Posted By: OldSixty-Two Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 04/27/11 07:02 PM
I saw 3.99 a gallon, hurumph!!!!!!!! Hey I did't get a hurumph out of that guy!!
Posted By: AndraDavis4MVP Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 04/27/11 07:05 PM
I've seen as high as $4.99 here. SOOoooo glad I sold my car year and half ago.
Posted By: clwb419 Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 04/27/11 07:07 PM
My goodness, I saw $4.09 for the cheap stuff the other day here and thought that was bad. $4.99 - that's a cheap 6 pack not a gallon of gas
Posted By: archbolddawg Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 04/27/11 07:10 PM
You can literally see the economy tanking - no pun intended.
Posted By: TopDawg16 Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 04/27/11 07:18 PM
I was in Chicago last weekend and saw prices at $4.39.
Posted By: DCDAWGFAN Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 04/27/11 07:29 PM
If I hear one more liberal on the radio whine that drilling won't solve the problem because that would take 5 years to impact the market I swear I'm going to climb the nearest tower with a high powered weapon and a scope.. I've been hearing that same stupid argument for 30 years. Write it down, 5 years from now we will be having energy problems and idiots will still be saying that drilling won't solve it because it will take 5 years for that oil to hit the market..

Get the tree huggers the hell out of the way and drill for oil in Alaska, in the shallow waters of the gulf, off the atlantic coast, etc... if one stands in the way, put a 20 foot section of pipe on the drill auger and drill it up their azz.
Posted By: Arps Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 04/27/11 07:47 PM
$4.17 for 87 here in Northern Indiana
Posted By: archbolddawg Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 04/27/11 07:49 PM
I agree - not with getting on a tower with a rifle - not with drilling someone in the anal cavity - but with the "it will take 5 or 10 years for that oil to do anything" aspect.

Had we drilled 10 years ago - we'd be reaping the benefits now. So why put it off?

On a slightly different note - what it comes down to is the american dollar (well, part of it). Other countries are damn leery of the u.s. dollar right now, and rightfully so.

Throw in that we can't drill in the gulf - but we'll pay other countries to do it.....added with we can't drill in the sea north of alaska because we forgot to account for ONE SINGLE ICE BREAKING ship that will pollute too much.......

And who makes these decisions? Gov't - the people that don't have to worry about their jobs. Don't worry about gas prices, because they get automatic raises, on and on and on.
Posted By: Damanshot Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 04/27/11 07:51 PM

If I hear one more liberal on the radio whine that drilling won't solve the problem because that would take 5 years to impact the market

I'm a little confused here. If we start drilling today, when do you think that the impact will be felt at the pump or in the market, as you put it?
Posted By: PrplPplEater Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 04/27/11 07:57 PM
A day earlier than if we drill tomorrow and a year sooner than if we wait a year.

The point is that if you are dumb enough to buy into the argument of "let's not do it because it doesn't change now", then you're never going to do it.

You MUST do it now so that after those 5 years go by, you actually have the oil. In the interim, you take whatever other measures you might be considering, but you do NOT discount something's long term value simply because it doesn't give you impact today. That is blatant short sighted stupidity.
Posted By: archbolddawg Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 04/27/11 08:06 PM


If I hear one more liberal on the radio whine that drilling won't solve the problem because that would take 5 years to impact the market

I'm a little confused here. If we start drilling today, when do you think that the impact will be felt at the pump or in the market, as you put it?

Dude - do you seriously NOT see the point being made? Honestly??????? What he's saying is 5 years ago, 10 years ago, 15 years ago, 20 years ago - people were saying "why do it now, it will take 5 years to get anything from it".

You must be of the new u.s. thought process. If it won't help me in the next 24 hours, why do it?

Do you not get what he's saying????? The "reason" we didn't drill for OUR oil years ago is because people said "it won't help for 5 or 10 years."

Newsflash for you: HAD WE DONE IT 10 YEARS AGO, we'd be seeing the benefit of it now!!!!!!!
Posted By: archbolddawg Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 04/27/11 08:22 PM
Are you one that waits to do his laundry until all your clothes are dirty? After all, why wash today if you have clothes for tomorrow, right?

Do you wait to buy groceries until you have no food? After all, why buy food today if you won't eat it for a week, or a month, right?

Can you see the parallels?
Posted By: tjs7 Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 04/27/11 10:22 PM

If I hear one more liberal on the radio whine that drilling won't solve the problem because that would take 5 years to impact the market I swear I'm going to climb the nearest tower with a high powered weapon and a scope.. I've been hearing that same stupid argument for 30 years. Write it down, 5 years from now we will be having energy problems and idiots will still be saying that drilling won't solve it because it will take 5 years for that oil to hit the market..

Get the tree huggers the hell out of the way and drill for oil in Alaska, in the shallow waters of the gulf, off the atlantic coast, etc... if one stands in the way, put a 20 foot section of pipe on the drill auger and drill it up their azz.

I actually agree with you that we should be doing more drilling here in the US. However, I just finished a book by John Hofmeister, former CEO of Shell, and he seems to think that increased drilling here in the US really would have very limited effect on prices. His two points were first, the argument you put forth. Second, he also put out there that there is still tons of oil under the earth, but that most of the "easy" oil is gone. Of the "easy" oil left, much of it is in the Middle East, which is why we rely on them in the first place. Most of what is left will be more costly to extract, and thus more pricey.

So I say go ahead with more drilling in an environmentally responsible way (within reason; I'm not so sure the recent EPA ruling is reasonable). But don't count on that to completely save us from rising prices.
Posted By: anarchy2day Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 04/27/11 10:38 PM

If I hear one more liberal on the radio whine that drilling won't solve the problem because that would take 5 years to impact the market I swear I'm going to climb the nearest tower with a high powered weapon and a scope.. I've been hearing that same stupid argument for 30 years. Write it down, 5 years from now we will be having energy problems and idiots will still be saying that drilling won't solve it because it will take 5 years for that oil to hit the market..

Get the tree huggers the hell out of the way and drill for oil in Alaska, in the shallow waters of the gulf, off the atlantic coast, etc... if one stands in the way, put a 20 foot section of pipe on the drill auger and drill it up their azz.

Tell us what you really think next time. Coincidentally, I agree with you. If there was oil found at Mount Rushmore, I'd be for drilling through Washington's head to get at it.
Posted By: mac Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 04/28/11 04:27 PM

Exxon Scores $11B in Profits

Apr 28, 2011
It's oil giant's best quarter since 2008

(Newser) – Gas prices are soaring, and so are Exxon Mobil's profits. The oil giant raked in $10.65 billion in profits in the first quarter of 2011, its best performance since the gas price spike of 2008. The $2.14-per-share profit well exceeded analysts' $2.04 estimates, the AP reports. The company seems to be expecting a blowback, because it posted a blog post yesterday offering a preemptive response to "the inevitable headlines and sound bites about high gasoline prices."

In the post, VP of public and government affairs Ken Cohen protests that Exxon has little control over oil prices, which are set on the global market, or even gas prices at Exxon and Mobil stations, 95% of which are owned by local franchisees. "For every gallon of gasoline we sold in the United States in the last three months of 2010," he writes, "we earned a little more than 2 cents per gallon." He also says that the company has paid more in US taxes over the past five years than it has earned in the US.

web page
Posted By: DIEHARD Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 04/28/11 04:32 PM
I'm all for the oil companies making profit. I own stock in them and am happy with the dividend payments
Posted By: 1oldMutt Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 04/28/11 04:33 PM
Have you seen what they pay in taxes?

If your man crush O would unleash the forces of our energy companies to drill and build refineries prices would drop tomorrow.
Posted By: anarchy2day Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 04/28/11 04:48 PM

Exxon Scores $11B in Profits

Mac apparently thinks that an American oil company making profits is a bad thing.

Too bad it wasn't $100 billion! Just imagine how much they could have made if Obama hadn't put a moratorium on oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and everywhere else.
Posted By: DCDAWGFAN Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 04/28/11 05:24 PM
So the fact that the auto manufacturers have finally figured out how to make a profit is a good thing but the fact that an oil company always makes a profit is a bad thing?

And why is it that in 2008 when you posted crap like this it always had a statement of yours at the end with a George Bush reference in it? Where is the reference to the President?
Posted By: archbolddawg Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 04/28/11 05:31 PM
They make 2 pennies per gallon sold mac. Had they operated at a break even level for the quarter - it would've saved you 2 pennies for every gallon.

Now, let's look at the billions they spend: drilling for the oil. Leasing the land from the gov't. (any u.s. oil rigs anyway). Money spent on permits (paid to the gov't.). Money spent on gov't. mandated safety. The thousands of people they employ, on and on and on.

But making 2 pennies for what costs the consumer roughly $4.00?

The volume of gas sold - see, that's where the profit comes from. Does that make sense?

I spend $80 to get 20 gallons of gas, and the company that drilled it, refined it, paid their employees, etc - makes 40 cents? Hardly anything to be upset about.
Posted By: DCDAWGFAN Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 04/28/11 05:32 PM

Have you seen what they pay in taxes?

If your man crush O would unleash the forces of our energy companies to drill and build refineries prices would drop tomorrow.

Exxon hits back at gas price anger

By Ben Rooney, staff reporterApril 28, 2011: 12:47 PM ET

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- In an attempt to deflect rising anger among American drivers and political leaders, Exxon Mobil said Thursday that it makes relatively little money producing and selling gasoline, even as the oil company reported a nearly $11 billion quarterly profit.

Ken Cohen, Exxon Mobil's vice president of public and government affairs, attributed the recent surge in oil prices to a combination of rising global demand, political instability in the Middle East and a weak U.S. dollar.

In a lengthy statement sent to reporters, Cohen lashed out at the task force recently created by the Obama administration to crack down on speculation in the oil market.

"We understand that it's simply too irresistable for many politicians in times of high oil prices and high earnings -- they feel they have to demonize our industry," he said.

Cohen also said federal and state taxes make up 40 to 60 cents of the price for a gallon of gas, compared with the 7 cents per gallon that Exxon Mobil earns.

He argued that most of the company's profit comes from its overseas operations, and that earnings in its refining business, which converts crude into oil and diesel, make up only 6% of its earnings.

In response to recent criticism of tax loopholes for the oil industry, Cohen said Exxon has paid nearly $59 billion in U.S. taxes over the last five years, including $9.8 billion last year.


CNN Money
Posted By: mac Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 04/28/11 05:45 PM

They make 2 pennies per gallon sold mac. Had they operated at a break even level for the quarter - it would've saved you 2 pennies for every gallon

arch...and you also believe that Exxon Mobil pays $113 a barrel for their oil, right?

...one born every day...
Posted By: archbolddawg Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 04/28/11 06:02 PM


They make 2 pennies per gallon sold mac. Had they operated at a break even level for the quarter - it would've saved you 2 pennies for every gallon

arch...and you also believe that Exxon Mobil pays $113 a barrel for their oil, right?

...one born every day...

I don't know what you're talking about. Do you?

From the article YOU put up - it says they make 2 pennies for every gallon of gas they sell. YOU posted it.

I have no clue what they pay for a barrel of oil. Do you?

And furthermore, how does that affect the fact that, from YOUR article - they make 2 pennies per gallon?

So now - you don't answer questions, but now you don't like people using the info YOU post?
Posted By: ~TuX~ Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 04/28/11 06:15 PM

Exxon Scores $11B in Profits

Apr 28, 2011
It's oil giant's best quarter since 2008

(Newser) – Gas prices are soaring, and so are Exxon Mobil's profits. The oil giant raked in $10.65 billion in profits in the first quarter of 2011, its best performance since the gas price spike of 2008. The $2.14-per-share profit well exceeded analysts' $2.04 estimates, the AP reports. The company seems to be expecting a blowback, because it posted a blog post yesterday offering a preemptive response to "the inevitable headlines and sound bites about high gasoline prices."

In the post, VP of public and government affairs Ken Cohen protests that Exxon has little control over oil prices, which are set on the global market, or even gas prices at Exxon and Mobil stations, 95% of which are owned by local franchisees. "For every gallon of gasoline we sold in the United States in the last three months of 2010," he writes, "we earned a little more than 2 cents per gallon." He also says that the company has paid more in US taxes over the past five years than it has earned in the US.

web page

Oil prices go up. Oil companies make more money. It's that simple. It has nothing to do with the price of gas, except that the price of oil often dictates where the price of gas goes.

Also, I thought high oil prices were a Liberal's/Democrat's wet dream because the higher price would mean less people using it and driving in the name of Global Warming. But then again, when oil prices go low, they want to tax it higher, when oil prices go up, they clamor about it and let the blame go towards the "evil" "evil" oil companies. In the end, liberals want to see the oil prices go higher.
Posted By: archbolddawg Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 04/28/11 06:37 PM
What still confuses me is when Bush was president, CERTAIN people KNEW high gas prices were the direct result of Bush and the oil companies being in collusion.

Since O has been president - I don't recall hearing a word from those people.

One term, gas prices are the fault of the president. Next term, higher gas prices - and the president is just fine. Odd how that happens, isn't it?
Posted By: DCDAWGFAN Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 04/28/11 06:58 PM


They make 2 pennies per gallon sold mac. Had they operated at a break even level for the quarter - it would've saved you 2 pennies for every gallon

arch...and you also believe that Exxon Mobil pays $113 a barrel for their oil, right?

...one born every day...

mac, just admit the truth.. you have NO IDEA how Exxon Mobil makes most of its money. You have NO IDEA how this huge global corporation generates profits from its many business interests...

All you know is what most liberals know... part of their business is refining and selling gasoline, gas prices are up, they are making a lot of money.. therefore, they are evil and must be stopped.
Posted By: Nelson37 Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 04/28/11 08:41 PM
Here's a line I heard that applies to mac -

He DON'T KNOW that he don't know.

It's too bad that the website TSMOE.com (The Stupidest Man On Earth) is already taken. I've actually talked a bit with that dude on another website, I think mac has him beat.
Posted By: OoooRahJoice Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 04/28/11 09:10 PM
ObamBo aside, I have never seen it over $4 where I live and 4.15 was "revealed" this morning,...just when I get ready to drive to Darlington next weekend,...

In the summer of '72 when I had the only real job I ever had before joining the Marines, I pumped gas at a full-serve in Austintown for .25 a gallon. (Not counting the paper route,...).

I believe in profits and capatalism, but the share/cut this takes out of my disposable income, as compared to then, nearly makes me decide to not work.
Posted By: bigdatut Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 04/28/11 09:26 PM
I paid $3.89 a gallon at about 3pm today... but their was a guy on the phone at the pump next to me (didn't think you were allowed to do that but I digress) and he was saying it's going up to $4.25 soon - don't know where he got his info or if he's just tellin' tales... just tellin' ya what I heard.

I've seen $3.99 at a couple spots this week, also noticed tumbleweeds blowing across their lot. At this point I fully expect to see $4 everywhere by the weekend. Awesome.

Posted By: archbolddawg Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 04/28/11 10:01 PM
It was $3.97 here this morning - about 10 a.m. At 4:00 it was $4.15. And once the refineries get into their "summer blend" routine it will go up another 10 or 15 cents a gallon just for that.......

4 wheeling in Indiana this summer again? Not looking like it.

Heading up north in the middle of summer to the camp I've going to 39 out of my 42 years? Highly doubt it.

20 minute drive to a good restaurant after church every Sunday? Not every Sunday anymore.
Posted By: mac Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 04/28/11 10:19 PM
arch...did you know that big oil takes their profits out of the pot before they allow the station owners to make 2 or 3 cents per gallon?

...in other words, the 2 or 3 cents per gallon profit the gas station owners make are the crumbs Exxon Mobil (big oil) allows them to have "after" they first take their $11 billion profits.

It's time to dismantle the so called the "oil market"...it is a simply shell game big oil has been playing and getting away with...time to end it...

...also, what the heck is our government doing subsidizing big oil? ...time to take those tax payer BILLIONS away from big oil...I'm sure everyone agrees with that. .
Posted By: Tulsa Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 04/28/11 10:37 PM
I filled up yesterday for $3.59, today it was down a penny to $3.58.
Posted By: archbolddawg Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 04/28/11 10:43 PM

arch...did you know that big oil takes their profits out of the pot before they allow the station owners to make 2 or 3 cents per gallon?

Well, since 95% of exxon's stations are privately owned, exactly when SHOULD they take the profit??????

Here's how it works: Exxon makes a product. Gas. They sell their product - gas - to, get this: gas stations. Once the stations buy it, Exxon is done with it. Tell me again, WHEN should Exxon make a profit?

Did you know that the company that sells widgets to Wal-Mart takes their profit when they sell the widget to Wal-mart? Did you know that? They don't wait for Wal Mart to sell the widgets.

Interesting concept, isn't it?

...in other words, the 2 or 3 cents per gallon profit the gas station owners make are the crumbs Exxon Mobil (big oil) allows them to have "after" they first take their $11 billion profits.

A gas station owner would tell you he'd be elated with 2 or 3 cents profit per gallon sold. What that has to do with Exxon I have no idea. And, obviously, you don't either.

Again, according to the info YOU posted, 95% of the Exxon stations are privately owned. Do you understand what "privately" owned means? Put it to you this way: Let's say you owned a McDonalds. You agree, by owning it, to buy your products from McDonalds. Exactly when would McDonalds corp. expect to see a profit if not when they sold you the product? It's no different.

A franchisee agrees to buy a product from the franchisor. They pay a franchise fee, and in return get national (or regional, depending) advertising. They also agree to buy X amount of said product for a set price. If they buy/need more than that, they may get an additional price cut. If they buy less, they may have to pay more.

It's time to dismantle the so called the "oil market"...it is a simply shell game big oil has been playing and getting away with...time to end it...

So, where would we get gas or oil? From the gov't.????? In most states, every gallon of gas costs an extra 40 to 50 cents per gallon due to the taxes. You want to put gov't. in control? No competition means - $6 - $7 a gallon, here we come.

...also, what the heck is our government doing subsidizing big oil? ...time to take those tax payer BILLIONS away from big oil...I'm sure everyone agrees with that.

Not sure what you mean here. Subsidies for "big oil". Is that, like, giving them tax breaks for doing things the gov't. wants them to do? The legal things? Is "subsidies for big oil" like charging a company billions of dollars to lease land to drill for oil, then saying they can't drill because they didn't account for a ship?

Regardless, mac, you are boggled. YOU are the one that posted that Exxon made 2 pennies per gallon of gas sold. (that's "wholesaled", not "retailed" - there's a difference - look it up). Exactly when, again, is a company allowed to make a profit if not when they sell their product?

Don't get confused by seeing a gas station that says "Exxon" on it. 95% of the time, Exxon Co. doesn't own it.

You know not what you speak of, and it shows.
Posted By: OoooRahJoice Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 04/28/11 11:23 PM

It was $3.97 here this morning - about 10 a.m. At 4:00 it was $4.15. And once the refineries get into their "summer blend" routine it will go up another 10 or 15 cents a gallon just for that.......

4 wheeling in Indiana this summer again? Not looking like it.

Heading up north in the middle of summer to the camp I've going to 39 out of my 42 years? Highly doubt it.

20 minute drive to a good restaurant after church every Sunday? Not every Sunday anymore.

That's the whole point,...one of these days somebody will figure out that this is THE LONE SOLE COMMODITY that drives the rest of everyone's train(s),...if I can't PAY to get to the doctor, he CAN'T bill the insurance company,...If I can't GET TO the drive thru, I can't BUT the beer I needed to get in the wreck that made me go TO the doctor,... and the lawyer won't have anyting to file a claim in court for,...etc, etc,...

The price of gas is EVERYTHING. It needs to come down in order for us to even survive. Our entire well being is dependent on it. When you can't pay for gas, you can't even go to church,....

We are SCREWED because we DON'T drill !!!!!!!!!!
Posted By: mac Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 04/29/11 01:38 PM
It is absolutely nuts for American taxpayers to hand over billions of their tax payer dollars in subsidies to the oil industry, when the industry turns around and rapes the American people at the gas pump to score record profits.

Let's see how the GOP defends this outrageous government give away to the oil industry.

As GOP speaker of the house Boehner let slip the other day... "We're in a time when the federal government's short on revenues. They (the oil industry) ought to be paying their fair share."

Reclaiming Oil Subsidies: Senate Democrats Prepping Bill That Would Recover Billions From Big Firms


Seizing the moment, Senate Democrats are working on legislation that would reclaim billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies to Big Oil and redirect the money toward developing cleaner and cheaper fuel sources instead.

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) announced on Thursday that his committee is crafting a measure that would repeal major tax breaks for the five largest oil and gas companies, which reported huge spikes in first-quarter profits this week due to skyrocketing oil prices.

"Now is not the time to stand idly by while large oil and gas companies get billions of dollars in tax breaks -- now is the time to take concrete steps toward cleaner, more affordable, domestically-produced energy," Baucus said in a statement. "Reducing dependence on foreign oil isn't easy, but this plan puts us on a path toward a clean, affordable energy future that works for our planet -- and our pocketbooks."

The bill could be ready as soon as next week.

Democrats seem to have found their own source of renewable energy in some poorly-chosen words by House Speaker John Boehner, who in an interview with ABC News on Monday seemingly abandoned longstanding Republican dogma by conceding that oil companies "ought to be paying their fair share" and that the subsidies are "certainly something we should be looking at."

Boehner's staff and colleagues quickly corrected the speaker. But empowered Democrats were already in motion.

Capitalizing on Boehner's comments -- and anger about high gas prices, and first-quarter profit reports -- President Barack Obama and his press secretary called for immediate action Tuesday.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) followed suit by pledging their support. "I'm going to try to get it done as soon as I can do it procedurally in the Senate here," Reid told reporters on Wednesday.

Democratic and environmental groups revved up their email lists. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee even popped up a new website Thursday morning, dubbing the GOP's relationship with the petroleum industry the "R-Oil Wedding."

Meanwhile, the liberal thinkprogress.org website distributed a video in which House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) told a town hall audience that he favored ending oil subsidies. "[W]e propose to repeal all that," Ryan said of corporate welfare generally. Asked specifically about ending oil subsidies, he said "I agree."

But Ryan's office told Politico that the congressman made his comments in the context of overall corporate tax reform.

The American Petroleum Institute and the rest of the oil and gas lobby have historically had more than enough clout on Capitol Hill to fend off attacks.

In fact, many considered Obama's proposal to repeal the subsidies in his State of the Union speech in January to be dead on arrival. Congress had rejected similar requests in two previous budget proposals, even with Democratic majorities in both houses.

But the API seems to be getting increasingly testy as of late.

The group on Thursday called Baucus' plan "a proposal borne of desperation that would do nothing to reduce gasoline prices." API chief economist John Felmy said in a statement, "If Senator Baucus were serious about gasoline prices, he would focus on further development of our vast resources here at home which would create much needed American jobs, increase revenue to the government, and strengthen our energy security."

Baucus' office said his plan would bar the biggest companies from receiving a credit intended for domestic manufacturers, reduce their foreign tax credits for royalty payments to foreign governments and impose an excise tax on certain Gulf leases.

The billions of dollars recouped through those means would be used to promote demand for clean and domestic fuel, incentivize fuel efficient vehicles and build a clean energy infrastructure.

House Democrats have already introduced a bill that would eliminate $40 billion in tax breaks for big oil and gas companies over five years.

web page

Posted By: Psydeffect Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 04/29/11 01:50 PM

I paid $3.89 a gallon at about 3pm today... but their was a guy on the phone at the pump next to me (didn't think you were allowed to do that but I digress) and he was saying it's going up to $4.25 soon - don't know where he got his info or if he's just tellin' tales... just tellin' ya what I heard.

I've seen $3.99 at a couple spots this week, also noticed tumbleweeds blowing across their lot. At this point I fully expect to see $4 everywhere by the weekend. Awesome.

Yeah that guy was correct. Since yesterday I've seen as high as 4.15 here.
Posted By: YTownBrownsFan Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 04/29/11 02:12 PM
Yeah .... "redirect" .....

Why did GE pay no federal taxes last year, and get an enormous refund? Because of gigantic amounts of money given to them to "develop clean energy".

Redirect my ass. Cut the subsidies and cut the damn deficit. There will be money to be made in greener energy one day, and then ... suddenly .... we'll have massive breakthroughs. Until that day ..... we'll putter along .... with huge firms raking in billions of dollars .. year after year ........ while they "work on" clean energy alternatives.

Besides .... weren't some of the subsidies that were given to the oil companies to help create green energy alternatives?

Yeah ... how's that working out so far?

Cut the subsidies and cut the budget. Save the money, and save your children's future.
Posted By: DCDAWGFAN Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 04/29/11 02:49 PM

The billions of dollars recouped through those means would be used to promote demand for clean and domestic fuel, incentivize fuel efficient vehicles and build a clean energy infrastructure.

So, this isn't going to do a darn thing for gas prices, they are just going to take money from the oil companies, which they probably should pay... and instead of using it for the debt or to help get us out the hell hole we are in, they are going to use it for...


promote demand for clean and domestic fuel,

this is code which means social engineering and dumping billions into failed green initiatives..



incentivize fuel efficient vehicles

Give it to our union buddies at the auto industry to make and sell cars that most people don't want..



build a clean energy infrastructure.

instead of drilling for oil because that would take 5 years to get to market they are going to dump billions into this which may never impact anything.. ever.. but it will keep the donations rolling in from the tree hugging crowd.

If these morons want to end oil subsidies thats fine.. I hoe the republicans fight against it, not because I'm in favor of oil subsidies, I'm just not in favor of taking money from one industry so I can blow it somewhere else....

maybe the oil companies can just run themselves into the ground like almost every union industry and then claim they are too big to fail and get bailouts..
Posted By: I_Rogue Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 04/29/11 03:05 PM
Don't discount the fact that our dollar is weak. Weak dollar means higher crude price in $. That means higher gas. Same for the value of gold. Gold is at what I believe is an all time high helped by a weak dollar. Heck even silver is $50 oz now. I've been thinking about digging out the old silver coins and turning them in.
Posted By: DCDAWGFAN Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 04/29/11 03:09 PM
I didn't want to even get into all of the distortions and half-truths in mac's huffpo article, I just figured I would focus on how stupid this really is.. ending corporate subsidies isn't stupid, just do it across the board and then use the money to pay down the debt, not spend on a bunch of other stupid crap...
Posted By: archbolddawg Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 04/29/11 08:54 PM
Mac, you were asked questions. Haven't seen any answers from you. Nope, just the typical mac - change the subject.

What is hilariously funny is not long ago you were calling someone out for not answering questions.

You, of all people......

So, Exxon makes about 2 pennies for every gallon of gas sold. That's a crime? The federal tax is 18.4%. So if you're bitching about oil companies making a profit - of 2 pennies per gallon - when are you going to start griping about the fed. gov.t taking over 18 cents per gallon???????????????
Posted By: mac Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 04/30/11 12:42 PM

So, Exxon makes about 2 pennies for every gallon of gas sold. That's a crime? The federal tax is 18.4%. So if you're bitching about oil companies making a profit - of 2 pennies per gallon - when are you going to start griping about the fed. gov.t taking over 18 cents per gallon???????????????

arch...if you believe Exxon Mobil only makes .02 per gallon, tell us how many more gallons of gas they sold to make their $11 billion profit this quarter?

It looks like most agree with me, that it is damn stupid for the American taxpayers to hand out billions to big oil in subsidies, when they are the most profitable industry in the world.

What our government does with the subsidies once they have been taken away from big oil, can be debated when it happens.

As of now, the issue is...."does big oil need billions in US taxpayer subsidies they are now receiving?"...I SAY TAKE THE SUBSIDIES AWAY FROM BIG OIL.

On the issue of corporations such as GE using their many, many tax loopholes to pay NO TAXES...the US tax code needs a major overhaul too...DO DEM & GOP SENATORS AND REPS AGREE?

The American people need to watch to see which Senators and Reps step forward to defend the subsidies for big oil and to retain the tax loop holes that allow GE to pay no taxes....then hold those Senators and Reps accountable in the next election.
Posted By: YTownBrownsFan Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 04/30/11 01:07 PM
Do you really think that oil companies only make money on gasoline?


Cut ALL of the subsidies to EVERYTHING until the deficit is under control.
Posted By: Squires Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 04/30/11 02:40 PM


So, Exxon makes about 2 pennies for every gallon of gas sold. That's a crime? The federal tax is 18.4%. So if you're bitching about oil companies making a profit - of 2 pennies per gallon - when are you going to start griping about the fed. gov.t taking over 18 cents per gallon???????????????

arch...if you believe Exxon Mobil only makes .02 per gallon, tell us how many more gallons of gas they sold to make their $11 billion profit this quarter?

It looks like most agree with me, that it is damn stupid for the American taxpayers to hand out billions to big oil in subsidies, when they are the most profitable industry in the world.

What our government does with the subsidies once they have been taken away from big oil, can be debated when it happens.

As of now, the issue is...."does big oil need billions in US taxpayer subsidies they are now receiving?"...I SAY TAKE THE SUBSIDIES AWAY FROM BIG OIL.

On the issue of corporations such as GE using their many, many tax loopholes to pay NO TAXES...the US tax code needs a major overhaul too...DO DEM & GOP SENATORS AND REPS AGREE?

The American people need to watch to see which Senators and Reps step forward to defend the subsidies for big oil and to retain the tax loop holes that allow GE to pay no taxes....then hold those Senators and Reps accountable in the next election.

Hey mac, from the article YOU posted. Maybe you should try reading before you blindly post articles:

"For every gallon of gasoline we sold in the United States in the last three months of 2010," he writes, "we earned a little more than 2 cents per gallon.""
Posted By: mac Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 04/30/11 03:15 PM

Hey mac, from the article YOU posted. Maybe you should try reading before you blindly post articles:

"For every gallon of gasoline we sold in the United States in the last three months of 2010," he writes, "we earned a little more than 2 cents per gallon.""

squi...so you believe...if I post an article for information purposes, that means I agree with everything in the article?

...repeat after me...mac did not write the article...mac simply posted the article...

squi...If "YOU" had simply read the article, you would see that it is Exxon Mobil's VP of public and government affairs, KEN COHEN, trying to sell that load of crap...it was Ken Cohen who wrote the sentence you are questioning.

...you step out last night?...not recovered yet?


....I'll give you a pass this time...lol..
Posted By: Squires Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 04/30/11 03:21 PM
If he is lying, lets see some proof mac(instead of throwing insults).
Posted By: ~TuX~ Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 04/30/11 04:09 PM

Do you really think that oil companies only make money on gasoline?


Cut ALL of the subsidies to EVERYTHING until the deficit is under control.

including "Green" tech.
Posted By: OldSixty-Two Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 05/01/11 03:30 PM
down to $3.98....about 15 cents cheaper than a couple days ago
Posted By: DCDAWGFAN Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 05/02/11 01:35 AM

squi...so you believe...if I post an article for information purposes, that means I agree with everything in the article?

Oh mac, we all know that you only accept information that is in agreement with your preconceived notions...


squi...If "YOU" had simply read the article, you would see that it is Exxon Mobil's VP of public and government affairs, KEN COHEN, trying to sell that load of crap...it was Ken Cohen who wrote the sentence you are questioning.

It has been explained in many other articles... it has also been explained in other articles, financial articles, that Exxon made a considerable amount of money from no-gasoline related ventures.. but you keep blindly dividing $11 billion by .02 cents per gallon or whatever you want...
Posted By: Punchsmack Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 05/02/11 03:34 AM
...just paid $4.99 for ultimate at a BP in the city. I only bought 2 gallons (topped off my motorcycle tank). Crazy! You'll bet I'll be riding this more, I get 35+ in the city and high 40's on the highway.
Posted By: CDawg Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 05/02/11 03:53 PM

Don't discount the fact that our dollar is weak. Weak dollar means higher crude price in $. That means higher gas. Same for the value of gold. Gold is at what I believe is an all time high helped by a weak dollar. Heck even silver is $50 oz now. I've been thinking about digging out the old silver coins and turning them in.


But most people do not get that or understand the complications of a weak dollar. Easier to just blame those evil traders.

Posted By: Arps Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 05/06/11 01:10 AM
Posted By: YTownBrownsFan Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 05/06/11 01:35 AM
No real surprise there.

Lemons quickly become lemonade when certain people's preferred guy is in charge.

I really did like the Obama bit though .... that was pathetic.
Posted By: Arps Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 05/06/11 01:39 AM
geesh...buy a hybrid van...cmon
Posted By: YTownBrownsFan Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 05/06/11 01:44 AM

geesh...buy a hybrid van...cmon

Next thing you know Obama will have a special "10 kid Hybrid tax credit" ........

I'm sure that the President think that the guy with 10 kids has money lying all over the place though.
Posted By: Arps Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 05/06/11 01:49 AM
Its all Bush's fault anyhow.
Posted By: YTownBrownsFan Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 05/06/11 01:53 AM
Well that could go without saying ..... but somehow they still manage to say it anyway ....
Posted By: PStu24 Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 05/06/11 01:59 AM
Question for you all ... I'm wondering if any Motorcycle Riders or Motorcycle Veterans out there know what I should be expecting to pay for a used bike, if I should go through a dealer, if I should check craigslist, etc. (I know that the bike price will vary with change, size, make and model ,etc. ... but just to ballpark a 500 or 600 size for a starter bike?)

After I put another fill up in the tank and saw the cost hit over $80.00 *(edit: for the third time) since easter .. ... I'm pretty sure I want to pick up a bike for the summer. I used to ride around on my dad's but have moved away since then. I even have a class CM license (or whatever the Ohio equivalent is) so I don't expect insurance to be too high ... but I figure it's worth the purchase if it's only so much if I am actually saving $50 or so per week.

My biggest question is where do I look? I kinda feel like dealers aren't going to give me the best deal, but they might have the best options and I suppose I should be able to trust their quality more than just some guy who is selling his spare bike out of his garage ...?
Posted By: Arps Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 05/06/11 09:53 AM
My first bike was a Suzuki SV 650. It was super easy to ride and fairly cheap. I paid 6000 brand new. As far as buying used I would have anything checked by a dealer. Safety first on a bike.
Posted By: mac Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 05/06/11 10:53 AM
I read that the price of a barrel of oil dropped to under $100 per barrel yesterday...one article said "It's difficult to say what exactly caused the fall."

IMO, when the oil industry can't explain why it's own market goes down some 10%, that might be an indication that the oil market is being manipulated, possibly illegally.

I wonder if the these two events have something to do with the decline in the oil markets...

...Tuesday, Obama urged Congress to immediately end tax breaks for oil and gas firms

...Wednesday, Senator Richard Blumenthal wrote to Attorney General Eric Holder at the Department of Justice calling for an investigation of the oil and gas industry.

Blumenthal calls for investigation in oil markets

May 4, 2011
By Senator Blumenthals' office

Senator Richard Blumenthal Wednesday wrote to Attorney General Eric Holder at the Department of Justice, as well as the heads of the Federal Trade Commission, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to request that their respective agencies investigate various aspects of oil speculation to determine whether potentially illegal practices might be artificially inflating oil and gas prices, driving up gas prices for families and businesses in Connecticut and across the country.

“With gas prices surging to nearly $4 per gallon across the country, and to $4.26 in Connecticut, it is vital that the government use every tool at its disposal to protect the American people from pain at the pump,” Blumenthal writes in the letter. “There are many reasons for high gas prices, and no one effort to protect consumers is guaranteed to solve the problem. But the vigorous exercise of these investigative and regulatory authorities will send a signal to speculators that excessive manipulation, collusion or fraud will not be tolerated, and will hopefully serve as a deterrent to further activity to artificially inflate gas prices. Even announcing such investigations and beginning to issue subpoenas could curb some of the worst speculative activity that may well be underway at this very moment.”

Blumenthal has previously called for strong investigatory action involving subpoenas and compulsory process to uncover potentially illegal practices. He reiterated his call for an investigation and wrote to the four agency heads to ensure that that various aspects of oil speculation falling under their purview would be addressed, and to obtain a comprehensive picture of any potential wrongdoing.

web page

Posted By: DCDAWGFAN Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 05/06/11 12:28 PM

that might be an indication that the oil market is being manipulated, possibly illegally.

It is being manipulated.. by the government that is holding drilling permits and not allowing oil companies to drill in areas where they already have permits... by arbitrarily and artificially manipulating supply the government is having a negative impact on the price of oil..

This is what I would like you to explain to me mac because it seems that those like yourself who absolutely abhor the oil industry (because it is associated with the right and not the left) seem to want to play both sides...

On one hand, the left argues that American drilling, refining, production isn't enough to make a dent in global supply and couldn't possibly affect the market by more than a couple pennies... but on the other hand, some conspiracy by those same companies is enough to drive up gas prices by a dollar, a dollar and half at he pump...

And if you read your article, the idiot Blumenthal is asking that they investigate oil speculators.. not oil companies...
Posted By: Squires Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 05/06/11 03:18 PM

Media hypocrisy around gas prices.

Posted By: DCDAWGFAN Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 05/06/11 03:38 PM
If the republican candidate in 2012 doesn't get full permission to use that in his campaign he's missing a golden opportunity...
Posted By: columbusdawg Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 05/06/11 05:36 PM
LMAO - 2100 lives saved due to high gas prices! We'll save 1000 lives per month because of high gas prices! The liberal media has no shame. High gas prices are a "good thing", "be optimistic" about high gas prices,

Look, I know the government really has very little bearing on the price of gas. Obama is trying to by not letting the companies drill and forcing "green energy" down peoples throats when it is not viable at this point. But he still has very little to do with it. Just as Bush had very little to do with it.
Posted By: ~TuX~ Re: Gas Prices!!!!!!!! - 05/06/11 05:44 PM

LMAO - 2100 lives saved due to high gas prices! We'll save 1000 lives per month because of high gas prices! The liberal media has no shame. High gas prices are a "good thing", "be optimistic" about high gas prices,

Look, I know the government really has very little bearing on the price of gas. Obama is trying to by not letting the companies drill and forcing "green energy" down peoples throats when it is not viable at this point. But he still has very little to do with it. Just as Bush had very little to do with it.

For as much as Democrats for bashing Republicans for only helping the rich and leaving the poor left out to dry. Their energy policies will hurt the poor more than anything the Republicans will ever do. Democrats continue to push this "green tech" down our throats which isn't viable at this time and the items that are semi-viable, only people with money can afford. At the same time, they are pushing for more and more regulations to push oil prices higher in the name of AGW which cost poor folks more because they have no other choice but pay for the higher costs of it, which is a higher percentage of their wage/salary.

There's a reason why California has some of the highest gas prices in the US, even though we can drill our own oil and refine it within the state. Also, keep in mind, California has a lot of oil off its coast that ever since the Santa Barbara blowout has largely been untapped.

And soon, we'll have to deal with even more regulations as well because CO2 is now being considered to be a pollutant. I'm surprised they aren't trying to have us breathe out into some kind of CO2 scrubber.
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