Originally Posted by Swish
black and latino's fight in america has always been about being treated as equal americans. women (in general) has always centered around being treated as equal.

You don't speak for all Latinos or Blacks. Many of my Latino and Black friends embrace all of the opportunities that have been offered to them in this highly advanced, westernized country. Many of them have family currently living in 3rd world countries that would love to be here. In my opinion, Blacks and Latinos have had equal treatment for decades. It's not fair for liberals to take away from the accomplishments of other minorities who work hard and prosper in the USA.

but then when black/latino/asian americans fight for equality, all of a sudden them same dudes talk about their european heritage.

But the Blacks and Latinos who have worked hard and persevered here in the US are highly embarassed by the contingent of their brethren who have been afforded the same opportunities and have failed. Liberals love to blame white people for the shortcomings of minorities. The problem is, due to European philosophy and western ingenuity, many Blacks and Latinos have made much better lives for their families in the US than they would have in their homelands.
It's also very easy to see how well Asians have done in this country.

then when people counter that with some of the great things european countries do to take care of their people, the counter is always "Well thats commie/socialist nonsense."

How do you think Europe got to where it is today as far as knowledge, advancement, and development? - Answer that question and it will clear up a lot of confusion here. Also, look at what threatens to destroy Europe. - Answer that question and it will clear up a lot of confusion here.

this country is great BECAUSE of diversity. this country is great BECAUSE of multiculturalism.

I agree, but could you maybe discuss how this country is great because of diversity and multiculturalism? What facets of diversity and multiculturalism are great?

i would be so ticked off to live in a country where i could ONLY eat italian food, or mexican food, or soul food. good lord that would suck.

We have these options because of free enterprise and capitalism. - Two things that the right loves and leftists despise.

american culture is a mixture of all cultures coming together and sharing with one another.

Which is why it sickened me to see that loser Kapernick kneeling for the American flag. - He is a multiracial guy who was put up for adoption and raised in privilege by White people. Attended a college built and developed in one of the most conservative states in the union. He made millions of dollars because in the USA we find ways for people to capitalize on their talent - in his case it was athletics. He signs a multimillion dollar contract with Nike - one of the most empirical corporations in the world. Then the sob has the nerve to kneel for the national anthem and criticize the imperialism that built the nfl and Nike. - A complete moron.

thats why interracial marriages of ANY type is up. thats why the number of multiracial kids is skyrocketing.

I'm in one myself, and I have a multiracial kid myself. - And she was given to attend the multiracial, diverse public school down the road or attend the all white private school a little further down the road. - Just like LeBron, you can guess which school she chose to attend.

in my life have i ever considered myself superior to another american based on something stupid as skin tone.

Nobody has the right to feel superior based on skin tone. And nobody has the right to blame skin tone for feelings inferiority, or for lack of success in the USA.

and yet we got more and more people trying to identify with their political ideology over their nationality. look to tucker carlson as an example.

I happen to think that this is exactly what several people on this board are doing - people that I tend to disagree with mind you. But, I'm not a psychologist, so those are just my feelings.

i need people to seriously pick a struggle. either you want to stay attached to your european heritage, or you just want to be american.

Thank you mother Europe for being the bastion of ingenuity and higher learning in the world we know it as today. Thank you for laying the cultural, economic, and political systems while the United States was in its infancy. - It led to many White people and minorities prospering. Unfortunately mother Europe, we have a new wave of politicians that are seeking to destroy what you made great.