Why don’t you go into some African American neighborhoods and ask the people what their top ten concerns are. You know what won’t be on their lists. White nationalism. What will?? Oh insignificant things like absentee fathers, crappy public schools and young thugs running around shooting innocent people. Those are their concerns. Maybe you had better get in there and convince them they should fear white nationalists.

Peaceful protests eh. Are you that reporter who was reporting on the “mostly peaceful” protests while buildings burned? Why don’t you ask the small business owners in Kenosha, Minneapolis and other towns who were burned out by these rioters about the “mostly peaceful protests. Ask the 2000+ police officers who were injured about those “mostly peaceful” protests. Shoot, ask the insurance companies who shelled out billions of dollars to people who lost everything. Yeah, right, mostly peaceful.

BLM is a bunch of marxists who would love to take our country down. Just really great people.