Posted By: Dawgpound017 The NFL vs College FB - 09/11/10 02:15 PM
Just a little curious as to everyone's preferences.
Posted By: jfanent Re: The NFL vs College FB - 09/11/10 03:06 PM
NFL. I prefer to watch the best in the world.

As far as overtime goes, the NFL should keep it the same. Due to the fact that chance plays a huge role in the outcome, teams have more incentive to go for the win in regulation. I think the college OT rules encourage teams to play for the tie rather than take risks to win.
Posted By: Browns Lifer Re: The NFL vs College FB - 09/11/10 03:18 PM
NFL football... by far. I like the spirit of college football, but there are WAY too many boring, lopsided games during the regular season and the way the NCAA decides a national champion is just idiotic.

The only football games I never miss are Browns games. If I don't have any other pressing things to do, I'll sit and watch just about any other NFL game. I pick and choose college games to watch, however. As a rule, my Saturdays are football-free (except when the NFL takes over late in the season).
Posted By: Dawgpound017 Re: The NFL vs College FB - 09/11/10 03:23 PM
Completely agree with you both.

I never miss a Browns game, but if I have to miss an OSU game and it's not Michigan, I will.

The NFL represents the best of the best. It's what these college kids are aiming for. The highest level of competition. There is more parody in the NFL, so there are no 61-3 blowouts, or teams playing against guys who shouldn't be on the same field. You see Florida blowing out these small schools, which is like Cleveland beating up on some Arena League team.

I also HATE some of the college rules. I HATE the stat-padding college OT rules. I HATE the fact that the clock stops when a first down is made. You can easily go down field with less than a minute to go because of the clock stoppage. I enjoy college football, but not nearly as much as the NFL. And fantasy football makes it that much more interesting.
Posted By: Kingcob Re: The NFL vs College FB - 09/11/10 04:58 PM
NFL play no doubt.. I don't even watch college ball.

I prefer NFL overtime rules. So to decide this poll I flipped a coin and chose college rules.
Posted By: jaybird Re: The NFL vs College FB - 09/12/10 01:39 AM
I went with college... though it's pretty much either for me... only reason I went with college is because there's something special about watching the 'young kids' growing up over a season and watching the passion of the college kids in the stands... but with that said, you can't beat the best athletes in the world in the pros...

in terms of OT rules, I went with NFL. I like the fact that you score and it's done... I think it's silly to go back and forth, though I do like that each team would get the ball... but I'd rather have a sudden death OT.
Posted By: TopDawg16 Re: The NFL vs College FB - 09/12/10 02:18 AM
I went with NFL... For one reason... My college football team sucks lol.

If I was a fan of a big time school like Alabama, Ohio State, USC, etc, I would definitely prefer college.

At least with the Browns, there's always hope that we'll eventually draft the next big QB, the next big RB, etc. and be a good football team. Kentucky is never going to be more than a 7-5, 8-4 football team, playing in the Nobody Cares Bowl.

I chose NCAA overtime, because it's much more entertaining. Perhaps that's because the kickers aren't as accurate. In the NFL, if you get down around the 25 yardline, it's almost automatic. That's not how it is in college. Every kick is exciting. Marshall last night is the perfect example.
Posted By: Punchsmack Re: The NFL vs College FB - 09/12/10 03:49 AM
While the NFL is better, I enjoy watching NCCA games more.....because there's nothing on the line for me to root for. Meaning, I'm a Toledo alum. Since they stink and will never be in contention for a championship....I don't care if Ohio State beat Miami or Miami beat Ohio State. Sure I have favorites, but I won't lose a second of thought if the team I was pulling for loses that day. I'm just enjoy watching football.

The Browns make my heart beat too fast when they're good and make me mad when they're bad. And when I'm watching other teams play (Ravens vs. Jets) I'm always rooting for the outcome that will help the Browns in the standings. So there's no game I can just "watch" to enjoy. Plus, with fantasy football, it makes almost EVERY player and game something to be tense over.

Don't get me wrong, I like watching the NFL........but it seems like I'm too involved with the outcomes to see the sport in it all. The NCAA is just pure sport to me. Like the NHL and March Madness. Fun.
Posted By: lampdogg Re: The NFL vs College FB - 09/12/10 01:38 PM
I don't care about U.S. college football.

Don't like the gimmicky OT they use in college, either.
Posted By: Spergon FTWynn Re: The NFL vs College FB - 09/14/10 01:25 AM

i can get into any game. even the crappy friday night matchup that espn always has.

it's also my favorite sport to bet on, slight edge over nfl.

although with my very first experience with nfl sunday ticket yesterday, that gap closed a bit. unbelievable. nfl sunday ticket is worth every penny.

as far as overtime rules. i dunno, i used to be all about the college rules but i think the nfl has swayed me.

if it were up to me, i would change it so that at least both teams at least get a touch.

flip a coin, one team kicks off, and if someone scores the other team gets a possession. if the first team does not score and they punt it off, that becomes an official possession for the other team, meaning if you muff the punt and the other team recovers, that means you no longer are guaranteed the ball at any point.
Posted By: no_logo_required Re: The NFL vs College FB - 09/14/10 03:21 AM
only tweak i would give is the home team automatically 'wins' the OT coin toss. give a slight advantage to being home (including playoffs, they earned that in the regular season)
Posted By: Punchsmack Re: The NFL vs College FB - 09/14/10 03:11 PM

only tweak i would give is the home team automatically 'wins' the OT coin toss. give a slight advantage to being home (including playoffs, they earned that in the regular season)

That's a good idea. I like it. The away team knows they have to get it done in regulation so the home team can't get first dibs on the ball in OT. Of course, if we kept the current system.

I think the NFL will eventually get the playoff OT rules into the regular season. It will be one of the things argued about in the next CBA (cause it's more time on the field - with them trying to go to a 18-game season too).
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