Posted By: keithfromxenia Antisemitism in America - 05/01/24 08:40 PM
As we have watched everything unfold it would have been funny if not so sad that a lefty on here felt the need, in the face of the ongoing antisemitism of the looney lefties, aka Biden voters, out there, to suggest we need to have great concern for “right wing antisemitism “. But of course, nothing out there more prevalent than that!! The poster even included a video of Charlottesville.

Wanting to get a full appreciation of this right wing antisemitism, I watched the Charlottesville video. A bunch of white males were marching and chanting. The only words I could make out were “Jews will not replace us”. They kept repeating that. I am not sure what that was related to. But that is what they repeated. I am sure some racial slurs were made there’s as well.

After the video I read up on Charlottesville. The list of “white supremecist groups was long. Neo Nazi, kkk, and a bunch of others. They had coordinated this event and I am sure they intended to make a strong impression. It was only when I got to the end of the article did I read this. “There were hundreds in attendance”. Hundreds. Another article estimated 5-600. All these racist groups coordinating to make a big show and all they can get are a few hundred guys chanting “Jews will not replace us”.

This Charlottesville thing reminded me a bit of another “white supremecist” demonstration from years ago. Some may remember it. It was in Skokie Illinois and the nazis wanted to march thru the town which had a substantial Jewish population. They were having trouble getting a permit but if my memory is correct the ACLU intervened on their behalf and the nazis got their permit. Back then the ACLU really believed in freedom of speech. Anyway my memory of that March is there were 25-30 nazis marching and hundreds of folks poking fun at them, screaming at them, maybe a few tomatoes thrown. As with Charlottesville, this March demonstrated the absolute minimum support there is in America for nazis, antisemites and white nationalists.

Now in comparison these looney lefty antisemites, aka Joe Biden voters, who took over college campuses, shut down graduations, and prevented classes from taking place numbered in the thousands. They assaulted Jewish students. They probably do not know want tobe replaced by Jews either, but that is not what they were chanting. They were saying “death to Israel, death to America, kill the Jews”. Those kind of thought were being expressed by these lefty loons, aka Joe Biden voters. They repeatedly expressed support of Hamas and what they did in October. Some college professor was quoted that the October attack made him feel proud. Now those these folks are some serious antisemetic, Jew hating words by thousands of Jew hating lefty looney , aka Joe Biden voters. But topping was the poster calling for “the final solution “. Anybody not know that reference?

I think in summary the “right wing anti semites” are minor league stuff, class A baseball, the Dayton Dragons. These looney lefties are major league Jew haters , the New York Yankees of hatred . We need to deal with them.

One thing for sure. If you participated in this crap and you are not an American citizen, you get a ticket on the first bus home.
Posted By: dawglover05 Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/01/24 08:56 PM
1. I don't think this merits a new thread, but I'll post anyhow.

2. I don't understand why we're making anti-Semitism a left/right issue? Anti-semitic is anti-semitic. That's not to single you out alone, as I have seen others on here who do it from the other perspective, but this is yet another issue that shouldn't have the left/right skew. I swear, we're almost to the point where people are going to divide everything into left vs right. E.g. "I only brush my teeth with Colgate because I think Crest is too liberal."

People really need to shed their preconceived notions and trench mentalities of A = good no matter what and B = bad no matter what. That is honestly the biggest thing that is both being exploited by politicians and dragging this country down.

3. You went out of your way multiple times to commingle "looney lefty antisemites" with "Joe Biden voters." Are you really equating the two?
Posted By: EveDawg Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/01/24 09:03 PM
Public funding need to be removed from schools that allow antisemitism hate speech, violence, and harrassment of jewish students.
Posted By: jfanent Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/01/24 09:06 PM
People really need to shed their preconceived notions and trench mentalities of A = good no matter what and B = bad no matter what. That is honestly the biggest thing that is both being exploited by politicians and dragging this country down.

This x10.
Posted By: WooferDawg Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/01/24 10:50 PM
It is so easy for those who are anti-Israel to be labeled antisemitic.

It is not difficult to understand, one is a dislike of what the government of Israel has done in Gaza.

The other is a religion... you can be anti-Israel without being antisemitic.. just don't mention the religion.
Posted By: FATE Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/02/24 02:09 AM
I call bs. That's not what he's bringing to light. He's not lumping in those who are protesting that, you doing so is 100% disingenuous.
Posted By: FATE Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/02/24 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by dawglover05
1. I don't think this merits a new thread, but I'll post anyhow.

Seriously? 🤣
Posted By: Damanshot Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/02/24 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by EveDawg
Public funding need to be removed from schools that allow antisemitism hate speech, violence, and harrassment of jewish students.

But you defend Trump....LOL
Posted By: MemphisBrownie Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/02/24 01:29 PM
Posted By: dawglover05 Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/02/24 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by FATE
Originally Posted by dawglover05
1. I don't think this merits a new thread, but I'll post anyhow.

Seriously? 🤣

?? There's already one on Israel stuff.
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/02/24 02:28 PM
Since when did MTG become a loonie leftie?

Taylor Greene votes against bill to combat antisemitism, invokes antisemitic trope in her reasoning

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) announced she was voting against a bill to combat antisemitism, and in her reasoning, she invoked an antisemitic trope. The House voted to pass the bipartisan Antisemitism Awareness Act on a 320 to 91 vote, with 70 Democrats and 21 Republicans voting against the bill. CNN’s Melanie Zanona reports.


I had no idea these groups were on the left either.......

Anti-Semitism in the United States: Hate Groups

Aryan Nations
Klu Klux Klan (KKK)
National Alliance
White Aryan Resistance (WAR)


Before you point the finger in one direction you may wish to look at the skeletons in your own closet first.
Posted By: FATE Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/02/24 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by dawglover05
Originally Posted by FATE
Originally Posted by dawglover05
1. I don't think this merits a new thread, but I'll post anyhow.

Seriously? 🤣

?? There's already one on Israel stuff.

There are mini-terrorists calling for the death of Jews on campuses in twenty-five states. Destroying, vandalizing, taking hostages. And that's just part of the Antisemitism in America. This morning there were hundreds of officers arresting little hamas at UCLA while being barraged with tear gas. Hundreds arrested while they smile for the camera -- knowing they'll "be out in two hours" just like every other criminal in blue cities/states.

This will just be another one "on Israel stuff". I don't think we'll run out of web space, if we do, we can also talk about Trump here too.

BTW, you may want to read down the list of threads in this section, I'll just stop there. 🤣
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/02/24 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by FATE
There are mini-terrorists calling for the death of Jews on campuses in twenty-five states.

Protests in 25 states or calling for the death of Jews in 25 states?
Posted By: FATE Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/02/24 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by PitDAWG
Originally Posted by FATE
There are mini-terrorists calling for the death of Jews on campuses in twenty-five states.

Protests in 25 states or calling for the death of Jews in 25 states?

Posted By: PitDAWG Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/02/24 03:27 PM
I'd certainly like to see a source to back that up. I know there are protests in 25 states. I know that in some cases the most extremist protestors are calling for the death of Jews. But I'm not sure your broad generalization here that every protest on college campuses across the nation are calling for the death of Jews.
Posted By: dawglover05 Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/02/24 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by FATE
Originally Posted by dawglover05
Originally Posted by FATE
Originally Posted by dawglover05
1. I don't think this merits a new thread, but I'll post anyhow.

Seriously? 🤣

?? There's already one on Israel stuff.

There are mini-terrorists calling for the death of Jews on campuses in twenty-five states. Destroying, vandalizing, taking hostages. And that's just part of the Antisemitism in America. This morning there were hundreds of officers arresting little hamas at UCLA while being barraged with tear gas. Hundreds arrested while they smile for the camera -- knowing they'll "be out in two hours" just like every other criminal in blue cities/states.

This will just be another one "on Israel stuff". I don't think we'll run out of web space, if we do, we can also talk about Trump here too.

BTW, you may want to read down the list of threads in this section, I'll just stop there. 🤣

I never said the conversations wasn't worth having, and I think the thread has actually fanned out in such a way that it merits standing on its own now. But if you look at when I posted originally, as the first one to respond, I think it was an appropriate remark then. Not sure why it's something your hyper-fixated on given all the other substantive discussion in this thread, but hey, have at it. Nothing more from me on this subset.
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/02/24 03:40 PM
Biden condemns unrest following Gaza protests after police storm campuses: ‘Violent protest is not protected’

President Biden on Thursday condemned the unrest and violence that has disrupted college campuses over the last week while stressing the importance of Americans’ right to protest peacefully in support of the Palestinian people’s treatment during Israel’s ongoing war against Hamas in Gaza.

Mr Biden, speaking from the East Room of the White House, said peaceful protest is “in the best tradition of how Americans respond to consequential issues” because the US is “not an authoritarian nation where we silence people or squash dissent”.

He said the images of police clashing with protesters put the “fundamental American principles” of free speech and the rule of law “to the test” as he pointed out the importance of maintaining the latter to allow the former.

“Peaceful protest is in the best tradition of how Americans respond to consequential issues, but neither are we a lawless country. We're a civil society, and order must prevail,” he said.

Mr Biden also condemned actors who are using the campus unrest and protests to “score political points” and called the protests “a moment for clarity”.

“Let me be clear ... violent protest is not protected, peaceful protest is,” he said.

“Destroying property is not a peaceful protest — i's against the law. Vandalism, trespassing, breaking windows, shutting down campuses, forcing the cancellation of classes and graduations. None of this is a peaceful protest, threatening people, intimidating people, instilling fear in people is not peaceful protest. It's against the law”.

The president also stressed that while dissent remains “essential to democracy,” it “must never lead to disorder or denying the rights of others”.

“It's basically a matter of fairness. It's a matter of what's right. There's the right to protest, but not the right to cause chaos. People have the right to get an education, the right to get a degree, the right to walk across the campus safely without fear of being attacked,” he said.

Posted By: FATE Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/02/24 03:50 PM
I'm "hyper-fixated" because I responded to your response? 🤣

Sorry for offending you.
Posted By: bonefish Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/02/24 04:02 PM
Generalize much?
Posted By: dawglover05 Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/02/24 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by FATE
I'm "hyper-fixated" because I responded to your response? 🤣

Sorry for offending you.

Lol, bro, I work as an attorney. You don't offend me. I keep this forum up on my third monitor to check on throughout the day. The worst things said to me on this forum don't even enter into the top half of what I encounter offensively on a daily basis from my counterparts in active conversations I have up on my other two monitors.
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/02/24 04:20 PM
Keep in mind he just renewed his #snowflake hunting license. You don't need to actually make a positive identification of one to shoot at it. There is however a bag limit of four per day. naughtydevil
Posted By: FATE Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/02/24 04:28 PM
You just wait til I hack your system. You'll be looking at my bare white ass on screen #$1.
Posted By: dawglover05 Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/02/24 05:27 PM
It's already set as my background.
Posted By: OldColdDawg Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/03/24 04:23 AM
Is DL05 saying he pwns your ass? Smh.
Posted By: dawglover05 Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/03/24 11:50 AM
I think that goes without saying wink
Posted By: FATE Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/03/24 12:03 PM
Oh! Looks like I just got rekt like a newbie!
Posted By: FATE Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/03/24 04:36 PM
Posted By: keithfromxenia Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/03/24 06:29 PM
Yes 05, I am commingling the 2. If they are citizens and voted in 20 I guarandamntee you that 90% voted for Biden. 0 % voted for Trump. They will do the same in 24 unless rfk or Jill Steyn interests them.
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/03/24 06:34 PM
Since when did MTG become a loonie leftie?

Taylor Greene votes against bill to combat antisemitism, invokes antisemitic trope in her reasoning

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) announced she was voting against a bill to combat antisemitism, and in her reasoning, she invoked an antisemitic trope. The House voted to pass the bipartisan Antisemitism Awareness Act on a 320 to 91 vote, with 70 Democrats and 21 Republicans voting against the bill. CNN’s Melanie Zanona reports.


I had no idea these groups were on the left either.......

Anti-Semitism in the United States: Hate Groups

Aryan Nations
Klu Klux Klan (KKK)
National Alliance
White Aryan Resistance (WAR)


Before you point the finger in one direction you may wish to look at the skeletons in your own closet first.

I guarandamntee you that all of these people will vote for trump.
Posted By: keithfromxenia Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/03/24 06:40 PM
Sorry woofer, but when the chants are “death to Israel, kill the Jews, from the river to the sea, death to Jews etc. that is not opposition to Israel’s going after hamas. They are Jew haters just like the Nazis. I saw that signage at every campus that was on the news with riots/demonstrations. When they praise hamas and their October attack they are antisemites. When a sign calls for the final solution who are they.

When I heard that video of a man confronting my congressman, Byron Donald’s, call him a race traitor, and he was a professor, and there are many just like him, they are why our students are out there showing such hatred.
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/03/24 06:48 PM
I've heard there's a lot of that going on in the country that isn't on college campuses too.

Nothing like people who claim to stand for personal responsibility while refusing to call out their own. There's a name for that.
Posted By: keithfromxenia Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/03/24 09:26 PM
Would you point all of that to me. Show me the kkk marching with kill the Jew signs, or death to Israel. Show me the neo nazis singing support for what hamas did in October. I will look forward to seeing it. While you are at it point out the dozens of young Jewish students being assaulted right now by these groups. Fact is that the antisemetic Jew hatred going on right now are these leftist students. But you would rather spend your time distressing over the 4-500 marchers from 8 years ago.

And that bill was a dung pile that should not have been passed.
Posted By: dawglover05 Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/04/24 03:17 AM
Wow, so we have 70 million+ looney lefty anti semites in the country. I never knew that.
Posted By: keithfromxenia Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/04/24 01:08 PM
Since you used the word first, I assumed you would know what I meant by the word comingle.
Posted By: PerfectSpiral Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/04/24 01:15 PM
Posted By: OldColdDawg Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/04/24 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by dawglover05
Wow, so we have 70 million+ looney lefty anti semites in the country. I never knew that.

Conversations in crayon much? Smh, don’t feed the trolls.
Posted By: Rishuz Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/04/24 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by dawglover05
People really need to shed their preconceived notions and trench mentalities of A = good no matter what and B = bad no matter what. That is honestly the biggest thing that is both being exploited by politicians and dragging this country down.

I occasionally lurk over in this cesspool called the political forums and this is an interesting take made by you. You are as far left as they come, hiding behind the tag line “I used to be a conservative and now im not because…”. You practice the exact thing you just railed against.
Posted By: OldColdDawg Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/04/24 02:08 PM
Posted By: dawglover05 Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/04/24 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by Rishuz
Originally Posted by dawglover05
People really need to shed their preconceived notions and trench mentalities of A = good no matter what and B = bad no matter what. That is honestly the biggest thing that is both being exploited by politicians and dragging this country down.

I occasionally lurk over in this cesspool called the political forums and this is an interesting take made by you. You are as far left as they come, hiding behind the tag line “I used to be a conservative and now im not because…”. You practice the exact thing you just railed against.


And which one of my political platforms makes me far left as they come? The fact that I don’t like Trump?

I continue to posit that I am in fact conservative. Republicans are not. Well, most of them at least.
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/04/24 03:24 PM
If you haven't been witnessing what you asked me to show you for over 50+ years there's nothing I can do that will will help you.

Are you trying to insinuate that the KKK and white supremacist groups no longer exist? That they don't support the extermination of the Jews?

Out of well over 36k students at Columbia University, the most protestors assembled at one time was approximately 400. That's still a terrible thing but let's try to keep things in context here.

The only difference here is I'm not in denial.
Posted By: keithfromxenia Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/04/24 09:00 PM
Just a couple of thoughts. Why stop at 50 years?? shoot let’s go back 150 years then we can beat ourselves up for slavery. I think our focus should be more of what is now, don’t you. How about in this millennium??

So pit, you asked for context. Here is a little. The klan has about 3000 members, some of whom are not even members, they just hang out with the klanners and share their “ideals”. So in a country of what, maybe 330 million, 3000.

I searched neo nazi/white supremecist groups. There are a boatload. Most I could not find membership for but the ones I could, 500 was the largest I could find.

These folks views are repugnant and idiotic. Anyone who makes a judgement about a person based upon skin color or ethnicity is just not smart. Many of these people probably grew up with it and had it drilled into them from early in life.

I saw a number of campus videos with crowds estimated at about 1000. The whole uproar has included multiple thousands and the things they are calling for are abhorrent. I certainly am not suggesting that the all college students subscribe to this stuff. I saw a number of students stand up to these purveyors of Jewish hate. Good for them.

You called for context, pit, which I took to mean realizing this was a small sample of college students. But I do not think or any lefty tried to contextualize Charlottesville. You took the actions of 500 or so and tried to draw the conclusion that right wing antisemitism is a huge problem. It is not . If you add up the kkk+ all the neonazi idiots it is a splinter of a splinter, and many of those groups do not even get along with each other.

With the campus antisemitism we are seeing these are being driven by radical leftist professors and they will continue poisoning the minds of these students. That is a problem.

And I do not think I am in denial about anything.
Posted By: dawglover05 Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/05/24 01:35 AM
Again, I don’t quite understand the need to bifurcate the issue between right and left?
Posted By: PerfectSpiral Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/05/24 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by dawglover05
Again, I don’t quite understand the need to bifurcate the issue between right and left?

Because one man made the left the mortal enemy of maga.
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/05/24 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by keithfromxenia
Just a couple of thoughts. Why stop at 50 years?? shoot let’s go back 150 years then we can beat ourselves up for slavery. I think our focus should be more of what is now, don’t you. How about in this millennium??

Like Charlottseville?

Like this?

I can show you many, many examples of this.

So pit, you asked for context. Here is a little. The klan has about 3000 members, some of whom are not even members, they just hang out with the klanners and share their “ideals”. So in a country of what, maybe 330 million, 3000.

I searched neo nazi/white supremecist groups. There are a boatload. Most I could not find membership for but the ones I could, 500 was the largest I could find.

These folks views are repugnant and idiotic. Anyone who makes a judgement about a person based upon skin color or ethnicity is just not smart. Many of these people probably grew up with it and had it drilled into them from early in life.

Yet you have only pointed the finger in one direction.

I saw a number of campus videos with crowds estimated at about 1000. The whole uproar has included multiple thousands and the things they are calling for are abhorrent. I certainly am not suggesting that the all college students subscribe to this stuff. I saw a number of students stand up to these purveyors of Jewish hate. Good for them.

So they are calling for much the same thing as the KKK and white supremacists are? And of course we had a president who claimed there were "very fine people" among them. Let me give you some context. There are approximately 36,600 students at Columbia University. The most students protesting at any one time was approximately 400.

You called for context, pit, which I took to mean realizing this was a small sample of college students. But I do not think or any lefty tried to contextualize Charlottesville. You took the actions of 500 or so and tried to draw the conclusion that right wing antisemitism is a huge problem. It is not . If you add up the kkk+ all the neonazi idiots it is a splinter of a splinter, and many of those groups do not even get along with each other.

Trying to downplay hundreds of hate groups on the right is not a good look for you. It's time you man up and admit that the problem is quite bad on both sides and stop sugar coating it with a political slant that is not accurate.

With the campus antisemitism we are seeing these are being driven by radical leftist professors and they will continue poisoning the minds of these students. That is a problem.

And I do not think I am in denial about anything.

Like this.......
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/05/24 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by dawglover05
Again, I don’t quite understand the need to bifurcate the issue between right and left?

It's the "we're bad but your worse" strategy.
Posted By: keithfromxenia Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/08/24 06:02 PM
Actually it is the “get those lefties into the current decade” strategy. But before I do that there is this. You being you, I doubt you will recognize the……. perhaps irony, of your remark but I am pretty certain most everyone else did. Let me quote you.
“yet you have only pointed the finger in one direction “.

This coming from a guy who has pointed his finger in the same direction for eight years. Eight years!!! And you get worked up when someone points there finger in a different direction. You lefties have spent the past eight years feeling a smug superiority. Look at the hatred and antisemitism of those right wingers. And then, and then, spilling out of the lefty closet comes the nastiest, foulest, ugliest antisemetic hatred of Jews I have seen in a long while. And it is coming from a bunch of your kindred spirits, lefty students who have been indoctrinated by those leftist professors. Nasty nasty people. Just read of a chant at GWU calling for beheading of the school president. Hmm nice people.

As for this idiotic suggestion that Trump called the white supremicists “good people” anyone not wearing lefty glasses knows what he was saying. There were actually three groups of people at Charlottesville. There was a group of mostly local folks who were there to protest the removal or destruction of their historical monuments. There was a group there, a mix of local and outsiders who were there to call for the removal of these monuments. There were good people on both sides. Then there was a third group, mostly outsiders, who were white supremicists., about 500 or so. Trump was not addressing them.

Finally I appreciate you making my point for me. Let’s review. We are currently seeing Jewish students being assaulted and prevented from going to class. I have heard dozens of them say they fear for their life. I have seen signs calling for death to Jews, death to Israel, kill the Jews, from the river to the sea. All of that is going on right now! Current events. And you bring me something eight years old. Can’t you at least find something this decade?? Better yet, all of this started with the October attack on Israel. Obviously that attack brought these leftie looney antisemetic Jew haters out. So surely that has been a perfect opportunity for the klan or neo nazis to come out “in force” . So surely you can point out some examples of Jewish people being assaulted by these right wingers. You can show them marching with kill the Jews signs, death to Israel sign. Or maybe these groups you fear so much have been neutered so much by time and the changing attitudes toward race in America that they just don’t have much of a presence.

But these leftie haters are young and college educated. They are threats to watch out for in the future.

But cheer up, pit. To slightly paraphrase the immortal words of Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca, “you’ll always have Charlottesville “.
Posted By: archbolddawg Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/08/24 06:16 PM
Good post.

This comment from the other poster: "It's the "we're bad but your worse" strategy." is so priceless the irony is lost by that poster.
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/08/24 06:22 PM
Your vision must be impaired. But I expected as much. I have plainly stated that Israel must wipe out Hamas. I have also said Hamas are terrorists. The monument in question was to be taken down by order of the city counsel. trump only recognized two groups. The protestors and the anti protestors. And then said there were good people on both sides. Inventing an alternative reality will not change that.

Some of these protestors are sickening. Supporting Hamas is sickening. Now how does that make me a kindred spirit again?

I understand how this started. It started by a blatant terrorist act killing over 1200 Israeli's in an unprovoked attack by Hamas. I'm not sure what that has to do with starving and denying medical supplies to innocent women and children in Gaza. I'm not sure what that has to do with using 2000 lb. bombs that destroy everything for 1000 feet in every direction which will obviously kill many innocent civilians. The only real difference between us is I hold both sides responsible for the actions they take while you hold only one side responsible.

I'm glad you think the KKK and the hundreds of white supremacist groups have simply disappeared. And just to give you a little perspective which you seem to have no sense of. As an example, there are over 36,600 students at Columbia University. The largest amount of protesters gathered at one time on that campus was 400. I'm pretty sure with over 36k of them not being there anyone with eyes can see this is a very small fraction of the student body. So maybe you shouldn't be generalizing about college educated people.
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/08/24 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by archbolddawg
Good post.

This comment from the other poster: "It's the "we're bad but your worse" strategy." is so priceless the irony is lost by that poster.

So what do you think of blocking food and medical aid to the women, children and elderly of Gaza? Does that seem okay to you? Is that something you support? Is that humane? Do you or do you not see that as being cruel to innocent people? Inquiring minds want to know what someone with strong christian values thinks of that?
Posted By: archbolddawg Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/08/24 06:27 PM
I was talking about you, and blaming Trump for everything under the sun.
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/08/24 06:49 PM
So let's see if I get this straight. I point out and post the very things that trump says and does and you don't like that. And then you try to compare that I have stated that I think both Biden and trump aren't good candidates to someone making the clear cut choice to cut of medical aid and food to women, children and elderly as being comparable?

And then when I ask your view on the actual topic being discussed you avoid it like the plague? Either you wish to engage in the topic or you don't. If not what the hell are you doing here?
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/08/24 07:14 PM
Now they're refusing to claim their own......

GOP lawmaker claims KKK is ‘the military wing of the Democratic Party’ in closed door meeting ahead of antisemitism hearing


Ku Klux Klan newspaper declares support for Trump


Former KKK leader endorses Trump for president again – and Tucker Carlson for VP


It’s No Mystery Why Racists Have Fallen in Love With Trump’s Republican Party

The KKK did not choose to support Donald Trump because he was a Republican—but because they agreed with the ideas that he and other far-right politicians spout.

Posted By: archbolddawg Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/08/24 07:41 PM
I am doing here what I want.

You point out trump 20 times a day. Over the last however many years you've pointed out biden perhaps 6 times, and ALWAYS with the caveat of "but trump".

Period. The end.

Don't like it? Don't do it. Apply your rules to yourself, first. And? I'll treat you the way you treat me.
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/08/24 07:55 PM

As you would say....
I am doing here what I want.

And I would love for you to point to where I regularly post "point out trump 20 times a a day". Does just making BS up out of think air make you feel better? And I've certainly pointed to Biden more than six times. But you see when you don't support someone who is one of the nastiest human beings in politics over a man that at least has somewhat of a moral compass, you'll have that. And let me explain something else to you. Over that same period of time you have totally ignored and refused to call trump out for anything he has said and done. I guess you have no problem with "good people on both sides" or "I can grab them by the pu$$y". The list goes on and on of the obvious things you totally ignore.

I don't set the rules. I also don't come in here only to exclusively attack posters I dislike. Because that's all you've been doing since you got here today. But I've learned to expect that from you since that's all you pretty much do when you come here. No discussion, no comment on the content, just the usual. You're a funny little man.
Posted By: EveDawg Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/08/24 08:44 PM

This wont pass, but its hilarious.
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/08/24 08:56 PM
It is hilarious. Political theater has reached an all time high.
Posted By: archbolddawg Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/08/24 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by PitDAWG

As you would say....
I am doing here what I want.

And I would love for you to point to where I regularly post "point out trump 20 times a a day". Does just making BS up out of think air make you feel better? And I've certainly pointed to Biden more than six times. But you see when you don't support someone who is one of the nastiest human beings in politics over a man that at least has somewhat of a moral compass, you'll have that. And let me explain something else to you. Over that same period of time you have totally ignored and refused to call trump out for anything he has said and done. I guess you have no problem with "good people on both sides" or "I can grab them by the pu$$y". The list goes on and on of the obvious things you totally ignore.

I don't set the rules. I also don't come in here only to exclusively attack posters I dislike. Because that's all you've been doing since you got here today. But I've learned to expect that from you since that's all you pretty much do when you come here. No discussion, no comment on the content, just the usual. You're a funny little man.

You just did it again. But you don't see it which is either hilarious, or scary.
Posted By: Damanshot Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/08/24 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by archbolddawg
I was talking about you, and blaming Trump for everything under the sun.

Well, let's look at that for a second. He embraces the groups that are anti anything but WHITE..

He Embraces the KKK and they in turn embrace him.

Trumps NAZIesk rhetoric emboldens those groups and they in tune threaten violence in his behalf..

You can, and most likely will deny this, but there are sooooo many examples that would prove you wrong.

Trump and leaders like him around the world are the cause of much unrest. They must be dealt with harshly.

Is he the cause of everything that is wrong in the world,, probably not,, but he's part of the problem.,

He tells you what he's going to do in the TIME article that came out last week. If you believe he's right, you are part of the problem. If you believe he doesn't mean it, then you are fooling yourself.
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/08/24 09:38 PM
And you only come here to attack people without posting anything relevant. What a sad existence that must be. Do you have anything of substance that would actually add to the content of the thread? I didn't think so because you only come here for one purpose.

I responded to your accusations. I'm not the one who brought him up. But I'm sure you can't see that either. And as per usual you won't say anything against him no matter what he says or does. Nothing new there.
Posted By: EveDawg Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/08/24 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by PitDAWG
Originally Posted by EveDawg
He cries giant tears about gazans and considers it a contribution.

So do you support starving and denying medical supplies to women, children and the elderly? Or do you pick and choose which women, children and elderly people to treat inhumanely? I support you don't treat people that way no matter where they live.

[Linked Image from media.giphy.com]
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/08/24 10:01 PM
You and arch have so much in common. And no, it's not any sense of humanity. As per usual you have nothing but word vomit.
Posted By: EveDawg Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/08/24 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by PitDAWG
You and arch have so much in common. And no, it's not any sense of humanity. As per usual you have nothing but word vomit.

[Linked Image from media.giphy.com]
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/08/24 10:09 PM
I see that starving people on purpose is a joke to you. Nothing surprising there. More hateful vomit from the disgusting.
Posted By: EveDawg Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/08/24 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by PitDAWG
I see that starving people on purpose is a joke to you. Nothing surprising there. More hateful vomit from the disgusting.
[Linked Image from media.giphy.com]
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/08/24 10:15 PM
I'm just glad you continue to show just what a truly disgusting human being you are. If there was any doubt before you've laid it all out on full display for everyone to see. Thank you.
Posted By: EveDawg Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/08/24 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by PitDAWG
I'm just glad you continue to show just what a truly disgusting human being you are. If there was any doubt before you've laid it all out on full display for everyone to see. Thank you.
[Linked Image from media.giphy.com]
Posted By: archbolddawg Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/08/24 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by PitDAWG
I'm just glad you continue to show just what a truly disgusting human being you are. If there was any doubt before you've laid it all out on full display for everyone to see. Thank you.

Way to add substance. Take your own advice or don't expect others to.
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/08/24 10:22 PM
Being an advocate for starving people doesn't make you weak. Not giving a damn about your fellow human beings makes you weak.
Posted By: PitDAWG Re: Antisemitism in America - 05/08/24 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by archbolddawg
Originally Posted by PitDAWG
I'm just glad you continue to show just what a truly disgusting human being you are. If there was any doubt before you've laid it all out on full display for everyone to see. Thank you.

Way to add substance. Take your own advice or don't expect others to.

I give what I get. Would you like another helping?
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