Originally Posted by Ballpeen
Originally Posted by Swish
Y’all need to diversify y’all energy consumption like the US should be doing. Relying on one or two sources of energy with a population of 330M+ is negligent at best.

Diversify your portfolio isn’t just a good principle in finances.

Hey Bubba.

I think we are doing that. I just don't think you can kick oil to the curb until we are ready to do that. I think we are still 20-25 years away from being able to do that.

All or nothing is a rocky road.

We’ve had how many years to diversify? Could you imagine if we started 20-25 years ago instead of procrastinating? What would our energy resources look like then?

The longer we wait, the harder and more expensive it will be to transition.

And by the way, most people - regardless of ideology - understands we aren’t getting rid of oil. But getting rid of oil is not the same as stating that we are way too reliant on it.

Diversifying our energy sector means less reliance on one commodity, while putting less strain on the infrastructure at the same time.