Posted By: bigdatut Champioship Week(s)... - 12/29/10 02:31 PM
Both of my leagues wrapped up last night... I know some have their Championship week this week... Just wanted to have a place to share "war" stories for everyone.

The league I really care about I won on a Festivus Miracle. Went into last night up 37.5 points but the dude I was playing had Vick and Jackson - I thought it was over. But both of them kind of stunk up the joint and I won by about 6 points... I've never been so happy about a fantasy win haha.

The other league I finished 3rd, but like I said that one was just a league for something to do.

How'd everyone else do?
Posted By: BradAzz Re: Champioship Week(s)... - 12/29/10 03:07 PM
I finished 3rd in both of my pay leagues.

In one for $50, I was up 19 points going into yesterday and he had Maclin, but Maclin only had 13 so I won by 6.

In the other one for $250, I was up 48 going into the Monday night game. He had Desean Jackson, Tony Gonzalez and Matt Bryant still to go. I won by 38 because none of them really did anything. I ended up winning $500 total in this league because I won an additional $250 for finishing in 1st in the regular season.

I would've smoked the champion in both leagues this week if I didn't catch some bad luck last week. I could've had $2,250 total instead of $550.
Posted By: CapitalGG Re: Champioship Week(s)... - 12/29/10 04:09 PM
Similar to you, I had a 34 pt lead going into last night with him carrying DJack and Adrian Peterson. APete's 21 & DJack's dud secured me a W by 9 pts. Most agonizing game I've ever watched, mostly because I didn't care who won the game. I hate watching football like that.
Posted By: Squires Re: Champioship Week(s)... - 12/29/10 05:06 PM
My teams sucked it up this year. 3 leagues, 1 playoff appearance. Made it to the championship where my RB's and WR's all failed to get a TD.
Posted By: 214dawg Re: Champioship Week(s)... - 12/30/10 01:32 AM
I'm in 15 leagues this year, one of those being a total points league.

I wrapped up one championship last week. I'm in 4 championship games that finish this weekend. I made the playoffs in 4 other leagues. I'm 33 points back of the leader in the total points league.

Pretty successful fantasy football season for me. Made the playoffs in 9 of my 14 leagues. Have a chance for 5 championships.
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