say anything, you have to read it!

Your brother Vers knew this stuff.
Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING
Originally Posted By: Versatile Dog
What does the Bible have to say about Nationalism and about how to treat all people?

The Bible doesn't say anything, you have to read it!

Your brother Vers knew this stuff.

I know as much as my brother. For example:

Galatians 3:28 ESV / 28 helpful votes
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Matthew 12:46-50 ESV / 7 helpful votes
While he was still speaking to the people, behold, his mother and his brothers stood outside, asking to speak to him. But he replied to the man who told him, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” And stretching out his hand toward his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”

Acts 17:26-27 ESV / 7 helpful votes
And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek God, in the hope that they might feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us,

Hebrews 12:28-13:14 ESV / 5 helpful votes
Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire. Let brotherly love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body. ...

Revelation 7:9-17 ESV / 5 helpful votes
After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice, “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!” And all the angels were standing around the throne and around the elders and the four living creatures, and they fell on their faces before the throne and worshiped God, saying, “Amen! Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might be to our God forever and ever! Amen.” Then one of the elders addressed me, saying, “Who are these, clothed in white robes, and from where have they come?” ...

Let me know if you would like more examples.
That was a great read.

What a great nation we could have.

Too bad you won't even allow our children to pray in school.
Too bad you won't allow God's Commandments to be displayed in our Courthouses.

Too bad you then use the Bible as a weapon to push your agenda.

You have told us of the nice things you have,
Jesus told him, “If you want to be perfect, go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

Let me know when you have done this.
Man you really threw open the gas valve to your lamp there.

Vers-2 40-0
Too bad you won't even allow our children to pray in school.

I wish you would stop doing this particular one. I'll leave you alone about the rest of your post because you were engaging with Vers, and I have no money on y'all's cockfight. I'll leave you alone on a lot of things... but this one bugs the mess outta me.

Kids have never been prohibited from praying in public schools. Never. Never ever. What's different between now and backinourday: there is no longer an organized, memorized, ritualized chant coming out the the school's public address system every frikkin morning (think: public loudspeakers in desert towns calling on the faithful to pray, en masse... like a scene from an early episode of 'HOMELAND').

Nowadays, prayer in public school is a personal expression of a young person's faith/devotion, which is as it should be. It's not an institutionalized social mandate. And just as public prayer is not institutionalized, so is it also considered protected speech. Nothing about protected speech status suggests suppression in any way, shape or form.

So please retire this old, worn-out rhetorical fallacy/shortcut/TriggerTrope©.

It's tired, lazy, and disingenuous. And at our stage of Life, you should be operating on a higher plane... if not from a wealth of Life experience, at least because you've had contact with me for more than 5 years now. Even a bar of soap or a dust bunny would have been elevated with that much exposure...


Please stop this one.
It never works, and it makes you look- obvious.

thanks in advance.

Trump to every state in the union: Do it my way or pay a price....


Jack Arse
Originally Posted By: Swish
I agree, but that problem should’ve been addressed when Reagan did the amnesty bill. That was THE perfect time to set up long term standards on border security and immigration policy.

Instead everything was left open. It would be like if the Democrats discharged everyone’s student loans......and still allow people to take out federally backed student loans afterwards.

When government does a half ass job, things like this happen.

Government isn't about solving problems with solid, viable long term solutions. They are about retaining and growing their own power and keeping us pacified enough, and to keep us fighting with each other enough, that we never turn on THEM.

It's not an accident that we are fighting about all the same things people in this country were fighting about 30-40 years ago... and some of it well before that.

Because government has no interest in solving it, their only interest is in using it to their advantage.
Originally Posted By: Clemdawg
Too bad you won't even allow our children to pray in school.

I wish you would stop doing this particular one.

Kids have never been prohibited from praying in public schools.

Yea, I was wrong about that one. They can still pray.
Yes Clem, private prayer has never gone away in the public schools... but, there have been plenty of stories out there of kids who wanted to form small groups that meet at school (not unlike the dozens of other small groups that get school support) that have been denied. Kids and teachers have been reprimanded for having things like Bibles out in the open. Kids have been sent home for having Christian messages on their t-shirts. Valedictorians have had their speeches censored because it included Christian references..

So let's not act like there isn't fear and hostility toward kids who want to individually express their faith in school.
Originally Posted By: Damanshot
Trump to every state in the union: Do it my way or pay a price....


Jack Arse

You act like this is a new tactic.

Just how do you think the federal government got all highway speed limits and drinking ages in line? Let me help you: by telling them that they would lose federal highway dollars if they didn't.

This is a tactic that has been in use my entire lifetime by every single administration that has sat in Washington.

p.s. I don't applaud the measure, but I don't have a problem with it, either. No state can make law that usurps federal law, yet we constantly have states deliberately violating and willfully ignoring federal law.... so, I don't have any problem at all with the federal level asserting itself where it rightfully can.... and this is from a person who strongly supports States' Rights.

So you are saying states don't have any rights?
No, he's saying that states have rights right up until the point the feds don't want them to have those rights any more. Every state has become beholden to the federal government to subsidize their schools, highways, infrastructure, etc.. and since the feds have all that leverage, any time a state gets out of line, the feds threaten to withhold funding..
Originally Posted By: DCDAWGFAN
No, he's saying that states have rights right up until the point the feds don't want them to have those rights any more. Every state has become beholden to the federal government to subsidize their schools, highways, infrastructure, etc.. and since the feds have all that leverage, any time a state gets out of line, the feds threaten to withhold funding..

yea, kinda sounds like how every other country works.
They scream about how they stand for states rights as long as those states are standing up for something they agree with or like. Then when it's something they don't agree with or like suddenly they blackmail them.
I find it hard to believe that anyone would support a foreigner that entered and stayed in this country illegally, much less reward them with a drivers license...this is ludicrous
My wife is Asian and a permanent resident for 15 years. We did everything legally. Was it easy? Hell no it wasn’t! Point is, there’s a legal path to immigration.She has a drivers license as well...Scary sometimes even after 15 years lol. She also has a social security card and works and pays taxes.

Not directed to you 40

I applaud you for doing it the right way and welcome your wife as a citizen of our great Nation.

We are a Nation of Immigrants, it is our strength.
Those who support flooding our Nation with illegals from all over the world risk that strength. Chaos ensues.
Originally Posted By: MemphisHoundDawg
My wife is Asian and a permanent resident for 15 years. We did everything legally. Was it easy? Hell no it wasn’t! Point is, there’s a legal path to immigration.She has a drivers license as well...Scary sometimes even after 15 years lol. She also has a social security card and works and pays taxes.

Not directed to you 40

My daughter in law is Asian and a permanent resident as well. She enrolled in English classes in South Korea and continued that education once she got to this country. She also has a driver's license, social security card, works, pays taxes and proudly boasts of being a U.S. citizen.
I don't agree with this bill in regards to the DACA and DAPA illegals or for those waiting for a hearing that can take up to two years. But I would agree with 'fresh off the boat' illegals not being able to get a license. The others that have been here a long time DAPA and parents with American kids or the kids in DACA need the license to be productive while we resolve these issues.

So in principle I'm not against illegals not getting a license, but this bill will punish those that tried to do the right thing and were lured out and into the system with a promise from our government that Trump is breaking.
Originally Posted By: MemphisHoundDawg
I find it hard to believe that anyone would support a foreigner that entered and stayed in this country illegally, much less reward them with a drivers license...this is ludicrous

I'm simply saying either you believe in states having rights or you don't. You believe in states having the ability in making their own laws or you don't.

Let's look at legal weed. According to federal law any weed is illegal. Be it medicinal or recreational. Why do the feds not stop these laws?

Let's look at vehicle emission laws. Including California, a total of 13 states states had higher standards than the federal government required. Can you explain to me why Trump overturned that? Why would he overrule the law of 13 states who wanted to make the environment even cleaner?

This is my point. The federal government decides to step in when it suits their politics. Republicans claiming they're for state's rights only counts when it's something Republicans want to permit. Same goes for Democrats.
Interesting interview of the Doctor in charge of infectious diseases of the National Institute for Health on CNBC.

He was asked if the United States could have a larger outbreak of Coronavirus and can we contain it because we know so much from what is happening in the rest of the world, his answer was enlightening.

He stated, so far when people turn up sick in America, it is spread from husband to wife or by a traveler. We can jump on it immediately and have.

The big problem arises when you have carriers traveling into the United States, under the radar. We don't know where they are or who they may have infected.
Originally Posted By: Damanshot
So you are saying states don't have any rights?

The states have plenty of Rights. In fact, they have far more than they take advantage of.

Their Rights, however, do not extend to demanding federal money, and the federal government has every right in the world to attach stipulations to the money it doles out to the individual states. It is the choice of the state whether or not to accept those stipulations as a condition of receiving that money. If the state does not wish to be beholden to those stipulations, then they should not put themselves in a position to be NEEDING those dollars.

Furthermore, since the issue in question is regarding infrastructure and privileges such as driving, it in no way conflicts with ANY Rights of the states.

Again... like I said, I do not applaud the measure, but I definitely do not have a problem with it being employed in this manner, especially since it is a matter of record that this is exactly how we got nationwide speed laws and drinking ages (though, I stand on record that both are FAR too restrictive).

Originally Posted By: Swish
I think giving illegals driver’s licenses is dumb.

They can get guns much easier. Then they don’t need a job or a license. And for the employer who hired them illegally gets off the hook completely, and hires another illegal. Rinse and repeat.
Originally Posted By: PerfectSpiral
Originally Posted By: Swish
I think giving illegals driver’s licenses is dumb.

They can get guns much easier. Then they don’t need a job or a license. And for the employer who hired them illegally gets off the hook completely, and hires another illegal. Rinse and repeat.

That has to do with the top of driver licenses for illegals how?
We were discussing how federal law is selectively implemented.
Originally Posted By: PrplPplEater
Originally Posted By: Damanshot
Trump to every state in the union: Do it my way or pay a price....


Jack Arse

You act like this is a new tactic.

Just how do you think the federal government got all highway speed limits and drinking ages in line? Let me help you: by telling them that they would lose federal highway dollars if they didn't.

This is a tactic that has been in use my entire lifetime by every single administration that has sat in Washington.

p.s. I don't applaud the measure, but I don't have a problem with it, either. No state can make law that usurps federal law, yet we constantly have states deliberately violating and willfully ignoring federal law.... so, I don't have any problem at all with the federal level asserting itself where it rightfully can.... and this is from a person who strongly supports States' Rights.

Purp knows the score!

Federal appeals court says Trump administration can withhold funds from uncooperative cities, states

A federal appeals court on Wednesday handed a major win to the Trump administration in its fight against “sanctuary” jurisdictions, ruling that it can deny grant money to states that refuse to cooperate with federal immigration authorities.

The 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals in New York overturned a lower court ruling that stopped the administration’s 2017 move to withhold grant money from the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program, which dispenses over $250 million a year to state and local criminal justice efforts.

“Today’s decision rightfully recognizes the lawful authority of the Attorney General to ensure that Department of Justice grant recipients are not at the same time thwarting federal law enforcement priorities,” a DOJ spokesman said in a statement. “The grant conditions here require states and cities that receive DOJ grants to share information about criminals in custody. The federal government uses this information to enforce national immigration laws--policies supported by successive Democrat and Republican administrations.”

“All Americans will benefit from increased public safety as this Administration is able to implement its lawful immigration and public safety policies,” the statement said.


thumbsup Step by Step by Step, we take our Country back.
In Florida, last time I got my license renewed I needed the following.

1) Proof of Identity (DL, Passport, ID Card, birth certificate)
2) Proof of SS Number
3) Proof of residential address (Must match ID). (IE: utility bills)
I can't applaud this move enough. Getting common sense things done one step at a time is the way to do it.
I think taking away their right to drive so they can't get to work is a great idea. It creates a situation where people who want to pay taxes and contribute to our society will be more dependent on the social safety net. Bravo!
I think taking away their right to drive
Driving is not a right, its a privilege.

so they can't get to work is a great idea
I worked before I had a car. I walked, rode a bike, hitched a ride with a coworker/friend. Its 2020, there are certainly many more options then before for them to still get to work.

a situation where people who want to pay taxes and contribute to our society will be more dependent on the social safety net.
So instead of having them pay taxes, contribute legally by becoming citizens, you would rather them pay taxes and not receive benefits at all?

And I am pretty certain you and others have stated before that illegals do not participate in welfare or any of our safety nets - so this statement cant be true.
Originally Posted By: DCDAWGFAN
Originally Posted By: Swish
I agree, but that problem should’ve been addressed when Reagan did the amnesty bill. That was THE perfect time to set up long term standards on border security and immigration policy.

Instead everything was left open. It would be like if the Democrats discharged everyone’s student loans......and still allow people to take out federally backed student loans afterwards.

When government does a half ass job, things like this happen.

Government isn't about solving problems with solid, viable long term solutions. They are about retaining and growing their own power and keeping us pacified enough, and to keep us fighting with each other enough, that we never turn on THEM.

It's not an accident that we are fighting about all the same things people in this country were fighting about 30-40 years ago... and some of it well before that.

Because government has no interest in solving it, their only interest is in using it to their advantage.
I don't think I have ever agreed with a post more so than I do this.
Originally Posted By: PitDAWG
I think taking away their right to drive

There is no such thing.

What is happening is they are denying the privilege of legally driving to people who are unable to prove that they reside here legally.

Their children do. Most illegals have jobs and are paying taxes.

Undocumented immigrants are paying their taxes today, too


Actually billions of dollars in taxes.

Look, I wish there weren't illegals here. I wish everyone would come here legally. But one thing I'm sure of. With over 11,000,000 of them here, that ship has sailed.

And yes, when I had a paper route, worked for farmers and was very young, I worked close enough to walk and ride a bike to work. But don't you think you're being just a tad silly to think that most people these days can do that and support a family?

I'm trying to take a reasonable look at the problem as it stands. Not try and make the current situation even worse.
Yeah, i mixed up right with privilege. My mistake. But my point still stands. We will actually be losing tax dollars by doing this.
Most illegals have jobs and are paying taxes.
So it sounds like some would rather illegals just pay taxes, and get no rights then. . . I am confused. You see, in one hand, a group is saying that illegals do not receive benefits. Then on the other hand, when it suits their story - they do receive benefits.

How are they paying taxes without a SSN? I always wondered this.
I sincerely doubt it. Not having a drivers license isn't going to stop them from driving.

They already entered and reside in the country illegally.... why on earth would not having a driver's license prevent them from driving?
Originally Posted By: PitDAWG
Their children do. Most illegals have jobs and are paying taxes.

Undocumented immigrants are paying their taxes today, too


Actually billions of dollars in taxes.

Look, I wish there weren't illegals here. I wish everyone would come here legally. But one thing I'm sure of. With over 11,000,000 of them here, that ship has sailed.

And yes, when I had a paper route, worked for farmers and was very young, I worked close enough to walk and ride a bike to work. But don't you think you're being just a tad silly to think that most people these days can do that and support a family?

I'm trying to take a reasonable look at the problem as it stands. Not try and make the current situation even worse.

I find it absolutely unreasonable to accept that the difficulties they face due to being here illegally warrant everyone else adopting changes to OUR laws to accommodate them to make things easier on them after they violated laws to be here in the first place.

That is not how things work. That is not how you become part of a society and a new country.
Because the moment you get pulled over there's trouble. It may not stop them. But then you just opened another can of worms. Paying to keep them in jail while losing tax money they would be paying by working.
Well all we have to do is change 11,000,000 million people. You do realize they ended prohibition because they simply couldn't enforce it and wanted the tax money right? wink
Originally Posted By: PitDAWG
Because the moment you get pulled over there's trouble. It may not stop them. But then you just opened another can of worms. Paying to keep them in jail while losing tax money they would be paying by working.

So, your response to people coming here illegally, the people you wish weren't here illegally, is to shrug your shoulders and aid them in hiding the fact that they are here illegally.

Freaking brilliant.
Originally Posted By: PitDAWG
Well all we have to do is change 11,000,000 million people.

We don't change anyone; starting with ourselves.
It is not incumbent upon us to accommodate them with special treatment in any way, ever.
Originally Posted By: PitDAWG
Well all we have to do is change 11,000,000 million people. You do realize they ended prohibition because they simply couldn't enforce it and wanted the tax money right? wink

Your last few responses sound an awful lot like your solution to the problem is to legally mandate giving up on the problem.

That's not a solution, that's a capitulation.
I try to be reasonable. They aren't going anywhere. As it is you either want them to at least be paying taxes until it all gets sorted out or you don't. It's not so much about giving them aid. It's about making it easier for them to work and pay taxes which helps every tax payer. Taking money out of the tax base isn't a productive way of going about things any way you look at it.

Costing the court system and jail system while losing that tax money is a double whammy. Sometimes one can bite their nose off to spite their face.
It's not so much about giving them aid.

Regardless of imagined intent, it remains that this is the precise effect.

And, we've covered the tax argument.... no taxes are being lost because it is NOT going to stop them from driving. Pretending that it will is just disingenuous. And tiresome.

They are not going away - that much is true.
That is NOT, in any way, an argument or justification for simply throwing in the towel and giving in. It does not indemnify them, it does not validate their presence, it does not justify attempts to legitimize them.
but the government has a long history of throwing the towel in and giving in, regardless on if you agree with them doing it or not.

the government had a REALLY good argument and justification for throwing in the towel during prohibition.

it didnt freaking work. same thing with the drug war.

and lets not forget, they threw in the towel in the 80's under republican jesus.
i mean bro, we were all like "we dont negotiate with terrorist"

and now look. we're about to make a deal with the freaking taliban.

if that aint throwing in the towel, and having a good justification for it, i dunno what is.

Anyone want to answer the question I posted?

"How are they paying taxes without a SSN? I always wondered this."
Originally Posted By: Swish
but the government has a long history of throwing the towel in and giving in, regardless on if you agree with them doing it or not.

the government had a REALLY good argument and justification for throwing in the towel during prohibition.

it didnt freaking work. same thing with the drug war.

and lets not forget, they threw in the towel in the 80's under republican jesus.
The government works for its citizens. If the citizens do not want prohibition, the government is to vote that way.

when the majority of America wants open boarders and no immigration laws, they can vote that way. Last poll I saw, the majority of voters and citizens want boarders and laws.
Originally Posted By: willitevachange

Anyone want to answer the question I posted?

"How are they paying taxes without a SSN? I always wondered this."

you never heard of an ITIN? and you worked in banking? jesus dude....
Originally Posted By: willitevachange
Originally Posted By: Swish
but the government has a long history of throwing the towel in and giving in, regardless on if you agree with them doing it or not.

the government had a REALLY good argument and justification for throwing in the towel during prohibition.

it didnt freaking work. same thing with the drug war.

and lets not forget, they threw in the towel in the 80's under republican jesus.
The government works for its citizens. If the citizens do not want prohibition, the government is to vote that way.

when the majority of America wants open boarders and no immigration laws, they can vote that way. Last poll I saw, the majority of voters and citizens want boarders and laws.

look i want snowboarders too bro but kinda hard to have slopes in Texas.

also, the majority of the american people want a lot of things that we never get, and DONT want a lot of things that we always seem to get.
also, the tax counter is a bit odd to me.

we pay taxes on everything we buy. are illegals somehow exempt from taxes when they pay for a product in target or walmart that im not aware of?

when they pay the transaction feeds at western union or such, are those fees not going toward taxes?

we pay taxes on anything we purchase, and so does illegals.

again, as everybody should've seen in my first post, i dont think we should be giving them L's.

but all the other arguments based around this specific topic is....lol.
So, that's now just the answer to everything, then?
Because it has happened with other subjects, that is how we should handle everything?
that certainly seems to be the government's way of handling things.

but then thats the thing. i mean you brought up justifications and arguments, right?

so lets take it step by step. we're knee deep in the prohibition era. what would Purp had done differently than the governments solution of saying "screw it, make it legal"?

and you can't go "i wouldnt had prohibited it to begin with". youre knee deep in the peak of prohibition. what do you do?

and why would it work?

I've always marveled about how upset some folks get about folks moving to a new location in order to pursue a better opportunity. I am fairly confident that most of our ancestors moved here from another land and stole it from the indigenous. Hell, we not only tried to work in this area, but we murdered them en masse and stole almost everything they had...........whether it be land or culture.

The second thing that draws my attention is how people complain about the cost of fruit and vegetables, yet want to keep out the people that are desperate enough to cultivate them.

Most folks are too good for service jobs, but not the illegal immigrants They work their asses off for peanuts.

My conclusion is that that many folks are short-sighted due to their ingrained biases.
Wow Vers, it seems like you and I either 100% agree on something or 100% disagree. I happen to agree with this post.

We are outraged about foreign people having the audacity to want to drive in across "our" land, yet........

Chief Joseph: The Tragic Journey That Led to His Famous Surrender

On October 5, 1877 Chief Joseph and his tribe the Nez Perce surrendered to the U.S. Army. Learn about the tribe’s way of life and their final act of defiance.

B. Myint
Jun 17, 2019
Oct 4, 2015

Icons of the Wild West: Chief Joseph

It was called the Nez Perce War, but for the native people of the Wallowa Valley, it was a fight for survival. In 1877 the federal government pressured the Nez Perce to give up millions of acres of their homelands to the feed the gold rush. Refusing to be forced onto a reservation, a band of about 700 men, women, children, and elders treked 1,400 miles from what is now eastern Oregon, crossing through Idaho, Montana and Wyoming in an attempt to reach Canada. Along the way, they faced exhaustion and starvation while battling 2,000 U.S. soldiers.

Sadly, they never reached their goal. Just 40 miles shy of the Canadian border, the group found themselves surrounded by the U.S. Army. By then, the frigid weather, dwindling supplies, and endless miles of merciless terrain had taken its toll. On this day in 1877, the war ended when Chief Joseph surrendered to U.S. General Nelson A. Miles, famously uttering: "From where the sun now stands, I will fight no more forever."
Nez Perce Warrior Photo

They call themselves Nimipu, the real people. Long before white settlers ventured into their territory, the Nez Perce occupied an estimated 28,000 square miles. Experts at breeding horses, they climbed atop their appaloosas and roamed across the vast stretches of grasslands west of the Rocky Mountains. Throughout the year, they would travel to where food was most available; crossing the Bitterroot Mountains to hunt buffalo, salmon fishing in the Columbia River, and harvesting camas root near the Clearwater River.

Named Nez Perce by French Canadian fur traders, the tribe had peaceful relationships with outsiders. When Lewis and Clark first met the Nez Perce in 1805, the weary and hungry explorers were greeted with a meal of buffalo, dried salmon, and camas bread. The tribe enjoyed strong relationships with members of their expedition, exchanging gifts and passing on local knowledge, such as canoe building.

But eventually those relationships began to fray. Although they had welcomed traders, missionaries, and explorers, the Nez Perce soon felt the oncoming tidal wave as more whites began to appear, attracted by the rich resources of their ancestral home. Chief Joseph once remarked: “It has always been the pride of the Nez Perce that they were the friends of the white men. But we soon found that the white men were growing very rich very fast and were greedy to possess everything the Indian had."

In 1855, the chiefs grudgingly signed a treaty with the U.S. government, giving them a reservation that included most of their traditional homelands. But soon after, gold was found within their territory -- a tragic discovery for the Nez Perce. Tens of thousands of Americans rushed to their reservation, in violation of the treaty. The U.S. government pressured the tribe to sign a new treaty, which took away 90% of the land away from the tribe. Some groups complied. Others, including Chief Joseph’s group, did not. Forced to leave the land of their ancestors, the group was relocated to Idaho. Along their journey, three young Nez Perce warriors, were believed to have massacred a band of white settlers. Fearing retaliation by the U.S. Army, the chief helped lead one of the great retreats in American military history.

Although it was a victory for the U.S. Army, for the Nez Perce the war was a tragedy. Forced to leave the land of their ancestors, the group journeyed through unforgiving wilderness for over three months. Many were killed, horses were lost, and members of the tribe were eventually taken prisoner or sent into exile.

Even today, Chief Joseph's famous surrender speech immortalizes him as a great leader during a deeply tragic time:

I am tired of fighting. Our chiefs are killed. Looking Glass is dead. Toohoolhoolzote is dead. The old men are all dead. It is the young men who say, "Yes" or "No." He who led the young men [Olikut] is dead. It is cold, and we have no blankets. The little children are freezing to death. My people, some of them, have run away to the hills, and have no blankets, no food. No one knows where they are -- perhaps freezing to death. I want to have time to look for my children, and see how many of them I can find. Maybe I shall find them among the dead. Hear me, my chiefs! I am tired. My heart is sick and sad. From where the sun now stands I will fight no more forever.
Originally Posted By: Versatile Dog

I've always marveled about how upset some folks get about folks moving to a new location in order to pursue a better opportunity. I am fairly confident that most of our ancestors moved here from another land and stole it from the indigenous. Hell, we not only tried to work in this area, but we murdered them en masse and stole almost everything they had...........whether it be land or culture.

Just to play devil's advocate.

I'm pretty sure the indigenous people fought back best they could at the time.
I'd even be willing to bet that some tribes were more of an attitude that they'd be willing to share the land, if the white man wouldn't just force everything to be his way.

Sounds a lot like the current events.
Originally Posted By: Swish
Originally Posted By: willitevachange

Anyone want to answer the question I posted?

"How are they paying taxes without a SSN? I always wondered this."

you never heard of an ITIN? and you worked in banking? jesus dude....

I don't think you know what a ITIN is, or they are not used for identification or purposes of work authorization - or used to be allowed for a banking account. But keep on keeping on. smile

Nice try though. thumbsup
edit: i saw your trash ass post before you edited cause you knew you were dead wrong lmfao

Many immigrants have ITINs. People who do not have a lawful status in the United States may obtain an ITIN. In addition, the following people are lawfully in the country and must pay taxes but may not be eligible for a SSN and may obtain an ITIN:


Can an illegal immigrant get an ITIN number?
The IRS created the Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) program in 1996 to provide a way for foreign nationals to pay taxes on money earned in the United States. But what about people who are not in the country lawfully? Even if you didn’t enter the country through legal means, you’re still required to report earnings and pay your fair share, and the way you do that is by filling out an ITIN application.


again, you work in banking and dont know how the ITIN works?


wanna know how i know? when i was stationed in germany, my wife needed an ITIN number so i can file tax returns. which means somebody like you in the industry you worked in shouldve known how it works.

so yes, they use ITIN's to pay taxes in this country.

ALSO, i listed multiple ways illegals pay taxes; from shopping to purchasing services.

ALSO, they contribute to our taxes by generating income for the companies that they work for. they contribute to our GDP, and:

If all undocumented immigrants were deported today, next year’s Social Security trust funds would have approximately $13 billion less for benefit payouts. It’s a considerable loss of dollars, especially when it’s projected that the Social Security funds will be depleted by 2034.

According to New American Economy, undocumented immigrants contributed $13 billion into the Social Security funds in 2016 and $3 billion to Medicare. Three years prior, the Chief Actuary of the Social Security Administration, Stephen Goss, wrote a report that estimated undocumented immigrants contributed $12 billion into Social Security.


lol, educate yourself. because you clearly arent educated on the topic.
again, you work in banking and dont know how the ITIN works?
There is not a single bank I have worked for in 10 years, that have allowed just ITINs to be used for opening a bank account. Banks do not deal with tax laws, in fact - I am required to pronounce this anytime I receive a question when it comes to taxes. "Mr. Member, I have to advise to consult a tax professional for that question."

Your big banks may (AMEX, Chase, Citi), but I would venture that the VAST majority of your local banks, savings and loans, and credit unions do not - unless you are in a sanctuary I would assume.

IN the 10 years I have been in banking, if you have ITIN, you must provide PROOF of legal right to be in the US along with it. H1B VISA for example. Along with proof of being in the country legally, you must provide valid physical residential address, and additional government issued photo identification. (see why the driver's license thing is a concern thumbsup

So no, I would not deal with ITINS as it pertains to illegal immigrants in banking, as NO BANK I have worked at has ever knowingly allowed an illegal to have a bank account using an ITIN.

undocumented immigrants contributed $13 billion into the Social Security funds in 2016 and $3 billion to Medicare.
Those are pretty big numbers there, Tex. I wonder - what was the net after amount after you factor in how much illegals received in various welfare programs?

No one knows technically - but :

.....a 2007 report by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office examined 29 reports on state and local costs published over 15 years in an attempt to answer this question. CBO concluded that most of the estimates determined that illegal immigrants impose a net cost to state and local governments

***What I find hilarious, is that the main argument you guys are making is that illegals pay alllll this money into the system, and receive little benefits (which is debated, as I showed above they impose a net cost).

But lets say they pay more than they take.

What you are arguing, is that "why do we want them to be citizens, we are getting money off them!"

Now, does that sound humane? So you and others are advocating that we just let these poor illegal families pay into the system, over and over again, to receive no benefits from it. What shame you people are. You ought to be disgusted you want to treat people like that, to use them simply for the added revenue they are producing.

You see, most of us would rather them be legal citizens, to enjoy and receive all the benefits our great country has to offer. While some of you rather them stay slave to the current tendencies of being nothing more than a dollar to you. tsktsk

well, silly me for thinking your bank would require you to understand how the ITIN works, regardless on if you accept it or not for illegals.

also, according to regs, illegals can use their foreign ID cards as proof of identification when opening accounts. so having a US drivers license isnt gonna have that much of an impact in accounts being opened.

lets move on from that. but i hope you now understand that illegals DO pay taxes by way of ITINs now.

state and local governments having a net negative impact from illegals is something i wont argue with.

however, the counter point is this: how many of those states already struggle with their own legal population? we have a ton of states who take in more federal money than they pay out. so for some states its a net negative. there's a lot of states in this country who need illegals simply to produce for their GDP, or they'd be worse off than they are now.

what about the country as a whole? if you take into all the factors, both good and bad, whats the result?

i dunno if there's been a credible study on that. i would love it the government did it.

and please dont come with this "humane" BS, willit. you support deregulation and such that has devastated our communities by rich people taking jobs from the US and giving them to foreigners thousands of miles away.

the humane thing IS to keep them here, because its SAFER for them here than where they come from, where they are at severe risk of getting murdered by cartels and women and children being human trafficked, which happens all the time.

i would like them to be legal citizens as well, but unfortunately the way the immigration system is set up....that aint gonna happen anytime soon. so the next best thing is to...kick the can down the road.

I am perfectly ok having a discussing, but making it a piss in match it not something I care to really do. Tired of the "gotcha" post on here. So lets both stop the snarky back and forth and discuss like adults - as I think you and I agree with more than you might think in general.

however, the counter point is this: how many of those states already struggle with their own legal population?
This is absolutely a problem in a LOT of areas, and a lot of HEAVILY RED and HEAVILY BLUE areas. Its also been funny to me, that it seems like the cities and areas that are VASTLY right or left - are typically the areas that have problems financially. Weird huh?

Think about the ironies below:

Bumpile alabama probably has the highest rate of Obama care receipients and have a ton of welfare abusers, yet scream about them all the time.

LA I would argue has this issue as well, and the left screams about wealth inequality, yet their flagship city has the largest wealth inequality probably in the world. lol.

But back to your statement quoted above, why add to it?

there's a lot of states in this country who need illegals simply to produce for their GDP, or they'd be worse off than they are now.
I don't like this line of thinking. Not arguing its false, but I truly do not want the reason to have illegal immigrants here simply because "they produce for their GDP".

Pitt and I discussed before, I believe BUSINESS' should be highly penalized for the use of illegal immigrant labor. Its taking advantage of people, plain and simple.

and please dont come with this "humane" BS, willit
I addressed that above, I was taking a shot at a gotcha moment at you. We go back and forth, I know your a decent guy though. I know your a family man. It was a low blow, I apologize for that.

you support deregulation and such that has devastated our communities by rich people taking jobs from the US and giving them to foreigners thousands of miles away.
I will differ on this, I believe that REGULATIONS are the reasons business are taking their work outside of the country. Needless red tape, attorney's, and idiotic guidelines have made business very costly to conduct in the US. Sure, there are other reasons to factor - there is never a single reason for anything - but its a big reason.

I will give you an example. I am in banking. Lets look at the Frank Dodd Act. In theory, it has a lot of great parts. Prevents banks from getting too big to fail, etc. I will even admit it did some good. But the problem with that act, was that it put a VERY large expense on banks to adhere to the guidelines set in it. Banks had to rewrite policy, adjust their lending guidelines, rework their products, hire attorneys, litigation fees, etc. So your smaller banks - they really couldn't afford this. Thousands if not more went under, and then you were left with - well, mainly the too big to fail banks lol.

Now, I don't believe that there should be 0 regulations, either. I am for common sense regulations.


the humane thing IS to keep them here,
I have never once argued that we deport the illegal immigrants here. I think there is a big misconception with a lot of people on the board that argue against illegal immigration. Although I am against illegal immigration, I absolutely understand you cannot just pick up 11 million people and boot them out, you literally physically cannot, even IF I wanted to do that. lol.

We have to come up with a way to figure that out. either by giving them a pathway to citizenship, or allowing them become citizens X where they have just about the same rights - minus the right to vote. Because lets face it, for the left and right politicians, that's the issue. While we sit here an argue whats best to do for THEM as a people - they are arguing how to make it so it benefits keeping them in power.


i would like them to be legal citizens as well, but unfortunately the way the immigration system is set up....that aint gonna happen anytime soon. so the next best thing is to...kick the can down the road.
This is answered as part of my above reply.

I am tired of kicking the can down the road man. That literally is what both sides want. They just want to keep kicking so you, me, clem, 40, all keep on keeping on fighting back and forth while they all pretend to care about "what is right". Im gonna let you in a secret, bro.

While we are arguing on this board, they are on TV fighting back and forth - I would not be surprised in ol' Nancy and trump turn the camera off, have a glass of whiskey together and laugh as they all count the money they are getting together.

You see, most people see left and right politicians. I see one group working together to keep us all down and fighting while they abuse the power we give them.
Originally Posted By: willitevachange
The government works for its citizens. If the citizens do not want prohibition, the government is to vote that way.

when the majority of America wants open boarders and no immigration laws, they can vote that way. Last poll I saw, the majority of voters and citizens want boarders and laws.

If that's the criteria you wish to use, you're not going to be happy with the new gun laws. wink
Im fine with moving on. You’re a cool dude so let’s save the pettiness for those who deserve it.

I don’t want to kick the can down the road either, but we have very few people advocating for change that will actually make a difference.

We have to a variable payment system for green cards. We can’t expect people from central/South America to have the same amount of disposable income as somebody from a Western European country. It’s a lot easier to shell out 2400+ for a European than it is for latinos from South America. Trump adding the public charge policy is fine.

But overall his administration is trash on this, as every other presidents has been.

As far as businesses go.....it’s complicated. We have to remember, it’s not like our own fellow Americans are oh so noble. We got people who straight refuse to do the work, and won’t do it even if you pay them 15 a hour because of some sense of entitlement. And even you would agree that the entitlement in this country transcends race and class.

Business have a lot of responsibility as well in this situation, as in some industries it has driven down wages, but overall, some of these companies are in the “if I don’t hire illegals, I can’t operate my business” cause we got clowns who ghost interviews now in this country, nevermind actually show up for work.
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