Originally Posted by dawglover05
I’d like to take a gander at that book. My wife tells me the one thing that attracted her to me - besides my height - was that I can make friends easily with people. It’s something I genuinely enjoy and gravitate towards. I love people and hate being alone. That made the first part of COVID tough when I was working from home alone.

When he was alive, my pops used to joke and congratulate me on being an attorney, but he felt that my real calling was to be a publican in Ireland.

I know he was joking, but a bigger part of me now wonders if he was right.

I would recommend it to anybody. It was 1st published sometime in the 30's, but it still works today. I am sure you can find it in most all good bookstore...what's left of bookstores. If not, I am sure Amazon ships tens of thousands a year. They also teach courses. I am sure you could find one being taught near-by.