Originally Posted by RememberMuni
Originally Posted by Swish
but dont worry, minorities. we will still get blamed for all the problems in the end. white people sending jobs to china and mexico? black peoples fault. the banking industry that is ran by white dudes corrupting the system? white americans will find a way to blame that on us, too. the corrupt government, ran by a vast majority of white americans from the federal to local level? lol, its the darkies fault.

its sad, but im not shocked about the state of the country. all the problems that conservative/right wing americans complain about have been created by people who look just. like. them.

but yea, its our fault still.

I guess you could list some of the more developed countries in Africa and Latin America and say "SEE WE KNOW HOW TO RUN THINGS ITS NOT OUR FAULT!".

- Why do you feel that White people have taken anything from you when it's clear that minorities are trying to immigrate to westernized countries on a daily basis because their homelands are underdeveloped garbage?

I mean, you may want to sit back and realize how lucky you are to be in the US and not in the Middle East, or Africa, or South America.

Absolutely nothing in this entire steaming pile of troll dung addressed any of Swish's points. It did however manage to empty the entire bucket of Archie Bunker/Tucker Carlson/News Max/Richard Spencer tropes and talking points. Congratulations. It's not surprising that you'd do your best to deflect, since not a thing he said was untrue.

Some day, you might like to describe for us what is like to be a regressive throwback cliche.
Somewhere there is a museum with some free space just waiting for you to move in.