Originally Posted by Rishuz
I think for the first time in forever I'm not going to watch the game next week. Considering going off roading instead. If they win I'll watch on gamepass. If they lose my day will not have been ruined.

Bro- please take this in the spirit in which it's intended: as a fellow fan who has lived through all the same stuff you have:
"If a Browns loss ruins your entire Sunday, you still don't know how to be a real Browns fan."

I used VHS to time-shift my Browns games ever since The Return. I did it for 3 reasons:

1. I work on Sundays. Often. If I wanted to see a game in 1999 or 2002, VHS was my godsend.
2. It kept peace in the house. Wife wants to go to the "Fall Apple Festival," I'm good. I can watch them later, while she's 'Martha Stewarting' a peck of apples into applesauce.
3. If the Browns looked like they did today, I'd simply FF most of the game, to its inevitable 35-17 conclusion.

I still record every game. The technology has advanced, but the reasons why have never changed. In fact, it's such a household tradition that My Wife will set up the box to record CLE games during weeks that I'm too busy to get it done myself.
It's a win/win/win:

1. Clem gets to watch Browns games on his own schedule.
2. Clem gets to re-watch great plays made by Browns, and dissect individual plays for post-game talk.
3. Clem gets to FF the truly painful 'Sunday Stuff' CLE has been so eager to give us, over the years.

The only time I dedicate 100% of my time and attention to this team on a Sunday is when I'm actually at a game.

I'll dedicate 100% of my time and attention to Browns games when I see them in the playoffs. Last year's back-to-back games v. PIT and the game v. KC were Real Time affairs. Quality entertainment.

I totally get your desire to find something else to do.