It's not for me to judge you. What I believe you may wish to consider moving forward is after the fact you felt like you did something wrong. It seems as though you feel like you may have contributed to the theft after the fact. And that's the thing about quick decisions we make. In the moment they may seem as though it's okay. But after having time to reflect on them we realize that maybe we should have made a different decision. That's just a part of being human as we all are.

I believe that maybe you could use it as a teaching moment. Moving forward you now know how that decision will make you feel later. You now know that just because you might do it in the moment, later you won't feel good about it. I think at some point that's an experience we all face at some time in my life.

And I'm not trying to say your decision was wrong. I'm saying after the fact you feel like it was wrong. I don't know about you but I don't like that feeling and if something makes me feel that way, in my heart of hearts there was something about it that doesn't quite follow my moral compass.