Christian Kirksey delivers loud and clear message to Browns teammates that they aren't quitting


By Dan Labbe, cleveland.com


CINCINNATI, Ohio -- Browns linebacker Christian Kirksey has been here before: on a winless team, sliding toward the wrong side of history. Last year, to be exact.

"We're not going 0-16," he declared following an early November loss to Dallas in 2016 that dropped the Browns to 0-9. They didn't go 0-16, though they came awfully close, failing to win until their next-to-last game on Christmas Eve.

Sunday, following a loss that dropped the Browns to 0-11, Kirksey delivered another message, this time behind closed doors, though it was audible to those waiting in the interview room for head coach Hue Jackson.

"That was a guy on this team who is a leader, and he was telling this team to keep fighting," Jackson said.

"It's a man's game," Kirksey said. "Men don't quit. Men don't fold. So I was just encouraging the guys to keep grinding, keep trying to move forward, don't get down on yourself, don't hold your head."

It's one thing that you can point to with this roster the last two years. For all the flaws, the one thing that no one can say is that they have given up.

Kirksey, in his fourth season, has been thrust into a leadership role on a Browns roster that has gotten ever younger. He's credited the likes of former Browns Karlos Dansby and Craig Robertson in helping guide him early in his career, and now he's the one doing the guiding.

"I don't sense we're giving up at all," Kirksey said. "I just wanted to keep putting special emphasis on that. Whenever you're a winless team, sometimes guys can drift away. So I'm not saying that that's what guys are doing, but I just wanted to make sure that that's not happening."

It has been a trying few years for Kirksey who came into the league and started 7-4. Since that time, he's won just four games, has seen one front office and coaching staff sent packing. There are, predictably, rumors swirling around this current regime. Kirksey was asked about Jackson's future and he took up for his embattled coach.

"That's my head coach," Kirksey said. "I wouldn't want to play for nobody else. That's my head coach. He's the coach of the Cleveland Browns, and I'll forever have his back. And that's what the men in this room do. We have his back."

Tight end David Njoku echoed Kirksey's sentiment when asked about his message.

"We're not sitting down. We're not folding our hands. We're going to keep fighting all the way till the end," Njoku said. "Every play, every down, no matter what the score is, we're going to keep fighting. That's just how we're built. At some point, it's a pride thing. So we're not quitting."

For Kirksey, it was all about one thing: moving forward.

"It's my job to keep these guys going, keep pushing and just keep sticking to the process and sticking to our goals, and everything will work itself out," Kirksey said. "There's no time to complain about a call. There's no time to say, 'Oh, this could have gone that way or kind of feel sorry for ourselves.' This is a man's game."
Much love for Kirksey. thumbsup
+1 ... not only is he a good player .... hes a good leader at a young age ....

These guys didn’t quit on Hue last year and their not quitting this year ... ya anyhow ... and i don’t see it happening ....
Great timing. I just mentioned on the Post Game thread that the team is not quitting on Hue. That means a lot.

Love seeing Kirksey step up.

I used to think he was just a special team's guy, but he has worked his butt off and become a very good player. I think his attitude [as this article proves] is a huge reason why he has improved so much.

Kudos to Kirksey.
That's a leader for you
Really like Kirksey.

Glad he's on the Browns and enjoyed the article.
It's always great to have a guy with real character on the team step up when needed.
Originally Posted By: Versatile Dog
Great timing. I just mentioned on the Post Game thread that the team is not quitting on Hue. That means a lot.

Agreed. That certainly does count for something.

But everyone needs to improve in this organization, period. It's not just the FO, it's not just the coaching staff, and it's not just the players. They all need to do a better job.

Doesn't mean everyone isn't trying hard.

But the fact that the players aren't quitting does say something
He is playing uphill. Love what he is becoming. But our corners and secondary as played are not going to get much more done. The Red Zone Bypass afflicting our play choices won't heal itself. Never, ever quit. Admirable. But the deaf ears who keep cutting our throats with penalties, dropping balls, and missing FGs are not listening or are not learning. Some of the continuity of failure is coaching ego if it maintains losing schemes. Our LB can't cover in end zone on WR. Our corners just don't, tackle well, cover, help hold an edge. Multiple flags for multiple players. Often the BIG penalties at worst times.

Is any of this coaching? Is it all player failure? The rest of a lost and lousy season would be great to try to break some bad choices IMO. I do not believe it is all players; I do believe it is fixable, at least in part, in many cases.
Originally Posted By: PeteyDangerous

But the fact that the players aren't quitting does say something

Not only are they not quitting, but they're digging in and doubling down.... this says a LOT. About Hue, about the character of the players we've brought in, and about the FO.
Get furious. Proud of him. Hue has them playing, against themselves in a few cases.

Do not weaken. Somebody ism gonna mess up and we win one.

There is a ton of pressure on Hue, his staff and the players to win.

Week in and week out as you watch this team play the needs are more and more obvious.

But as this article points out the team has played hard and has not quit on Hue.

When the team has lost so consistently over multiple regimes the answer is clear. It can not be just the coaching. Organizational structure, FO, coaching personnel decisions lies with the owner.

It is up to Haslam to get this right. The head coach can only do so much. The players have to play the game. The FO and the coaching staff have to be able to work together. It is imperative for success that player personnel decisions are made correctly.

This off season will determine where the Browns will be over the next three years. Haslam should be the focus not Hue Jackson.
quote above by bonefish:

Haslam should be the focus not Hue Jackson.

Unfortunately, I think you're spot on.

And that means:

1) Nothing fans do matters,
2) The Browns are destined to be a second tier NFL team deep into the foreseeable future.

If only we could get lucky and be bought buy an owner who is wise and 100% focused on winning a Super Bowl.
And that means:

1) Nothing fans do matters,
2) The Browns are destined to be a second tier NFL team deep into the foreseeable future.

When did we get promoted to the second tier? How many tiers are there? I know every Sunday I have a lot of tears...
Good luck if you believe Haslam will get this right!
I think he could get it right if he just left things alone for a change.

Give these guys another year to build the roster. Another year to work together. Another year for the system to take hold- both on the field and in the FO.

Look- if this team was in disarray, if they were checked out and not playing, I could see blowing it up. But that's not what's in evidence here. We have an enthusiastic, committed team that's only half-built. From freakkin scratch. At only 1.5 years into this incarnation, now is the time to keep building, record be damned.

I truly believe that Haslam's biggest mistake right now.... would be to do ANYTHING.
Originally Posted By: rockyhilldawg
quote above by bonefish:

Haslam should be the focus not Hue Jackson.

Unfortunately, I think you're spot on.

And that means:

1) Nothing fans do matters,
2) The Browns are destined to be a second tier NFL team deep into the foreseeable future.

If only we could get lucky and be bought buy an owner who is wise and 100% focused on winning a Super Bowl.

Cause we all know that Owners get fired...lol laugh
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