Southern states have closed hundreds of polling places since Supreme Court decision: civil rights group

Southern U.S. states have reportedly closed nearly 1,200 polling places in the years after the Supreme Court in 2013 overturned a key provision of the landmark Voting Rights Act.

Since the 2014 midterm elections — the first since the Supreme Court’s Shelby County v. Holder decision — at least 1,173 polling sites in places formerly covered by a controversial provision in the law have shut down, the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights said in a report released Tuesday.

The provision, which said jurisdictions with a history of discrimination need federal approval before changing voting rules affecting minorities, was deemed unconstitutional by the court. It had applied to some 860 counties and county-level equivalents.

Texas, Arizona and Georgia saw the most polling sites close in recent years, the report found. Arizona, for example, say more than one in five polling locations shut down, while in Georgia, seven counties now only have one polling location.

Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Alaska and North Carolina saw less-significant declines, the report found. One state — South Carolina — has not followed the trend, instead adding dozens of locations.

While 1,173 polling places have closed since the Supreme Court’s 2013 decision, a total of at least 1,688 have closed since 2012, the report finds.

There were nearly 231,000 polling places used nationwide in 2018, compared to about 120,000 in 2012, Reuters notes, citing the Election Assistance Commission, which added that the numbers are likely incomplete.

The report comes after multiple states have battled over voter registration ahead of heated elections. For example, more than 53,000 voter registration applications, a majority of them from black voters, were on hold in Georgia one month before the 2018 midterm election, with critics arguing the policies are meant to suppress minority voters.

If they can’t win democratically they’ll abandon democracy.... And they have. The GOP is a basket of deplorables.
This was done in Alabama ahead of the 2016 election(s)

Polling place closures: A 2016 report found that in a sampling of 18 Alabama counties, 12 had closed a combined 66 polling places since the Shelby County ruling. The alarming rate of poll closures often occur without notice or transparency.

Polling place closures are often clumped in communities of color. For example, In 2016, the city council of Daphne, a suburb of Mobile, decided to shrink the number of polling places in the town from five to two. The three polling places slated to be closed had historically been used by the African American residents of Daphne, while the sites predominantly used by the city’s white residents remained unaffected.

Strict voter ID law: Alabama passed a strict voter ID requirement in 2011, but it did not go into effect until 2014. In 2011, the state was still required under the Voting Rights Act to get federal approval before implementing any changes to its voting rules. State officials did not even submit the new ID law for federal review at that time, likely because the Department of Justice had previously blocked similar requirements five separate times, finding them discriminatory. Alabama officials only put the law into effect in 2013, right after the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act provision that was holding it up.

Under Alabama’s new law, voters need to show one of a limited number of state-issued photo IDs to vote either at the polls or absentee. (The only exception is if two election officials at the polls positively identify you.) More than 100,000 Alabamians do not have IDs acceptable under this law, according to a lawsuit filed by the NAACP Legal Defense Fund.

For low-income and rural voters, it is especially difficult to overcome this obstacle. A 2012 Brennan Center for Justice report found that close to a quarter of eligible voters both live 10 miles from an ID-issuing office and do not own a car. Making matters worse, Alabama invests no public money in transportation and ranks 48th nationwide in intercity transit for rural residents.

The problem intensified in October 2015 when officials announced a plan to close 31 ID-issuing offices to save costs. Research by the Brennan Center at the time found that the move would have a strong disparate impact on the black community: ID-issuing offices would be closed in all six counties in which African Americans compose over 70 percent of the population, while 40 offices would remain open in the 55 Alabama counties in which whites compose over half the population. Facing mountain public condemnation and an intervention by the U.S. Department of Transportation, Alabama scrapped the plan.

This (above) is why I always imagine this line being issued with a smirk: "I don't see what's so difficult about producing ID at the voting place." Either a smirk, or a vacant look that speaks of total ignorance to these types of machinations.


The first I heard of this was from a fellow Dawg(ette) who lives in Alabama. Apparently, the bulk of the closures happened in a wide swath across the center of the state. A quick look at the state map shows where that swath encompasses Montgomery, Birmingham and their suburbs. This swath is commonly known as the "Black Belt."

They will do this until they are stopped. Pretty much, their approach seems to be: "better to get caught trying."

*Brnna Center Findings
I stated in another thread how those in power will do almost anything to hold that power as the demographics change. Even when it comes to stifling democracy rather than furthering democracy.

At this point, it's all they have left.
And as the demographics continue on this trajectory, I predict more and more of the same. I fully expect El Paso and Charleston-type mass shootings to continue apace as well.

Those who feel power slipping away and those who feel powerless and disenfranchised are coming at this from both top and bottom.

The cornered animal fights the hardest.
Sadly, even some Republicans are stopping anyone from voting against Trump in their primaries. Some states have canceled their Republican primaries to stifle other Republicans from endorsing or voting for anyone who opposes Trump in the Republican party.
I read in the past where some of these "forced" polling places had only a handful of voters ever show up at great expense to the local Counties and States.

One guy even tried to sue because their wasn't a handicap ramp at one of the converted cabins used for voting.

Let me ask you, has anyone been denied the Right to Vote?

Anyone ever hear of Absentee Balloting? Just send it in.

But, on an emotional, unthinking basis, allow me to add...

Lions and Tigers and Racists oh my!
Yes, trying to limit voting has always had excuses for it.
You are starting to sound desperate, 40anne Conjob.
Save the name calling and answer the question...

Who has been denied their Right to Vote?
Thousands purged from voter roles are now forced to re-register with near-impossible standards and restrictions.

Thousands being forced to commute to new polling stations because the ones next door have been shuttered.

So no, this isn't outright denial like in the 1950's and 60's. It's much less obvious and violent- but more insidious.

"We won't deny them their right to vote... we'll just make them wait in line for 3.5 hours. While they get their paychecks docked. While they are forced to take a day off from work. While they must pony up another 2 hours of day care. And while we're at it, we might as well force them to go to one of 3 remaining polling stations 2 county lines away."

So no. It's not illegal.
It's immoral.
And cynical.
And unethical.
And un-democratic.
And un-american.

So of course, you'd be a fan.

Wipe that smirk from your face. None of y'all are slick enough to not be called out. Demographics are not Stephen Miller's friend. That's why he and others like him cheat. We pity the deplorable, as they mutate law and propriety to hang on for one more cycle..

Its also BS.

We have to re-register whenever we move. Not so hard if you want to vote.

Register To Vote In 2 Minutes | Easy Online Voter Registration

It's never been easier to register to vote online. Get started today! You can cast your vote this November — but only if you register before October 15th.

Pa-Leeze! No more tears, I am running out of tissues for you!
Yeah, all poor black people in rural Alabama have internet.

A world without internet? It exists in Alabama for some but change is coming

Don't they mail you ballots for early voting?
Originally Posted By: PitDAWG
Yeah, all poor black people in rural Alabama have internet.

A world without internet? It exists in Alabama for some but change is coming


No phone?
No Car?
Not a single luxury?
Register and Vote by mail!
What you are willfully ignoring is this:

None of these extraordinary measures would be required if GOP election officials simply did right by their citizens. Name me one legitimate reason for closing polling stations in specific, targeted locations. If it's to save costs, why is there not an equitable closing of stations ALL OVER THE STATE? Why is it that counties outside Alabama's 'Black Belt' have suffered no such hardships? Why are certain citizens required to jump through new and ever-tightening hoops, while others can vote just like they Granddaddies did?

You see, all of this extra talk about how easy it is to re-register or vote by mail is obfuscation. Subterfuge. More camouflage to obscure the truth: voting is becoming harder for certain American citizens while others are being spared the hardships.

And guess who those burdened citizens are? Yup. Same ones as always.
And guess when all this started back up? Yup... right after the supremes rescinded portions of the Voting Rights Act which placed rogue states under supervision for unfair practices. And where is all this happening? Yup- the very states who forced the VRA in the first place. Some of those states already had legislation drafted and waiting for the ruling to come down. 3 of those states acted withing 8 hours of the ruling. They couldn't wait to roll back voting to 1963.

And by the way: pointing out unfair/inconsistent practices isn't crying. It's being an American. The din you hear? It will never cease, it will never subside. So long as villains attempt to subvert democracy, there will be people like me with bull horns, pointing it out. I marched as a little kid, and these old feet still work. I'll march again. Because I am an American citizen with a spine, a healthy soul, and a moral compass.

your mileage obviously varies.
How it works | Carpool Vote - Vote America

https://carpoolvote.com › how-it-works
Need a ride to claim your vote? Some of our riders need to get to the polls - either on polling day or during early voting. Others need to travel to get a photo I.D..
I love how you keep pointing out all of the obstacles being put in the way of people voting.
Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING
Save the name calling and answer the question...

Who has been denied their Right to Vote?
Clem the use of 'name calling' in this whining manner is how the board's alt right signal the refs to ban you. Arch will be along shortly to hit that notify button. wink

What more can be done except to vote for you if the effort is too much?

Mules for Rent!

And to think, you cried bitter tears that all the backwoods white Hillbillies managed to vote for Trump!
Maybe re-open polling places back up in black areas making it easier for people to vote?
Originally Posted By: archbolddawg
Don't they mail you ballots for early voting?

I'm white, registered, and vote often, so unless Ohio starts targeting registered dems, I'm good. I did see a few weeks ago that Ohio is purging like 200k(?not sure of the count) voters who have not voted in the last 8 years.
backwoods white hillbillies? smh. Not all 'hillbillies' voted for Trump.
Maybe re-open polling places back up in black areas making it easier for people to vote?

Maybe re-open polling places back up in black areas making it easier for people to vote?

Maybe re-open polling places back up in black areas making it easier for people to vote?

um... this, right here.
But that would be too easy. Too honest. Too- American.
Nope... we like things just the way they are. In fact, let's have as much of it as we can get away with-
Um, the Supremes say that isn't necessary and the States and Counties can't afford it.

So there are sooooo many other ways to Register for the Vote. No one is denied.

What do you want? Eggs in your beer? Sheeze.
More excuses why it's okay to make it harder for poor people to vote in Alabama.
White Backwoods Folks managed to turn out in droves to vote for Trump.

Maybe Backwoods Black Folks should ask their White neighbors how they did it so they can also vote for Trump this time around. thumbsup
Originally Posted By: OldColdDawg
Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING
Save the name calling and answer the question...

Who has been denied their Right to Vote?
Clem the use of 'name calling' in this whining manner is how the board's alt right signal the refs to ban you. Arch will be along shortly to hit that notify button. wink

????? saywhat
I want extant polling places to be reopened.

I want that citizens shouldn't be forced to kill half a work day to cast a vote.

I want you to get a thesaurus and find synonyms for the word suppression. Because that's the actual subject of this thread. Not prevention, as you'd like to misdirect us into discussing. SUPPRESSION.

Every single excuse you've made in this thread gives support to governmental suppression of citizens' right to make their voices heard.
"Making it harder isn't illegal, so what's the problem? Just work harder for it, if you want it so badly..."

And as flimsily transparent as Saran Wrap.

I'm simply too good at this for your tricks to ever work.
I stayed on point, made my point. So now, it's time for you to put on a hat, so we no longer have to see your point.
Maybe Backwoods Black Folks should ask their White neighbors how they did it so they can also vote for Trump this time around. thumbsup

already answered in my first post.
with citations and links.

willful ignorance isn't ignorance- it's stupidity.
but feel free to recycle previously dismantled talking points.

S U P P R E S S I O N.
Weird. I got notification a month or so ago that where I have voted for the last 20 years, is closing. Instead of driving 3 miles to vote, AFTER I show my i.d. to the ladies working there that greet me by name. I now have to drive about 8 miles to vote. AFTER I show my i.d.

That's called reducing expenses by eliminating some rural voting stations. It is NOT called 'voter suppression'. Anywhere.

And, since I can vote by mail, and I have an i.d. (ever tried to buy sudafed or a prescription med without an i.d.?) Shoot, try going to a doctor without an i.d.,

But, this is rural n.w. Ohio..........drive further and show an i.d., or vote by mail. I guess that doesn't apply everywhere.

What the hell are people missing about Alabama targeted poor, rural black areas?
Originally Posted By: PitDAWG

What the hell are people missing about Alabama targeted poor, rural black areas?

What are you missing about the fact it has been made so easy for all people to vote that if you find it too hard, maybe you should just stay home.
There goes that comprehension problem you have again.
Just stay home, like you did in 2016. Not so hard and America is probably better for it.
I didn't stay home in 2016. I simply didn't vote for either of the terrible choices we had running for president.
I will compromise in order to end this.
People who find it too difficult to vote should follow your example, go to the polls and don't vote.

Everybody happy now? nanner
There are many different elections listed on a ballot. I don't think voting for a narcissistic liar should be worn as a badge of accomplishment.
Originally Posted By: PitDAWG
There are many different elections listed on a ballot. I don't think voting for a narcissistic liar should be worn as a badge of accomplishment.

If we did not vote for a narcissistic liar, we would never get to vote in presidential elections.
If you're trying to compare this guy to anyone else that has been president in this regard, we both know you're missing the mark.
Originally Posted By: Clemdawg
What you are willfully ignoring is this:

None of these extraordinary measures would be required if GOP election officials simply did right by their citizens. Name me one legitimate reason for closing polling stations in specific, targeted locations. If it's to save costs, why is there not an equitable closing of stations ALL OVER THE STATE? Why is it that counties outside Alabama's 'Black Belt' have suffered no such hardships? Why are certain citizens required to jump through new and ever-tightening hoops, while others can vote just like they Granddaddies did?

You see, all of this extra talk about how easy it is to re-register or vote by mail is obfuscation. Subterfuge. More camouflage to obscure the truth: voting is becoming harder for certain American citizens while others are being spared the hardships.

And guess who those burdened citizens are? Yup. Same ones as always.
And guess when all this started back up? Yup... right after the supremes rescinded portions of the Voting Rights Act which placed rogue states under supervision for unfair practices. And where is all this happening? Yup- the very states who forced the VRA in the first place. Some of those states already had legislation drafted and waiting for the ruling to come down. 3 of those states acted withing 8 hours of the ruling. They couldn't wait to roll back voting to 1963.

And by the way: pointing out unfair/inconsistent practices isn't crying. It's being an American. The din you hear? It will never cease, it will never subside. So long as villains attempt to subvert democracy, there will be people like me with bull horns, pointing it out. I marched as a little kid, and these old feet still work. I'll march again. Because I am an American citizen with a spine, a healthy soul, and a moral compass.

your mileage obviously varies.

If they are going to close polling locations, they should do so equally, using the same criteria across all districts to determine a needed or un-needed polling location.

But without knowing the number of voters who turn out at each location, along with the number of people to staff those locations and any additional costs/fees (lease, rent, equipment cost, etc) to run them, it is difficult to claim they did so for nefarious reasons, even though it may appear that way.

None of us on the outside can make a factual theory.

I also feel there should be some sort of system to help voters with transportation issues get to the polls, whether that be public or some sort of charitable system to accomplish such a task.

I don't really disagree with your theory, but it doesn't really change the ramifications of the actions taken. Even if it isn't done for nefarious reasons, the results of the actions taken are quite clear. And I'm quite sure those that chose to take such actions knew the ramifications of their actions.
Originally Posted By: 40YEARSWAITING
I read in the past where some of these "forced" polling places had only a handful of voters ever show up at great expense to the local Counties and States.

One guy even tried to sue because their wasn't a handicap ramp at one of the converted cabins used for voting.

Let me ask you, has anyone been denied the Right to Vote?

Anyone ever hear of Absentee Balloting? Just send it in.

But, on an emotional, unthinking basis, allow me to add...

Lions and Tigers and Racists oh my!

This wins it for the most uninformed post of the year
I wish that it would be as difficult to obtain a gun as it would be to vote..

Yep they are both constitutional rights, but enforced completely differently.
One reasonable post. Kudos to you.
Yes, my response to him wasn't a reasonable response and now you're the self appointed post assessment police.

Get that BS out of here.
Gerrymandering at it’s finest. This is the only way the GOP can win. Cheat.
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