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Did we solidify the 4th place schedule for next year? That would mean we’d play: Jax, Den, NYG

"First down inside the 10. A score here will put us in the Super Bowl. Cooper is far to the left as Njoku settles into the slot. Moore is flanked out wide to the right. Chubb and Ford are split in the backfield as Watson takes the snap ... Here we go."
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When we only run Chubb for an average of 12 times a game all year then that's where to lay the Blame. Baker was injured and not the only problem. If he's injured than you put him in the best position to win. I remember in Ben's early year's the Steelers ran and Ben threw the ball 10 times a game. We've never done that and it definitely needs to be done if you're playing an injured QB

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I mostly agree with you. We just need this season to end (and this is coming from someone who paid top dollar for the Cinci game next week).

I think the team is in better position than it feels right now, but with big caveats.

Defense has more than rounded into form, and has a bunch of very young and VERY promising pieces... BUT Clowney is a FA and we need to find a replacement for Takk. Other FAs as well.

Offensive woes should mostly be fixed by getting everyone healthy... BUT we have a gaping hole at WR and TE that could only get worse (if you can imagine) by potential FA departures.

QB position is a dumpster fire inside a nightmare to end the year, but I'm confident KS and Berry have a plan and I think Baker can/will bounce back over the offseason... BUT the question remains, how much? The data continues to come in and the conclusion to keep Mayfield as the starter becomes harder and harder. We currently have nothing behind him other than an extremely well-paid backup that we refuse to put in.

I still trust Berry and the executive/overseer side of Stefanski... BUT there is little evidence (so far) that Stefanski the playcaller is going to be addressed. This is a critical improvement that needs to be made... arguably as critical or more than the QB position.

There is no level of sucking we haven't seen; in fact, I'm pretty sure we hold the patents on a few levels of sucking NOBODY had seen until the past few years.

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Originally Posted by Dawgs4Life
Did we solidify the 4th place schedule for next year? That would mean we’d play: Jax, Den, NYG

If the Browns beat the Bengals JV squad and the Ravens lose to the Steelers, the Browns will finish third in the division.

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Don't we have to simply finish in the bottom half of the division for the easier matchups next year?

There is no level of sucking we haven't seen; in fact, I'm pretty sure we hold the patents on a few levels of sucking NOBODY had seen until the past few years.

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Basement dwellers would play the other basement dwellers.

3rd place finishers would play the other 3rd place finishers.

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Originally Posted by oobernoober
Don't we have to simply finish in the bottom half of the division for the easier matchups next year?

That only affects like three games, but yes.

The stuff about Chubb being injured, but reports saying there is no injury, and Stefanski's play-calling being a complete disaster: It sounds like Stefanski needs to go. Something's rotten in Denmark.
It also sounds like Stefanski schemed to give Ben his last game. It was a given that this is how this would shake out the moment Cinci won and we had nothing to play for.

I think Baker wants the Hell away from here. I don't blame him.
I think Stefanski isn't as good as we have thought. If nothing else, he has consistently demonstrated an inability to be flexible within a game and go with what is working, and he has never once simply "put a team away".

I turned that garbage off before halftime, right when Baker was picked the first time. By that time, I'd seen our coaches leave Hudson on an island against Watt enough times to know they had no intention of acknowledging how stupid that is, and it was clear that the coaches had no REAL intent to win this or put us in position to do well. We were hamstrung all night by our own leash-holders.

Browns is the Browns

... there goes Joe Thomas, the best there ever was in this game.

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Kevin Stefanski and whoever is pulling his strings this season are THE biggest problems of the 2021 Cleveland Browns.

Sure, Baker has had a horrendous year - but it's up to the HEAD COACH to be the adult in the room and either bench him or find a way to protect him, and Stefanski has done neither.

What a waste of time this season has been.

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You Sumed it up for me !

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Originally Posted by The Beast
Originally Posted by LexDawg
Mayfield wears Black and Yellow and eats our lunch for the next 10 years?
I would love this! Then we would all know it's been Stefanski the ENTIRE time.


Intoducing for The Cleveland Browns, Quarterback Deshawn "The Predator" Watson. He will also be the one to choose your next head coach.

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Watching the game was nauseating. There's so much blame to go around trying to pin it on any one person or player is pretty pointless. We have conflicting reports on whether Chubb was injured or not so until I hear a comment from Chubb, I'm not going to try and place blame. As of now to take one persons word over another is simply believing what you want to believe.

The OL was Swiss cheese. Putting Hudson out there on an island against Watt was moronic. When your RT looks more like a New York City subway turnstile thasn a RT, not trying to resolve that by giving him some help is unforgivable. Wills faired a little better but not by a large margin. On some of those sacks it is true that Baker just hung onto the ball forever. But it's no excuse for all the sacks that were squarely on the shoulders of our OT's. I've seen posters give our OT's a lot of grief when they really didn't play bad. But not this week. They deserve all the grief they're getting. What I think troubles me maybe as much or more was the interior OL. The unforced penalties and them playing below their normal performance I found quite troubling. The entire OL is not quite themselves. Wills certainly hasn't developed into the stud we hoped he would but it's not like he's been terrible despite the popular opinion of some. But he looked terrible last night.

Landry made some good grabs and DPJ made a couple of nice catches. I've said it before and I'll say it again. All teams deal with WR drops. But not as many as we had last night.

JOK made some plays as did Mitchell.

As far as the secondary is concerned, considering the injuries I really couldn't expect much more than what they gave.

Stefanski certainly played a part in this loss. Much more so if it's confirmed that Chubb wasn't injured.

There's plenty of blame to go around. I'm not even going to discuss Baker. There's obviously enough of that being done. And I don't think you can point the finger at him as the only reason we lost.

Intoducing for The Cleveland Browns, Quarterback Deshawn "The Predator" Watson. He will also be the one to choose your next head coach.

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How many carries per game did chubb average on the year?

In his career, I can remember very few times when we’ve really ridden him

"First down inside the 10. A score here will put us in the Super Bowl. Cooper is far to the left as Njoku settles into the slot. Moore is flanked out wide to the right. Chubb and Ford are split in the backfield as Watson takes the snap ... Here we go."
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Originally Posted by Swish
just here for the comments.

This is why I'm here.....


Intoducing for The Cleveland Browns, Quarterback Deshawn "The Predator" Watson. He will also be the one to choose your next head coach.

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Stefanski let the rapist get the last laugh. His horrible playcalling and ridiculous personal packages have helped sabotage this entire season. I have no more faith in him. He should be forced to give up playcalling. If he refuses, fire him ASAP

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Originally Posted by Milk Man
Basement dwellers would play the other basement dwellers.

3rd place finishers would play the other 3rd place finishers.

But this only determines 3 of the 17 opponents. And how one finishes one year does not mean much the following year. Our 3rd place finish last year gave us NE and ARI as opponents. Two serious whoopins.

How does a league celebrating its 100th season only recognize the 53 most recent championships?

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The secondary is such a complete flip from where they started the year. I know this will get lost in all the negativity, but the secondary played an unbelievable game considering how many they were missing.

Najee abusing our front was really the difference on that side of the ball, and that wasn't going to improve with how much we left the D out there.

Getting the Baker stuff out of the way... he was brutal. I'll throw it out there and say it was his worst game as a Brown, and the cherry on top of this turd of a season he turned in. He upgraded his double-clutching to triple and even quadruple clutching. His bad decision-making led to the first INT, and many missed plays. His inaccuracy explained the rest (so many passes to WRs feet). He got into a rhythm just in time for garbage time.

But a lot of the talking heads' ire was directed towards Stefanski, interesting enough. That really surprised me, and maybe Baker's suckitude just kinda spoke for itself on-screen, and they didn't feel the need to spend any airtime on something that was already so clear.

There is no level of sucking we haven't seen; in fact, I'm pretty sure we hold the patents on a few levels of sucking NOBODY had seen until the past few years.

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Originally Posted by oobernoober
Add to that we have one of the highest paid backup QBs, and one that's been in KS's system longer than the starter.

Again, I'll say... what are we even trying to do?

I'm just not sure what the plan was....


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stefanski is staying.

oh and look, i was the main one defending Woods while all yall was calling for his head. now all of a sudden yall all on stefanski.

just stop it. it was made clear yesterday that stefanski has no confidence in baker mayfield leading this team to anything. does stefanski have some issues, absolutely 100%. but im now convinced he didnt play chubb because he values chubb for more than baker. he let baker be the gunslinger everybody wanted him to be, and look what happened. missing wide open guys, taking sacks, throwing picks, making horrible decisions.

so while all yall wanna blame stefanski and woods, imma blame the QB who was drafted to be the guy. baker mayfield is the 5th best QB in the division, because huntley for the ravens is better than him. an old ass big ben is better than him. lamar and burrow are WORLDS better than him.

baker since 2018 has lead the league in picks and batted passes, and that was BEFORE the injury this season. im so sick and tired of the injury excuses when the guy actively decides not to take the open 5-10 yard routes and instead throws it into double coverage. you think a guy with an injury would make it a priority to get the ball out of his hands FASTER. but nope, he holds on to the ball like someone trying to hold on to a wife who's about to leave them.

first it was obj. now its the receivers. now its the coaches. its everyones fault but the guy with the ball in his hand literally every snap.

should've drafted watson, and should've drafted lamar. but watch, some of you guys are once again gonna want some QB just because he hypes everyone up. yall wanted trubisky over watson. yall wanted darnold and baker over lamar.

wonder what other trash yall and this organization is gonna roll with.

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Divorce pending.

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Originally Posted by Milk Man

Should've happened right after the GB game.

Stating the obvious.

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Stefanski’s ability to say nothing controversial at all times is impressive.

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Originally Posted by cfrs15
Stefanski’s ability to say nothing controversial at all times is impressive.


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I don’t think Stefanski is the problem that others do, but I do think he’s a problem. He’s gotta get better now that teams have him scouted

"First down inside the 10. A score here will put us in the Super Bowl. Cooper is far to the left as Njoku settles into the slot. Moore is flanked out wide to the right. Chubb and Ford are split in the backfield as Watson takes the snap ... Here we go."
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Originally Posted by Dave
Originally Posted by cfrs15
Stefanski’s ability to say nothing controversial at all times is impressive.


Both are impressive. When coaches say stuff they end up looking like idiots.

Hello Joe Judge.

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You won't catch Kevin Stefanski biting off any kneecaps, but a little emotion every now and then wouldn't hurt.

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Originally Posted by Dave
You won't catch Kevin Stefanski biting off any kneecaps, but a little emotion every now and then wouldn't hurt.

Both work. Belichick basically shows no emotion. Neither does Vic Fangio. Matt Vrabel shows a ton of emotion. So does Joe Judge and he's a fool.

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Having Chubb on the sidelines most of the game, and multiple times in other games, shows me Stephanski is hard set in his philosophy of using only certain players in certain situations. This is a huge coaching flaw. Learning to use your best players when it matters most should be the priority. Chubb can, and has caught passes successfully and turned them into big gains. Feeling the need to have him off the field in passing situations is asinine. Protecting him from injury is one thing, but he still had him play some plays, so IMO, that excuse is bogus.

After the first Steeler game, any coach would realize that you need to help with Watt. The coach's refusal to this is nothing but shortsighted, and foolish.

The play calling while bad, was not the only problem. Pregame planning was non apparent. As this season progressed, it became apparent that the coach relies more on stats and analytics, more than actual game film. That is going to keep being a problem.

I am as disgusted as everybody else about how this whole season has turned out. A lot of it had to do with injuries and covid, but, IMO, the head coach hampered any chance we had by continuing to play a QB who could not perform at his best while having a capable back up available. His inability to recognize changes needed during the game, and a constant desire to do the opposite of what would be the best approach, severely put this team in bad situations. Multiple times playing teams who struggle with the run, he insisted on a pass happy gameplan. Also the opposite was true when playing teams that struggle against the pass, he insisted on running. I don't know if he thought he would fool them, or what his reasoning was, but it cost us many games this year.

His use of Chubb, hampered Chubb's ability to be as effective as he could be. It was more than apparent that when he came in, it was a run. Something has to give. The scheme is predictable, mostly, because, IMO, his packages of players told the defense what was coming.

As for Baker, I know he can play better than he has, but his decision making, and lack of ability to read a defense is apparent. IMO, he will never be a top of the board QB. His height is a big detrement mostly because of his delivery. His height also limits his ability to see the field, and I think this leads to him not seeing guys who are clearly open. He is a tough player, and a hard worker, but that is not enough

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Originally Posted by Dave
Originally Posted by cfrs15
Stefanski’s ability to say nothing controversial at all times is impressive.


This means he has mastered the press conference as a HC.

At DT, context and meaning are a scarecrow kicking at moving goalposts.
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Having Chubb on the sidelines most of the game, and multiple times in other games, shows me Stephanski is hard set in his philosophy of using only certain players in certain situations.

I don't know. To me it feels like the season is over so why risk an injury on a guy who you just extended and is clearly a piece for the future. I don't think Chubb was injured, I think it is what Stefanski said because he didn't want to say "We're out of it, so why risk blowing out his knee?"

But maybe an injury report will say otherwise.

Edit: Actually, an injury report may not. We might be sitting a bunch of guys or claiming injury because Sunday means nothing except for possibly getting a higher draft pick.

Last edited by MemphisBrownie; 01/04/22 03:27 PM.

At DT, context and meaning are a scarecrow kicking at moving goalposts.
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Originally Posted by MemphisBrownie
Originally Posted by Dave
Originally Posted by cfrs15
Stefanski’s ability to say nothing controversial at all times is impressive.


This means he has mastered the press conference as a HC.

It wouldn't work in towns that don't have a lapdog media. People here think the Cleveland media is negative, but they are really mild - nearly sycophantic really - compared to their brethren in NY, Boston, Philly, and other cities.

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Originally Posted by Dave
Originally Posted by MemphisBrownie
Originally Posted by Dave
Originally Posted by cfrs15
Stefanski’s ability to say nothing controversial at all times is impressive.


This means he has mastered the press conference as a HC.

It wouldn't work in towns that don't have a lapdog media. People here think the Cleveland media is negative, but they are really mild - nearly sycophantic really - compared to their brethren in NY, Boston, Philly, and other cities.

Agreed comparing Cleveland media to those other markets. But disagree regarding his ability-- I'm guessing he would know how to say nothing in those markets as well.

At DT, context and meaning are a scarecrow kicking at moving goalposts.
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Oh well ... no doubt his abilities in media relations offset his shortcomings at in-game adjustments to Browns' ownership, FO, players, and fans.

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Really sad to see this team turn into a bad team down the stretch. This team wasn't good enough. And by team, i mean everyone. Players, coaches, etc.

They flushed so many good chances this year to put themselves in a position where they wouldn't have to worry about what other teams were doing. They allowed the Raiders to steal that game. The Packers game had so many opportunities. Go back even further to week 1 against KC. The Charger game. The first steeler game. So many missed chances. This team could easily be playing backups this weekend and preparing for a home playoff game.

I don't really want to talk about last night's game. I was disgusted at the level of celebration they had for pittsburgh's quarterback. He's human garbage, and they should have kept that to a minimum. Instead we get a love fest. It's funny how they dance around some stuff, but when it's a pet team that they love, they will make exceptions.

I don't know what this organization is going to do about baker. On one hand, he wasn't good enough, and it held this team back. On the other, he played most of the year hurt. My feeling is, Baker is a tough guy, and I can appreciate that, but if this guy physically cannot hold up, and that doesn't mean just being available, but being good when you are banged up, then we have to move on. I love the guy, he took us out of a dark place. He brought so many fun memories these last few years, but he might be a point a to point b guy.

I don't think Aaron Rodgers or Russ Wilson are coming to town. We don't have the best situation for one of those guys, should they want to play elsewhere. That would be quite the leap of faith by either guy.

That leaves us with drafting someone, or signing a guy who isn't Rodgers or Wilson. It will be tough any way you look at it. This team has some pieces, but they need to get better at WR and TE. If they dont keep Clowney, I think they need another DE.

This year wasn't fun. I had fun last year watching these games. They just found a way to get a lead and close out games, and they did such a wonderful job of it. This year it seemed like they were always playing from behind.

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Originally Posted by MemphisBrownie
To me it feels like the season is over so why risk an injury on a guy who you just extended and is clearly a piece for the future. I don't think Chubb was injured, I think it is what Stefanski said because he didn't want to say "We're out of it, so why risk blowing out his knee?"

I'd believe this if he did the same thing to any combo of Garrett, DPJ on returns, pieces of our secondary like Ward, Newsome, Tretter, Wu.

There is no level of sucking we haven't seen; in fact, I'm pretty sure we hold the patents on a few levels of sucking NOBODY had seen until the past few years.

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Originally Posted by oobernoober
Originally Posted by MemphisBrownie
To me it feels like the season is over so why risk an injury on a guy who you just extended and is clearly a piece for the future. I don't think Chubb was injured, I think it is what Stefanski said because he didn't want to say "We're out of it, so why risk blowing out his knee?"

I'd believe this if he did the same thing to any combo of Garrett, DPJ on returns, pieces of our secondary like Ward, Newsome, Tretter, Wu.

Good point. That's fair.

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Originally Posted by Dave
Originally Posted by MemphisBrownie
Originally Posted by Dave
Originally Posted by cfrs15
Stefanski’s ability to say nothing controversial at all times is impressive.


This means he has mastered the press conference as a HC.

It wouldn't work in towns that don't have a lapdog media. People here think the Cleveland media is negative, but they are really mild - nearly sycophantic really - compared to their brethren in NY, Boston, Philly, and other cities.

Belichick has been in Boston for 900 years and has said two notable things. Andy Reid was in Philadelphia for 400 years and said nothing. Joe Judge says anything in New York and gets eaten alive. Adam Gase has googly eyes and gets murdered.

Giving sound bites to the local press after a game is not wise.

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Belichick and Reid have 527 wins between them and 11 SB appearances, of course they have more cred and get treated differently than Joe Judge. Point being, the Cleveland media affords Stefanski way more deference than his record justifies, IMO. They act like they're interviewing the Pope.

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Originally Posted by Milk Man

Divorce pending.

Oh, c'mon.

Man, I love the world we live in that everything is twisted and contorted with handcrafted headlines for extra clicks. Did Baker say anything about last night's game plan? "Publicly criticizing Stafanski's game-plan, lol, gmab. He was speaking about the frustration over the course of an entire season. He said nothing that wasn't 100% accurate and clear as a bell to anyone that has ever watched at least one game of football. This is a man's game. Big-boy pants required. If anything from those comments would lead a coach to "wanting a divorce", then the coach should probably go look for different work as well. Watch the tape!

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Originally Posted by Dawgs4Life
I don’t think Stefanski is the problem that others do, but I do think he’s a problem. He’s gotta get better now that teams have him scouted


LOL - The Rish will be upset with this news as well. KS just doesn't prioritize winning...
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