Does anyone else find this 45 second spot so phoney, very stupid
And just plain laughable
Tim Ryan is trying so hard to come off as a Browns fan
By introducing Bernie as the greatest "Cleveland" QB
Of all time....wow so original. So emotional.it just hits
You right in the heart. His words just resonate with every Browns
Fan...that guy Tim, so in touch with NE Ohio.
Wait wait wait..there's more
DARN I COULD CRY. Tim Ryan can throw a football. !!!!!!

Can someone tell me the correlation between throwing
A football and being a career politician ?

His spot with his wife is equally stupid.
So phoney and contrived.
Hey, are you trying to break the record for most started threads??????????????????
i think it was just to highlight the fact that one of the legends in this state endorses Tim. you see cheesy ads like this all the time in every state.

especially because its, ya know, football season.
Nope it's only you, your all alone. Nobody agrees with you.

Can someone tell me the correlation between throwing
A football and being a career politician ?

Yep Browns fans like a guy who can throw the football. Now what does JD Vance do in correlation with being a career politician. Oh ya he wrote a stupid book called Hillbilly Elegy., he moved to California. He is a venture capitalist, and a lawyer. All which have nothing to do with being a career Politician.
We have too many career politicians.

Quit making it so lucrative.
Used to love Bernie. Now , not so much.
Yeah, we should all decide whether to love people or not based on their politics. Murica!
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