im going to respond in good faith.

so first you need to explain to me where you saw in any of my post that i implied i didnt see the inflation effect here? i just scanned through my own post, didnt see it.

second, i wasnt around this board when bush was president. i dont know half the crap yall discussed back then.

third, im not seeing empty shelves around here. i see all the fat boy snacks being grabbed left and right, but there's plenty of meat, rice, pastas, bread, everything.

but i also don't live in the middle of nowhere, so....

back to the inflation.....what did you expect? gas prices are up around the world bro. everything basically went up because of the pandemic.

but i gotta be real honest, because i know you can't argue this point: could you imagine me driving around and a BMW M6, twin turbo V8, and then turn around and have the audacity to whine about gas prices?

i see Ford Raptors and other high end models of pickup trucks and SUVs that are being used as nothing more than road queens and status. you telling me they didnt know what they were getting themselves into went they bought a vehicle that has at least a 26 gallon tank on it? the main people i see whining about gas prices are the same ones that make the most irresponsible decisions imaginable.

if you that concerned about gas prices, go buy a prius. hell, most of the manufacturers now have hybrid SUV's and fully electric ones. yall out here whining about gas prices...bro thats called tuesday for me.

and here's another counter, arch: that rising inflation didn't seem to stop homebuyers all that much. there were a few hits, but BOY is it a sellers market right now. also, other factors have taken over, such as digital currencies and the fact that people can make money running a pc all day cryto-mining.

also, lets not forget the bottleneck at the ports right now. looking into it instead of listening to the hysteria, i know know the main reason all those cargo ships at still in the sea: not enough truck drivers to pick up the goods. well, why do we not have enough truck drivers? oh thats right, a lot of them said 'screw that job' cause. they were not getting paid what they're worth.

how is the government gonna solve that? Arch, would you suggest the the government step in and force corporations to starting paying out higher wages?

because guess what the free market decided a while ago? yea, lets just squeeze these workers as much as we can, not raise wages, and then lobby government to make it seem like the only solution is the lower taxes. then after we get the taxes lowered, we're bolting over to China anyway cause MONEY.

thats what the free market did, arch. do you disagree? if not, what's your solution? cause i see a bunch of labor strikes across the country that ALSO is affecting the cost of goods right now. people around the country are striking because of crap pay and little to no benefits.

whats the free market solution to that? vietnam? taiwan?

you already know the answer to that...

and THEN after all that, we go back to my post. if we combine that with the DESPERATE need to be energy independent and what not, this is a natural consequence of that. you gotta pay people what they're worth. you have to give them benefits. you can't just buy cheap oil from the middle east anymore.

you used to say all the time that if businesses are forced to pay people more, then consumers have to be ok with paying higher prices.

so im trying to figure out what happened to that? did you swap it up the moment the guy you dislike won the election?