Posted By: PerfectSpiral Dems to the rescue? SpeakerJohnston - 04/30/24 02:57 PM
Some Democrats have said they are unlikely to support an effort to strip Johnson of his speakership, while others have said they are open to protecting him under certain conditions.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., introduced a motion last month to remove Johnson. Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., announced Tuesday he is co-sponsoring Greene’s motion.

Greene has not yet forced a vote on removing Johnson. That could change soon after the speaker announced he is putting three separate bills on the floor that would provide billions of dollars in aid for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. The votes are expected Saturday.
Posted By: dawglover05 Re: Dems to the rescue? SpeakerJohnston - 04/30/24 03:05 PM
Whatever the outcome, it'll be a bad look for the Republicans. That's why you see moderate Republicans starting to get really ticked off.
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: Dems to the rescue? SpeakerJohnston - 04/30/24 03:11 PM
Moscow Marjorie filed that paperwork on March 22nd I believe it was. She has to file it as an official motion to force a vote which she has not yet done. She has six weeks from the date of filing initially to convert it to an official motion so her time is getting short with which to do so. She's quite the attention whoore. I actually think she has backed herself into a corner here. There are many Republicans giving her push back for this and rightfully so. Thus far the GOP has been shown to be quite dysfunctional and can't stick with anyone to lead them as Speaker. Every time the Freedumb caucus doesn't get their way they throw a tantrum and it's led to chaos. Most GOP House members realize this. It's an election year and in many of their districts this continuing dysfunction does not bode well for them.

I think Moscow Marjorie may be nearing the end of her terroristic rule of the House. As of April 19th Paul Gosar, of Arizona also signed on to the motion to oust Johnson BTW.
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: Dems to the rescue? SpeakerJohnston - 04/30/24 05:28 PM
Democrats say they will save Speaker Mike Johnson’s job if Republicans try to oust him

House Democrats will vote to save Republican Speaker Mike Johnson’s job should some of his fellow Republican lawmakers seek to remove him from the position, Democratic leaders said Tuesday, likely assuring for now that Johnson will avoid being ousted from office like his predecessor, former Rep. Kevin McCarthy.

Johnson, R-La., has come under heavy criticism from some Republicans for moving forward with aid for Ukraine as part of a $95 billion emergency spending package that passed this month. It would take only a handful of Republicans to remove Johnson from the speakership if the Democratic caucus went along with the effort.

But Democratic leaders took that possibility off the table.

“At this moment, upon completion of our national security work, the time has come to turn the page on this chapter of Pro-Putin Republican obstruction,” said a statement from the top three House Democrats, Reps. Hakeem Jeffries, Katherine Clark and Pete Aguilar. “We will vote to table Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Motion to Vacate the Chair. If she invokes the motion, it will not succeed.”

The announcement from Democrats ensures that Johnson will survive the most difficult stretch of his tenure so far, which saw him struggle through internal GOP divisions to pass government funding, the renewal of a key surveillance program and aid for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. To do so, Johnson was often forced to rely on votes from Democrats, creating an unusual governing coalition that has angered hard-right members who say their majority is being squandered.

Greene, R-Ga., earlier this month filed a resolution with the House clerk — called a motion to vacate — that would remove Johnson from office if approved by the House. And while Greene did not force the resolution to be taken up immediately, she told reporters she was laying the groundwork for future consideration. She had two co-sponsors, Reps. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., and Paul Gosar, R-Ariz.

Johnson was quick to distance himself from Democrats on the issue, saying he had no conversations with Jeffries or anyone else about saving his job.

“I was laser-focused on getting the supplemental done,” Johnson said, referring to the aid package. “I’ve had colleagues from both parties come up to me on the floor, of course, and say we won’t stand for this. ... I’ve not requested assistance from anyone. I’m not focused on that at all.”

Many House Republicans are eager to move past the divisions that have tormented their ranks ever since taking the majority last January. At a closed-door session Tuesday morning, much of the discussion focused on how to create unity in the party heading into the November elections.

Rep. Andy Barr, R-Ky., said Republicans heard from Michael Whatley, the new chairman of the Republican National Committee, who emphasized that Donald Trump, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, wants to unify the majority in the House. He said that’s a message that certainly helps Johnson.

“What he wants is a unified Republican majority, so my message is singing from the same song sheet as President Trump,” Barr said.

Still, Greene indicated she may still move forward with the effort to remove Johnson, tweeting on X that she believes in recorded votes to put “Congress on record.” She also called Johnson “officially the Democratic Speaker of the House” and questioned “what slimy deal” he made for Democratic support.

“Americans deserve to see the Uniparty on full display. I’m about to give them their coming out party!” Greene tweeted. “Uniparty” is a derisive term some Republicans use to describe cooperation between some fellow Republicans and Democrats.

The removal of McCarthy in October left the House adrift for nearly a month, unable to take up legislation as Republicans struggled to select a replacement. Republicans were anxious to avoid a repeat going into November.

“It’s huge, it’s huge, especially for the presidential election but all of us up and down the ballot,” said Rep. Vern Buchanan, R-Fla. “They don’t want another 30 days of a dysfunctional Congress, and that’s what you would get.”

Many Democrats, even before Tuesday’s announcement, had said they would consider helping Johnson, but they were also looking for direction from their leadership and emphasized that in order for Johnson to gain their support, he would need to allow for the vote on an emergency aid package focused on Ukraine and Israel.

Democrats were also wary of repeating the disorder that occurred during McCarthy’s removal. The Democratic leaders in their statement of opposition to Greene’s effort, emphasized their willingness to work across party lines on national priorities.

“We’re not looking for chaos. We’re the adults in the room,” said Rep. Ann Kuster, D-N.H.


Only by someone like Moscow Marjorie could bipartisanship be turned into a dirty word.
Posted By: OldColdDawg Re: Dems to the rescue? SpeakerJohnston - 04/30/24 05:43 PM
Back from the ban you reported me for… don’t bother addressing me anymore, your blocked.
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: Dems to the rescue? SpeakerJohnston - 04/30/24 05:51 PM
I didn't report you. I don't need to report you. I miss having you around to get amusement from. But you do pi$$ off so many people it could be any of a number of posters. I don't care if you block me. You won't be the first. And I'll address you any time I have a counterpoint to what you post. As unbelievable as this may be to you, you're not the only poster who reads the board. That's how message boards work. My best advice would be to post within the confines of the rules. Of course that will require a little self control on your part so I don't see that actually happening.

Now do you have anything of value or context to add to this thread or are you just here to make noise as per usual?
Posted By: archbolddawg Re: Dems to the rescue? SpeakerJohnston - 04/30/24 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by OldColdDawg
Back from the ban you reported me for… don’t bother addressing me anymore, your blocked.

And here I thought I was the only one you blamed for your posting getting you banned.
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: Dems to the rescue? SpeakerJohnston - 04/30/24 06:10 PM
Now we have something else in common! naughtydevil
Posted By: Pdawg Re: Dems to the rescue? SpeakerJohnston - 04/30/24 06:47 PM
You do know that there are refs that read these boards? They don’t seem to be here as much as the old days but they do come around. When they see something that breaks the rules they will act all on their own.
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: Dems to the rescue? SpeakerJohnston - 05/01/24 07:07 PM
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene vows to force a vote next week on ousting House Speaker Mike Johnson

WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene said Wednesday she would call a vote next week on ousting House Speaker Mike Johnson, forcing her colleagues to choose sides in a difficult showdown after Democratic leaders announced they would provide the votes to save the Republican speaker’s job.

Speaking outside the Capitol, Greene ranted against Republican Party leaders at the highest levels and pushed back against their public entreaties, including from Donald Trump, to avoid another messy political fight so close to the November election. With her was Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., one of the few lawmakers to join her effort.

“We need leaders in the House of Representatives that are going to get this done,” said Greene, R-Ga., holding up a red “MAGA” hat from Trump’s “Make America Great Again” campaign movement.

“Mike Johnson is not capable of that job,” she said.

In pressing ahead next week, she said that “every member of Congress needs to take that vote.”

The standoff with Greene, one of Trump’s most enthusiastic supporters, risks throwing Republican control of the House into a fresh round of chaos as rank-and-file lawmakers will have to choose between ousting Johnson, R-La., as speaker or joining with Democrats to keep him on the job.

Johnson, in his own statement, said Greene’s move was “wrong for the Republican Conference, wrong for the institution, and wrong for the country.”

Democrats see in Johnson a potential partner, a hard-line conservative who nevertheless is willing to lead his Republican Party away from the far-right voices obstructing the routine business of governing, including funding the government and, more recently, supporting Ukraine and other U.S. allies overseas.

The Democratic leader, New York Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, and his team issued a joint statement this week saying it was time to “turn the page” on the GOP chaos, announcing that the Democrats would vote to table Greene’s motion to vacate the speaker’s office, essentially ensuring Johnson is not evicted from office.

Johnson’s public opponents are few, at this point, and less than the eight that it took to oust now-former Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., last fall in the first ever removal of sitting speaker from the powerful office that is second in the line of succession to the president. Just one other Republican, Rep. Paul Gosar of Arizona, has joined Greene’s effort.

Greene and Massie said they were giving their colleagues the weekend to weigh their options before calling for the vote on her motion to vacate next week. Or, they said, Johnson could simply resign, pointing to the example of a previous speaker, Republican John Boehner of Ohio, who stepped aside in 2015 when hard-liners threatened to oust him.

“Are you going to embrace Hakeem Jeffries like Mike Johnson has?” said Massie, before a poster-photo of Jeffries handing Johnson the gavel when the Republican first became speaker last fall.

“They’ve got a weekend to think about it, but more importantly, Mike Johnson has a weekend to think about it.”

The turmoil has gripped a House already essentially at a standstill. Johnson has been unable to command his razor-thin majority to work together on party priorities and has been forced him into the arms of Democrats for the votes needed to approve most big bills — and now, to keep his job.

Johnson had been elected by Republicans as a last-ditch consensus candidate after McCarthy’s ouster, but he courted the far-right’s ire when he led passage of the $95 billion foreign aid package for Ukraine and U.S. allies that they oppose.

Trump has given a nod of support to Johnson, who dashed to the former president’s Mar-a-Lago club in Florida last month to shore up backing.

Other Republican leaders, including Trump’s hand-picked head of the Republican National Committee, Michael Whatley, have urged House Republicans to hold off the removal effort before the fall election that will determine which party controls the White House and Congress.

In a private meeting Tuesday, Whatley urged House Republicans to unite around their shared priorities. He delivered the same message later in the day to Greene, telling her that trying to remove Johnson was not helpful, according to a person familiar with the conversations who was not authorized to discuss them publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity.

While the Democratic leaders have said they would provide the votes to table Greene’s motion when it comes forward, essentially shelving it, it is not clear that all Democratic lawmakers would join that effort.

At their own private meeting this week, some Democrats objected to helping Johnson, particularly after he helped lead Trump’s legal challenges to the 2020 presidential election won by Democrat Joe Biden. Party leaders have said their support for sidelining Greene’s resolution is not the same as a vote for Johnson.


Moscow Marjorie is still going at it.
Posted By: dawglover05 Re: Dems to the rescue? SpeakerJohnston - 05/01/24 07:31 PM
She is going to have egg all over her face, but she doesn't care. Any attention to her is better than no attention.

You're likely going to have a Republican Speaker of the House who was rescued by the Democratic caucus from the Republicans who appointed him in the first place. Think about that.
Posted By: Jester Re: Dems to the rescue? SpeakerJohnston - 05/01/24 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by PitDAWG
Moscow Marjorie

Not af fan of that nickname.
Moscow Marj rolls off the tongue more easily
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: Dems to the rescue? SpeakerJohnston - 05/01/24 07:42 PM
The term Moscow Marjorie was first coined by a Republican. Former congressman Ken Buck says Marjorie Taylor Greene gets ‘her talking points from the Kremlin’ when opposing Ukraine aid.

Here are some of his comments.....

The far-right Georgia congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene is ungovernable and should be known as “Moscow Marjorie”, said a former Republican colleague in the US House, accusing Greene of “getting her talking points from the Kremlin” when opposing new federal aid for Ukraine.

“My experience with Marjorie is people have talked to her about not filing articles of impeachment on President Biden before he was sworn into office, not filing articles of impeachment that were groundless based on other individuals in the Biden administration,” Ken Buck, a Colorado rightwinger who left Congress last month, told CNN.

“She was never moved by that. She was always focused on her social media account. And ‘Moscow Marjorie’ is focused now on this Ukraine issue and getting her talking points from the Kremlin and making sure she is popular and she is getting a lot of coverage.”

But Buck quit Congress in protest of his party’s domination by Trump supporters, saying: “It is impossible for the Republican party to confront our problems and offer a course correction for the future while being obsessively fixated on retribution and vengeance for contrived injustices of the past.”

Posted By: PitDAWG Re: Dems to the rescue? SpeakerJohnston - 05/01/24 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by dawglover05
She is going to have egg all over her face, but she doesn't care. Any attention to her is better than no attention.

You're likely going to have a Republican Speaker of the House who was rescued by the Democratic caucus from the Republicans who appointed him in the first place. Think about that.

And I think at this point that's her angle. She will then accuse Johnson of being in bed with the Democrats and being one of them. And while I understand your point it didn't dstop people such as herself from forcing out Boehner or McCarthy out so I see no reason why it would stop them now. It seems shutting down the house is their goal if their speaker doesn't bow down to everything they want. And this far they've gotten away with it.

She's already calling Johnson a member of "The Uniparty".
Posted By: dawglover05 Re: Dems to the rescue? SpeakerJohnston - 05/01/24 09:00 PM
Ha, now that's a party I could get behind.
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: Dems to the rescue? SpeakerJohnston - 05/02/24 03:53 PM
As Americans have always embraced bipartisanship and finding solutions to our nation moving forward. Here is the evil MTG is trying to paint it as......

And this doesn't even show the MUGA hat she displayed. You know, Make Ukraine Great Again while promoting we sit back and gift Ukraine to Putin. Moscow Marjorie is still at it.
Posted By: dawglover05 Re: Dems to the rescue? SpeakerJohnston - 05/02/24 04:10 PM
I'd be curious to see where some of her campaign contributions have been coming from.
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: Dems to the rescue? SpeakerJohnston - 05/02/24 04:15 PM
Well I don't plan on posting some slanted, unsubstantiated rumor article that it's the Koch brothers. naughtydevil
Yeah but that rack saves her.
Posted By: mac Re: Dems to the rescue? SpeakerJohnston - 05/09/24 01:15 PM
A dramatic effort to oust Johnson is immediately blocked

House Speaker Mike Johnson and his allies easily defeated an effort by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene to knock him from power, ending — for now — the threats against his speakership.

The vote to kill Greene’s motion to vacate the speaker’s chair was swift, with 196 Republicans and 163 Democrats voting to kill it, versus the 11 Republicans and 32 Democrats who voted to move forward. Both Republicans and Democrats said they didn’t want a repeat of the three-week paralysis that came after then-Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s ouster last fall.

Johnson caught Greene’s ire after he worked with Democrats to help stave off a government shutdown, pushed through the renewal of a critical surveillance tool and passed billions of dollars in foreign aid to Ukraine after months of delays.

When Greene announced her motion to oust Johnson, her colleagues promptly booed her — and as it became clear she didn’t have the support to back her motion, she started dragging her feet. Here’s how the dramatic afternoon unfolded.
rofl shut up and sit down Marge. rofl
Posted By: mac Re: Dems to the rescue? SpeakerJohnston - 05/09/24 01:20 PM
House votes overwhelmingly to save Speaker Johnson from Marjorie Taylor Greene's push to oust him

May 8, 2024, 5:23 PM EDT / Updated May 8, 2024, 8:03 PM EDT
By Scott Wong, Rebecca Kaplan, Sahil Kapur and Kyle Stewart

Greene lacked much support within her party to oust House Speaker Mike Johnson, winning just 11 GOP votes, while a majority of Democrats voted to save him.

WASHINGTON — House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., and his allies beat back a dramatic effort by far-right Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene to oust him from power Wednesday, ending — for now — months of threats against his speakership.

The vote to "table" or kill Greene's motion to vacate the speaker's chair was 359-43. Just 10 Republicans voted with Greene, R-Ga.; seven Democrats voted present.

There were 196 Republicans and 163 Democrats who voted to kill Greene's motion; along with the 11 Republicans, 32 Democrats voted to move forward with her motion.

"I appreciate the show of confidence from my colleagues to defeat this misguided effort," Johnson said in Statuary Hall, just off the House floor, after the vote. "Hopefully, this is the end of the personality politics and the frivolous character assassination that has defined the 118th Congress. It’s regrettable. It’s not who we are as Americans, and we’re better than this. We need to get beyond it."

Greene, who had threatened for weeks to force the issue, dragged her feet as it became clear she didn't have enough support to remove Johnson. Unlike in last year's successful vote to remove former Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., many Democrats had made it clear they would vote to save Johnson, especially after he helped stave off a government shutdown, pushed through the renewal of a critical intelligence surveillance spy tool and passed billions of dollars in foreign aid for Ukraine after months of delays.

During the last vote series of the week, Greene stood on the floor and announced she was filing a privileged motion to vacate the speaker's chair. Colleagues promptly booed her.

"This is the 'uniparty' for the American people watching," she said in response to the boos, pointing with both hands at Republicans and Democrats in the chamber.

Johnson's mentor and top ally, Majority Leader Steve Scalise, R-La., moved immediately to "table," or "kill,” Greene's motion. Johnson's GOP allies were in a strong position to beat back her efforts given that Democratic leaders said on April 30 that their rank-and-file members would help dismiss her motion.

“Amid this circus, House Democrats have been the adults in the room,” said Rep. Abigail Spanberger, D-Va., a moderate who is running for governor. “We have too much work to do to waste time on petty political games.”

That saves Johnson’s job at least temporarily, though the fact that Democrats voted to keep him in power is sure to infuriate conservative activists and outside groups. And nothing would prevent Greene or any other conservative foe from forcing another vote on his fate down the road.

The 10 Republicans who voted with Greene against tabling the motion were Warren Davidson of Ohio, Alex Mooney of West Virginia, Barry Moore of Alabama, Victoria Spartz of Indiana, Chip Roy of Texas, Eric Burlison of Missouri and Paul Gosar, Eli Crane and Andy Biggs, all of Arizona.

However, it isn’t clear all of them would have voted on a resolution to oust Johnson had the motion to table failed; Roy said he was undecided.

While Greene was passionate about toppling Johnson, her campaign never really gained momentum among her colleagues. Conservatives Massie and Gosar were the only co-sponsors of her resolution. And under normal circumstances, those three GOP votes would have been enough to depose Johnson given the GOP’s razor-thin majority if all Democrats voted to remove him.

But members of both parties are still smarting from the paralysis that took over the House for three weeks last fall after Johnson’s predecessor, McCarthy, became the first speaker to be ousted in the middle of a congressional term. Greene, a staunch McCarthy ally, vehemently opposed ousting him and ultimately voted no.

The idea of Democrats’ stepping in to save Johnson began bubbling up over the past several months, with members publicly and privately saying they would vote against Greene's effort in favor of governing.

In her resolution, and on the floor, Greene quoted Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., who said in a recent CBS “60 Minutes” interview: “Even though we’re in the minority, we effectively have been governing as if we were in the majority, because we continue to provide a majority of the votes necessary to get things done. Those are just the facts.”

Democrats cheered as she quoted their leader.

“Speaker Johnson’s tenure is defined by one self-serving characteristic," Greene said on the floor before the vote. "When given a choice between advancing Republican priorities or allied with the Democrats to preserve his own personal power, Johnson regularly chooses to ally himself with Democrats."

Although he signed on to Greene’s motion to vacate, Massie repeatedly said he didn’t want to force a vote to oust Johnson and cause similar chaos and instead pressed him to resign voluntarily.

Lawmakers, including many conservatives, have said they don’t want a repeat of the fall speaker fight. In an interview last weekend, Republican National Committee Chair Michael Whatley urged party unity when he was asked about Greene’s threat to force a vote to oust Johnson, arguing that the GOP wouldn’t be able to flip the Senate and expand its House majority if the party is divided.

“We need to make sure that all of the Republicans understand the gravity of this election cycle, and they do, and we need to make sure that we are on the same page as we’re moving forward,” Whatley said days before the vote.

Johnson allies lashed out at Greene as she filed her motion. Rep. Dusty Johnson, R-S.D., chair of the Republican Main Street Caucus and no relation to the speaker, ran to cameras on the steps of the Capitol to bash her.

“We know that this motion is not going to do one thing to make America stronger. It’s not going to do one thing to deliver a conservative victory,” he said. “She is engaged in a failing act of political theater. ... We’re going to do what adults do; we’re going to ignore the tantrums and instead work to actually govern this country.”

Asked whether Greene should be punished for her actions, moderate Rep. Marc Molinaro, R-N.Y., said, "There should be accountability for those who continue to make this about themselves."

"Lies and dishonesty are a hell of a lot louder than truth and earnestness," he said. "I will leave to you to figure out which side of that equation she is on."

After the House voted to table, former President Donald Trump wrote on his social media platform that “I absolutely love Marjorie Taylor Greene” but said he prefers to see party unity, adding that “it is my request” that Republicans vote to table her motion.

In the end, Trump had no impact on the vote — it was already finished by the time he published his post.

While some Republicans called for retribution against Greene, including stripping her of committee assignments, Johnson sought out the colleague who tried to topple him. He was spotted at the end of Wednesday's vote series hurrying down the center aisle to catch up with Greene and Massie.

Johnson wrapped his arm around Massie and chatted with Greene for several minutes in the back of the chamber.

“I just talked with them about what they did and why and ... told them that was disappointing and regretful, but we move forward,” Johnson said.
This woman is a nightmare.
Posted By: Damanshot Re: Dems to the rescue? SpeakerJohnston - 05/09/24 04:54 PM

I'm not a fan of Johnsons agenda and his actions to attempt to over throw the election in Trumps favor in 2020. But these last few weeks, he's acted in the best interest of the USA. For that I applaud him..

About MTG, I'm confused? Why would any congressman/woman take the position that Russia wants them to take? That used to be the kiss of death during the Reagan years. For that matter, for years well before that. Certainly the Bush and Bush years as well.

What the hell happened to the republican party that they would allow her to open that trap of hers?
Posted By: dawglover05 Re: Dems to the rescue? SpeakerJohnston - 05/09/24 06:08 PM
I think she's a fringe element of the Republican Party still somewhat. HOWEVER, she's fringe approaching mainstream, which is concerning. Basically a malignancy if you will. That is measured by her increasing influence. This may have backfired for her, because she's now getting more Republicans to rally against her. She still has strong ties to Trump, though. I think it would take his defeat later this year to begin the process of redirecting people like her, Gosar, and the rest of the House Freedom Caucus back to the Dunce corner. That's not the only step that would need to take place, but definitely a necessary first step.

The problem is that now people like her are gaining more influence on the right, whereas twenty years ago, they'd have been ridiculed and cut off from any major influence, similarly to what we see with Tlaib and Omar on the left, currently. Malignant vs benign.

That insight is probably why I am referred to as a "libtard" or "as far left as they come" but it truly is emblematic of what I mean when I say the Republican Party has/is still shifting away from true conservativism into whatever the hell it's become. Many connect dots that aren't there and say I must be a liberal to say that, when I'm not. Like I've said before, I have the same problems with the Left that I've had for decades now, especially with the "Champagne" Democrats. On this stuff, I'm just calling out what I think is a major problem.
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: Dems to the rescue? SpeakerJohnston - 05/09/24 06:20 PM
And that's probably one of the saddest parts about all of this. In many places if people such as yourself don't walk the far right party line, which is in no way based on Republican values, you get labeled a RINO, as far left as they come and by the ignorant, even a libtard.
Here you go Marg….

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