I really know very little about your area of the state. That's why I composed my response the way I did. I actually grew up and lived in the Tipp City area for most of my life. My bus driver owned what is called West Charleston Falls. She leased out the fields which had road access to a soybean farmer. Behind those fields were hundreds of acres of woods owned partly be her and some by another local farmer. We hunted Quail and Pheasant on her land for much of my younger life. We would start in the fields hunting in the opposite direction of the road. The coveys of quail would break up into the woods when they were first flushed. The rest of the day we would flush singles and doubles in the woods. They flew weaving in and out of the trees when flushed. It provided quite a challenge and made for good sport hunting.

Later her and her husband went through a divorce. As such they sold the land to the park district. They made it a nature reserve......


Once that happened they no longer leased out the fields for grain to be grown. That made food scarce for the game on the reserve. In turn deer and game would travel to the surrounding properties of local farmers to feed which I had permission to hunt. There was only actual feed in two directions. The Miami River ran on the west side. Residential housing was on the south side. So there were only two farmers involved in getting permission from. So the deer was plentiful and well fed with grain.