Originally Posted by mgh888
Maybe go back and re-read my posts.

I specifically commented on the one posters bigoted way of calling them criminals. He didn't actually refer or suggest they were criminals once they were here illegally - he was actually just calling them all criminals in that racist Trumpian way ....

"Well Trump's wall was to keep out criminals" that was what I responded to.

My additional commentary about whether they are actually/technically "criminals" in the eyes of the law once they are here 'illegally' was me covering a "just in case" the poster wanted to try to suggest that was why he called them all criminals. I googled whether illegals are automatically defined as criminals and found the link I provided ... I do agree with you that it blurs the lines between those overstaying a legal entry and crossing illegally. That's my bad.

I did not say to just let them come across - that's you either assuming or doing the strawman thing. I don't need to explain it - but my views on illegal immigrants is what would be considered mostly strongly 'right leaning'. That doesn't mean I call other nations that have immigrants that want to come here Sh*t hole countries or refer to entire cultures/countries as criminals.

People with the intention of immigrating or traveling into the US LEGALLY won't care about a wall because they will go to the border stations and follow the law to enter legally. The walls were not built to keep them out.

The wall WAS built to keep out or at least slow down and reduce the number of people wishing to break US laws by entering illegibly. That is a premeditated criminal act done with the intent to break US law. IF you break laws on purpose that makes you a CRIMINAL. PERIOD.

The border wall was built to stop criminals from breaking our laws by entering illegally. It was also built to slow down murderers, rapist, drug runners, child traffickers and other really, really evil people. I guess your OK with those people crossing the border too right? Because without a way to control who comes in and who doesn't they can come in just as easy as the ones you THINK are harmless.

Legal immigrants are always welcome provided they OBEY THE LAWS and become productive people. Tell me how terrible our immigration policy is WHEN you find any other country in the ENTIRE WORLD that even allows as many LEGAL immigrates as the US does.