I think you are placing too much emphasis on education. Don't get me wrong, I am all for being educated, but being educated doesn't always indicate intelligence, nor does it always mean more pay.

I think I know and understand the point he's making, and it isn't so much about education as it is time of quality training for the given craft/specialty in question. It has been his premise all along- and I don't disagree. In fact, his 'numbers list post' was in support of his original premise. I was able to follow his train of thought, and understood not only both posts, but their relationship to each other. I'm pretty sure you could, too. And just in case you couldn't... well lucky for you, I just provided you with a "follow-the-dots" map to get you caught up. You now have no excuse to not meet us on this field of play.

Let's stay on message here, shall we?

His point is valid.