Posted By: FL_Dawg CBA poll - 02/14/11 06:15 PM
I have to side with the owners.

I am curios to know what other members think.
Posted By: DCDAWGFAN Re: CBA poll - 02/14/11 06:39 PM
Can't pick... from what I've seen both sides need to give and the retired players need to be treated better.... there is a ton of money out there, watching them fight over it is nauseating.
Posted By: cfrs15 Re: CBA poll - 02/14/11 07:15 PM
The owners are already billionaires and want more money because they screwed up the last CBA.
Posted By: FL_Dawg Re: CBA poll - 02/14/11 07:56 PM

The owners are already billionaires and want more money because they screwed up the last CBA.

Why should you care if they are? All I care about as a fan is that they put out a good stable product.

Do you care if the company who supplies you your favorite food is a billionaire or do you care that they give you a product that you can count on to be what you like?
Posted By: brownsfansince79 Re: CBA poll - 02/14/11 08:44 PM

Can't pick... from what I've seen both sides need to give and the retired players need to be treated better.... there is a ton of money out there, watching them fight over it is nauseating.

Probably the best way to put it.

Like I said in the other thread, there are so many sensible options out there proposed by people on this board. But, both sides just see dollar signs, not necessarily a way to resolve this.
Posted By: no_logo_required Re: CBA poll - 02/14/11 08:49 PM
I thought Isiah Thomas killed the CBA?

(oh, and I side with the fans, not that they matter except that they pay all the bills)
Posted By: FL_Dawg Re: CBA poll - 02/14/11 09:06 PM

I thought Isiah Thomas killed the CBA?

(oh, and I side with the fans, not that they matter except that they pay all the bills)

Good point
Posted By: jfanent Re: CBA poll - 02/14/11 10:19 PM
I'm siding with the owners all the way. Nobody's forcing anyone to play football, and there's a business to be run. I'm not going to pity someone making that kind of scratch for playing a game....I'm going to save my concern for our soldiers risking their lives for very little money.
Posted By: DCDAWGFAN Re: CBA poll - 02/14/11 10:27 PM

Nobody's forcing anyone to play football, and there's a business to be run. I'm not going to pity someone making that kind of scratch for playing a game....

But you are going to pity the billionaires who are rich enough to buy into a monopoly and make far more than the players without ever taking a hit?

And I'm sorry, if you can see what these guys go through, what many of their bodies look like 10 years after playing and still refer to it as "playing a game" ... like they are out there jumping rope or playing 4 square then you are delusional.
Posted By: jfanent Re: CBA poll - 02/14/11 11:50 PM

he risks are known before they step on the field. There are people risking a lot more for a lot less. It's their choice. My guess is that most people would assume a similar risk of injury that the NFL players do for that kind of money.

Posted By: FL_Dawg Re: CBA poll - 02/15/11 01:22 AM
DC, there are many a citizens giving up far more for far less.

It's out of control what we are paying top draft picks.
They could not start a down in the League or even sniff the field and still take home more then most can in a life time.
If the players today are spoiled it's because some don't have to work for that big contract. It's given to them.
On the other end of the spectrum is the Veterans who have proven themselves, yet never get the contract they deserve in respect to their peers, because so much is spent on the draft picks year in and year out, that they get left out.

So in a way they are their own worst enemy.
Posted By: TheJoker Re: CBA poll - 02/15/11 02:42 AM
You didn't vote for anything!

Please use your back button to return to the previous page.

That was the message I got since I think both are at fault. They need to work this out or they'll cost themselves a lot of money and a lot of upset fans who turn to another sport if the NFL is not on and never turn back on to the NFL.
Posted By: FL_Dawg Re: CBA poll - 02/15/11 01:06 PM
Non commit 'al then, that's fine but it won't do anything for the poll.

Thanks for your opinion.
Posted By: DCDAWGFAN Re: CBA poll - 02/15/11 01:54 PM

DC, there are many a citizens giving up far more for far less.

Ok, this is the second time this has been brought up so I went up and checked the poll.. and I found that we are not debating football players verses firemen or military.. we are debating football players who put their health and safety on the line and the billionaire owners who profit off of them and cut them when they have outlived their usefulness..... so let's leave those who don't have the money to be an owner and those who don't have the ability to be a player.. the heck out of it.


It's out of control what we are paying top draft picks.
They could not start a down in the League or even sniff the field and still take home more then most can in a life time.

What about owners? Doesn't a similar arguement apply? Most of them have never owned or managed a successful sports franchise in their life when they get to be NFL owners.. they were just successful at something else and that entitles them to buy their way into the club, to own 1/32 of a monopoly that makes money hand over fist...... So I agree, a rookie cap is one issue that I think needs to be implemented.. but to be fair, even with a cap, your above statement is still going to apply. It's not like the rookie cap is going to pay the #1 overall pick a couple hundred grand...


If the players today are spoiled it's because some don't have to work for that big contract. It's given to them.

Sort of.. they haven't proven themselves in the NFL yet, but that doesn't mean they didn't work their butt off to get themselves into a position to be a top 10 pick. Just like the kid who works his butt off to graduate at the top of his Harvard Law Class is going to start out making 4 times as much as the kid who went to a state college and majored in something else... In the NFL the numbers are much bigger but the principle is the same.


On the other end of the spectrum is the Veterans who have proven themselves, yet never get the contract they deserve in respect to their peers, because so much is spent on the draft picks year in and year out, that they get left out.

Look, I agree. There isn't a QB under 25 in the NFL that should be sniffing the money that Manning and Brady make.. (though I'm not convinced that $18 million a year is really necessary for them either... but that is the problem with signing guys to 5 and 6 year deals, sometimes they outplay their deal and are worth more, sometimes they flop and aren't worth what you are paying them... If you want to put in some kind of a progressive rookie wage scale, go for it.
Posted By: Punchsmack Re: CBA poll - 02/15/11 04:31 PM
It's the owners league, they took the big finiancial risk to create/maintain this for all of us....it's theirs to change if they want.

The players don't HAVE to be a part of this league, they can go get another job or join the Candian Football League if they don't like only being paid X millions per year. Heck, they can go start their own league too...and we'll see what happens when they players of their new league start asking for more money. Same thing.

As much as this is a player-driven league, we will all forget about Manning or Brady if they quit. We'd follow the new guys....just like we normally do when someone retires and get's replaced.

The players are the workforce AND the product...but they're replaceable. Maybe not with new guys off the street tomorrow, but over a short period of time, we'd embrace a new set of players. And with yearly drafts, the whole talent pool will be refreshed in a few years.

If I was a player, I'd fight to make the higher salaried guys get paid a little less...while also making the lower guys being paid more. Not to say they all get paid the same but there are some guys making $500,000 and some $25 million. That's too big. Maybe 2-3 for the low guys and 8-10 for the big ones.
Posted By: BrownsBigshot Re: CBA poll - 02/15/11 04:55 PM
The owners OWN the company. If you don't want to work for that owner, find somewhere else.
Posted By: FL_Dawg Re: CBA poll - 02/15/11 10:54 PM

Ok, this is the second time this has been brought up so I went up and checked the poll.. and I found that we are not debating football players verses firemen or military.. we are debating football players who put their health and safety on the line and the billionaire owners who profit off of them and cut them when they have outlived their usefulness..... so let's leave those who don't have the money to be an owner and those who don't have the ability to be a player.. the heck out of it.

You totally miss the point....went right over your head.

The point is what the hell makes them so special that they can look a gift horse in the mouth. The rest of the country has to make sacrifices, why should they be any different? Because they play a sport?

They are not as special as they think they are.

Is the game more important then real life? Half the fricken country is unemployed, you want me to feel sorry for these players who are set for life already if they play their cards right.

Not a chance.
They have not been mistreated by their employers from where I stand. In fact they have prospered where most of us are being asked to take pay cuts.

"Health and safety on the line". What a joke that is.

I can think of many professions that are more of a risk to ones health for far less reward...Do I need to spell it out for you?
Posted By: clevesteve Re: CBA poll - 02/16/11 03:09 PM

Ok, this is the second time this has been brought up so I went up and checked the poll.. and I found that we are not debating football players verses firemen or military.. we are debating football players who put their health and safety on the line and the billionaire owners who profit off of them and cut them when they have outlived their usefulness..... so let's leave those who don't have the money to be an owner and those who don't have the ability to be a player.. the heck out of it.

Posted By: FL_Dawg Re: CBA poll - 02/16/11 07:50 PM


Ok, this is the second time this has been brought up so I went up and checked the poll.. and I found that we are not debating football players verses firemen or military.. we are debating football players who put their health and safety on the line and the billionaire owners who profit off of them and cut them when they have outlived their usefulness..... so let's leave those who don't have the money to be an owner and those who don't have the ability to be a player.. the heck out of it.

Who brought up the subject of the players having to take risk?
Not me... I am merely giving rebuttal to their clams that to me it's not a relevant argument
Posted By: Tyler_Derden Re: CBA poll - 02/17/11 01:16 AM
If the CBA doesn't get done, and there isn't an NFL season next year----then would it be possible for players to jump to the UFL and with the large pool of talent out there---could that league become the next premier football league.

Or did the UFL already fold?
Posted By: shepdawg Re: CBA poll - 02/17/11 11:20 AM
Hasn't folded yet but they did cancel their plans to expand from 5 teams to 6......
Posted By: DCDAWGFAN Re: CBA poll - 02/17/11 01:37 PM
The UFL doesn't have the infrastructure to become the next premier football league, the first thing it is lacking is 32 billionaire owners... it doesn't have access to the stadiums needed, it also doesn't have the negotiating power, does anybody believe that ESPN or any of the major networks are going to snub the NFL and start giving primetime spots to UFL games being played with NFL players? When the lockout ended that would be suicide for the networks.

I suppose what you are suggesting is POSSIBLE, but it would have to be a multi-year lockout for something to take hold and thats just not going to happen.
Posted By: Ballpeen Re: CBA poll - 02/18/11 12:48 AM

The owners.

They bought the business.

I don't think many of the owners are making more then their top hired hand, and to be honest, something seems wrong with that.

Really, if you owned a business, one of your employees would be making more than you??

Posted By: Damanshot Re: CBA poll - 02/19/11 02:32 PM

does anybody believe that ESPN or any of the major networks are going to snub the NFL and start giving primetime spots to UFL games being played with NFL players?

In a odd sorta way, that's already happened.

Years ago, when NBC was scorned by the NFL, they went out and began televising games from an upstart league. Not sure I remember what it was called, I think it had something to do with the wrestling guy,, McMahon?

The NFL got smart,, they threw NBC a bone and now you have Sunday Night, Football Night in America...

So it will never happen again..
Posted By: shepdawg Re: CBA poll - 02/19/11 02:47 PM
TV contracts are bid out for MONEY not tossed to networks as a bone to appease them.
Posted By: Damanshot Re: CBA poll - 02/19/11 04:35 PM

TV contracts are bid out for MONEY not tossed to networks as a bone to appease them.

yes, that's true.. bad choice of words on my part.

But I really thought that was obvious..

And Jules calls me captain O... Geesh Shep
Posted By: YTownBrownsFan Re: CBA poll - 02/19/11 05:26 PM
I just want to know what kind of curio you are.

I don't side with either. It is millionaires fighting billionaires. Just get it settled and done with so we can have football next season.
Posted By: shepdawg Re: CBA poll - 02/19/11 07:57 PM


TV contracts are bid out for MONEY not tossed to networks as a bone to appease them.

yes, that's true.. bad choice of words on my part.

But I really thought that was obvious..

And Jules calls me captain O... Geesh Shep

Apparently it wasn't obvious to you Captain Oblivious.
Posted By: FL_Dawg Re: CBA poll - 02/20/11 02:20 AM

I just want to know what kind of curio you are.

All I can say to that is... mom said they broke the mold with me, so I've felt obligated to live up to that
Posted By: Woofurious Re: CBA poll - 03/11/11 11:04 PM


Nobody's forcing anyone to play football, and there's a business to be run. I'm not going to pity someone making that kind of scratch for playing a game....

But you are going to pity the billionaires who are rich enough to buy into a monopoly and make far more than the players without ever taking a hit?

And I'm sorry, if you can see what these guys go through, what many of their bodies look like 10 years after playing and still refer to it as "playing a game" ... like they are out there jumping rope or playing 4 square then you are delusional.

I am a little late to the party but,....

Can you go give my boss the same line about how I will look in 10 years after I am done? And then tell him the difference is too vast in the ammount of money he makes compared to the ammount I make?

I am a top talent in my field too.
But it is only a JOB after all. Not something important like football.
Maybe the players should be gratefull for what they do get.
I mean, for everyone else, it is easy for the boss to point your arse to the door if you don't like it.
All the owners could retire ,sell the stadiums and never look for work for the rest of their lives.
How about most of the players?
Are they going to start their own league? They could rent the stadiums.
Maybe they should not be looking a gift horse in the mouth.
If there is no NFL this season, I am done.
IMHO Both sides are spoiled rotten to the core.
I will put my weekend energy into something more productive for my community.
Like college football.
Of course the way things are going .
Soon we will have to pay the collge players salary too.
Ya know? Becuase they are so used by the universities to make money.
Never mind that pathetic free ride.
Posted By: FL_Dawg Re: CBA poll - 03/12/11 02:12 PM
Brady, Manning and Brees

The 3 headed post child for the insanely greedy, selfish and dumb.

They should be booed at every opportunity and not ever be allowed to forget how they are trieing to rape the League into poverty and lack of parity.
Posted By: OoooRahJoice Re: CBA poll - 03/12/11 03:29 PM
Woof,...you sound like you were the fly on the wall last nite,....We were out with the neighbors discussing the "abuse" college footballs players are subject to.
Posted By: archbolddawg Re: CBA poll - 03/12/11 05:29 PM

Woof,...you sound like you were the fly on the wall last nite,....We were out with the neighbors discussing the "abuse" college footballs players are subject to.

Not that it matters to anyone - but when the Browns left, for 3 years I watched the super bowl - that's 3 games. And, maybe a total of parts of 6 playoff games. Caught parts of a reg season game a few times - never watched more than a total of 2 reg. season games for 3 years.

The NFL, and the nflpa need to be made aware of that type of thing.

While I missed football, I didn't miss it enough to change teams - I didn't miss it enough to still watch every Sunday - in fact, I found my life was just fine without football.

The players need to realize that - and the owners need to realize that.
Posted By: OoooRahJoice Re: CBA poll - 03/12/11 10:02 PM
Same here for me in THAT situation,...

But this is different,....here, we might actually still have Browns football -- it'll just be played by replacements.

Or -- and here I agree with you -- if there is NO pro football, there is plenty of hockey, baseball, college football & wrestling, indoor track, college basketball, NASCAR, and plain old home improvement projects to work on.
Posted By: Bard Dawg Re: CBA poll - 03/16/11 04:55 PM
I got my yardwork done. Only good thing (if being stiff and sore on Mondays which are choice anyhow) counts for much. We did okay in strike ball; maybe this is our chance. Win the Asterisk Bowl!
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