Putin needs to hurry up and invade. dude been running his mouth for years, picking on poor countries like Georgia and Kazakhstan, and spending russian money on his trash military and that piece of crap palace he got built in the middle of nowhere.

run it. do something already. you want the West to take you seriously, invade. you have that much confidence in your ideology and military, hurry it up. i already told wifey if WW3 pops off im joining if they dont block me for being 100% disabled. nothing is more glorious than fighting for a country to keep their independence against communist. bruh they make movies out of that. michael bay is gonna have narratives to direct film for decades.

i know yall civilians might not get it, but this isnt some middle easterns and religious nonsense. this is military vs military. for us vets and soldiers, it gets the blood pumping, man. i dont WANT us to go to war, but in this scenario, fighting commies? if a war pops off, im all in. screw them and anybody trying to defend russia and putin.

i dont want us to go to war....but if russia is the enemy, i cant pretend to be mad if they decide to invade and start a war. it just sucks cause im sure there wont be a war. countries like Russia constantly threaten to drop nuclear warheads because they know they dont stand a chance in an actual fight. Putin is gonna have to do something though if he actually wants all of Ukraine. the threat of nukes isnt enough to keep NATO from defending ukraine against Russian invasion. its only a deterrent to keep forces from pushing into Russia.

im so glad im not in charge of anything. if putin decides to invade, im not stopping at defending ukraine against russia and their allies invasion attempt. nope, gonna go ahead and put that soviet era nonsense in the dirt once and for all. not gonna destroy any pipelines, or civilian buildings or infrastructure. nope. gonna bomb the crap out of the kremlin, attack russian bases, bomb that piece of crap palace putin got built in the middle of nowhere, and leave. let the EU decide what to do with russia afterwards.