I've had the exact injury that Mayfield has now. Happened during an exhibition judo match. They put my shoulder back in place and I finished the thing left handed. The pain was incredible. I didn't cry but one of the guys working on the mats got sick when he saw how they put my shoulder back. When I finally went to the ER for an X-ray the doc there was just speechless about the whole thing. It was a good three weeks before I was able to take part in any throwing at all and almost six months before I was able to lay off the Motrin. I was back in the dojo a few days after the injury just working on my mobility and doing therapy. It still bothers me, five years later. I had to re-work some of my techniques to accommodate the fact that my right shoulder didn't work the same way after my spectacular landing that night.

My point is this. I just don't see how Mayfield could put on a pair of shoulder pads right now. Much less how he could contemplate getting an NFL player hitting him. I'm going with three weeks from the time of the injury before we see him again. This is not a case of just sucking it up and rubbing a little dirt on it. If it was his throwing arm he would most likely be ruined for good. He'll bounce back. And so will the Team.