At 76 you hope to learn things along the way.

Like many men we are kind of raised in that mentality "I am not going to the doctor unless.

But as you age you find out about the experiences of others as well as your own. I changed my ideas and if anything is out of the ordinary.

Preventive maintenance means getting physicals. Staying on top of your health. Being proactive.

In regards to "eating right." I guess you can look at that under many lights. I rarely eat out. I stay away from certain foods. Especially fried foods. I eat lots of fruit and a good amount of veggies. I am a rare bird when it comes to liquids. I don't drink alcohol. I drink almost nothing more than room temperature water because I like it.

I am not food perfect. I love ice cream and bakery goodies. Overall I pay attention to what I eat but I am not overly strict. Food choices are complicated.