I share your thinking. We wasted talent this year with coaching decisions and philosophy that were proved wrong and cost us games. The stubborn and stupid refusal to change approach and make adjustments and abandon losing choices persisted and showed up the next game. Way conservative and much too predictable. Addressing this is a priority.
But your post points up an awful truth. We were all hat and no cattle. Whoever took the field, regardless of the talent, and its disappointing underachievement, they were lousier and less than needed to win when we run them through our game plan and our coaching. Ski basically dictated the bar being lowered with his offense, packages, and game judgments. And it bled into BM's play as the year went on. And it showed in the Woods defense as called until it improved somewhat in the last few games.
Regardless of the talent we retain, draft, trade for, or sign, they pass through the prism of HC here that I feel is a demonstrated weakness and liability. We are not controlling everything we can; we are not placing our best people in the best possible situations to win best outcomes, but That is the official line. What we see on paper is not translated to the game plan as seen on the field. A frank discussion needs to be had about our play-calling on both sides of the ball. "We" were allowed to ignore losses without accountability. Our packages and formations choices cost us games, or at least failed to win the closest ones.
I am optimistic we can be better and am confident that it is inexcusable for this group to have this record. Any number of excuses can be made, their validity proven, but that just begs for more of the same. What negative outcomes would you keep and build on and expand next year? This season was upsetting to me because of less than candid and honest judgments of performance in which I include our coaching and fitness. I didn't see much improvement during the season
Go, Browns!