Originally Posted by oobernoober
I'm well aware of the timeline as I'm aware of Watson not wanting to play for Houston before the allegations came out.



The lawyer has a rep. If you're saying the way he went about this makes his case immune to people looking to score a payday from an athlete, then you're being willfully ignorant. Also, same lawyer initially wanted to settle it all quietly. This is nowhere near the 'good vs evil' situation that you're trying to portray. Far more reasonable to wait for more (real) information.

Yep. 22 liars on one side and the only truth teller is on the other side. You do realize that a lawyer tells their clients all of the options they have to move forward including settlement offers. right? That's a far cry from the lawyer wanting to settle it.

You do realize that many women who have been sexually abused do not want the public shunning, like your judgemental post being spread all over the country, right?