Columbus never set foot here. Why do we remember him?

He's credited with discovering the America's for Spain. - Granted there were natives here first, but let's be honest without Columbus none of us would be able to enjoy the highly developed and advanced country we know today as the USA. You and the liberals included.

Let's not let facts get in the way of revisionist history... and you called me a tard... smdh.
Correct, Lets go with the facts. Columbus discovered the new world, colonizers came in and fought an defeated native americans. Colonizers bought slaves from African royalty, African royalty also sold off prisoners and those perceived as threats to their crown as slaves. - These are facts. CRT wants to cover these facts up and make it look like native americans were this peaceful society that European colonizers came and destroyed. - That's not the truth though, I mean they were killing themselves with bows and arrows before the colonizers came along. As for slaves, again it was unfortunate but the truth is, not all slaves were taken by colonizers as I just mentioned many were sold by African Kings or by jailers. Africa wasn't this peaceful place that crt claims it to be. - It was a highly violent, dysfunctional, crime-ridden continent and it still is for the most part. - Again, this is the truth and that's what you asked for. This is also precisely why crt has been banned in several states and will continue to be banned in states that have competent leadership. Crt aims to diminish any pride that is remaining of the African American community in the US.

This is why CRT should be taught in every school at every grade level. You can't make up your own version of history and act like it's all fact.

Read my post above. This is precisely what the left is trying to do with crt and that's why it's getting banned in more and more places.

The genocide was not glorious in any way.

Nobody said it was.

I do draw a line at shaming white kids for anything done by these people hundreds of years ago, but it is definitely something they should learn so they don't believe crap like you just said that is completely devoid of facts.

Shaming white kids and white people is precisely what people like you are trying to do.
But let me ask you a question, what other country has given more opportunities to minorities than the USA? I mean, you like to blame White people for doing the dirty work that it took to get this country established and developed. White people, unquestionably have made the same sacrifices as many minority groups - sending kids off to war, sending people to outer space, scrounging while paying for college, etc, etc and in this country we have Black and Hispanic people holding high political offices, making millions of dollars as athletes, working in education and the business sector, etc. - Does any country in Latin America have this? Does any country in Africa have this?

I'll repeat the question in case you try dodging it: What other country has given more opportunities to minorities than the USA?