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EveDawg #2044722 11/20/23 05:50 PM
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No, he's trying to play paper-scissors-rock with five different discussion points.

EveDawg #2044723 11/20/23 05:50 PM
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I don't know. Since about 40% of Republicans vote in person on election day I suggest you ask them. It's their #1 choice in how they vote. It seem as you may be suggesting that the #1 choice in the way republicans choose to vote is stupid.

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FATE #2044724 11/20/23 05:51 PM
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Originally Posted by FATE
No, he's trying to play paper-scissors-rock with five different discussion points.

While you ignore four points focusing on only one. All having to do with voting rights.

Intoducing for The Cleveland Browns, Quarterback Deshawn "The Predator" Watson. He will also be the one to choose your next head coach.

PitDAWG #2044725 11/20/23 05:53 PM
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Are you not bright enough to know that voting in person doest usually take 4 hours. Especially with early voting. In Pits world he is waiting 4 hours and passing out because no one gave him his snowflake jukce.

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PitDAWG #2044728 11/20/23 06:12 PM
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Originally Posted by PitDAWG
Originally Posted by archbolddawg
Why don't they vote early, or use mail in ballots?

Why should they have to? Shouldn't they have easy access to a polling location like you do? Shouldn't they have easy to get to drop boxes that aren't shared by 2.4 million people like you do? Or are you suggesting some of their options be more difficult than yours?

If it's that big of a hassle for them, get the mail in ballots. End of discussion. Easy. But you keep on railing about nothing.

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Originally Posted by archbolddawg
Originally Posted by PitDAWG
Originally Posted by archbolddawg
Why don't they vote early, or use mail in ballots?

Why should they have to? Shouldn't they have easy access to a polling location like you do? Shouldn't they have easy to get to drop boxes that aren't shared by 2.4 million people like you do? Or are you suggesting some of their options be more difficult than yours?

If it's that big of a hassle for them, get the mail in ballots. End of discussion. Easy. But you keep on railing about nothing.

But then you need stamps.

FATE #2044790 11/21/23 09:15 AM
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Originally Posted by FATE
And all that mumbo-jumbo is for people that would rather exercise one of many choices and drive to a ballot drop off.

I suspect these are all people who can't afford stamps and whose cars run on fairy-dust, thus keeping within their tight budget allowance for voting and avoiding the outrageous 63¢ charge for a postage stamp. Meanwhile, early voting has been expanded and it is easier than ever to vote everywhere in America... For "you", "me", and "everyone".

Keep going, this is fun.

What the hell is wrong with you? Seriously, you try to make a point by making stuff up. Geez man, is that all you got.


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Is that all I got??

Let me guess, you're still driving around looking for a drop box?

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Good ole Damon, the gift that keeps on giving. 🤣

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Here's what they find so important. They find it important that others don't have the same advantage in voting in the same way that they do. They excuse that by saying "but there are other ways to vote".

It's a right wing excuse why everyone shouldn't have the same same ability and opportunity to vote in every way like they do. They use it as an excuse as to why polling places in minority neighborhoods have been targeted for closures. Why 2.4 million people should have to share one drop box. They use it as an excuse as to why they should have an advantage to voting in person and in the use of drop boxes over over people not like themselves. A two tiered system that gives them an advantage. An excuse as to why every American shouldn't have an equal opportunity like they do. It's sickening.

Intoducing for The Cleveland Browns, Quarterback Deshawn "The Predator" Watson. He will also be the one to choose your next head coach.

PitDAWG #2044841 11/21/23 11:14 AM
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Well we do have one side claiming the other side is cheating in elections while their fearless leader has been indicted for cheating in an election. Can’t make this s up.

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And then we see people defending "voting wrongs" and it makes for the perfect storm.

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Originally Posted by PerfectSpiral
Well we do have one side claiming the other side is cheating in elections while their fearless leader has been indicted for cheating in an election. Can’t make this s up.

I know right? And people still support her after doing it twice?! Stacey Abrams is a real piece of work. thumbsup

PitDAWG #2044859 11/21/23 11:52 AM
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Originally Posted by PitDAWG
Here's what they find so important. They find it important that others don't have the same advantage in voting in the same way that they do. They excuse that by saying "but there are other ways to vote".

It's a right wing excuse why everyone shouldn't have the same same ability and opportunity to vote in every way like they do. They use it as an excuse as to why polling places in minority neighborhoods have been targeted for closures. Why 2.4 million people should have to share one drop box. They use it as an excuse as to why they should have an advantage to voting in person and in the use of drop boxes over over people not like themselves. A two tiered system that gives them an advantage. An excuse as to why every American shouldn't have an equal opportunity like they do. It's sickening.

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FATE #2044860 11/21/23 11:55 AM
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The perfect excuse in your world as to why everyone shouldn't have equal opportunity to vote in every manner. But hey, you got yours in that new contract so to hell with everybody else.

Intoducing for The Cleveland Browns, Quarterback Deshawn "The Predator" Watson. He will also be the one to choose your next head coach.

PitDAWG #2044863 11/21/23 12:00 PM
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[Linked Image from]

(Step four is much more complicated, and you may have to walk, take your water!)

PitDAWG #2044865 11/21/23 12:12 PM
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Originally Posted by PitDAWG
The perfect excuse in your world as to why everyone shouldn't have equal opportunity to vote in every manner. But hey, you got yours in that new contract so to hell with everybody else.

Awwe. I didn't even notice the bitter four-year-old dig on my personal life! Now you're taking it to the next level!

FATE #2044866 11/21/23 12:15 PM
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There's only one level here. You think your entitled with certain voting rights others should not be. That is exactly the 'I got mine to hell with everybody else' thought process.

And just remember, you're the factory worker who questioned my education level. So don't play the victim now.

Intoducing for The Cleveland Browns, Quarterback Deshawn "The Predator" Watson. He will also be the one to choose your next head coach.

PitDAWG #2044869 11/21/23 12:29 PM
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Originally Posted by PitDAWG
There's only one level here. You think your entitled with certain voting rights others should not be. That is exactly the 'I got mine to hell with everybody else' thought process.

And just remember, you're the factory worker who questioned my education level. So don't play the victim now.

I didn't, haven't and don't work in a factory. I retired at 52. I've owned businesses all my life after being a ward of the state of Ohio with two dead parents by the age of six. Don't act like you know something about others when you know nothing. My wife is finishing out her term for her full pension and to continue our Cadillac health care (that we now pay a tax penalty for, because "no fair!"). I "got mine" because I busted my ass for mine, don't get it twisted.
And nobody questioned your "education level".

Get your last word, homeboy. Not playing magic eight ball with moving goalposts all day. And if your coping mechanism for challenging arguments is to get personal, get your damned facts straight before you spew your trash.

Have a nice day.

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A federal appeals court on Monday ruled against a key tool used to enforce the Voting Rights Act – likely setting up another Supreme Court showdown over one of the nation’s landmark civil rights laws.,nation%27s%20landmark%20civil%20rights%20laws.

In a ruling that springs from an Arkansas redistricting case, the 8th US Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that private entities cannot bring lawsuits under a provision of the law, known as Section 2. If it stands, the decision would dramatically weaken what remains of the Voting Rights Act, passed in 1965 to counter racial discrimination in elections.

In a 2-1 decision, the judges said the “text and structure” of the voting rights statute shows that Congress did not give private plaintiffs the authority to sue. The appellate panel affirmed a 2022 ruling by a Trump-appointed federal judge in Arkansas that held only the US Justice Department can bring Section 2 lawsuits.

So minority entities can’t take states to court for discrimination cases restricting voters rights. Only the sitting attorney general of the US can bring charges now. Mmmmmmm wonder how many times an attorney general has brought charges like this before? I’m thinking a handful. Pffft. The party of law and disorder.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Thomas Jefferson.
FATE #2044877 11/21/23 01:20 PM
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I suppose that's why you were concerned about the auto workers strike. All you've done is make excuses as to why it should be easier for you to vote in person and have better access to drop off boxes than other voters. That isn't moving the goal post. That's you running out of excuses why you deserve certain voting right others don't, homeboy.

You have a nice day too.

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Let's hope it gets overturned or soon we'll be hearing all the excuses why this is okay too.

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PitDAWG #2044881 11/21/23 01:27 PM
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I can hear it now. Frivolous law suits and such. As if our voting rights are frivolous.

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Well I think I’m on board with GOPers on voting rights and restricting access… we should not allow anyone who voted Trump to ever vote again. I mean it’s obvious they are not good people if they support his fascist ideology. And since there was an insurrection of Trump supporting MAGAts, I think that should disqualify them ALL. Especially, Eve. She has ZERO business making adult decisions. She can’t even post on DT without losing her damn mind.

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Eh. You want to punch, kill, lock up, or cancel anyone who disagrees with you. I wouldnt be surprised if the FBI researches you or we hear about you in the news for a domestic terror attack or mass shooting.

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EveDawg #2045084 11/22/23 05:30 PM
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I wouldn’t be surprised either. wink

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You're probably studying a map of the greater Atlanta area as we post.

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PitDAWG #2045087 11/22/23 05:36 PM
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Originally Posted by OldColdDawg
Georgia Governor Signs Election Overhaul, Including Changes To Absentee Voting

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp on Thursday signed a massive overhaul of election laws, shortly after the Republican-controlled state legislature approved it. The bill enacts new limitations on mail-in voting, expands most voters' access to in-person early voting and caps a months-long battle over voting in a battleground state.

"With Senate bill 202, Georgia will take another step toward ensuring our elections are secure, accessible and fair," Kemp told reporters Thursday evening.

Kemp's remarks during the signing appeared to have been cut short as Democratic state Rep. Park Cannon was escorted out of the building by Georgia State Patrol. Cannon was seen on video knocking on the governor's door as he spoke.

The Georgia State Constitution states that lawmakers "shall be free from arrest during sessions of the General Assembly" except for treason, felony, or breach of the peace. It is not clear if Cannon is being charged with anything at this time.

The 96-page bill makes dramatic alterations to Georgia's absentee voting rules, adding new identification requirements, moving back the request deadline and other changes after a record 1.3 million absentee ballots overwhelmed local elections officials and raised Republican skepticism of a voting method they created.

Previous plans to require an excuse to vote by mail, as well as restrict weekend voting hours primarily used in larger Democratic-leaning counties, were scrapped amid mounting opposition from voting rights groups, Democrats and county elections supervisors.

On a 100-75 party-line vote, the state House approved SB 202 early Thursday, and the Senate voted later Thursday to agree with the House changes 34-20 on a party-line vote as well.

"Included in SB 202 are topics that are important to all Georgians," Ethics Committee Chair and state Sen. Max Burns said when presenting the bill, ticking through provisions like a new fraud hotline for the attorney general's office to a new expansion of early voting.

Earlier law required three weeks of in-person early voting Monday through Friday, plus one Saturday, during "normal business hours. The new bill adds an extra Saturday, makes both Sundays optional for counties, and standardizes hours from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. or as long as 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

SB 202 also criminalizes passing out food or drinks to voters waiting in line, except for a self-serve water station.

Many of the measures in SB 202 will streamline the election administration process at the local level, such as allowing officials to process absentee ballots sooner, require them to count ballots nonstop once the polls close and allow flexibility with voting equipment for smaller, lower-turnout races. Poll workers could serve in neighboring counties, after the pandemic saw a shortage of trained workers.

Precincts with more than 2,000 voters that have lines longer than an hour at three different points throughout the day have to add more machines, add more staff or split up the poll. The absentee ballot request window is narrower, starting for most Georgians 11 weeks before the election and ending 11 days before.

Third-party absentee ballot applications must be more clearly labeled, and state and local governments are not be allowed to send unsolicited applications.

The bill will also shorten Georgia's nine-week runoff period to four weeks by sending military and overseas voters instant-runoff ranked choice absentee ballots and only requiring in-person early voting starting the Monday eight days before election day.

Democrats opposed several pieces of the bill, including language that removes the secretary of state as chair of the State Election Board, allowing the SEB and lawmakers a process to temporarily take over elections offices and limiting the number, location and access to secure absentee drop boxes.

Drop boxes were enacted as an emergency rule of the SEB because of the coronavirus pandemic, so this codifies their existence, requires all counties to have at least one, and would only allow voters to use the drop boxes during early voting hours and inside early voting locations.

"How does this bill help to build voter trust and confidence?" state Rep. Debbie Buckner said. "The bill adds up to more burdens and cost and returns to old practices that were abandoned years ago for security, convenience and safety."

Voters who show up to the wrong precinct will not have provisional ballots counted, unless it's after 5 p.m. and they signed a statement they could not make it to the correct poll.

A performance review of local elections officials could be initiated by the county commission or a certain threshold of General Assembly members. The SEB could also create an independent performance review board, and no more than four elections superintendents could be suspended at any given time.

Democratic Rep. Kim Alexander said county elections officials shared concern about the timing and the cost of the legislation, including a requirement for more expensive security paper for ballots.

"We have heard testimony from county election officials ... that more time is needed to fully understand the fiscal and logistical impacts the provisions in these bills would have," she said. "Given the substantial changes we'd be making with this legislation, why not take more time to get county input on the proposed legislation and take this up next session?"

In the Senate, Democrats objected to the bill being brought up without a fiscal analysis of the cost to the state and counties, but Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan ruled that the bill did not meet requirements that needed that sort of analysis.

Elsewhere in the bill, the secretary of state will be required to conduct a pilot of posting scanned ballot images from elections, and those images would be public records. Ballots used in the election will have to be on special security paper, which will cost more to use.

Overall, the bill will touch nearly every facet of elections, like a section that aims to provide more information about vote totals as results come in.

As soon as possible, but no later than 10 p.m. on election night, counties must publish the total number of votes cast by each method, and all absentee ballots have to be counted by 5 p.m. the day after the election, otherwise a county supervisor could face the state's new performance review process.

The 20-candidate special election to fill the remainder of Sen. Johnny Isakson's term and accompanying runoff between then-Sen. Kelly Loeffler and current Sen. Raphael Warnock is no more: special elections have special primaries.

Fulton County is no longer be able to use its two mobile voting buses for early voting, as the bill limits mobile polls to emergencies.

I don't trust republicans. After the last election in 2020, State officials said this was very secure election. Federal Officials said it was the most secure election in History.

What is it that needs addressed. Look, I'm all for finding ways to improve and secure things. But changing to change makes little sense.

For me if a republican says, we need to address something, I always look for motives. I can't help but believe there is some dirty dealing going on.


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They have to cater to the "the election was stolen" crowd to get reelected after rebuffing trump the way they did.

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PitDAWG #2045912 11/26/23 07:22 PM
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Originally Posted by PitDAWG
They have to cater to the "the election was stolen" crowd to get reelected after rebuffing trump the way they did.

Thus the reason I don't trust them


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