Mark the date, write it down, chalk it up. You will lose Sunday.

Remember, you are the Cincinnati Bengals. You are destined for failure, and it will happen Sunday.

Just make sure you come back Sunday night to take your licks.

DA's going to throw all over you.

Go Browns!

Keep dreaming big guy. What happens when DA throws another 3 picks? Will Clown fans claim for Ratliff to start next?
What happens if he is right
Palmer4MVP will vanish.

What happens when DA throws another 3 picks?

We'll just move onward to the 2nd Quarter
Oh my God, that was awesome!!! HAHAHAHAH!

Good one Purp.
God I hope that's not true but it's funny .

We'll just move onward to the 2nd Quarter

Honestly that is one of the funniest posts I've seen in a long time..Man when things are going bad for your team, sometimes as a fan you can do nothing better than laugh..I expect the Browns to put up a good fight, but I dont see the winning..There's something about Mangini when I see this guy on TV talking, he exudes ZERO confidence when he is talking...
The Browns win, Browns win, OMG The Browns win

The Browns win, Browns win, OMG The Browns win

Someone might want to go over and check on GM.. I think he might have left the SPICE channel on just a little too long..
Dude, you're going to lose. Get over it.
Thanks for starting this thread.

Before this thread, I was thinking the Bengals fans (all 3 of them) might have some pity on us, after they thrash us Sunday.
Expect to win.
Are the Bengals the next New England Patriots or something? I must have missed the memo that this team is un-beatable.
No, but we're the next Detroit Lions.
I'm getting a little worried about people around here.

Number one: Are you actually worried about pity from a freaking Bengal fan? They are Bengals fans... aka bottom of the barrel.

Number two: Have some pride in your team. The next Lions? Try again. We're going to win Sunday, and you're going to feel stupid.

The high's are never as high as they seem; and the lows never as low.
Pride? This team doesn't have any itself. Haven't you noticed their roll over and die 3rd quarter game plan? Even a player has called the team kinda bad.


We're going to win Sunday, and you're going to feel stupid.

I'd go ahead and edit that out of my post now if I were you.
Why would I do that?
To spare yourself from further embarrassment.
I will never be embarrassed for expecting to win. I will never be embarrassed for backing the Cleveland Browns.
No one said anything about being embarrassed to back the Browns. But, why talk smack to anyone? You're bringing a knife to a gun fight.

No one said anything about being embarrassed to back the Browns. But, why talk smack to anyone? You're bringing a knife to a gun fight.

Well, mainly because this board has a smack shack. Talking smack is part of watching sports... It's fun.

The Bengals happen to be a rival, so I will talk smack.

If we lose? Big freekin deal, I lose credibility on a message board. Please God don't let that happen.
Any given Sunday. The Bungles proved that theory last week.

I'm getting a little worried about people around here.

Why, because we have little faith that crap can turn into roses in seven days?


Number one: Are you actually worried about pity from a freaking Bengal fan? They are Bengals fans... aka bottom of the barrel.

Ha! I live in Bengal territory -- I know how those jokers work. Having little faith in the Browns isn't about them.


Number two: Have some pride in your team. The next Lions? Try again. We're going to win Sunday, and you're going to feel stupid.

I have pride in the Browns history. I have very little in the current product on the field -- they have done nothing but look like C.R.A.P. Next year, however, this year will be history and all will be well. Also, I won't feel stupid if we win Sunday. I might think it a miracle of the Football Gods, but I won't feel stupid. Clearly, you can't say the same if we lose.

Lastly, don't tell us how to be fans. That's lame.

have pride in the Browns history. I have very little in the current product on the field -- they have done nothing but look like C.R.A.P.

My sentiments exactly. I'm not investing my time, money or emotions on this BS. Up until now (since the late 60's) I've watched and supported the team, but what's been out there these first three games is pure garbage. I'm going to laugh at them until they do something to make me stop. I'm also going to laugh at the pathetic bungles and their fans.
Come on, I'm not trying to tell anyone how to be a fan. I just thinks it nuts for me getting bashed for talking smack in the smack shack.

That's lame, in my opinion.
Sorry man but this team is garbage this year

Any given Sunday. The Bungles proved that theory last week.

As usual, you have it right Christy! Just hope we can get it together vs the Bolts Sunday night

Come on, I'm not trying to tell anyone how to be a fan. I just thinks it nuts for me getting bashed for talking smack in the smack shack.

That's lame, in my opinion.

Wow someone call the grammar police. That should have said, "I just think it's nuts that I'm getting bashed for talking smack in the smack shack."

I promise I haven't been drinking. lmao.


The Browns win, Browns win, OMG The Browns win

Someone might want to go over and check on GM.. I think he might have left the SPICE channel on just a little too long..

1-3 baby WOOHOO


What is the age of Chris Henry's last girlfriend?
No it's the odds of some Bengals players getting busted and ruining their season.
OK, I will give you that the game might & I mean might be close but I don't see the Bengals losing this one. You might be lucky & try to spring a trap game on a team that might take you sorry Clowns too lightly but you will not win, Why?

BECAUSE WE BEAT THE PITTSBURGH STEELERS , Yes the Steelers! You clowns are going down tomorrow & by a healthy margin I will predict.

Oh please, give it a rest. The Steelers were the ones who beat the Steelers. Too many points left out on the field that day.

I for one am hoping that the Browns punch the Bengals in the mouth on Sunday and send their stupid fans back down to reality...and subsequently, your team back in the basement where they belong.

Oh please, give it a rest. The Steelers were the ones who beat the Steelers. Too many points left out on the field that day.

I for one am hoping that the Browns punch the Bengals in the mouth on Sunday and send their stupid fans back down to reality...and subsequently, your team back in the basement where they belong.

that christy made me tingle inside and gave me a warm feeling........................oh wait nevermind i just pee'd LMAO
Hey it could happen. Nothing surprises me anymore.
With DA playing we could put up 51 points AGAIN, or we could give up 51 points. I see the beads of sweat on your forehead bro.

I see the beads of sweat on your forehead bro.

If they lose you won't even see that GM.You'll never hear from them again.
Wow, the Bengal beat down just keeps getting closer!

Heereeeee kitty, kitty, kitty.... REARRRRR!!!!!
Bengals suck.
A couple Steeler fans providing moral support for the Brownies warms my heart for sure. Do you guys really want fans of your most hated rival feeling sorry for you? Sickening! When I can come over here as a Bengal fan and smack a Steeler fan, who's team by the way, likes to lay down in the fourth quarter when the going gets tough, is eye opening to say the least. As far as the Brownies are concerned this has all the makings of a true beat down. I know you're praying the Bengals overlook the Brownies and lay an egg and I don't blame you. It isn't going to happen. This is the Battle of Ohio. Marvin's 100th games as a head coach for the Bengals and they will play hard to get a win. Mangini is an absolute joke as a head coach and anyone who has anything to do with football knows it, well, except for Randy Lerner. Your team is pathetic and has no business even competing in this game. That said, I hope for an injury free game and good luck, you'll need it.
You're going to get stomped. Meeeeoooowwwwwwwwwwww
The Bengals season has been a mirage. Reality is coming up for you guys, starting today. Write it down, Browns win today, and the Bengals begin a losing streak.
Bengals fans make me laugh. What a pathetic group of people. AHAHHHHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

When I can come over here as a Bengal fan and smack a Steeler fan, who's team by the way, likes to lay down in the fourth quarter when the going gets tough, is eye opening to say the least.

Yeah, and that just happens SO OFTEN, doesn't it? Did you just start watching the NFL last week? Typical Bungle fan -- clueless!


When I can come over here as a Bengal fan and smack a Steeler fan, who's team by the way, likes to lay down in the fourth quarter when the going gets tough, is eye opening to say the least.

Yeah, and that just happens SO OFTEN, doesn't it? Did you just start watching the NFL last week? Typical Bungle fan -- clueless!

Twice in a row is a trend not a fluke. When your team actually beats a team that has at least one win I'll start taking you seriously.

Bengals fans make me laugh. What a pathetic group of people. AHAHHHHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

What do you know some Brownie fans do have spines.



When I can come over here as a Bengal fan and smack a Steeler fan, who's team by the way, likes to lay down in the fourth quarter when the going gets tough, is eye opening to say the least.

Yeah, and that just happens SO OFTEN, doesn't it? Did you just start watching the NFL last week? Typical Bungle fan -- clueless!

Twice in a row is a trend not a fluke. When your team actually beats a team that has at least one win I'll start taking you seriously.

LMAO...a Bungles fan talking to a Steelers fan about beating winning teams. That's priceless! And all of this after only WEEK 3.

Wow, your team lucks out at winning a couple of games and we should crown you AFCN Champs, right? O-TAY buckwheat!

Paging Jules, paging Jules....I think we have a live one here.
More than a live one, more like a "special one".....
The Browns stepped up and played tough today. Maybe this will be enough to turn your season around. Good luck the rest of the way until the next Bengals vs. Browns game.

I see the Squeeler fans are still here and talking crap while your team is on the verge of going 1 and 3 and dropping 2 behind the first place Bengals so good for you. Just a hunch, but I see another collapse in the fourth quarter and another long week for the Sqeelers.

Mark the date, write it down, chalk it up. You will lose Sunday.

Remember, you are the Cincinnati Bengals. You are destined for failure, and it will happen Sunday.

Just make sure you come back Sunday night to take your licks.

DA's going to throw all over you.

Go Browns!


Uh, Nope. WE WIN!!

However, if you play this good against the Steelers I think you got a chance to beat them. Good game today though, it was a nail biter.
Good game man. It was definitely a fun week of smack. See you in november. I'll be there!!
Ahh...I think it's so cute when you 10 year olds who have never watched football in your entire lives come on here and try to pretend that you know something. It's just puzzling to me that you choose the Bungles to root for. Say, was your mother a jackal by any chance?

Ahh...I think it's so cute when you 10 year olds who have never watched football in your entire lives come on here and try to pretend that you know something. It's just puzzling to me that you choose the Bungles to root for. Say, was your mother a jackal by any chance?

It must kill you to have to look up at the Bengals. I'll predict that the Browns get their first win against the Sqeelers if they don't beat the Chargers. Enjoy your third fourth quarter collapse in a row tonight.
we have buffalo and Detroit before we face SD so I certainly hope we have a win before that

we have buffalo and Detroit before we face SD so I certainly hope we have a win before that

My bad. I thought San Diego was the next game for you guys. I still hope hope you guys beat the Steelers.
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